Russian police arrest boy for reciting Shakespeare


Gold Member
Sep 9, 2016
A 10 year-old boy (Grade 5 in USA) was arrested by a squad of police for reciting Hamlet in a street in Moscau. Video shot on a mobile phone has gone viral showing the distressed by screaming "Help me Help me!".

This is what comes from operating a police state. It is a reminder why the European Union is wary of Putin's designs on wrecking the liberal democracies.
This is what Republican want here in this country. They admire Putin. Think Putin is a "great leader".
President Donald Trump attempted to equate US actions with the authoritarian regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump made the remark during an interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly, saying he respected his Russian counterpart.

"But he's a killer," O'Reilly said to Trump.

"There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?" Trump replied.

It was an unusual assertion coming from the President of the United States.

Trump defends Putin: 'You think our country's so innocent?' -

"He's running his country and at least he's a leader, unlike what we have in this country," Traitor Trump said.
Trump was asked about Gorbachev — who was nearing the end of his time in power. Trump said, “Russia is out of control and the leadership knows it. That’s my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand.

His interviewer asked, “You mean firm hand as in China?” Trump answered, “When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world –”

Trump, He's Always Been a Wannabe Mussolini

Donald says, China ALMOST blew it but THEN brutal China put them down WITH STRENGTH like a good leader SHOULD! :eusa_clap:

This boy is not going to be a supporter of Putin or the police.
I say , who cares !! Russia like 'germany' doesn't have Free Speech so looks like the kid may have been breaking Russian law I guess . Put a 10 year old on some street corner in Germany dressed as 'hitler' and reading 'mein kampf ' out loud and see what happens to him Eloy !!
I say , who cares !! Russia like 'germany' doesn't have Free Speech so looks like the kid may have been breaking Russian law I guess . Put a 10 year old on some street corner in Germany dressed as 'hitler' and reading 'mein kampf ' out loud and see what happens to him Eloy !!
Because Shakespeare is SO like Hitler and Hamlet is SO like Mein Kampf.
Put a 10 year old on some street corner in Germany dressed as 'hitler' and reading 'mein kampf ' out loud and see what happens

MOSCOW (AFP) - The heavy-handed arrest and detention by Moscow police of a 10-year-old boy who had touched passersby by reading poetry on the street shocked Russians on Saturday (May 27).

Officers were shown bundling the screaming boy into a police car in central Moscow as he shouted "Save me!" in distressing cellphone footage aired on Russian TV.

Police claimed the boy, named by media as Oskar Mironov, had been "begging" on the street on Friday evening. They held him at a police station until the early hours.

The boy's father told Russian media his son had been reading poetry aloud while his stepmother sat on a bench nearby.

Russians shocked as police detain boy reciting poetry

keep making excuses for Russia, trumpswab traitors! :lame2:
I say , who cares !! Russia like 'germany' doesn't have Free Speech so looks like the kid may have been breaking Russian law I guess . Put a 10 year old on some street corner in Germany dressed as 'hitler' and reading 'mein kampf ' out loud and see what happens to him Eloy !!
Because Shakespeare is SO like Hitler and Hamlet is SO like Mein Kampf.
------------------------------------------------ Germany like Russia simply doesn't have Free Speech Bodecea !!
OR , maybe the Russian police just took the kid into protective custody as the kid looked out of place in the setting .
but if as Eloy infers in his OP that it was for reading a foreign poem well my example still stands as neither Germany or Russia allows FREE SPEECH Ladies and Gents !!
MOSCOW (AFP) - The heavy-handed arrest and detention by Moscow police of a 10-year-old boy who had touched passersby by reading poetry on the street shocked Russians on Saturday (May 27).

Officers were shown bundling the screaming boy into a police car in central Moscow as he shouted "Save me!" in distressing cellphone footage aired on Russian TV.

Police claimed the boy, named by media as Oskar Mironov, had been "begging" on the street on Friday evening. They held him at a police station until the early hours.

The boy's father told Russian media his son had been reading poetry aloud while his stepmother sat on a bench nearby.

