Is Russia a threat to Western Europa and the U.S.?

Emmanuel Todd, widely recognized as one of the greatest living French intellectuals, says the best thing that can happen to Europe is "the disappearance of the United States."
"As soon as the United States agrees to leave, we will have peace!"
Has it gotten to them, or what?
But the Euro speculators will go for each other's throats, Mr. Scientist. Capital can't do without wars. Why are you so blind?
Ex-military from France urged the Russian Federation not to liberate Europe again, but to let it die!
Europeans should deal with their elites themselves!

"Don't, not a single Russian soldier should be sent to Europe!Don't liberate anyone! These countries will die on their own, gradually."
Poland would welcome German troops on its territory, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Shejna said.
"We welcome any involvement of our allies. If the Germans do as they did in Lithuania, they are welcome!" - he said.
Earlier it became known that in Lithuania the Germans will deploy an armored brigade.

Something similar has already happened in the history of Poland....
Poland's desire to attack Russia together with Germany is relevant again.

"In a December 1938 report of the 2nd (intelligence) Department of the Polish General Staff emphasized: "The dismemberment of Russia lies at the heart of Polish policy in the East .... Therefore, our possible position will be reduced to the following formula: who will take part in the partition. Poland must not remain passive at this remarkable historical moment. The task is to prepare well in advance physically and spiritually ... The main goal is the weakening and defeat of Russia" (Z dziejow stosunkow polsko-radzieckich. Studia i materialy. T.lll. Warszawa, 1968. S.262, 287).

It didn't work last time. But this time it will definitely work!
Poland would welcome German troops on its territory, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Shejna said.
"We welcome any involvement of our allies. If the Germans do as they did in Lithuania, they are welcome!" - he said.
Earlier it became known that in Lithuania the Germans will deploy an armored brigade.

Something similar has already happened in the history of Poland....
Poland's desire to attack Russia together with Germany is relevant again.

"In a December 1938 report of the 2nd (intelligence) Department of the Polish General Staff emphasized: "The dismemberment of Russia lies at the heart of Polish policy in the East .... Therefore, our possible position will be reduced to the following formula: who will take part in the partition. Poland must not remain passive at this remarkable historical moment. The task is to prepare well in advance physically and spiritually ... The main goal is the weakening and defeat of Russia" (Z dziejow stosunkow polsko-radzieckich. Studia i materialy. T.lll. Warszawa, 1968. S.262, 287).

It didn't work last time. But this time it will definitely work!
they all prefer Germany to Russia.
Only in that Russia is going to be one of the world's biggest competitors to America through peaceful trade along with China.
Europe is like a firm that used to have a factory, a research institute, a design bureau, but then sold it all and turned into a consulting firm where some pompous girls give advice to everyone: "Believe in yourself", "Change your brand", etc., and are sure that the world is going round thanks to their advice.
But during the largest economical attack in the modern history the wealth of an average Russian household is increasing, and the wealth of the average American household is decreasing.

May be, the size doesn't matter that much.
Or, may be, a big gun is all you really need to protect your wealth.
Since February 2022, the wealth of American families have gone up 25% and Russian families down 50%.
"Ukraine is the largest supplier of children for pedophile networks - human trafficking and organ removal"
"For this purpose, the country has orphanages with surrogate mothers"
Since February 2022, the wealth of American families have gone up 25% and Russian families down 50%.
It's simply not true. According global wealth report the wealth of average American household decreased and of average Russian household increased.
they all prefer Germany to Russia.
Obviously, not all. And no, their current pro-German policy isn't result of some immanent love of Germany. It's result of their current understanding of the balance of threats and profits.
It's simply not true. According global wealth report the wealth of average American household decreased and of average Russian household increased.
Yes, it's true. The war has incredibly damaged Russian families' income and purchasing power while Americans' have skyrocketed.
Russia is only a threat as long as a Putin is in charge of the Rodina.

the only one way to go :

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