Russia escalating push into eastern Ukraine

Your information is another political spin as usually.

Kiev admits advancing on rebels in east Ukrainian town 'meter by meter’

View attachment 110022

A house damaged by the shelling of the Ukrainian army in Makeevka, Donetsk Region.

And it's a picture of just one house. Ukrainians are shelling at hospitals, schools, houses of civilians and even at the mine and the chemical plant. They broke water pipelines and civilians don't have water supplies any more. The human rights organization (paid by Soros) prefer to stay silent though.

*pro-globalist talking points out of Soros' organizations, including and Human Rights Watch, as well as US State Department talking points promoted by the National Endowment for Democracy and the network of organizations it funds, including Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), and Prachatai itself (listed by NED as the Foundation for Community Educational Media).
Land Destroyer: Soros-funded HRW Awards Soros-funded Prachatai Grant for "Bravery"

The Telegraph:
George Soros gives $100 million to Human Rights Watch

WILL YOU RUSSIAN TROLLS STOP USING THE PUTIN OWNED RT.COM AS A SOURCE. You may as well, hand Europe to Putin with the Comrade in the White House.
A countries land belongs to all of the people of that country. Pieces of a country cannot simply vote themselves away from the main country anytime they choose.

If the people in British colonies were like you, then there would be no USA, no independence day, and the settlers in North America would still have to kiss the ass of the British queen, because the American colonies belonged to her, and you cannot just simply rebel yourself away from the main country anytime you choose.


I did not say people could not fight for independence. I said they could not vote themselves independence. Countries do not surrender land simply because the residents vote to leave.

If a part of a country wants to leave the motherland there has to be a negotiated agreement or there has to be war.

In the case of Eastern Ukraine I believe they could have negotiated their independence if the power hungry people on both sides had allowed it.

The problem here is that the east is blessed with resources. The west not so much. The reason that NATO, the EU and the west freaked out
You may as well, hand Europe to Putin with the Comrade in the White House.

The main threat to USA and Europe is not Putin. We are not invaded by Russians, we are "invaded" by people from the Middle East, because of the insane wars that were not started by Russia. These wars were started by Globalists, and Putin is the one who can stop the insane war in Syria, which would allow the Syrian refugees to go home.
Your information is another political spin as usually.

Kiev admits advancing on rebels in east Ukrainian town 'meter by meter’

View attachment 110022

A house damaged by the shelling of the Ukrainian army in Makeevka, Donetsk Region.

And it's a picture of just one house. Ukrainians are shelling at hospitals, schools, houses of civilians and even at the mine and the chemical plant. They broke water pipelines and civilians don't have water supplies any more. The human rights organization (paid by Soros) prefer to stay silent though.

*pro-globalist talking points out of Soros' organizations, including and Human Rights Watch, as well as US State Department talking points promoted by the National Endowment for Democracy and the network of organizations it funds, including Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), and Prachatai itself (listed by NED as the Foundation for Community Educational Media).
Land Destroyer: Soros-funded HRW Awards Soros-funded Prachatai Grant for "Bravery"

The Telegraph:
George Soros gives $100 million to Human Rights Watch

WILL YOU RUSSIAN TROLLS STOP USING THE PUTIN OWNED RT.COM AS A SOURCE. You may as well, hand Europe to Putin with the Comrade in the White House.

I never do. And anything out of Kiev Media by the way is owned by the current President and Pinchuk \Hillary's benafactor.
Your information is another political spin as usually.

Kiev admits advancing on rebels in east Ukrainian town 'meter by meter’

View attachment 110022

A house damaged by the shelling of the Ukrainian army in Makeevka, Donetsk Region.

And it's a picture of just one house. Ukrainians are shelling at hospitals, schools, houses of civilians and even at the mine and the chemical plant. They broke water pipelines and civilians don't have water supplies any more. The human rights organization (paid by Soros) prefer to stay silent though.

