Russia escalating push into eastern Ukraine

. Are there some independent honest journalist that are telling you that Ukraine is the aggressor in the current battles being fought in Ukraine?
Who are they? Show the link of where you get this accurate and real reporting about the situation in Ukraine.

What languages, except English, do you speak?
Have you ever been to the Ukraine?
What sources do you get your information from?
Tell us oh-brilliant-one, what should the US do?

The old warmongers still hope that USA will play the role of the World Policemen, controlled by the Globalists.

A really big and devastating war between Russia and the USA seems to be in the interests of Globalists, this way they can destroy both USA and Russia. This will be the end of the western civilisation.

Europeans are already a minority or will soon be a minority in their own countries, but the Globalists want to accelerate this process.

The last Europeans shall be destroyed in one more fratricidal war, that seems to be the goal of warmongering Globalists.

But it seems that Trump is more bothered about the boarders of the USA and the invasion into his country, than about the boarders of Ukraine or other countries, that most Americans would never find on the map.
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Tell us oh-brilliant-one, what should the US do?

But it seems that Trump is more bothered about the boarders of the USA and the invasion into his country, than about the boarders of Ukraine or other countries, that most Americans would never find on the map.

And that's the only right thing to do: to make your own country great, rich and secure and not to interfere into other countries. That's why all Globalists and their Sponsor-in-Chief Soros declared a war on Trump: he's a threat to their world order, the one they spent so much money and efforts on.
The so-called Putsch you are babbling misinformation about has been reelected several times by the citizens of Ukraine in internationally monitored and supervised elections and accepted as the legitimate government of Ukraine.

After the Junta imprisoned the judges and the elected government, and after parts of Ukraine declared their independence from the Junta in Kiev.
Who cares about these fake elections?

Would you like to live under a government, that was elected after a Junta removed the elected government and imprisoned the elected judges?

What a joke was this "internationally monitored" election?

Imagine China financed a Putsch in the USA, the Junta replaced the elected government and imprisoned the judges.

After that they do an "internationally monitored and supervised elections" and install their marionettes.

I can imagine that some states will immediately declare about their secession from Washington.

Some of these marionettes are not even Ukrainians!

The guy that was eating his tie, this coward from Georgia Saakashvili, is now a politician in the Ukraine!

That is so in your face!

I hope that Trump will not support these marionettes, and the two Slavic nations, the Ukrainians and Russians, will restore friendly relations.

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia was provoked by the warmongers, like Nuland and Hillary.

Without the money of banksters, that was payed to extremists, the Ukrainians and Russians would still live in peace.

And some dishonest people from CNN were whining about Russia interfering in American elections, after CNN and warmongers from the Obama administration interfered directly and blatantly in the Ukrainian elections.
Word for word Russian propaganda. Judges and officials lost their positions as the new government investigated and searched for 70 billion dollars that disappeared from the Ukraine treasury.
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Word for word Russian propaganda.

I can speak 6 European languages, including Russian, and I can do my own research, checking the primary sources.

I do not have to rely on dishonest journalists and their lies.

Judges and officials lost their positions as the new government investigated and searched for 70 billion dollars that disappeared from the Ukraine treasury.

What languages, except English, do you speak?
Where do you get your information from?
Have you ever been to the Ukraine?
Do you know anything about the history of Ukraine?
Were you able you find Ukraine on the map 10 years ago?
Word for word Russian propaganda. Judges and officials lost their positions as the new government investigated and searched for 70 billion dollars that disappeared from the Ukraine treasury.
Sounds like a CNN report considering that Ukraine's GDP was $89 billion in 2015. You think a country would notice almost an entire year's GDP was missing and it was all in the government treasury.

Really bizarre stuff, even for a weirdo.
Really bizarre stuff, even for a weirdo.

The whole situation about Ukraine is bizarre.

According the the Ukrainian constitution only the judges had the right to replace the elected government.
The Junta, financed by the Globalists and their American agents, like Obama, Hillary, Nuland, imprisoned the judges and illegally replaced the elected government.

