Russia Wins, USA Loses, Navy SEALS Disgraced as bonus

USA Seals and USA Military should follow their own 'roe' rather than some 'international' 'roe' Camp .
What Rules of Engagement are you talking about? Do American rules allow for Trophy photos of Americans posing with dead enemy bodies?

You don't take pictures of your kill when you go hunting?

He murdered unarmed women and children. His team testified against him. They don't want him anywhere near them.

So what's Eddie going to do, wash dishes at the base? No commander will put him back in the field, and that's a decision cadet bonespurs doesn't get to make.

Eddie is retiring Nov.30.
He didn't murder anyone, he was acquitted of the false charges made against him.

He posed for a picture with a number of other people with the ISIS terrorist he killed by stabbing him in the neck.

Eddie is a hero who was on the front lines protecting your sorry ass.

He's retiring because he was pardoned by the criminal in the White house. And that's the only reason he will be able to retire.

If it was up to the Navy, and his Seal team members, he would be in prison. What a Trump cock sucker thinks is irrelevant.

He may be retiring, but his name is shit among the other Seal's.

That's some big victory you got there moron.
He's retiring because he was pardoned by the criminal in the White house. And that's the only reason he will be able to retire.

If it was up to the Navy, and his Seal team members, he would be in prison. What a Trump cock sucker thinks is irrelevant.

He may be retiring, but his name is shit among the other Seal's.

That's some big victory you got there moron.
America Haters sure get triggered when we kill terrorists. But not so much when we send them pallets of cash.
USA Seals and USA Military should follow their own 'roe' rather than some 'international' 'roe' Camp .
What Rules of Engagement are you talking about? Do American rules allow for Trophy photos of Americans posing with dead enemy bodies?

You don't take pictures of your kill when you go hunting?

He murdered unarmed women and children. His team testified against him. They don't want him anywhere near them.

So what's Eddie going to do, wash dishes at the base? No commander will put him back in the field, and that's a decision cadet bonespurs doesn't get to make.

Eddie is retiring Nov.30.
He didn't murder anyone, he was acquitted of the false charges made against him.

He posed for a picture with a number of other people with the ISIS terrorist he killed by stabbing him in the neck.

Eddie is a hero who was on the front lines protecting your sorry ass.

He's retiring because he was pardoned by the criminal in the White house. And that's the only reason he will be able to retire.

If it was up to the Navy, and his Seal team members, he would be in prison. What a Trump cock sucker thinks is irrelevant.

He may be retiring, but his name is shit among the other Seal's.

That's some big victory you got there moron.
------------------------------------------------ SO WHAT , it may be that I and others would consider Gallaghers ' navy seal' detractors as Enemies and who cares what Enemies think eh Skews ?? Other 'seals' that hate Gallagher may be Pajama Boy 'seals' as far as i am aware and simply need to be cleaned out of the USA Military Skews ,
America has had its ass kicked by Russia in a war of sanctions and global propaganda that began after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. America was winning for a couple of years, but Donald Trump turned the winning into a loss and as a bonus, created a dishonor scandal with Navy SEALS which has irreparably damaged the reputation of all SEALS forever.

The only real "Russia wins" scenario is if a Dem wins in 2020 and manages to ban or put severe restrictions of Fracking.
USA Seals and USA Military should follow their own 'roe' rather than some 'international' 'roe' Camp .
What Rules of Engagement are you talking about? Do American rules allow for Trophy photos of Americans posing with dead enemy bodies?

You don't take pictures of your kill when you go hunting?

He murdered unarmed women and children. His team testified against him. They don't want him anywhere near them.

So what's Eddie going to do, wash dishes at the base? No commander will put him back in the field, and that's a decision cadet bonespurs doesn't get to make.

Eddie is retiring Nov.30.
He didn't murder anyone, he was acquitted of the false charges made against him.

He posed for a picture with a number of other people with the ISIS terrorist he killed by stabbing him in the neck.

Eddie is a hero who was on the front lines protecting your sorry ass.

He's retiring because he was pardoned by the criminal in the White house. And that's the only reason he will be able to retire.

If it was up to the Navy, and his Seal team members, he would be in prison. What a Trump cock sucker thinks is irrelevant.

He may be retiring, but his name is shit among the other Seal's.

That's some big victory you got there moron.
---------------------------------------------- maybe the NAVY was too much infected by 'mrobamas' perfumed princes and the Navy can't be trusted anymore Skews
USA Seals and USA Military should follow their own 'roe' rather than some 'international' 'roe' Camp .
What Rules of Engagement are you talking about? Do American rules allow for Trophy photos of Americans posing with dead enemy bodies?
Obviously not.

Sending someone to jail for it is pretty stupid.
America has had its ass kicked by Russia in a war of sanctions and global propaganda that began after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. America was winning for a couple of years, but Donald Trump turned the winning into a loss and as a bonus, created a dishonor scandal with Navy SEALS which has irreparably damaged the reputation of all SEALS forever.
ISIS fanboy
USA Seals and USA Military should follow their own 'roe' rather than some 'international' 'roe' Camp .
What Rules of Engagement are you talking about? Do American rules allow for Trophy photos of Americans posing with dead enemy bodies?

You don't take pictures of your kill when you go hunting?

He murdered unarmed women and children. His team testified against him. They don't want him anywhere near them.

So what's Eddie going to do, wash dishes at the base? No commander will put him back in the field, and that's a decision cadet bonespurs doesn't get to make.

Eddie is retiring Nov.30.
He didn't murder anyone, he was acquitted of the false charges made against him.

He posed for a picture with a number of other people with the ISIS terrorist he killed by stabbing him in the neck.

Eddie is a hero who was on the front lines protecting your sorry ass.

He's retiring because he was pardoned by the criminal in the White house. And that's the only reason he will be able to retire.

If it was up to the Navy, and his Seal team members, he would be in prison. What a Trump cock sucker thinks is irrelevant.

He may be retiring, but his name is shit among the other Seal's.

That's some big victory you got there moron.
Says someone that doesn’t know jack shit about the military

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