*pro-globalist talking points out of Soros' organizations, including and Human Rights Watch, as well as US State Department talking points promoted by the National Endowment for Democracy and the network of organizations it funds, including Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), and Prachatai itself (listed by NED as the Foundation for Community Educational Media).
Land Destroyer: Soros-funded HRW Awards Soros-funded Prachatai Grant for "Bravery"

The Telegraph:
George Soros gives $100 million to Human Rights Watch

WILL YOU RUSSIAN TROLLS STOP USING THE PUTIN OWNED RT.COM AS A SOURCE. You may as well, hand Europe to Putin with the Comrade in the White House.

NO to everything you said and will say, Soros employee.
The problem here is that the east is blessed with resources. The west not so much. The reason that NATO, the EU and the west freaked out

If you mean East Ukraine, the Donbass basin is already depleted. There is no much natural resources left in the Ukraine, and the old Soviet infrastructure is crumbling.

No, the Globalists just need a pretext to start WWIII, and they hope that Ukrainians will play the role of "useful idiots" this time.

Putin is not an idiot, he is under pressure of Russian nationalists, who believe that he is a traitor, that he is selling the interests of Russians to the banksters.

But Putin is an intelligent player, he and his government refused to accept the request of New Russia to become part of the Russian Federation, speak he does not give any pretext for WWIII.

And that is the reason why the warmongers in the West were not able to stampede the population of western countries into a new war with another "New Hitler", speak with Putin.

The "Nazi-Card" does not work any more, both sides of the conflict are calling their opponents "Nazis". The word "Nazi" became even more meaningless, than it was.

I hope that Trump is at least as intelligent, as Putin. If this is the case, these two leaders can join efforts and change history.

If this is the case, their names will be remembered by the grateful descendants of future generation European people who are de facto now facing their extinction.
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Everyone knows the board has been invaded by Russian Trolls. I wonder why the conversation between Putin and his WH Comrade was not recorded? I am sure Putin received permission to use more barrel bombs to kill civilians in Syria.

You Russian slugs make me sick...
Pffffffft. You missed this. Kiev is scum. They are trying to provoke Putin.

I'm no fan of the current Ukrainian government or of Putin. But let's be honest here. Nothing Ukraine does concerning it's own country should provoke Putin. Putin provokes Putin. He doesn't need outside provocation.

Two many people are fighting for power instead of doing what's right for the people. The situation in Eastern Ukraine does not demand a military solution.

I'm half Ukrainian with Russian ancestors and I still have family in Izmail. Like many others there our loyalty is split. We love both Russia and Ukraine. This war is horrible and totally unnecessary!! The knuckleheads in power need to chill out!

We're neighbors, we're friends, we shouldn't be fighting each other!!

If you are who you say you are and I will take you at face value you surely understand that Kiev is anti Russian and pro nazi these days and detests the ground ethnic Russians walk on.

I am 3rd generation Ukrainian in Canada by the way and I am against the current Ukrainian regime put in place by America.
Kiev is not pro nazi. That is just Russian propaganda. In 2012 the nationalist parties considered as neo-nazi won about 10% of the seats in the Ukraine parliament. After almost a million citizens protested in the streets day after day, night after night and chased the corrupt government out of Ukraine and fleeing to Russia, the new government held internationally monitored elections and the nationalist lost half their seats, holding only 5% of the seats, meaning the voters rejected the neo-nazi nationalist. A later election reduced it even further. Hence, the idea that the government is controlled by neo nazi's just doesn't hold up to the facts. The government is not controlled by 5% of the Parliament.
To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?
Culturally Ukraine consists of three main parts (the orange part is Western Ukraine, the yellow one is Central Ukraine, the green one is South-Eastern Ukraine (so-called Novorossia)).

Theoretically, Ukraine can be divided on these parts, but there are issues which may follow after that.

1. The main part of Western Ukraine can be joined to Poland, but: this region is a heartland of Ukrainian nationalism and it is doubtful that the Poles will want to have a pleasure to deal with them; this region doesn’t have resources or industry to be economically self-sufficient, so there will need to be huge inflows to support it (considering that Poland is main recipient of funding from the EU budget, such perspective won’t be cheerful in the EU as a whole). Actually, maybe the Poles will agree with pleasure to join the Lviv region and maybe the western Volyn but not more.