After that some provinces of Ukraine declared about their secession from the Junta in Kiev.

So who cares about an illegal election, after the Ukrainian constitution was already violated by the Junta?

Would any American care about an election, after a Junta, financed by the Chinese, replaced the elected government, and the "elected" Chinese marionettes imprisoned the Judges?

Would most Americans pretend that nothing happened and that America is still the old country?
Would there not be secession?

Only Judges had the right to replace the Ukrainian government, that is what was written in the Ukrainian constitution! So the whole process in Kiev, that took place after the Putsch, is illegal.
Really bizarre stuff, even for a weirdo.

The whole situation about Ukraine is bizarre.

According the the Ukrainian constitution only the judges had the right to replace the elected government.
The Junta, financed by the Globalists and their American agents, like Obama, Hillary, Nuland, imprisoned the judges and illegally replaced the elected government.

After that some provinces of Ukraine declared about their secession from the Junta in Kiev.

So who cares about an illegal election?

Would any American care about an election, after a Junta, financed by the Chinese, replaced the elected government, and after that the "elected" Chinese marionettes imprisoned the Judges?

Only Judges had the right to replace the Ukrainian government, that is what was written in the Ukrainian constitution!
Camp says that $70 billion was stolen from the treasury of a country whose GDP was $89 billion. Doesn't that strike you as a little more strange?
]Camp says that $70 billion was stolen from the treasury of a country whose GDP was $89 billion. Doesn't that strike you as a little more strange?

That was just silly noise, I do not see any need to pay attention to obviously idiotic statements, made by ignorant and dishonest journalists.
Really bizarre stuff, even for a weirdo.

The whole situation about Ukraine is bizarre.

According the the Ukrainian constitution only the judges had the right to replace the elected government.
The Junta, financed by the Globalists and their American agents, like Obama, Hillary, Nuland, imprisoned the judges and illegally replaced the elected government.

After that some provinces of Ukraine declared about their secession from the Junta in Kiev.

So who cares about an illegal election?

Would any American care about an election, after a Junta, financed by the Chinese, replaced the elected government, and after that the "elected" Chinese marionettes imprisoned the Judges?

Only Judges had the right to replace the Ukrainian government, that is what was written in the Ukrainian constitution!
Camp says that $70 billion was stolen from the treasury of a country whose GDP was $89 billion. Doesn't that strike you as a little more strange?
37 million were in loans, and 20 billion in gold. Rather than list all the links I'll suggest anyone with doubts google "70 billion missing from Ukraine".

In any case, the coup and or what went on in Ukraine did not give Putin the right to sent troops in Ukraine to "straighten things out". He invaded a country with his military forces that has resulted in 10,000 Ukrainians dying in violent warfare.
Really bizarre stuff, even for a weirdo.

The whole situation about Ukraine is bizarre.

According the the Ukrainian constitution only the judges had the right to replace the elected government.
The Junta, financed by the Globalists and their American agents, like Obama, Hillary, Nuland, imprisoned the judges and illegally replaced the elected government.

After that some provinces of Ukraine declared about their secession from the Junta in Kiev.

So who cares about an illegal election?

Would any American care about an election, after a Junta, financed by the Chinese, replaced the elected government, and after that the "elected" Chinese marionettes imprisoned the Judges?

Only Judges had the right to replace the Ukrainian government, that is what was written in the Ukrainian constitution!
Camp says that $70 billion was stolen from the treasury of a country whose GDP was $89 billion. Doesn't that strike you as a little more strange?

Camp prefers to remain silent about the fact that Ukrainian "leaders" keep stealing everything they can. And more and more people in the world start noticing that.

NY Times:
In these circumstances Mr. Poroshenko seems to have accepted continuing corruption as the price to pay for modicum of maneuvering room. But the president, the prime minister and the parliament must me made to understand that the International Monitory Fund and the donor nations, like United States, can’t continue to shovel money into a corrupt swamp unless the government starts shaping the democratic rule that Ukrainians demanded in their protests.
None of the properties is enumerated in those public officials' publicly searchable asset declarations that came due on October 30 as part of a new, International Monetary Fund (IMF)-backed push to boost transparency and root out graft, according to an investigative program of RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service,

Corruption and a lack of transparency have been persistent problems in Ukraine, contributing to political stagnation that followed the so-called Orange Revolution in 2004-05 and the Euromaidan unrest a decade later that unseated a president.

