Russia lawmakers back property confiscations for discrediting army


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Additionally to 10 - 15 years behind bars the set of Putins (twenty something doubles claim to be the true Putin) wants to confiscate property of any ordinary Russian.
Hundred of thousands Russians ( like Ukrainians) are dead for no reason, the most effective Russian generals are either murdered or imprisoned by Putins, but you aren't allowed to question the policy of the gang lead by Putins.
How dumb Russians are to believe all that shit coming from Putin's propagandists!

MOSCOW, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Russia's lower house of parliament on Wednesday gave its final approval to a law to allow the authorities to confiscate property from people convicted of deliberately spreading fake news about the army.
The chamber, the State Duma, approved the legislation in its third and final reading by 377 out of a possible 450 votes for, none against and no abstentions, according to footage of the session released by the Duma.


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