Russian Collusion, Abuse of Power, Obstructing Congress, Ukraine Briber, Abuse of Power, Obstructing

If it is foreign policy why did the Dimwitocraps try to blame President Trump, for what Joe Biden did? Are they abusing their powers?

Because everyone agreed in the State Dept that the prosecutor needed to be fired. The idea came from the embassy and was agreed to by Obama.

Wheras with Trump, he was pushing his policy just by himself, for himself.
What??? Everyone in the US State Dept decided The Ukraine's prosecutor "needed to be fired?" How about if China decided our gov't officials had to go?

Do you even listen to the silliness that bounces around in your pinhead before posting it?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up.
So if everyone in the Ukraine State Dept decided that Obama needed to be Fired, the Democrats would fire Obama? IS that how it works.

Again, as I responded to the other poster, if Ukraine wants to keep their corrupt prosecutors, we can keep our foreign aid. That's how it works when you're supporting someone. You have the opportunity to attach strings to it.
Seems to me that the corruption was from the Obama Ukraine team, and 1 prosecutor wanted to clean up his country and Joe the groper decided he was going to Quid Pro Quo his ass.

Was the prosecutor trying to clean up his country? What do you base that on?
The Ukraine President gets no WH meeting but the prime minister from russia the country that attacked our ally does?
Are all you republicans AH's or is there one with a brain?
the ukraine president did get a WH visit. hmmmmmm you're strange dude. when hate blinds you to reality it must suck huh?
Because everyone agreed in the State Dept that the prosecutor needed to be fired. The idea came from the embassy and was agreed to by Obama.

Wheras with Trump, he was pushing his policy just by himself, for himself.
What??? Everyone in the US State Dept decided The Ukraine's prosecutor "needed to be fired?" How about if China decided our gov't officials had to go?

Do you even listen to the silliness that bounces around in your pinhead before posting it?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up.
So if everyone in the Ukraine State Dept decided that Obama needed to be Fired, the Democrats would fire Obama? IS that how it works.

Again, as I responded to the other poster, if Ukraine wants to keep their corrupt prosecutors, we can keep our foreign aid. That's how it works when you're supporting someone. You have the opportunity to attach strings to it.
Seems to me that the corruption was from the Obama Ukraine team, and 1 prosecutor wanted to clean up his country and Joe the groper decided he was going to Quid Pro Quo his ass.

Was the prosecutor trying to clean up his country? What do you base that on?
how would Biden know? hey what country are you in?
The Ukraine President gets no WH meeting but the prime minister from russia the country that attacked our ally does?
Are all you republicans AH's or is there one with a brain?
the ukraine president did get a WH visit. hmmmmmm you're strange dude. when hate blinds you to reality it must suck huh?
That’s not true.
It's my version. you all get fake versions, why not me?
That’s not an abuse of power, it’s foreign policy.
If it is foreign policy why did the Dimwitocraps try to blame President Trump, for what Joe Biden did? Are they abusing their powers?

Because everyone agreed in the State Dept that the prosecutor needed to be fired. The idea came from the embassy and was agreed to by Obama.

Wheras with Trump, he was pushing his policy just by himself, for himself.
What??? Everyone in the US State Dept decided The Ukraine's prosecutor "needed to be fired?" How about if China decided our gov't officials had to go?

Do you even listen to the silliness that bounces around in your pinhead before posting it?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up.
So if everyone in the Ukraine State Dept decided that Obama needed to be Fired, the Democrats would fire Obama? IS that how it works.

Again, as I responded to the other poster, if Ukraine wants to keep their corrupt prosecutors, we can keep our foreign aid. That's how it works when you're supporting someone. You have the opportunity to attach strings to it.
Who's we? I thought you were in another country. hmmmm since when do you count here?
The Ukraine President gets no WH meeting but the prime minister from russia the country that attacked our ally does?
Are all you republicans AH's or is there one with a brain?
the ukraine president did get a WH visit. hmmmmmm you're strange dude. when hate blinds you to reality it must suck huh?
That’s not true.
It's my version. you all get fake versions, why not me?
Your version defies reality.

Quick question. Is the White House in New York?
Because everyone agreed in the State Dept that the prosecutor needed to be fired. The idea came from the embassy and was agreed to by Obama.

Wheras with Trump, he was pushing his policy just by himself, for himself.
What??? Everyone in the US State Dept decided The Ukraine's prosecutor "needed to be fired?" How about if China decided our gov't officials had to go?

Do you even listen to the silliness that bounces around in your pinhead before posting it?

