Russia says US astronauts could be hurt by Ukraine sanctions



Hitler did all of the above as well. And I suppose Stalin is high on your list of men to be admired.

The question is did he have a hot girlfriend? Hitler had Eva, Putin has had his pieces, don't know about Stalin though.

Also, no one can measure up to the man, the myth, the legend, our immortal fuhrer dolph h.

I'm certainly impressed in his taste in younger women!

That's right, asshole. I am what is wrong with America. A dd214 that states Honorable. 70, and still working at a full time job as a millwright in a steel mill. Also attending university classes. Celebrating my 40th wedding anniversary next month. A property owner, and a gun owner since I was 12.

Oh yes, I am what is wrong with America.

We're the same age, moron, 47 years married in June, Nam vet, BUT I retired from my own business.

Because the Russian, is everything I wish our limp wristed pansy isn't, and YOU can't see it, is a SAD reflection on you.

The Russian is a coldeyed bully who has a lot less smarts than smarts than I initially thought he had. I would not have any American President emulate him. Everything he aquired in Crimea, he could have gotten without the confrontation. The affects can only hurt Russia.

We will not go to war over Crimea, it would be a loser in any case. Simply look at the map, and figure our our losses going in. But we can make the economy of Russia suffer in a major way. And the Eastern European nations are being driven closer to the EU and the US . They will regard NATO as their only hope now. That isolates Russia even further.

So, fellow, tell us just what you would do in this situation were you President.
Hitler did all of the above as well. And I suppose Stalin is high on your list of men to be admired.

The question is did he have a hot girlfriend? Hitler had Eva, Putin has had his pieces, don't know about Stalin though.

Also, no one can measure up to the man, the myth, the legend, our immortal fuhrer dolph h.

I'm certainly impressed in his taste in younger women!


If you have enough money and power, there are plenty of good looking whores out there.
That's right, asshole. I am what is wrong with America. A dd214 that states Honorable. 70, and still working at a full time job as a millwright in a steel mill. Also attending university classes. Celebrating my 40th wedding anniversary next month. A property owner, and a gun owner since I was 12.

Oh yes, I am what is wrong with America.

We're the same age, moron, 47 years married in June, Nam vet, BUT I retired from my own business.

Because the Russian, is everything I wish our limp wristed pansy isn't, and YOU can't see it, is a SAD reflection on you.

The Russian is a coldeyed bully who has a lot less smarts than smarts than I initially thought he had. I would not have any American President emulate him. Everything he aquired in Crimea, he could have gotten without the confrontation. The affects can only hurt Russia.

We will not go to war over Crimea, it would be a loser in any case. Simply look at the map, and figure our our losses going in. But we can make the economy of Russia suffer in a major way. And the Eastern European nations are being driven closer to the EU and the US . They will regard NATO as their only hope now. That isolates Russia even further.

So, fellow, tell us just what you would do in this situation were you President.

I gave you the START of what the limp wristed one should have done in post #10, apparently you don't read, or retain what's in the post your in!
That's right, asshole. I am what is wrong with America. A dd214 that states Honorable. 70, and still working at a full time job as a millwright in a steel mill. Also attending university classes. Celebrating my 40th wedding anniversary next month. A property owner, and a gun owner since I was 12.

Oh yes, I am what is wrong with America.

We're the same age, moron, 47 years married in June, Nam vet, BUT I retired from my own business.

Because the Russian, is everything I wish our limp wristed pansy isn't, and YOU can't see it, is a SAD reflection on you.

The Russian is a coldeyed bully who has a lot less smarts than smarts than I initially thought he had. I would not have any American President emulate him. Everything he aquired in Crimea, he could have gotten without the confrontation. The affects can only hurt Russia.

We will not go to war over Crimea, it would be a loser in any case. Simply look at the map, and figure our our losses going in. But we can make the economy of Russia suffer in a major way. And the Eastern European nations are being driven closer to the EU and the US . They will regard NATO as their only hope now. That isolates Russia even further.

So, fellow, tell us just what you would do in this situation were you President.

Large scale training mission in Poland..........Military exercises hopefully with NATO countries into Poland in support of a fellow NATO member. While it wouldn't completely fix the situation in Ukraine, it would send a clear message to Putin that this isn't a game, and it would show NATO unity in the show of force.

Putin of course would get ticked off and threaten to cut off the pipelines to Europe, and we counter with OK we will supply them by reversing the flow. Russian needs the economy of the pipelines..................

It's a game of chess...........In your face policy as it was back when we had the cold war.

I'd warn again that Europe would feel the pain more than we would. So I'd have to get them on board as their fuel could be shut off as a result.
The question is did he have a hot girlfriend? Hitler had Eva, Putin has had his pieces, don't know about Stalin though.

Also, no one can measure up to the man, the myth, the legend, our immortal fuhrer dolph h.

I'm certainly impressed in his taste in younger women!


If you have enough money and power, there are plenty of good looking whores out there.