2. The Central Ukraine may be an independent state. But the virtual absence of industry and resources also makes it economically insufficient.

3. The so-called Novorossia. This region is the most economically developed in Ukraine, with units of heavy industry which are there from the Soviet times. Also it is the most Russia-oriented region. I think that Russia would agree to get it, this move would resolve some issues, but in the same time would create new ones. The main of them is possible ‘balkanization’ and as far as I can understand the Russian authorities don’t want to get involved directly in it.

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.)
That is okay in this case. Unfortunately, we don’t have any choice. So called elite which rules Ukraine now is basically the same as it was five, ten, or fifteen years ago. And they don’t want to change anything. And only outer pressure can make them do something except of permanent stealing.

You may ask “Hey, but what about you Ukrainians? Why don’t you make them do it by yourself?” No, we can’t, because our authorities are the mirror of our society. Basically, we deserve what we have now.

Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?
Yes, it is basically a civil war.
To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?
Culturally Ukraine consists of three main parts (the orange part is Western Ukraine, the yellow one is Central Ukraine, the green one is South-Eastern Ukraine (so-called Novorossia)).

Theoretically, Ukraine can be divided on these parts, but there are issues which may follow after that.

1. The main part of Western Ukraine can be joined to Poland, but: this region is a heartland of Ukrainian nationalism and it is doubtful that the Poles will want to have a pleasure to deal with them; this region doesn’t have resources or industry to be economically self-sufficient, so there will need to be huge inflows to support it (considering that Poland is main recipient of funding from the EU budget, such perspective won’t be cheerful in the EU as a whole). Actually, maybe the Poles will agree with pleasure to join the Lviv region and maybe the western Volyn but not more.

2. The Central Ukraine may be an independent state. But the virtual absence of industry and resources also makes it economically insufficient.

3. The so-called Novorossia. This region is the most economically developed in Ukraine, with units of heavy industry which are there from the Soviet times. Also it is the most Russia-oriented region. I think that Russia would agree to get it, this move would resolve some issues, but in the same time would create new ones. The main of them is possible ‘balkanization’ and as far as I can understand the Russian authorities don’t want to get involved directly in it.

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.)
That is okay in this case. Unfortunately, we don’t have any choice. So called elite which rules Ukraine now is basically the same as it was five, ten, or fifteen years ago. And they don’t want to change anything. And only outer pressure can make them do something except of permanent stealing.

You may ask “Hey, but what about you Ukrainians? Why don’t you make them do it by yourself?” No, we can’t, because our authorities are the mirror of our society. Basically, we deserve what we have now.

Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?
Yes, it is basically a civil war.
This division is what the US exploited in its efforts to pressure Russia on its border. The US knew full well, as did the EU, the ramifications of its decision to orchestrate a coup.
To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?
Culturally Ukraine consists of three main parts (the orange part is Western Ukraine, the yellow one is Central Ukraine, the green one is South-Eastern Ukraine (so-called Novorossia)).

Theoretically, Ukraine can be divided on these parts, but there are issues which may follow after that.

1. The main part of Western Ukraine can be joined to Poland, but: this region is a heartland of Ukrainian nationalism and it is doubtful that the Poles will want to have a pleasure to deal with them; this region doesn’t have resources or industry to be economically self-sufficient, so there will need to be huge inflows to support it (considering that Poland is main recipient of funding from the EU budget, such perspective won’t be cheerful in the EU as a whole). Actually, maybe the Poles will agree with pleasure to join the Lviv region and maybe the western Volyn but not more.

2. The Central Ukraine may be an independent state. But the virtual absence of industry and resources also makes it economically insufficient.

3. The so-called Novorossia. This region is the most economically developed in Ukraine, with units of heavy industry which are there from the Soviet times. Also it is the most Russia-oriented region. I think that Russia would agree to get it, this move would resolve some issues, but in the same time would create new ones. The main of them is possible ‘balkanization’ and as far as I can understand the Russian authorities don’t want to get involved directly in it.