FFS ... I can't stand another day of your monumentally leftarded STUPIDITY. GTF up.
So if everyone in the Ukraine State Dept decided that Obama needed to be Fired, the Democrats would fire Obama? IS that how it works.

Again, as I responded to the other poster, if Ukraine wants to keep their corrupt prosecutors, we can keep our foreign aid. That's how it works when you're supporting someone. You have the opportunity to attach strings to it.
Seems to me that the corruption was from the Obama Ukraine team, and 1 prosecutor wanted to clean up his country and Joe the groper decided he was going to Quid Pro Quo his ass.

Was the prosecutor trying to clean up his country? What do you base that on?
why does it matter to creepy, sleepy joe?
The Ukraine President gets no WH meeting but the prime minister from russia the country that attacked our ally does?
Are all you republicans AH's or is there one with a brain?
the ukraine president did get a WH visit. hmmmmmm you're strange dude. when hate blinds you to reality it must suck huh?
That’s not true.
It's my version. you all get fake versions, why not me?
Your version defies reality.

Quick question. Is the White House in New York?
yo, are you in the US?
So back when it was found out that Hillary had purchased the Steele Dossier to try to get James Comey(A liberal LIAR) to bring charges against the President who was duly elected "by the people" and have him removed from office, we saw how the Dimwitocraps had a kangaroo court with Herr Mueller "trying" to find any dirt on the president, which there was no Collusion, No Abuse of Power, No Obstruction. Fast forward 1 year later, no dirt from the Mueller Report so the Dimwitocraps have accused the President of Quid Pro Quo of Ukraine, then the low information voters of the left, who have no idea what it means, got "bribery" of Ukraine, still that didnt work, now the Dimwitocraps are repeating the Abuse of Power, and Obstruction. Neither rise to the level of impeachment of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Dimwitocraps are setting a new precedence for impeachment, like they did with Harry Reid's "nuclear" deal with justices. President Trump isnt going to be impeached, but if a Dimwitocrap president ever does get back in power, they can be accused of anything and it will be impeachment for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. If I were a liberal(but I cant be because my IQ is over 130) I would be on the phone right now telling Nanny Blinkie Pelosi, Jerry(the 2 ton) Nadler and Braindead Lying Adam Schit, to knock it off, because in 2020, the country is going so far to the right, it will take 3 generations to ever see a Dimwitocrap in any power...

Why would Abuse of Power or Obstruction of Congress from performing its Constitutional duties NOT be impeachable? Both are patently against "the rules."
Ignoring a pouting child is not child abuse. Nor is it an impeachable offense.
The Ukraine President gets no WH meeting but the prime minister from russia the country that attacked our ally does? Are all you republicans AH's or is there one with a brain?
As Michael Corleone said, "it's best to keep your friends close and your enemies closer" but when you are elected POTUS you will get to determine our foreign policy and how it is to be implemented. Your biggest obstacle being we no longer elect whiny leftarded snowflakes - we are definitely over all that - so you are out of luck.

Obama to Lefties: Get Over Being 'Woke'

Obama Says Democrats Don't Always Need To Be 'Politically Woke'
So back when it was found out that Hillary had purchased the Steele Dossier to try to get James Comey(A liberal LIAR) to bring charges against the President who was duly elected "by the people" and have him removed from office, we saw how the Dimwitocraps had a kangaroo court with Herr Mueller "trying" to find any dirt on the president, which there was no Collusion, No Abuse of Power, No Obstruction. Fast forward 1 year later, no dirt from the Mueller Report so the Dimwitocraps have accused the President of Quid Pro Quo of Ukraine, then the low information voters of the left, who have no idea what it means, got "bribery" of Ukraine, still that didnt work, now the Dimwitocraps are repeating the Abuse of Power, and Obstruction. Neither rise to the level of impeachment of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Dimwitocraps are setting a new precedence for impeachment, like they did with Harry Reid's "nuclear" deal with justices. President Trump isnt going to be impeached, but if a Dimwitocrap president ever does get back in power, they can be accused of anything and it will be impeachment for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. If I were a liberal(but I cant be because my IQ is over 130) I would be on the phone right now telling Nanny Blinkie Pelosi, Jerry(the 2 ton) Nadler and Braindead Lying Adam Schit, to knock it off, because in 2020, the country is going so far to the right, it will take 3 generations to ever see a Dimwitocrap in any power...