Investigation Uncovers Poroshenko's, Allies' Spanish Coastal Villas
Senior government figures in Ukraine, whose government has received billions of dollars of international funding since the uprising that toppled former dictator Viktor Yanukovych, have been accused of massive political and financial corruption by a senior former ally.

In a series of extraordinary allegations, Mr Onishchenko claims his candidacy to become a Ukrainian MP was suddenly able to overcome administrative hurdles after he paid a senior parliamentarian $6m.

His allegations come as concerns have been raised by the European Union, International Monetary Fund and others in the international community that not enough is being done to tackle endemic corruption in the country.

Mr Poroshenko’s administration has been criticised for failing to prosecute a single member of Mr Yanukovych’s regime and Transparency International ranked Ukraine 130th out of 168 countries in its 2015 corruption index.
Politician makes claims of vast corruption in Ukraine
Explaining how demonstrations can supposedly be created in Ukraine, he says: “You have to pay people to come, and you have to pay the TV to cover it. The same as you have to buy advertising or something. TV and newspapers.”

Asked how much people were paid to attend, he is slightly vague: “About $50 or something. There are companies who organise this.”

He describes the current mechanism of bribery as if it were commonplace. Asked how the $6m alleged bribe was paid, he chuckles: “Actually, that time we paid in Hvrina [the local currency], so it was like five or six bags.” He spreads his hands the width of a sports bag: “You get special bags from banks to carry a lot of money.” The money was paid in cash, meaning there was no paper trail, he said.
Politician makes claims of vast corruption in Ukraine
37 million were in loans, and 20 billion in gold. Rather than list all the links I'll suggest anyone with doubts google "70 billion missing from Ukraine".

In any case, the coup and or what went on in Ukraine did not give Putin the right to sent troops in Ukraine to "straighten things out". He invaded a country with his military forces that has resulted in 10,000 Ukrainians dying in violent warfare.
Really really puny stuff Campy. We get the butt hurt, but this is frigging bizarre. $70 billion is the Ukraine treasury! :)

Friggin nuts!
In any case, the coup and or what went on in Ukraine did not give Putin the right to sent troops in Ukraine to "straighten things out". He invaded a country with his military forces that has resulted in 10,000 Ukrainians dying in violent warfare.

That is another fake news.
Russian troops did not invade Ukraine, dude.

The blood of these dead Ukrainians are on the dirty hands of the Globalists, and their agents, like Obama, Hillary, Nuland, etc.
In any case, the coup and or what went on in Ukraine did not give Putin the right to sent troops in Ukraine to "straighten things out". He invaded a country with his military forces that has resulted in 10,000 Ukrainians dying in violent warfare.

That is another fake news.
Russian troops did not invade Ukraine, dude.

The blood of these dead Ukrainians are on the dirty hands of the Globalists, and their agents, like Obama, Hillary, Nuland, etc.
Putin has admitted it, dude. Here it is in a Russian source, RT News. You really are poorly informed about this topic. How could you not know about Putin admitting sending troops into Ukraine?
In any case, the coup and or what went on in Ukraine did not give Putin the right to sent troops in Ukraine to "straighten things out". He invaded a country with his military forces that has resulted in 10,000 Ukrainians dying in violent warfare.

That is another fake news.
Russian troops did not invade Ukraine, dude.

The blood of these dead Ukrainians are on the dirty hands of the Globalists, and their agents, like Obama, Hillary, Nuland, etc.
Here is proof that they did. Soldiers outed themselves by taking selfies of themselves on the way to and inside Ukraine.
Ukraine is a independent nation. The occupying force is Russia. Russia needs to get out. But now that Putin has in Orange Clown in the White House, that won't be happening.

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