Russian govts have always been the devil since Lenin.


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
If there is some criminal activity causing malevolence, murder, subjugation or chaos in another nation, you can be pretty sure Russia will often be head of the fomenters. It has always been a major mission of theirs. The latest is their hyper-zeal for cyber crimes. Funny what code of "honor" or rules they deploy to the criminals within their borders.

Russian Cybercrime Rule No. 1: Don't Hack Russians

Russian Cybercrime Rule No. 1: Don't Hack Russians

Mathew J. Schwartz (euroinfosec) • September 14, 2015

Russian cybercriminals must pledge allegiance to not hacking Russians, as well as helping authorities.

Security experts trace many of the world's cybercrime attacks to Russia, as well as other former Soviet bloc countries. But they say the challenge with battling Russia-based criminals has long been two-fold: Russian hackers are allowed to operate with impunity, and Russia rarely - if ever - extradites any of its citizens (see How Do We Catch Cybercrime Kingpins?).

But while Russia might seem to offer an anything-goes environment for homegrown cybercriminals, the reality is a bit more nuanced. For years, I've been hearing from security experts that there are two unwritten cybercrime rules for Russians, plus another one I'll throw in for good measure:

Rules For Russian Cybercriminals
  • Rule No. 1: Russians must not hack Russians, or anyone else in a nation that formerly was part of the Soviet Union.
  • Rule No. 2: If a Russian intelligence service asks for your help, you provide it.
  • Rule no. 3: Watch where you vacation.
The third rule is a reference to the seeming blanket prohibition on Russian authorities ever extraditing Russians. As a result, when another country - say, the United States - wants to bust an alleged Russian hacker, it tends to wait until they pass through a friendly country. Witness the arrests of suspects in the Maldives, Frankfurt, Cyprus and Amsterdam.

As cybercrime continues to get worse - and more players enter the field - it's notable that at least one of the above rules is no longer unwritten, Max Goncharov, a threat researcher at the security firm Trend Micro, says in a recent update on the Russian cybercrime underground (see Why Russian Cybercrime Markets Are Thriving). "The underground market isn't very articulate about the ends toward which products sold should be used, but sometimes, users find a disclaimer stating that Russia shouldn't be a target of any malicious activity," he says.

Russia bad.

Rest of the world are angelic.

well ----tiny--------CATHERINE ----was no bargain----nor was Peter the great-------the Russian novels always confused me because of the weird way that they create their
names------but one thing always came across-------those people are really damned
COLD. The whole tenor of the society seemed to be------"the serfs are shit and we-----THE ARISTOCRACY ----wish we were French" In fact ------the manner in which the French treated the "peasants" was similar to the manner in which the
Russians-----treated the bulk of the population.. CHERKOV-----did it for me----
and---TURGENEV (spelling?) and ----that DOSTOVIESKY (spelling) told
me more than I wanted to know of Russian society and governance. It did not
start with Lenin or Stalin. not nice----cold and hungry

Russia bad.

Rest of the world are angelic.
there's that Pootin fluffer herself...

Beats the crap out of discovering how really really bad western Ukes. Thank heavens mine left and weren't part of being NAZIS.

Don't you get that smart ass yet? Western Ukes are NAZIS. Always have been and have not stopped.

Oh gee. Look at at Lvov. Look at all the good Nazi Ukes we support.


Inhumane: Backed by their new Nazi occupiers, Ukrainian mobs would rip women's clothes off in the streets during organised riots known as Pogroms

Read more: Secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'holocaust of bullets' killing centre
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Tell me about Putin. He's done no evil to my people. But Western Ukrainians have so much to answer for.

I'll dance with you. More love from Ukrainians in the west.


Russia bad.

Rest of the world are angelic.

well ----tiny--------CATHERINE ----was no bargain----nor was Peter the great-------the Russian novels always confused me because of the weird way that they create their
names------but one thing always came across-------those people are really damned
COLD. The whole tenor of the society seemed to be------"the serfs are shit and we-----THE ARISTOCRACY ----wish we were French" In fact ------the manner in which the French treated the "peasants" was similar to the manner in which the
Russians-----treated the bulk of the population.. CHERKOV-----did it for me----
and---TURGENEV (spelling?) and ----that DOSTOVIESKY (spelling) told
me more than I wanted to know of Russian society and governance. It did not
start with Lenin or Stalin. not nice----cold and hungry

I thought you would care what happened to the Jews in Lvov. Oh well you don't.

ETA: that was just bitchy of me and very very wrong. I'm sorry. Please accept my apology.
Last edited:
Waiting for anytime you wish to battle me on the Kiev government that supported and admired Bandera and the Nazis.

WARNING: I not only have it hands down but because I was so pissed off at the garden today, me and my ancient computer discovered that Bandera's grandson was born in Canada. And moved back to the Ukraine.

Russia bad.

