Russia escalating push into eastern Ukraine

Today the US Ambassador to the UN made her first appearance at the Security Council. She blamed Russia for the recent and current violence and aggression in Ukraine and stated that sanctions would not be lifted until Russia left the Ukrainian territory of Crimea.
Chaos in the trump administration or did Ambassador Haley just give the Russians a reality check.
Looks like conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda are going to be ignored.

Putin is about to learn something many Americans only just recently learned about president Trump. Trump is only your friend until you make him look bad. Then he'll turn on you in a heartbeat. If Putin tries to play Trump like a puppet and Trump then feels he's being made to look foolish, who knows what he'll do in retaliation but I'm sure it'll be something Putin won't like.

Putin might start thinking he leaked the wrong candidate's emails.

Looks like you are not much of a Republican, dear Irina. Or same much of a Republican like McCain and Graham.

However with President Trump even you may realize you are living in a richer and safer country.

BTW, watch a French (not Russian!) documentary "Ukraine, Masks of Revolution" with English, Russian or any language subtitles. They are investigating the mascara in Odessa, the historical Russian city (your oblast), how over 100 people were burnt alive (a teen and a pregnant woman among them) just because they disagreed with Kiev Junta and were having mass protests against it. It will be very useful for you and your relatives in Izmail.

I have talked about this horrible event on VK for many hours. It was truly a sad day for Ukraine.

P.S. And to brag a little, French is one of the eleven languages I speak. I work as a translator and Interpreter. So no subtitles for me :)
Fighting flares in eastern Ukraine
Eastern Ukraine fighting flares with pro-Russian rebels -

Trump has given Putin the green light to expand imto Europe. Ukraine is omly the beginning.
1. Not a NATO nation and thus not under our umbrella.
2. The west initially fomented discourse behind the scenes.
Bottom line: Ukraine not our issue.

Ukraine gave up its nukes because the west assured Ukraine we'd look out for them. Unfortunately for Ukraine no official treaty was signed. The west let Ukraine down. Just like we let down the people of Syria when Obama's red line was crossed.

You may say Ukraine and Syria shouldn't be any of America's business and that's a fair point. But if America isn't going to get involved then it should keep its mouth shut and not draw red lines and not make promises of protection that it doesn't plan on keeping. It destroys American's credibility in the world.
The Ukrainian people loved America, I know this for a fact. Then the trouble started and America was nowhere to be found even though we said we'd be there for them. Now they don't love us so much. It matters, it matters to me at least.
I agree that America should have stayed out of the politics of Ukraine. The U.S. government needs to keep in mind that the citizens can affect the government's and by extension, the military's actions as they did in Vietnam. The U.S. was actually winning the war in Vietnam, but the public got sick of seeing the war and casualties on the television and rebelled against it, so the government pulled the troops out.
Oh please Charwin95, you're just a Russia hater, it wouldn't matter what was going on you'd bitch about Russia being wrong. Seriously your opinions on this aren't worth a piss. ~rolls eyes~

To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.) Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?
Your information is another political spin as usually.

Kiev admits advancing on rebels in east Ukrainian town 'meter by meter’

View attachment 110022

A house damaged by the shelling of the Ukrainian army in Makeevka, Donetsk Region.

And it's a picture of just one house. Ukrainians are shelling at hospitals, schools, houses of civilians and even at the mine and the chemical plant. They broke water pipelines and the people, civilians don't have water supplies any more. The human rights organization (paid by Soros) prefer to stay silent though.
Thanks for RT's side of the story.

Not just RT. This is an offensive by the Ukraine. And they will have no mercy against ethnic Russian Ukrainians.

Kiev is freaking evil.
It is time to bring in Ramzan Kadyrov's bad boys....
Tell us oh-brilliant-one, what should the US do?

The old warmongers still hope that USA will play the role of the World Policemen, controlled by the Globalists.

A really big and devastating war between Russia and the USA seems to be in the interests of Globalists, this way they can destroy both USA and Russia. This will be the end of the western civilisation.

Europeans are already a minority or will soon be a minority in their own countries, but the Globalists want to accelerate this process.

The last Europeans shall be destroyed in one more fratricidal war, that seems to be the goal of warmongering Globalists.