Why would Abuse of Power or Obstruction of Congress from performing its Constitutional duties NOT be impeachable? Both are patently against "the rules."
Ignoring a pouting child is not child abuse. Nor is it an impeachable offense.
Do you think Trump is interested in having the truth be known?
The Ukraine President gets no WH meeting but the prime minister from russia the country that attacked our ally does?
Are all you republicans AH's or is there one with a brain?
the ukraine president did get a WH visit. hmmmmmm you're strange dude. when hate blinds you to reality it must suck huh?
That’s not true.
It's my version. you all get fake versions, why not me?
Your version defies reality.

Quick question. Is the White House in New York?
yo, are you in the US?
the ukraine president did get a WH visit. hmmmmmm you're strange dude. when hate blinds you to reality it must suck huh?
That’s not true.
It's my version. you all get fake versions, why not me?
Your version defies reality.

Quick question. Is the White House in New York?
yo, are you in the US?
why did the dude say you weren't?
So back when it was found out that Hillary had purchased the Steele Dossier to try to get James Comey(A liberal LIAR) to bring charges against the President who was duly elected "by the people" and have him removed from office, we saw how the Dimwitocraps had a kangaroo court with Herr Mueller "trying" to find any dirt on the president, which there was no Collusion, No Abuse of Power, No Obstruction. Fast forward 1 year later, no dirt from the Mueller Report so the Dimwitocraps have accused the President of Quid Pro Quo of Ukraine, then the low information voters of the left, who have no idea what it means, got "bribery" of Ukraine, still that didnt work, now the Dimwitocraps are repeating the Abuse of Power, and Obstruction. Neither rise to the level of impeachment of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Dimwitocraps are setting a new precedence for impeachment, like they did with Harry Reid's "nuclear" deal with justices. President Trump isnt going to be impeached, but if a Dimwitocrap president ever does get back in power, they can be accused of anything and it will be impeachment for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. If I were a liberal(but I cant be because my IQ is over 130) I would be on the phone right now telling Nanny Blinkie Pelosi, Jerry(the 2 ton) Nadler and Braindead Lying Adam Schit, to knock it off, because in 2020, the country is going so far to the right, it will take 3 generations to ever see a Dimwitocrap in any power...

Why would Abuse of Power or Obstruction of Congress from performing its Constitutional duties NOT be impeachable? Both are patently against "the rules."
Ignoring a pouting child is not child abuse. Nor is it an impeachable offense.
A petulant kid should be admonished to STFU when in public but ignoring or tough-loving the little twit is critical to their growth and something not enough Americans do these days. We are raising too many who think whining is how one gets what they want. Tough love:
One thing about you righties is that you offer nothing. Just playground taunts, which just make me roll my eyes.
At one time, we on the right were quite civil, but then you dickwads got real nasty. So we gave up trying to enlighten you and play in the gutter right along with you retards. Only way we can get through to you.
I'm concerned that Senate Repubs will not press their advantage if the Hysterical House Dems send their incredibly lame articles along for trial. They seem too eager to give the latter a free pass for what have been 3 years of unhinged words and actions.

Both Lindsey G and The Grim Reaper (McConnell) are already on record for a quick, no-witness trial. In other words, no consequences.
So back when it was found out that Hillary had purchased the Steele Dossier to try to get James Comey(A liberal LIAR) to bring charges against the President who was duly elected "by the people" and have him removed from office, we saw how the Dimwitocraps had a kangaroo court with Herr Mueller "trying" to find any dirt on the president, which there was no Collusion, No Abuse of Power, No Obstruction. Fast forward 1 year later, no dirt from the Mueller Report so the Dimwitocraps have accused the President of Quid Pro Quo of Ukraine, then the low information voters of the left, who have no idea what it means, got "bribery" of Ukraine, still that didnt work, now the Dimwitocraps are repeating the Abuse of Power, and Obstruction. Neither rise to the level of impeachment of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Dimwitocraps are setting a new precedence for impeachment, like they did with Harry Reid's "nuclear" deal with justices. President Trump isnt going to be impeached, but if a Dimwitocrap president ever does get back in power, they can be accused of anything and it will be impeachment for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. If I were a liberal(but I cant be because my IQ is over 130) I would be on the phone right now telling Nanny Blinkie Pelosi, Jerry(the 2 ton) Nadler and Braindead Lying Adam Schit, to knock it off, because in 2020, the country is going so far to the right, it will take 3 generations to ever see a Dimwitocrap in any power...