Russians shocked as police detain boy reciting poetry

keep making excuses for Russia, trumpswab traitors! :lame2:
It was reported in THE TIMES on Monday that the boy's father who is a designer and composer denied his son was begging, explaining that his son had a bag like a busker's which people could throw coins into if they chose. "He said that his son was training to act and that a speech therapist had recommended that he practised speaking publicly to overcome a problem with his diction." (page 31).
but on the general topic of USA Russia Trump and Putin . It makes sense to get along with the Russians . Don't we have a USA - Russian space travel partnership going on with the Russians currently or just a few years ago [not that I like that because in scientific endeavors I think that the USA should stay independent and pound Russia into the ground] , But yeah , we fought ww2 with Russia/soviets as allies and Hilary tried doing some silly reset with the Russians and Reagan and Gorby were getting along pretty good . ---------- And hey , the Russians are a majority Christian country Ladies and Gents !!
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MOSCOW (AFP) - The heavy-handed arrest and detention by Moscow police of a 10-year-old boy who had touched passersby by reading poetry on the street shocked Russians on Saturday (May 27).

Officers were shown bundling the screaming boy into a police car in central Moscow as he shouted "Save me!" in distressing cellphone footage aired on Russian TV.

Police claimed the boy, named by media as Oskar Mironov, had been "begging" on the street on Friday evening. They held him at a police station until the early hours.

The boy's father told Russian media his son had been reading poetry aloud while his stepmother sat on a bench nearby.

Russians shocked as police detain boy reciting poetry

keep making excuses for Russia, trumpswab traitors! :lame2:
It was reported in THE TIMES on Monday that the boy's father who is a designer and composer denied his son was begging, explaining that his son had a bag like a busker's which people could throw coins into if they chose. "He said that his son was training to act and that a speech therapist had recommended that he practised speaking publicly to overcome a problem with his diction." (page 31).
---------------------------------------------- excuses , excuses old and young criminals or beggars always have excuses Eloy !!
I say , who cares !! Russia like 'germany' doesn't have Free Speech so looks like the kid may have been breaking Russian law I guess . Put a 10 year old on some street corner in Germany dressed as 'hitler' and reading 'mein kampf ' out loud and see what happens to him Eloy !!
Because Shakespeare is SO like Hitler and Hamlet is SO like Mein Kampf.
------------------------------------------------ Germany like Russia simply doesn't have Free Speech Bodecea !!
That makes your ridiculous comparison any less ridiculous?
A 10 year-old boy (Grade 5 in USA) was arrested by a squad of police for reciting Hamlet in a street in Moscau. Video shot on a mobile phone has gone viral showing the distressed by screaming "Help me Help me!".

This is what comes from operating a police state. It is a reminder why the European Union is wary of Putin's designs on wrecking the liberal democracies.

Wow! Just wow. I don't know what to say about that. For all that might be amiss with Russian society, government, its leaders, politics, etc., I am quite surprised, incredulous even, that the "powers that be" there take exception with a child's recitation of any of The Bard's works, let alone Hamlet.

Was the boy truly arrested because Hamlet was the content he was reciting or was it for some other reason, perhaps, for example, because he was speaking in a place where nobody is permitted to stand and speak?

I suspect in D.C. were one to deliver Shakespeare from the plaza of the Forrestal building one would be ushered off the site, though I doubt one would be arrested unless one refused to leave and did so with some notable degree of force/resistance. Similarly, one isn't permitted to just "hang out" on the sidewalk in front of embassies; thus reciting Shakespeare in such places could conceivably get one arrested, though probably not if one is a minor of the age the boy in the video is. [1]

  1. There are a handful of embassies and foreign representatives' residences in my neighborhood (many are in the neighborhood north of me), but I've not fully tested my thoughts about what it'd take to get arrested by for too long standing in front of one of them. I'm not going to either. LOL Some score-plus years ago, the small group of four that I was in attracted the Secret Service's attention as we paused in front of an ambassadorial residence to read a map for house tour. The agent left his booth to ask if we needed help, we told him what we were doing, and he pointed us in the direction he'd seen other groups head. We moved along and that was that, and it was enough to get the point across.
Interesting. I had no idea the iambic pentameter would be apparent when Hamlet is recited in Russian. Indeed, it's actually a little bit easier to discern in Russian than I recall it being in English when I first read Hamlet.
kid may have been perceived to be a beggar or abandoned . Still , not a big deal , same might happen to an American kid that's perceived to be a beggar or a boy prostitute by concerned Nanny State type Russians passing by on the streets . Just not a big deal . Kid probably got fed some 'kielbasa' and good bread !! I think the kid has been seen walking the streets with no broken limbs and he has all his fingernails in place Xelor !!

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