Russia Conducts Test on New ICMB Designed to Defeat US Defenses

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Russia Conducts Test of New ICBM Designed to Defeat U.S. Defenses | Washington Free Beacon

Russia Conducts Test of New ICBM Designed to Defeat U.S. Defenses
Russian official: ‘We tested an intercontinental ballistic missile which I call ‘a missile defense killer’’

Russia military parade / AP
BY: Bill Gertz
June 7, 2013 4:13 pm
Russia conducted the first flight test of a new inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) that Russian officials say is designed to defeat U.S. missile defenses.

The prototype ICBM was launched yesterday from Moscow’s Kapustin Yar missile range, a spokesman for Russian Defense Ministry told state media.

U.S. and Russian officials describe the new missile as a road-mobile missile known as Yars-M that is slated for deployment later this year.

On Friday, Russian Deputy Premier Dmitri Rogozin said the new missile was designed specifically to defeat U.S. missile defenses—a key Russian priority for its strategic nuclear arms buildup.

“We closely watched last night’s events. They were successful. We tested an intercontinental ballistic missile which I call ‘a missile defense killer,’” Rogozin was quoted by Interfax as saying. “Neither modern nor future American missile defense means will be able to stop this missile from hitting its target directly.”

No details on the characteristics of the new missile were made public. However, U.S. officials said the new ICBM is believed to use a high-technology fuel that allows higher speeds needed to outfly high-speed U.S. missile defense interceptors.

The new ICBM will have a range of up to 6,835 miles and 10 multiple, independently targetable reentry vehicles.
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As their experiment was successful I am guessing this means that the Russians could now hit us without any way to stop them.
You would guess correctly, but seem to think this is a new development in having no way to stop them.

Russia has had far too many ICBMs and SLBMs for us to stop for decades now, and for decades our defense has been to have the ability to launch a devastating nuclear counterstrike. Same applies the other direction.

This is mainly hype, as ICBM technology is what it is and the basics of it haven't changed. A much bigger game-changer technology-wise is with mach 5+ scramjet hypersonic cruise missiles, something the US has been experimenting with recently with mixed results. ICBMs require a trajectory and heat pattern that is easily detectable from launch, not the case with hypersonic cruise missiles.

As in: New U.S. weapons have China worried | The Japan Times
You would guess correctly, but seem to think this is a new development in having no way to stop them.

Russia has had far too many ICBMs and SLBMs for us to stop for decades now, and for decades our defense has been to have the ability to launch a devastating nuclear counterstrike. Same applies the other direction.

This is mainly hype, as ICBM technology is what it is and the basics of it haven't changed. A much bigger game-changer technology-wise is with mach 5+ scramjet hypersonic cruise missiles, something the US has been experimenting with recently with mixed results. ICBMs require a trajectory and heat pattern that is easily detectable from launch, not the case with hypersonic cruise missiles.

As in: New U.S. weapons have China worried | The Japan Times

The Ivans are still trying to beat technology we've moved beyond...."hitting a bullet with a bullet" is bow and arrow weaponry compared to laser-weaponry. We can whip most anything they launch from outer-space....mis-direct it, send it into the ocean. Would a MIRV or two get through in a massive attack? Probably, but the fall of the USSR put them considerably behind us and when the spot-price of oil is cut in half from our new fields, the Ivans won't have the money to pursue what we're doing. Putin thinks he's the new Tsar but he's only got maybe another ten years when trying to pretend he's half his age catches up to him and his heart stops. That will be a wonderful day for the Russian people.
Since obama basically destroyed our defenses, no we have nothing to stop them.
Since obama basically destroyed our defenses, no we have nothing to stop them.

This is a loaded question:

Remember the Reagan military build up?

What % of GDP do you think he spent on defense?

What % of our GDP do you think Obama is spending?
Since obama basically destroyed our defenses, no we have nothing to stop them.

This is a loaded question:

Remember the Reagan military build up?

What % of GDP do you think he spent on defense?

What % of our GDP do you think Obama is spending?

What % of the GDP is obama spending on surveillance of Americans while he cuts spending on protecting the nation from external threats?

obama has abandoned defense of the country in favor of making war on Americans. He has turned our defense over to Russia and China.

It isn't only Russia.

China encircles U.S. by sailing warships in American waters, arming neighbors - Washington Times

China has been quietly taking steps to encircle the United States by arming western hemisphere states, seeking closer military, economic, and diplomatic ties to U.S. neighbors, and sailing warships into U.S. maritime zones.

obama intends to turn the US into some modern day version of Berlin divided between Russia and China. Maybe he has some secret deal to be kept in luxury as the Viceroy.
The NMD is not designed to, and was never intended to, protect the US from a strike from the Russians.

