Russia Claims John Kerry Secretly Approved of Crimea Invasion


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Russia Claims John Kerry Secretly Approved of Crimea Invasion
6 Jun 19 ~ By JOHN HAYWARD
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Russian media on Thursday that former Secretary of State John Kerry approved of Russia’s 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula, believing the residents were overwhelmingly in favor of “reuniting” with Russia... According to Lavrov, Kerry’s main criticism of Russia’s actions was to suggest holding another referendum to reinforce the legitimacy of annexation.
As RT acknowledged, Secretary of State Kerry was publicly critical of the Crimean referendum, calling it “contrived” and “bogus.”
“You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text,” Kerry said of Russian behavior in the region in 2014. “Secretary Kerry reaffirmed that the United States considers the ongoing referendum illegal under Ukrainian law and restated that the United States will not recognize the outcome,” the U.S. State Department said after Kerry discussed the referendum with Lavrov.
The State Department said Kerry’s message to Lavrov was that the Crimean referendum was completely illegitimate, it would never be recognized by the international community, and Russia would pay a steep price for using it as an excuse to annex Crimea.
The Moscow Times somewhat tauntingly noted late Thursday morning that Kerry is currently appearing in public in Normandy for the 75th anniversary of D-Day but “has not yet commented on Lavrov’s claims.”

Yet the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say Trump is a Putin puppet. Putin never had more willing bitches in the WH than Barack Obama, Hillary and Kerry. That’s a prime lesson in understanding modern Liberals—'The Art of Projection'; Accuse your enemies of the very thing you are guilty of doing. Conspiracy, Collusion and Treason. Just another long-term conflict which the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize Obama set alight with willing ideological participants. This is totally believable and consistent with the scumbag Kerry's past actions. He was probably contemplating getting some of that Russian cash like the Clintons did while Hillary was in that position.
Just one more treasonous act by the PMS/DSA Dems and especially John "Lurch" Kerry, so many already, another one doesn't make any difference for this Democrat hero..
John Kerry,

another example of the Democrat Party being the exact opposite of

"cream rising to the top..."
I'm not doubting it, it's just that I don't believe anybody in government. That's regardless if it is our government or another. And countries including Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia I'd rate as the bottom of the barrel as far as trust goes.
When democrats take control of government they run it like a crime family.....
Russia Claims John Kerry Secretly Approved of Crimea Invasion
6 Jun 19 ~ By JOHN HAYWARD
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Russian media on Thursday that former Secretary of State John Kerry approved of Russia’s 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula, believing the residents were overwhelmingly in favor of “reuniting” with Russia... According to Lavrov, Kerry’s main criticism of Russia’s actions was to suggest holding another referendum to reinforce the legitimacy of annexation.
As RT acknowledged, Secretary of State Kerry was publicly critical of the Crimean referendum, calling it “contrived” and “bogus.”
“You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text,” Kerry said of Russian behavior in the region in 2014. “Secretary Kerry reaffirmed that the United States considers the ongoing referendum illegal under Ukrainian law and restated that the United States will not recognize the outcome,” the U.S. State Department said after Kerry discussed the referendum with Lavrov.
The State Department said Kerry’s message to Lavrov was that the Crimean referendum was completely illegitimate, it would never be recognized by the international community, and Russia would pay a steep price for using it as an excuse to annex Crimea.
The Moscow Times somewhat tauntingly noted late Thursday morning that Kerry is currently appearing in public in Normandy for the 75th anniversary of D-Day but “has not yet commented on Lavrov’s claims.”

Yet the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say Trump is a Putin puppet. Putin never had more willing bitches in the WH than Barack Obama, Hillary and Kerry. That’s a prime lesson in understanding modern Liberals—'The Art of Projection'; Accuse your enemies of the very thing you are guilty of doing. Conspiracy, Collusion and Treason. Just another long-term conflict which the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize Obama set alight with willing ideological participants. This is totally believable and consistent with the scumbag Kerry's past actions. He was probably contemplating getting some of that Russian cash like the Clintons did while Hillary was in that position.
Just one more treasonous act by the PMS/DSA Dems and especially John "Lurch" Kerry, so many already, another one doesn't make any difference for this Democrat hero..
I believe Russia over John Kerry. That's how much I trust the word of John Kerry.

I trust lying-ass Russia over John Kerry in a fashion reminiscent of JinJus Khan (Genghis Khan).

Listen to this POS.

This motherfucker is lying his motherfucking ass off.
I didn't know John Kerry was the master of Russia?

when John Kerry ran for president----I did not vote in a presidential
election for the FIRST TIME since attaining age 21.----first and last
time. I just could not vote repub back then------nor could I vote for
I didn't know John Kerry was the master of Russia?

when John Kerry ran for president----I did not vote in a presidential
election for the FIRST TIME since attaining age 21.----first and last
time. I just could not vote repub back then------nor could I vote for
I voted but I kinda skipped the part about the president. I figured that out of the choices they were all the same, bad ones...
Russia Claims John Kerry Secretly Approved of Crimea Invasion
6 Jun 19 ~ By JOHN HAYWARD
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Russian media on Thursday that former Secretary of State John Kerry approved of Russia’s 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula, believing the residents were overwhelmingly in favor of “reuniting” with Russia... According to Lavrov, Kerry’s main criticism of Russia’s actions was to suggest holding another referendum to reinforce the legitimacy of annexation.
As RT acknowledged, Secretary of State Kerry was publicly critical of the Crimean referendum, calling it “contrived” and “bogus.”
“You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text,” Kerry said of Russian behavior in the region in 2014. “Secretary Kerry reaffirmed that the United States considers the ongoing referendum illegal under Ukrainian law and restated that the United States will not recognize the outcome,” the U.S. State Department said after Kerry discussed the referendum with Lavrov.
The State Department said Kerry’s message to Lavrov was that the Crimean referendum was completely illegitimate, it would never be recognized by the international community, and Russia would pay a steep price for using it as an excuse to annex Crimea.
The Moscow Times somewhat tauntingly noted late Thursday morning that Kerry is currently appearing in public in Normandy for the 75th anniversary of D-Day but “has not yet commented on Lavrov’s claims.”

Yet the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats say Trump is a Putin puppet. Putin never had more willing bitches in the WH than Barack Obama, Hillary and Kerry. That’s a prime lesson in understanding modern Liberals—'The Art of Projection'; Accuse your enemies of the very thing you are guilty of doing. Conspiracy, Collusion and Treason. Just another long-term conflict which the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize Obama set alight with willing ideological participants. This is totally believable and consistent with the scumbag Kerry's past actions. He was probably contemplating getting some of that Russian cash like the Clintons did while Hillary was in that position.
Just one more treasonous act by the PMS/DSA Dems and especially John "Lurch" Kerry, so many already, another one doesn't make any difference for this Democrat hero..

Once again, it's not surprising that the conservatives side with Russia over American interests.

One has to drink the donny grifter pee laced Kool Aid.
Talk about collusion, it's alleged that (then) Lt. John Kerry USNR met with agents of the Viet Cong in Paris while U.S. Troops were fighting in Vietnam. He didn't have to deny it or admit to it because the liberal media gave him a pass.
Talk about collusion, it's alleged that (then) Lt. John Kerry USNR met with agents of the Viet Cong in Paris while U.S. Troops were fighting in Vietnam. He didn't have to deny it or admit to it because the liberal media gave him a pass.


Alleged by whom?

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