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.)
That is okay in this case. Unfortunately, we don’t have any choice. So called elite which rules Ukraine now is basically the same as it was five, ten, or fifteen years ago. And they don’t want to change anything. And only outer pressure can make them do something except of permanent stealing.

You may ask “Hey, but what about you Ukrainians? Why don’t you make them do it by yourself?” No, we can’t, because our authorities are the mirror of our society. Basically, we deserve what we have now.

Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?
Yes, it is basically a civil war.

No, civil wars are internal skirmishes. As long as Russia is involved, this is another nation occupying Ukraine.

Not to worry, as long as the Orange Clown in in the WH, Putin can do what he wants.
To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?
Culturally Ukraine consists of three main parts (the orange part is Western Ukraine, the yellow one is Central Ukraine, the green one is South-Eastern Ukraine (so-called Novorossia)).

Theoretically, Ukraine can be divided on these parts, but there are issues which may follow after that.

1. The main part of Western Ukraine can be joined to Poland, but: this region is a heartland of Ukrainian nationalism and it is doubtful that the Poles will want to have a pleasure to deal with them; this region doesn’t have resources or industry to be economically self-sufficient, so there will need to be huge inflows to support it (considering that Poland is main recipient of funding from the EU budget, such perspective won’t be cheerful in the EU as a whole). Actually, maybe the Poles will agree with pleasure to join the Lviv region and maybe the western Volyn but not more.

2. The Central Ukraine may be an independent state. But the virtual absence of industry and resources also makes it economically insufficient.

3. The so-called Novorossia. This region is the most economically developed in Ukraine, with units of heavy industry which are there from the Soviet times. Also it is the most Russia-oriented region. I think that Russia would agree to get it, this move would resolve some issues, but in the same time would create new ones. The main of them is possible ‘balkanization’ and as far as I can understand the Russian authorities don’t want to get involved directly in it.

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.)
That is okay in this case. Unfortunately, we don’t have any choice. So called elite which rules Ukraine now is basically the same as it was five, ten, or fifteen years ago. And they don’t want to change anything. And only outer pressure can make them do something except of permanent stealing.

You may ask “Hey, but what about you Ukrainians? Why don’t you make them do it by yourself?” No, we can’t, because our authorities are the mirror of our society. Basically, we deserve what we have now.

Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?
Yes, it is basically a civil war.
This division is what the US exploited in its efforts to pressure Russia on its border. The US knew full well, as did the EU, the ramifications of its decision to orchestrate a coup.
So, it wasn't the hundred of thousands of Ukraine citizens that flooded the streets of Kiev for months protesting the backing out of the agreement that aligned Ukraine with the EU and switched it to an alignment with Russia that caused the change in government. These were the largest and longest lasting demonstrations in European history. Those demonstrations began in November of 2013, were continuous and after a couple of months, including masses of people camping out in the Maidan Square, led to attacks on the demonstrators by government forces, including snipers picking off demonstrators. Nope, according to the Russian line of propaganda. that wasn't what caused the change in government. Not the hundreds of thousands of citizens flooding the streets at the risk of being shot by snipers. It was a secret conspiracy by the demon west.
To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?
Culturally Ukraine consists of three main parts (the orange part is Western Ukraine, the yellow one is Central Ukraine, the green one is South-Eastern Ukraine (so-called Novorossia)).

Theoretically, Ukraine can be divided on these parts, but there are issues which may follow after that.

1. The main part of Western Ukraine can be joined to Poland, but: this region is a heartland of Ukrainian nationalism and it is doubtful that the Poles will want to have a pleasure to deal with them; this region doesn’t have resources or industry to be economically self-sufficient, so there will need to be huge inflows to support it (considering that Poland is main recipient of funding from the EU budget, such perspective won’t be cheerful in the EU as a whole). Actually, maybe the Poles will agree with pleasure to join the Lviv region and maybe the western Volyn but not more.

2. The Central Ukraine may be an independent state. But the virtual absence of industry and resources also makes it economically insufficient.