Yes, we hear the jealousy in your answer... Keep working, the obomanation NEEDS your taxes to redistribute to the ones that have NEVER WORKED! Without YOUR money, the DNC can't buy those non-worker votes!
That's right, asshole. I am what is wrong with America. A dd214 that states Honorable. 70, and still working at a full time job as a millwright in a steel mill. Also attending university classes. Celebrating my 40th wedding anniversary next month. A property owner, and a gun owner since I was 12.

Oh yes, I am what is wrong with America.

We're the same age, moron, 47 years married in June, Nam vet, BUT I retired from my own business.

Because the Russian, is everything I wish our limp wristed pansy isn't, and YOU can't see it, is a SAD reflection on you.

The Russian is a coldeyed bully who has a lot less smarts than smarts than I initially thought he had. I would not have any American President emulate him. Everything he aquired in Crimea, he could have gotten without the confrontation. The affects can only hurt Russia.

We will not go to war over Crimea, it would be a loser in any case. Simply look at the map, and figure our our losses going in. But we can make the economy of Russia suffer in a major way. And the Eastern European nations are being driven closer to the EU and the US . They will regard NATO as their only hope now. That isolates Russia even further.

So, fellow, tell us just what you would do in this situation were you President.


Europe knows America will protect them haha.

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The Astronauts arent being hurt by the sanctions. they are being hurt by the President foolishly eliminating our space program and turning NASA into Muslim outreach instead of space exploration.
Oh really!!??? Not while we have Space X on our side....and Air Force's X-51 Scramjet
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And NASA's heavy lift rockets.....we only included other nations to help with funding the ISS..We can take it all over again..easily..
Can't blame Putin for using every means imaginable to threaten the US to mind its own damn business.

Like everything the Manchurian muslim does, he NEVER takes into consideration those unforeseen circumstances of his actions! Knee Jerk and delegating power is all he does!

NASA funding and its programs were cut by bush and now America suffers because of it

Budget Cuts Launch Debate on NASA's Future | PBS NewsHour

WASHINGTON — Spending cuts President Bush proposed for NASA science projects will cause far more harm than the administration has acknowledged, top scientists warned a congressional panel Thursday.
If it passes, the Bush budget will turn out the lights on a whole generation of young scientists and researchers, said Joseph Taylor Jr., a Princeton University physics professor. - Bush cuts carry consequences for science, experts say
Can't blame Putin for using every means imaginable to threaten the US to mind its own damn business.

Like everything the Manchurian muslim does, he NEVER takes into consideration those unforeseen circumstances of his actions! Knee Jerk and delegating power is all he does!

NASA funding and its programs were cut by bush and now America suffers because of it

Budget Cuts Launch Debate on NASA's Future | PBS NewsHour

WASHINGTON — Spending cuts President Bush proposed for NASA science projects will cause far more harm than the administration has acknowledged, top scientists warned a congressional panel Thursday.
If it passes, the Bush budget will turn out the lights on a whole generation of young scientists and researchers, said Joseph Taylor Jr., a Princeton University physics professor. - Bush cuts carry consequences for science, experts say

Guano knows! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Bush’s VSE had a plan for replacing the Space Shuttle and using the moon as a testbed for a journey to Mars. Here was the vision for exploration from the man that the media liked to pretend was a gibbering idiot.
Our first goal is to complete the International Space Station by 2010. To meet this goal, we will return the Space Shuttle to flight as soon as possible.
In 2010, the Space Shuttle — after nearly 30 years of duty — will be retired from service. Our second goal is to develop and test a new spacecraft, the Crew Exploration Vehicle, by 2008, and to conduct the first manned mission no later than 2014.
The Crew Exploration Vehicle will be capable of ferrying astronauts and scientists to the Space Station after the shuttle is retired. But the main purpose of this spacecraft will be to carry astronauts beyond our orbit to other worlds. This will be the first spacecraft of its kind since the Apollo Command Module.
Our third goal is to return to the moon by 2020, as the launching point for missions beyond. Beginning no later than 2008, we will send a series of robotic missions to the lunar surface to research and prepare for future human exploration. Using the Crew Exploration Vehicle, we will undertake extended human missions to the moon as early as 2015, with the goal of living and working there for increasingly extended periods.
Returning to the moon is an important step for our space program. Establishing an extended human presence on the moon could vastly reduce the costs of further space exploration, making possible ever more ambitious missions. Lifting heavy spacecraft and fuel out of the Earth’s gravity is expensive. Spacecraft assembled and provisioned on the moon could escape its far lower gravity using far less energy, and thus, far less cost. Also, the moon is home to abundant resources. Its soil contains raw materials that might be harvested and processed into rocket fuel or breathable air. We can use our time on the moon to develop and test new approaches and technologies and systems that will allow us to function in other, more challenging environments. The moon is a logical step toward further progress and achievement.
With the experience and knowledge gained on the moon, we will then be ready to take the next steps of space exploration: human missions to Mars and to worlds beyond.
Crazy, right? It’s a comprehensive strategy for exploring the solar system that depended on staggered steps, rather than massive leaps. It was sustainable and sensible and it fell apart in 2008 when an actual gibbering idiot took over the country and decided to dedicate NASA to Muslim self-esteem and landing on an asteroid in 2025 while hitching rides on Russian Soyuz tubs.
Obama began by thanking Sheila Jackson-Lee, a woman who confused Mars and the moon. And then the real idiocy began.[/snip]

