Russia is such a disgusting pathetic country

How come there is not more outrage against Russia and their constant attack on America on this board?
Are you people Americans or Russians.
Russia is a pathetic country that can not do anything but internet malware and troll farms. Disgusting country.
Because some of us know the hacking story, like Russiagate and Russia bounties on American troops are fictional. Made up for the benefit of the MIC and intelligence agencies.

Because some of us know the hacking story, like Russiagate and Russia bounties on American troops are fictional. Made up for the benefit of the MIC and intelligence agencies.

The is not more outrage because democrats are worse than Russians.


I think they haz chicken...

colonel sanders.jpg
How come there is not more outrage against Russia and their constant attack on America on this board?
Are you people Americans or Russians.
Russia is a pathetic country that can not do anything but internet malware and troll farms. Disgusting country.
But China cooking dogs alive is cool with you
How come there is not more outrage against Russia and their constant attack on America on this board?
Are you people Americans or Russians.
Russia is a pathetic country that can not do anything but internet malware and troll farms. Disgusting country.
Because some of us know the hacking story, like Russiagate and Russia bounties on American troops are fictional. Made up for the benefit of the MIC and intelligence agencies.

Because some of us know the hacking story, like Russiagate and Russia bounties on American troops are fictional. Made up for the benefit of the MIC and intelligence agencies.

The is not more outrage because democrats are worse than Russians.


They are ctually going one day find out that China was/is in this too.
Was it Russia or the democrats who TRIED to warn us about the Tsaranaev brothers? Who dismissed the warnings as an anti immigrant attack on innocent refugee boys? Was that Russia or democrats?

Who could forget President Putin putting the pretender shitstain obama in his place? Civilized nations do not support savages who eat the living organs of their murder victims. Who backed the savages, Russia or Democrats? That means Russia is civilized. Democrats are not.

All evidence supports Russia being better than democrats.

Nice buildings from hundreds of years ago. Nowadays, Russia is nothing but a Mafia State run by mobsters. You know it's true. It's disgusting.
Hundreds of years ago. Really??? So Russia HAS a history. Our history is being dismantled by democrat animals run by black savages.

Again! More proof Russians are better than democrats. What would Russians do to the Burn Loot Murder crowd telling Russians to give up their homes to race baiters?

Again in every way Russians are better than democrats.
LOL...all the Russia bots come out to play. For a long time they've pretended to be Americans - Trump lovers (ie that equals American haters)...yet one tiny thread criticising their Deplorable system, and even the pretenders come out with their true colours.
LOL...all the Russia bots come out to play. For a long time they've pretended to be Americans - Trump lovers (ie that equals American haters)...yet one tiny thread criticising their Deplorable system, and even the pretenders come out with their true colours.
Vy lzhets i predatel'.
LOL...all the Russia bots come out to play. For a long time they've pretended to be Americans - Trump lovers (ie that equals American haters)...yet one tiny thread criticising their Deplorable system, and even the pretenders come out with their true colours.
Vy lzhets i predatel'.
Sorry comrade. Don't speak your native tongue.
LOL...all the Russia bots come out to play. For a long time they've pretended to be Americans - Trump lovers (ie that equals American haters)...yet one tiny thread criticising their Deplorable system, and even the pretenders come out with their true colours.
Vy lzhets i predatel'.
Sorry comrade. Don't speak your native tongue.
You speak treason well enough.
Give credit where it's due. No one is even trying to justify democrat evil. They are just pissed that we don't accept it too.
How come there is not more outrage against Russia and their constant attack on America on this board?
Are you people Americans or Russians.
Russia is a pathetic country that can not do anything but internet malware and troll farms. Disgusting country.
Because some of us know the hacking story, like Russiagate and Russia bounties on American troops are fictional. Made up for the benefit of the MIC and intelligence agencies.
What a stupid theory to float. All without a shred of evidence to back it up? You conspiracy weirdos are uneffective when it comes to convincing people of your horseshit.

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