3. The so-called Novorossia. This region is the most economically developed in Ukraine, with units of heavy industry which are there from the Soviet times. Also it is the most Russia-oriented region. I think that Russia would agree to get it, this move would resolve some issues, but in the same time would create new ones. The main of them is possible ‘balkanization’ and as far as I can understand the Russian authorities don’t want to get involved directly in it.

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.)
That is okay in this case. Unfortunately, we don’t have any choice. So called elite which rules Ukraine now is basically the same as it was five, ten, or fifteen years ago. And they don’t want to change anything. And only outer pressure can make them do something except of permanent stealing.

You may ask “Hey, but what about you Ukrainians? Why don’t you make them do it by yourself?” No, we can’t, because our authorities are the mirror of our society. Basically, we deserve what we have now.

Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?
Yes, it is basically a civil war.

No, civil wars are internal skirmishes. As long as Russia is involved, this is another nation occupying Ukraine.

Not to worry, as long as the Orange Clown in in the WH, Putin can do what he wants.
Syrian civil war, Spanish civil war, Russian civil war all had outside meddling, but they are considered as civil wars. I have no doubts that Russia has its hand in the Ukrainian conflict. But the core reason of this conflict is the difference in the mindset of people in various parts of the country. And that is why I consider this as a civil war. The outer players are exploiting this difference in their goals.
To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?
Culturally Ukraine consists of three main parts (the orange part is Western Ukraine, the yellow one is Central Ukraine, the green one is South-Eastern Ukraine (so-called Novorossia)).

Theoretically, Ukraine can be divided on these parts, but there are issues which may follow after that.

1. The main part of Western Ukraine can be joined to Poland, but: this region is a heartland of Ukrainian nationalism and it is doubtful that the Poles will want to have a pleasure to deal with them; this region doesn’t have resources or industry to be economically self-sufficient, so there will need to be huge inflows to support it (considering that Poland is main recipient of funding from the EU budget, such perspective won’t be cheerful in the EU as a whole). Actually, maybe the Poles will agree with pleasure to join the Lviv region and maybe the western Volyn but not more.

2. The Central Ukraine may be an independent state. But the virtual absence of industry and resources also makes it economically insufficient.

3. The so-called Novorossia. This region is the most economically developed in Ukraine, with units of heavy industry which are there from the Soviet times. Also it is the most Russia-oriented region. I think that Russia would agree to get it, this move would resolve some issues, but in the same time would create new ones. The main of them is possible ‘balkanization’ and as far as I can understand the Russian authorities don’t want to get involved directly in it.

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.)
That is okay in this case. Unfortunately, we don’t have any choice. So called elite which rules Ukraine now is basically the same as it was five, ten, or fifteen years ago. And they don’t want to change anything. And only outer pressure can make them do something except of permanent stealing.

You may ask “Hey, but what about you Ukrainians? Why don’t you make them do it by yourself?” No, we can’t, because our authorities are the mirror of our society. Basically, we deserve what we have now.

Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?
Yes, it is basically a civil war.

No, civil wars are internal skirmishes. As long as Russia is involved, this is another nation occupying Ukraine.

Not to worry, as long as the Orange Clown in in the WH, Putin can do what he wants.
Syrian civil war, Spanish civil war, Russian civil war all had outside meddling, but they are considered as civil wars. I have no doubts that Russia has its hand in the Ukrainian conflict. But the core reason of this conflict is the difference in the mindset of people in various parts of the country. And that is why I consider this as a civil war. The outer players are exploiting this difference in their goals.
There is a big difference between political, diplomatic and economic meddling and providing arms, weapons, and military forces. There are international agreements and laws that prescribe when a nation can interfere with military assistance of any kind, including supplying of weapons.
Russia is in violation of international agreements and law by its own admission and provable evidence.
No, civil wars are internal skirmishes. As long as Russia is involved, this is another nation occupying Ukraine.

Not to worry, as long as the Orange Clown in in the WH, Putin can do what he wants.

And since you didn't answer my question the first time I'll ask it again. Are you advocating we go to war with Russia?