Why would Abuse of Power or Obstruction of Congress from performing its Constitutional duties NOT be impeachable? Both are patently against "the rules."
Ignoring a pouting child is not child abuse. Nor is it an impeachable offense.
Do you think Trump is interested in having the truth be known?
You think 3 years of Dems trying to fabricate some "truth" from whole cloth have been successful? The House seems to have raised the white flag by authoring articles of impeachment that include no high crimes and no hard evidence.

And no … screaming "he's guilty" at the top of your lungs is not hard evidence.

Aaaarrrgh!!! Impeach!!!

So back when it was found out that Hillary had purchased the Steele Dossier to try to get James Comey(A liberal LIAR) to bring charges against the President who was duly elected "by the people" and have him removed from office, we saw how the Dimwitocraps had a kangaroo court with Herr Mueller "trying" to find any dirt on the president, which there was no Collusion, No Abuse of Power, No Obstruction. Fast forward 1 year later, no dirt from the Mueller Report so the Dimwitocraps have accused the President of Quid Pro Quo of Ukraine, then the low information voters of the left, who have no idea what it means, got "bribery" of Ukraine, still that didnt work, now the Dimwitocraps are repeating the Abuse of Power, and Obstruction. Neither rise to the level of impeachment of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Dimwitocraps are setting a new precedence for impeachment, like they did with Harry Reid's "nuclear" deal with justices. President Trump isnt going to be impeached, but if a Dimwitocrap president ever does get back in power, they can be accused of anything and it will be impeachment for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. If I were a liberal(but I cant be because my IQ is over 130) I would be on the phone right now telling Nanny Blinkie Pelosi, Jerry(the 2 ton) Nadler and Braindead Lying Adam Schit, to knock it off, because in 2020, the country is going so far to the right, it will take 3 generations to ever see a Dimwitocrap in any power...

Why would Abuse of Power or Obstruction of Congress from performing its Constitutional duties NOT be impeachable? Both are patently against "the rules."
Ignoring a pouting child is not child abuse. Nor is it an impeachable offense.
Do you think Trump is interested in having the truth be known?
You think 3 years of Dems trying to fabricate some "truth" from whole cloth have been successful? The House seems to have raised the white flag by authoring articles of impeachment that include no high crimes and no hard evidence.

And no … screaming "he's guilty" at the top of your lungs is not hard evidence.

Aaaarrrgh!!! Impeach!!!


I see people trying to find the truth and I see people that are trying to make it seem like there is no truth. I’m very worried about the latter.
So back when it was found out that Hillary had purchased the Steele Dossier to try to get James Comey(A liberal LIAR) to bring charges against the President who was duly elected "by the people" and have him removed from office, we saw how the Dimwitocraps had a kangaroo court with Herr Mueller "trying" to find any dirt on the president, which there was no Collusion, No Abuse of Power, No Obstruction. Fast forward 1 year later, no dirt from the Mueller Report so the Dimwitocraps have accused the President of Quid Pro Quo of Ukraine, then the low information voters of the left, who have no idea what it means, got "bribery" of Ukraine, still that didnt work, now the Dimwitocraps are repeating the Abuse of Power, and Obstruction. Neither rise to the level of impeachment of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Dimwitocraps are setting a new precedence for impeachment, like they did with Harry Reid's "nuclear" deal with justices. President Trump isnt going to be impeached, but if a Dimwitocrap president ever does get back in power, they can be accused of anything and it will be impeachment for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. If I were a liberal(but I cant be because my IQ is over 130) I would be on the phone right now telling Nanny Blinkie Pelosi, Jerry(the 2 ton) Nadler and Braindead Lying Adam Schit, to knock it off, because in 2020, the country is going so far to the right, it will take 3 generations to ever see a Dimwitocrap in any power...

Why would Abuse of Power or Obstruction of Congress from performing its Constitutional duties NOT be impeachable? Both are patently against "the rules."
Ignoring a pouting child is not child abuse. Nor is it an impeachable offense.
Do you think Trump is interested in having the truth be known?
You think 3 years of Dems trying to fabricate some "truth" from whole cloth have been successful? The House seems to have raised the white flag by authoring articles of impeachment that include no high crimes and no hard evidence.

And no … screaming "he's guilty" at the top of your lungs is not hard evidence.

Aaaarrrgh!!! Impeach!!!


I see people trying to find the truth and I see people that are trying to make it seem like there is no truth. I’m very worried about the latter.
I see people pretending to know the truth when in fact they know nothing but the raging hatred that seethes within them.

With apologies to R Reagan:
It's not only that our leftarded "friends" are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what they know just ain't so.

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