Russian Collusion: Democrats Attempt to Wreck North Korea DeNuclearization

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Not only did these cowards try to attack The President when he was out of the country by giving a known liar, felon, 7 hours of air time to lie again resulting in more criminal referrals for him, they colluded with Russia itself to try to disrupt and wreck the Peace talks.

I think the Democrat's Collusion with Russia is also going to crash their 2020 political aspirations as well.

'Drunk' Russian sailor crashes massive cargo ship into South Korean bridge


I have to ask, was it Hillary Clinton piloting this ship, and are her friends covering for her, extricating her from yet another shipwreck she got herself in to?

And is the excuse for her drunken piloting of this ship in to this bridge in South Korea going to be that she was too stupid to know that piloting a ship like this while intoxicated is a crime?
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Everything these cock suckers touch turns to shit. I do hope there is an awakening in 2020. Trump a 2nd term republican house and senate. Hopefully all the liberal trash will commit world wide suicide.
Everything these cock suckers touch turns to shit. I do hope there is an awakening in 2020. Trump a 2nd term republican house and senate. Hopefully all the liberal trash will commit world wide suicide.
I just have a feeling these whacked out liberals and their party of sin, sedition and divisiveness, are going to hand Trump a Super Majority in 2020.

After 2024, though I expect the world to go to Hell, and Evil to begin to reign on Earth. You can feel the seething hatred and evil on The Left already.

Once they gain complete control of our Government, The Apocalypse will be ushered in.

America is prosperous because America is good. Take away our goodness, and we become like any other Nation, and with no moral and ethical restraints, we descend in to darkness.

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