Russia escalating push into eastern Ukraine

No, civil wars are internal skirmishes. As long as Russia is involved, this is another nation occupying Ukraine.

Not to worry, as long as the Orange Clown in in the WH, Putin can do what he wants.

And since you didn't answer my question the first time I'll ask it again. Are you advocating we go to war with Russia?

I'll also remind you that Putin started doing what he wanted while your Messiah was at the helm and he did nothing.

I am advocating we find out why Putee and the Comrade are having a love affair. He threw the country under the bus in the O'Reilly interview and you defend him. What has Russia got on the Comrade?

You RWers who are cult members make me sick. If O or Hillary had said those words, you would crucify them. You are the text book definition of Hypocrite.

LOL! I didn't vote for Trump, you tard. I have probably over 100 posts throughout the entire campaign trashing him. This isn't about me. Just because he may act like a dumbass and a hypocrite doesn't mean you people get a pass when you act like a dumbass and hypocrite in return.

And you still haven't answered the question so I'll ask you for the third time. Are you advocating we go to war with Russia over Ukraine and where was your criticism of Obama for doing absolutely nothing when Russia invaded two years ago in the first place? Talk about a hypocrite
Am I missing something that gives the impression that this is not/was not a civil war?

Admittedly this is not one of my strong points for research here, I just didn't care enough at the time (and of course now it's just a massive mess of theory crap that I don't particularly want to dig through.) My, perhaps a bit casual, understanding is that Kiev was given arms and money to fight the 'pro-Russian' faction by the EU in the very beginning. Russia got involved afterwards at the request of the 'pro-Russian' faction's request. The "west" in general declared it a bit of an illegal coup by Russia. As I understand it there was a vote by the people to go to Russia and it was rejected. Also that this is kind of the start of the whole "Russian's trying to influence foreign governments" thing got started because it was felt that the Russian's had somehow cheated the vote.
Am I missing something that gives the impression that this is not/was not a civil war?

Admittedly this is not one of my strong points for research here, I just didn't care enough at the time (and of course now it's just a massive mess of theory crap that I don't particularly want to dig through.) My, perhaps a bit casual, understanding is that Kiev was given arms and money to fight the 'pro-Russian' faction by the EU in the very beginning. Russia got involved afterwards at the request of the 'pro-Russian' faction's request. The "west" in general declared it a bit of an illegal coup by Russia. As I understand it there was a vote by the people to go to Russia and it was rejected. Also that this is kind of the start of the whole "Russian's trying to influence foreign governments" thing got started because it was felt that the Russian's had somehow cheated the vote.
You are missing a lot and most of what you assume and think you know is so off mark and wrong that you do not even qualify as a novice on this topic. Your assumptions and guesses should be kept to yourself if you are not willing to do a minimum of research before commenting.
Am I missing something that gives the impression that this is not/was not a civil war?

It started as a peaceful "civil war" of the people vs. the government that had done a turn around against the will of the people and after making agreements to trade and work towards becoming more aligned with the EU, changed in mid-stream and chose to align with Russia instead. Hundreds of thousands of citizens flooded into the streets of Kyiv to protest, day after day, week after week, and month after month. Eventually, the government got frustrated and tired of the protest and sent in the police and military and the violence began, including government snipers murdering protesters. At one point there were 800,000 protesters. The protesters were there 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
I suppose it's to be expected that there's different stories. The EU tells one, the Russian's and Russian aligned tell another. It sounds like an internal matter for Ukraine to sort out to me.

Let's look at this in a context we can relate to. Lets say the Democrats called in a foreign government to help them overthrow Trump. Would that be acceptable to us? Would it then be okay if Germany jumped in and put their foot down, dictating to us that the Democrats weren't allowed do that?

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