Russia Sucks at War

1941-45: near catastrophe, but ultimate victory thanks to massive US & UK economic and strategic aid
Hollywood movies have brainwashed Americans into thinking the US military almost single handedly won WWll in Europe.
But the truth is almost 90% of German soldiers killed, wounded, or captured, happened fighting against the Russians on the Eastern front.
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Ukrainian hackers of the Cyber-Bandera group have published a screenshot of an SMS message from an admiral of the russian cavalry, where he admits that the russian army has run out of missiles long time ago and they are shooting at ukrainian oil depots with logs stuffed with chinese firecrackers. And they are also forced to steal gasoline from ukrainian cars to refuel their tanks.
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In terms of the economic war going on, I imagine those who have grown used to swimming in oceans of liquidity based on the export of debt/dollar hegemony might have to start crying a river.

That ocean is probably gonna dry up.

Gonna need to get that fishing boat back to safety some how.

Heh heh...
Hollywood movies have brainwashed Americans into thinking the US military almost single handedly won WWll in Europe.
But the truth is almost 90% of German soldiers killed, wounded, or captured, happened fighting against the Russians on the Eastern front.

With massive American and British help.

I've seen an interview with a General who said he had done a lot of in-person analysis of their military and came away surprised at how mediocre it was, from equipment to leadership to planning.
Mariupol was practically taken in 4 weeks (plus a sweep from the remnants of the nazis for probably another 2-3 weeks) by a small group of troops (estimates were given of about 7-8 thousand) against the AFU of which there were "officially" 14.5 thousand people. The ratio is 1:2.
For comparison, Mosul was taken in 8 months (plus it was cleaned from Islamists for another 3-4 months) by a group of about 100 thousand people, against 9-10 thousand defending Islamists. The ratio is 1:10.
Aleppo, with a similar number as Mariupol (400-450 thousand people), was defended for 2 years, so a person writing about the weakness of the russian army is either a fool, or a russian spy, trying to show the strength of the russians as very weak. a person writing about the weakness of the russian army is either a fool, or a russian spy, trying to show the strength of the russians as very weak.
Well, I'm certainly willing to take your word over that over an experienced American General doing thorough analysis of the Russia army on an in-person basis.
Well, I'm certainly willing to take your word over that over an experienced American General doing thorough analysis of the Russia army on an in-person basis.
Are you saying that an american general always tells only the truth, and not what is popular in political circles?

Are you saying that an american general always tells only the truth, and not what is popular in political circles?
No, YOU said that, silly.

Is it more likely that an American General reporting on his observations is more believable than some guy on an internet message board?

Yeah, I'd say that. I don't need you to agree.
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