Obama?s ?Muslim Self-Esteem? NASA in Complete Disarray | FrontPage Magazine
This just brings home even more so, what a sad state of affairs out manned space program has gotten too. NASA's over reliance on the shuttle for years and not developing a follow-on manned vehicle and now having to pay Russia for rides is a downright disgrace. Not only that we are paying Russia for the very rocket engines Russia makes for US Military flights in Atlas V rockets. About the only bright spot in space is Space X and a few others. So is it a surprise now that Russia is using those "rides" to the ISS as blackmail over current political events? NO! In fact the lack of attention paid to a domestic space program over the last several years and massive cuts as well as sheer mismanagement has led us to where we are now. So before we start point the finger at Putin perhaps we need to take a look in the mirror.
US astronauts should use trampolines to get into space, Russian official says

A Russian official angered over new sanctions that the United States imposed on Russia over the Ukraine crisis is suggesting that American astronauts get to the International Space Station by using trampolines instead of rockets. "The United States introduced sanctions against our space industry... We warned them, we will reply to statements with statements, to actions with actions," Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who heads Russia's defense industry, said on Twitter, according to Reuters. American astronauts depend on Russian rockets to get to the ISS, but after the U.S. imposed sanctions – which deny export licenses for high-tech items that...

US astronauts should use trampolines to get into space, Russian official says | Fox News
I told you this was going to happen. When obama started his Ukraine foolishness I told you this would happen.
One of the primary reasons that the human exploration of space is moving so slowly is cost. Yes, you can argue that space agencies like NASA and ESA should receive more funding, but at the end of the day it’s still excruciatingly expensive for humanity to send stuff into space. For heavy lift vehicles, which are required to lift large satellites, equipment, and supplies into space, it costs somewhere in the region of $10,000 to lift a single pound ($22,000/kg) into orbit around the Earth. It costs even more if you want to propel that mass out of the Earth’s gravity and over to Mars. For sending astronauts into space, though, NASA currently pays around $70 million per seat aboard the Soyuz space capsule. (A crewed version of SpaceX’s Dragon capsule, DragonRider, is in development, which will reduce the cost per seat to $20 million — but it won’t launch until 2015 at the earliest.)

SpaceX prepares to take the biggest step towards affordable space travel: Soft landing the Falcon 9 rocket (updated) | ExtremeTech

NASA's new budget has gutted planetary science missions as well as a number of programs for future missions like the Mars Rovers etc. Its new focus is to build capability to go after an asteroid park it near the moon and by 2025 send Astronauts to explore it. It would seem that NASA would spend its time and our money more on rapidly repairing the damage to the manned space capabilities they let slip into oblivion because of their mismanagement. Companies like Space X, ULA, Blue Origin, and Sierra Nevada all are working on various different manned systems and have been since the last shuttle flight in 2011 and before that. One would think that someone at NASA might get the bright idea to focus all these various different manned projects into a program that gives NASA some capability.
We're the same age, moron, 47 years married in June, Nam vet, BUT I retired from my own business.

Because the Russian, is everything I wish our limp wristed pansy isn't, and YOU can't see it, is a SAD reflection on you.

The Russian is a coldeyed bully who has a lot less smarts than smarts than I initially thought he had. I would not have any American President emulate him. Everything he aquired in Crimea, he could have gotten without the confrontation. The affects can only hurt Russia.

We will not go to war over Crimea, it would be a loser in any case. Simply look at the map, and figure our our losses going in. But we can make the economy of Russia suffer in a major way. And the Eastern European nations are being driven closer to the EU and the US . They will regard NATO as their only hope now. That isolates Russia even further.

So, fellow, tell us just what you would do in this situation were you President.

Large scale training mission in Poland..........Military exercises hopefully with NATO countries into Poland in support of a fellow NATO member. While it wouldn't completely fix the situation in Ukraine, it would send a clear message to Putin that this isn't a game, and it would show NATO unity in the show of force.

Putin of course would get ticked off and threaten to cut off the pipelines to Europe, and we counter with OK we will supply them by reversing the flow. Russian needs the economy of the pipelines..................

It's a game of chess...........In your face policy as it was back when we had the cold war.

I'd warn again that Europe would feel the pain more than we would. So I'd have to get them on board as their fuel could be shut off as a result.

As the US is finding out right now, there is no way to cut off the Russian sale of oil to Europe without the cooperation of the Europeans. And they aren't giving it. We COULD have some sort of embargo against Europe unless they adopt our policies but it wouldn't work out very well.

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