But it seems that Trump is more bothered about the boarders of the USA and the invasion into his country, than about the boarders of Ukraine or other countries, that most Americans would never find on the map.
The U.S. is the military enforcer of the Global Elite and those are on the payroll who promote war against countries - Russia especially - which do not comply with the Global Elite's plans. McCain is the chief among them.
One thing to note. This is a Ukrainian offensive. Not the rebels.
The fighting is in and around Avdyivka. That city has been under government control with Ukrainian troops protecting it and the government administering and providing for the citizens since the Minsk ceasefire agreement. Are you suggesting that they are attacking themselves?

Pffffffft. You missed this. Kiev is scum. They are trying to provoke Putin.

" It said Ukrainian troops "continue to conduct offensive operations to seize positions held by self-defense forces, including in the suburbs of Donetsk."

And when Kiev offered to evacuate the people only 145 left and of that number 88 were babies. You're talking ethnic Russians who hate Kiev.

As well they should.
One thing to note. This is a Ukrainian offensive. Not the rebels.
The fighting is in and around Avdyivka. That city has been under government control with Ukrainian troops protecting it and the government administering and providing for the citizens since the Minsk ceasefire agreement. Are you suggesting that they are attacking themselves?

Pffffffft. You missed this. Kiev is scum. They are trying to provoke Putin.

" It said Ukrainian troops "continue to conduct offensive operations to seize positions held by self-defense forces, including in the suburbs of Donetsk."

And when Kiev offered to evacuate the people only 145 left and of that number 88 were babies. You're talking ethnic Russians who hate Kiev.

As well they should.
And we must not forget that the Uks are trying to garner favor with the Trump camp considering they worked for Hillary this election.

To the point they fabricated stories about Manafort to make him resign. Lying mother trucking sons of bitches.

So this is the typical game. Woe is the Ukraine, Putin wants to hurt us.
Oh please Charwin95, you're just a Russia hater, it wouldn't matter what was going on you'd bitch about Russia being wrong. Seriously your opinions on this aren't worth a piss. ~rolls eyes~

To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.) Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?

I don't hate Russia nor the Russians but I don't like Putin every part of my body.
Just like how you hate this country and my ex president which I end up baptizing you as a traitor. Give me a break.
Why don't you answer some of my questions I've been asking Stratford?
One thing to note. This is a Ukrainian offensive. Not the rebels.
The fighting is in and around Avdyivka. That city has been under government control with Ukrainian troops protecting it and the government administering and providing for the citizens since the Minsk ceasefire agreement. Are you suggesting that they are attacking themselves?

Pffffffft. You missed this. Kiev is scum. They are trying to provoke Putin.

" It said Ukrainian troops "continue to conduct offensive operations to seize positions held by self-defense forces, including in the suburbs of Donetsk."

And when Kiev offered to evacuate the people only 145 left and of that number 88 were babies. You're talking ethnic Russians who hate Kiev.

As well they should.
Of course, the Ukrainians are taking offensive actions. That is what militaries do when they are being attacked, particularly when they are being bombarded by fixed enemy positions. They try to destroy the enemy position and take control of the position.

One fact that can not be denied is that the rebel forces have only one access to artillery pieces, mortars and the shells to bombard the Ukrainians with. That is Russia and that is an internationally illegal action being taken by Putin. Without Putin supplying the rebels with shells, the Ukrainian town/city would not be getting bombed and the Ukrainian Army would not have to take control of the rebel positions that are bombing the Ukrainian town.
Oh please Charwin95, you're just a Russia hater, it wouldn't matter what was going on you'd bitch about Russia being wrong. Seriously your opinions on this aren't worth a piss. ~rolls eyes~

To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.) Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?

I don't hate Russia nor the Russians but I don't like Putin every part of my body.
Just like how you hate this country and my ex president which I end up baptizing you as a traitor. Give me a break.
Why don't you answer some of my questions I've been asking Stratford?

Fine, I'll accept that you hate Putin.

I don't hate Obama, nor this country and frankly you have zero basis for that constant accusation.

I'll eyeball said questions when I return though. It's nap time.
Oh please Charwin95, you're just a Russia hater, it wouldn't matter what was going on you'd bitch about Russia being wrong. Seriously your opinions on this aren't worth a piss. ~rolls eyes~

To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.) Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?