All you need to defeat the NMD is quantity, which Russia already has.
Would a MIRV or two get through in a massive attack? Probably, but the fall of the USSR put them considerably behind us.
No, the vast majority would get through.

It is simple math... Russia has at least 1500 warheads and we don't have anywhere near that many interceptors in our very limited NMD deployment. As Shooter pointed out, NMD is not to counter an attack by Russia, it is to defend against a limited launch by a rogue state.

The only US defense against a massive nuclear attack by the Russians is the threat of a massive nuclear attack in response by the Americans, as it has been for decades.
Russia Conducts Test on New ICMB Designed to Defeat US Defenses

They nicknamed it "Obama"
As their experiment was successful I am guessing this means that the Russians could now hit us without any way to stop them.

We never have had a way to stop them,anyway. What it really means is that it's a foolish waste of money to try. We've had MAD and that's stopped anything from happening for over half a century, after all.
Russia Conducts Test on New ICMB Designed to Defeat US Defenses

Trust me. We have nothing to fear from Russian Intercontinental Mallistic Bissiles.

We have MORE to fear from obama than we have to fear from Russian ICBMs.
Russia Conducts Test of New ICBM Designed to Defeat U.S. Defenses | Washington Free Beacon

Russia Conducts Test of New ICBM Designed to Defeat U.S. Defenses
Russian official: ‘We tested an intercontinental ballistic missile which I call ‘a missile defense killer’’

Russia military parade / AP
BY: Bill Gertz
June 7, 2013 4:13 pm
Russia conducted the first flight test of a new inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) that Russian officials say is designed to defeat U.S. missile defenses.

The prototype ICBM was launched yesterday from Moscow’s Kapustin Yar missile range, a spokesman for Russian Defense Ministry told state media.

U.S. and Russian officials describe the new missile as a road-mobile missile known as Yars-M that is slated for deployment later this year.

On Friday, Russian Deputy Premier Dmitri Rogozin said the new missile was designed specifically to defeat U.S. missile defenses—a key Russian priority for its strategic nuclear arms buildup.

“We closely watched last night’s events. They were successful. We tested an intercontinental ballistic missile which I call ‘a missile defense killer,’” Rogozin was quoted by Interfax as saying. “Neither modern nor future American missile defense means will be able to stop this missile from hitting its target directly.”

No details on the characteristics of the new missile were made public. However, U.S. officials said the new ICBM is believed to use a high-technology fuel that allows higher speeds needed to outfly high-speed U.S. missile defense interceptors.

The new ICBM will have a range of up to 6,835 miles and 10 multiple, independently targetable reentry vehicles.

A new fuel would only apply to ascent phase intercepts, as during descent the warheads are on a purely gravity driven descent, and any use of a "booster" during this phase would a) not work or b) if it did work would not add appricable speed.

The person writing the article needs to do his physics homework.
Russia Conducts Test on New ICMB Designed to Defeat US Defenses

Trust me. We have nothing to fear from Russian Intercontinental Mallistic Bissiles.

We have MORE to fear from obama than we have to fear from Russian ICBMs.

Then why do you shit your pants every time Kim Jong Un talks about the one maybe two he's got?!?! :lmao:
Meanwhile back at home Obama is cancelling programs like the F-22, and selling tanks and planes to the Muslim Brotherhood. No problem here.
Meanwhile back at home Obama is cancelling programs like the F-22, and selling tanks and planes to the Muslim Brotherhood

And doing absolutely nothing to stop Chinese hack attacks from stealing info on our military hardware.
Meanwhile back at home Obama is cancelling programs like the F-22, and selling tanks and planes to the Muslim Brotherhood

And doing absolutely nothing to stop Chinese hack attacks from stealing info on our military hardware.

Obama probably views the Chinese stealing our technology as us being fair.
Since obama basically destroyed our defenses, no we have nothing to stop them.

Katz, I remember reading an article from News Max in 2003 in which they stated that the Russians had between 20,000 - 40,000 warheads compared to USA at that time ( can't remember what they said we had ) - we were destroying our own weapons - and have never stopped. We are going backwards while they continued to stockpile weapons. What is wrong with that picture? Mind you it was mentioned in 2003 we were destroying our own weapons. How long was it going on? Since Reagan left office.

Should we be concerned! Definitely!! All of us should be! I'm worried for all Americans. This can't be good.
Meanwhile back at home Obama is cancelling programs like the F-22, and selling tanks and planes to the Muslim Brotherhood. No problem here.

Didn't Obama promise Israel 35 of the F-22's to be delivered before 2015? It was an incentive for something. I forget what it was. Maybe you remember, tjvh. ( I may have the number of jets wrong but there was definitely a deal made )

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