I'll also remind you that Putin started doing what he wanted while your Messiah was at the helm and he did nothing.
No, civil wars are internal skirmishes. As long as Russia is involved, this is another nation occupying Ukraine.

Not to worry, as long as the Orange Clown in in the WH, Putin can do what he wants.

And since you didn't answer my question the first time I'll ask it again. Are you advocating we go to war with Russia?

I'll also remind you that Putin started doing what he wanted while your Messiah was at the helm and he did nothing.

I am advocating we find out why Putee and the Comrade are having a love affair. He threw the country under the bus in the O'Reilly interview and you defend him. What has Russia got on the Comrade?

You RWers who are cult members make me sick. If O or Hillary had said those words, you would crucify them. You are the text book definition of Hypocrite.
To our professed Ukrainian's, is there any chance of a split of the country or are the resources too 'locally' distributed?
Culturally Ukraine consists of three main parts (the orange part is Western Ukraine, the yellow one is Central Ukraine, the green one is South-Eastern Ukraine (so-called Novorossia)).

Theoretically, Ukraine can be divided on these parts, but there are issues which may follow after that.

1. The main part of Western Ukraine can be joined to Poland, but: this region is a heartland of Ukrainian nationalism and it is doubtful that the Poles will want to have a pleasure to deal with them; this region doesn’t have resources or industry to be economically self-sufficient, so there will need to be huge inflows to support it (considering that Poland is main recipient of funding from the EU budget, such perspective won’t be cheerful in the EU as a whole). Actually, maybe the Poles will agree with pleasure to join the Lviv region and maybe the western Volyn but not more.

2. The Central Ukraine may be an independent state. But the virtual absence of industry and resources also makes it economically insufficient.

3. The so-called Novorossia. This region is the most economically developed in Ukraine, with units of heavy industry which are there from the Soviet times. Also it is the most Russia-oriented region. I think that Russia would agree to get it, this move would resolve some issues, but in the same time would create new ones. The main of them is possible ‘balkanization’ and as far as I can understand the Russian authorities don’t want to get involved directly in it.

Also, what are your opinions on the US and/or UN being so heavily involved in this matter? Like am I wrong to have a feeling that there is some offense to you when a foreign gov tries to dictate what you should do? (I think at least one of you expressed sentiment to that vein.)
That is okay in this case. Unfortunately, we don’t have any choice. So called elite which rules Ukraine now is basically the same as it was five, ten, or fifteen years ago. And they don’t want to change anything. And only outer pressure can make them do something except of permanent stealing.

You may ask “Hey, but what about you Ukrainians? Why don’t you make them do it by yourself?” No, we can’t, because our authorities are the mirror of our society. Basically, we deserve what we have now.

Am I wrong in my general view that this is basically a civil war?
Yes, it is basically a civil war.

No, civil wars are internal skirmishes. As long as Russia is involved, this is another nation occupying Ukraine.

Not to worry, as long as the Orange Clown in in the WH, Putin can do what he wants.
Syrian civil war, Spanish civil war, Russian civil war all had outside meddling, but they are considered as civil wars. I have no doubts that Russia has its hand in the Ukrainian conflict. But the core reason of this conflict is the difference in the mindset of people in various parts of the country. And that is why I consider this as a civil war. The outer players are exploiting this difference in their goals.
There is a big difference between political, diplomatic and economic meddling and providing arms, weapons, and military forces. There are international agreements and laws that prescribe when a nation can interfere with military assistance of any kind, including supplying of weapons.
Russia is in violation of international agreements and law by its own admission and provable evidence.
In my previous post I tried to explain why the conflict in Ukraine is a civil war, provoked by internal divisions in Ukraine in the first turn. Many people in South-Eastern Ukraine didn’t accept the forcible change of power in Kiev in 2014 and expressed defiance to the new government. In some oblasts this defiance was stronger in other – weaker. But the overthrow of the Yanukovich government was a trigger to that. But at the same time I am not defending Russia. Thanks to its “wise” policy thousands of people in Eastern Ukraine were killed and two artificial “republics” with doubtful perspectives were created.

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