I don't hate Russia nor the Russians but I don't like Putin every part of my body.
Just like how you hate this country and my ex president which I end up baptizing you as a traitor. Give me a break.
Why don't you answer some of my questions I've been asking Stratford?

Fine, I'll accept that you hate Putin.

I don't hate Obama, nor this country and frankly you have zero basis for that constant accusation.

Really? Why do you think I've been after you all these time? Now you are lying.
Pffffffft. You missed this. Kiev is scum. They are trying to provoke Putin.

I'm no fan of the current Ukrainian government or of Putin. But let's be honest here. Nothing Ukraine does concerning it's own country should provoke Putin. Putin provokes Putin. He doesn't need outside provocation.

Two many people are fighting for power instead of doing what's right for the people. The situation in Eastern Ukraine does not demand a military solution.

I'm half Ukrainian with Russian ancestors and I still have family in Izmail. Like many others there our loyalty is split. We love both Russia and Ukraine. This war is horrible and totally unnecessary!! The knuckleheads in power need to chill out!

We're neighbors, we're friends, we shouldn't be fighting each other!!
Pffffffft. You missed this. Kiev is scum. They are trying to provoke Putin.

I'm no fan of the current Ukrainian government or of Putin. But let's be honest here. Nothing Ukraine does concerning it's own country should provoke Putin. Putin provokes Putin. He doesn't need outside provocation.

Two many people are fighting for power instead of doing what's right for the people. The situation in Eastern Ukraine does not demand a military solution.

I'm half Ukrainian with Russian ancestors and I still have family in Izmail. Like many others there our loyalty is split. We love both Russia and Ukraine. This war is horrible and totally unnecessary!! The knuckleheads in power need to chill out!

We're neighbors, we're friends, we shouldn't be fighting each other!!
It is OK to fight, argue, debate and resolve problems and disagreements. It just isn't OK to do it with bombs, artillery shells, rockets and bullets. None of those would be available to the rebellious factions in southeast Ukraine if Putin was not sending them. Providing those weapons and ability to wage violent warfare is the main reason for sanctions and the main reason for all those deaths of innocent civilians.
It is OK to fight, argue, debate and resolve problems and disagreements. It just isn't OK to do it with bombs, artillery shells, rockets and bullets.
Was that your position when the newly formed illegal junta in Ukraine sent their neo nazi brigades east to confront the separatists?
A countries land belongs to all of the people of that country. Pieces of a country cannot simply vote themselves away from the main country anytime they choose.

If the people in British colonies were like you, then there would be no USA, no independence day, and the settlers in North America would still have to kiss the ass of the British queen, because the American colonies belonged to her, and you cannot just simply rebel yourself away from the main country anytime you choose.

A countries land belongs to all of the people of that country. Pieces of a country cannot simply vote themselves away from the main country anytime they choose.

If the people in British colonies were like you, then there would be no USA, no independence day, and the settlers in North America would still have to kiss the ass of the British queen, because the American colonies belonged to her, and you cannot just simply rebel yourself away from the main country anytime you choose.


I did not say people could not fight for independence. I said they could not vote themselves independence. Countries do not surrender land simply because the residents vote to leave.

If a part of a country wants to leave the motherland there has to be a negotiated agreement or there has to be war.

In the case of Eastern Ukraine I believe they could have negotiated their independence if the power hungry people on both sides had allowed it.
We're neighbors, we're friends, we shouldn't be fighting each other!!

Very good point!
Europeans are rapidly becoming a minority world wide.

While Europeans were told that they have to do birth control, the non-European population grew exponentially, and now they are replacing Europeans in former European countries and in their former colonies.

We cannot afford any fratricidal wars any more!

The wars between Europeans were good for the banksters, but in the end all Europeans lost, there were no winners.

Europeans lost the world in unnecessary wars that could have been avoided.

WWI would have ended in a couple of months, it would not have been such a devastating war, if the American financial elite did not have such a big power and control over the American government.

America was true to its Monroe Doctrine, because it was not in the best interests of Americans to meddle in the internal concerns of European countries or in conflicts between European countries.
This changed when European banksters moved to America and subverted the American government, American presidents became puppets of the American financial elite.

And big wars are very good for banksters, it does not matter, who wins the war, you can finance both sides of a conflict.