Rest of the world are angelic.

well ----tiny--------CATHERINE ----was no bargain----nor was Peter the great-------the Russian novels always confused me because of the weird way that they create their
names------but one thing always came across-------those people are really damned
COLD. The whole tenor of the society seemed to be------"the serfs are shit and we-----THE ARISTOCRACY ----wish we were French" In fact ------the manner in which the French treated the "peasants" was similar to the manner in which the
Russians-----treated the bulk of the population.. CHERKOV-----did it for me----
and---TURGENEV (spelling?) and ----that DOSTOVIESKY (spelling) told
me more than I wanted to know of Russian society and governance. It did not
start with Lenin or Stalin. not nice----cold and hungry

Not getting where you are going with this dearheart. But this is blowing my mind. I'm finding out history that is breaking my heart. I knew a bit of it. But not like this.

Russia bad.

Rest of the world are angelic.
there's that Pootin fluffer herself...

Beats the crap out of discovering how really really bad western Ukes. Thank heavens mine left and weren't part of being NAZIS.

Don't you get that smart ass yet? Western Ukes are NAZIS. Always have been and have not stopped.

Oh gee. Look at at Lvov. Look at all the good Nazi Ukes we support.


Inhumane: Backed by their new Nazi occupiers, Ukrainian mobs would rip women's clothes off in the streets during organised riots known as Pogroms

Read more: Secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'holocaust of bullets' killing centre
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It is not clear to me that WE support them------How do WE support them? It is very clear to me that the people of the western Ukraine have been islamo Nazis ---
for ----a very long time-----but keep in mind how DA JOOOOS got the that area
of the world------they were DEPORTED that area to be buffer victims between Europe and GREAT RUSSIA by islamo Nazi RUSSIAN RULERS who rendered the area one giant GHETTO. Is threre something "off" about my understanding
of that history?
Waiting for anytime you wish to battle me on the Kiev government that supported and admired Bandera and the Nazis.

WARNING: I not only have it hands down but because I was so pissed off at the garden today, me and my ancient computer discovered that Bandera's grandson was born in Canada. And moved back to the Ukraine.

Russia bad.

Rest of the world are angelic.

well ----tiny--------CATHERINE ----was no bargain----nor was Peter the great-------the Russian novels always confused me because of the weird way that they create their
names------but one thing always came across-------those people are really damned
COLD. The whole tenor of the society seemed to be------"the serfs are shit and we-----THE ARISTOCRACY ----wish we were French" In fact ------the manner in which the French treated the "peasants" was similar to the manner in which the
Russians-----treated the bulk of the population.. CHERKOV-----did it for me----
and---TURGENEV (spelling?) and ----that DOSTOVIESKY (spelling) told
me more than I wanted to know of Russian society and governance. It did not
start with Lenin or Stalin. not nice----cold and hungry

Not getting where you are going with this dearheart. But this is blowing my mind. I'm finding out history that is breaking my heart. I knew a bit of it. But not like this.

uhm -------he missed the Verenika (Russian dumpling things-----spelling?) and
the VODKA ---------Da Russians are a COLD, HUNGRY people-------
good cooks and everyone knows how to make vodka from just about anything
from potatoes to laundry starch

Russia bad.

Rest of the world are angelic.

well ----tiny--------CATHERINE ----was no bargain----nor was Peter the great-------the Russian novels always confused me because of the weird way that they create their
names------but one thing always came across-------those people are really damned
COLD. The whole tenor of the society seemed to be------"the serfs are shit and we-----THE ARISTOCRACY ----wish we were French" In fact ------the manner in which the French treated the "peasants" was similar to the manner in which the
Russians-----treated the bulk of the population.. CHERKOV-----did it for me----
and---TURGENEV (spelling?) and ----that DOSTOVIESKY (spelling) told
me more than I wanted to know of Russian society and governance. It did not
start with Lenin or Stalin. not nice----cold and hungry

I thought you would care what happened to the Jews in Lvov. Oh well you don't.

ETA: that was just bitchy of me and very very wrong. I'm sorry. Please accept my apology.

it's ok------the Russians did not care either----

Russia bad.

Rest of the world are angelic.

well ----tiny--------CATHERINE ----was no bargain----nor was Peter the great-------the Russian novels always confused me because of the weird way that they create their
names------but one thing always came across-------those people are really damned
COLD. The whole tenor of the society seemed to be------"the serfs are shit and we-----THE ARISTOCRACY ----wish we were French" In fact ------the manner in which the French treated the "peasants" was similar to the manner in which the
Russians-----treated the bulk of the population.. CHERKOV-----did it for me----
and---TURGENEV (spelling?) and ----that DOSTOVIESKY (spelling) told
me more than I wanted to know of Russian society and governance. It did not
start with Lenin or Stalin. not nice----cold and hungry

I thought you would care what happened to the Jews in Lvov. Oh well you don't.

ETA: that was just bitchy of me and very very wrong. I'm sorry. Please accept my apology.

it's ok------the Russians did not care either----

for that matter-----the poles giggled

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