Poland was used as a pretext to start WWII (which was de facto a continuation of WWI), after the war UK (speak their financial elite, Churchill was just a marionette of this elite) did not care a rat's ass about Poland.

Today they hope that Ukrainians will be the useful idiots to start WWIII.

Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World
Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War - Wikipedia

I hope that Europeans learned something from history and the globalists will not succeed with their plans to stampede Europeans into another fratricidal war.

Such a war would be the last nail into the coffin of the European people.

And if somebody believes that the world will be a better place without Europeans, then he is just a delusional idiot.

The white leftists and liberals, who support the de facto genocide against Europeans, will be the biggest losers in the non-white "brave new world".
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Pffffffft. You missed this. Kiev is scum. They are trying to provoke Putin.

I'm no fan of the current Ukrainian government or of Putin. But let's be honest here. Nothing Ukraine does concerning it's own country should provoke Putin. Putin provokes Putin. He doesn't need outside provocation.

Two many people are fighting for power instead of doing what's right for the people. The situation in Eastern Ukraine does not demand a military solution.

I'm half Ukrainian with Russian ancestors and I still have family in Izmail. Like many others there our loyalty is split. We love both Russia and Ukraine. This war is horrible and totally unnecessary!! The knuckleheads in power need to chill out!

We're neighbors, we're friends, we shouldn't be fighting each other!!

If you are who you say you are and I will take you at face value you surely understand that Kiev is anti Russian and pro nazi these days and detests the ground ethnic Russians walk on.

I am 3rd generation Ukrainian in Canada by the way and I am against the current Ukrainian regime put in place by America.
I did not say people could not fight for independence. I said they could not vote themselves independence. Countries do not surrender land simply because the residents vote to leave.

Well, that happened to the Soviet Union. All republics, including the Soviet Ukraine, just voted for their independence.

The same happened to this "Monster of Frankenstein", created in Versailles, speak to the Czechoslovakia.

They reanimated this monster after WWII, but after the collapse of the Communist regime the Czechs managed to separate peacefully from the Slovaks.

The problem with the Ukraine is that it was an artificial country, created by Communists. They just cut off big chunks of Russian land, and called it "Soviet Ukraine". The Ukrainian Khrushchev then made a gift to his Ukrainian Commie-Cronies, and included the Crimean Peninsula into the boarders of the Soviet Ukraine.

As long as all these Republics were one state, called Soviet Union, this did not matter a lot.

But after the collapse of the Soviet Union the population of the former Soviet Ukrainian was not asked, if they want to remain as a part of an independent Ukrainian state.

Well, the putsch in Kiev was the end of the Ukraine in the borders of the Soviet Ukraine.

The borders of the Ukraine was just a relikt of the Soviet Union, and after the Junta in Kiev abolished the Ukrainian constitution, this post-Soviet Ukraine stopped its artificial existence.

Now Ukraine will get real boarders, if this state manages to survive.

If a part of a country wants to leave the motherland there has to be a negotiated agreement or there has to be war.

In the most cases the boarders of independent states are borders, negotiated after conflicts.

In the case of Eastern Ukraine I believe they could have negotiated their independence if the power hungry people on both sides had allowed it.

I think that the people in the Ukraine were not asked after the collapse of the Soviet Union, if they still want to be part of Ukraine.

The Soviet Republics did not have real ethnic boarders, and it was insane to assume that the boarders of Soviet Republics can be real boarders of independent States.

The main reason for the conflict in the Ukraine is the interference of the West into the internal affairs of Slavic people. The legitimate protest of some Ukrainians against the corruption of the elected government was used to install pro-western marionettes, that are de facto agents of Globalists.

Ukrainians will not get anything from this deal with the Globalists. They will be forced to accept uncontrolled migration from Africa and the Middle East.

Today they are killing their Slavic brothers, in 20 years their children will be raped by African or Muslim gangs, and they will have to accept gay weddings in their Churches, too.

The Ukrainian state is bankrupt, they need the money of the banksters, and the banksters will tell them what to do.

If Ukrainians look what happens in the West, if they visit London and see what happened to the country that was so afraid of "German invasion" (though Hilter did not have any intentions to invade Britain), they will see their own future.

Today UK is invaded by people from the Third World!

If British soldiers could see what they were fighting and dying for in WWII, they would rotate in their graves!
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