Russian Shoria Megaliths dwarf Baalbek


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Just came across the following. There's a site in Siberia, Shoria, that has the largest stones ever handled by humans. Until today I thought the Trilthon at Baalbek was the most amazing architectural feat on the planet. The stones at Shoria make Baalbek look like child's play. These aren't as 'neat" as the pre-Inca walls at Sacsayhuaman or at Baalbek, but what they lack in sharp angles, they make up for in bulk.

The lump on the surface of the stone in the top picture would fit into a sister indentation on the stone next to it.

And, of course, the Flat Earthers, the ones who insist that modern man is the most advanced creature to ever walk the planet, insist that these are "Natural formations"


pretty neat , I just checked out Baalbek and this Shoriah Siberia , pretty neat , thanks !!
pretty neat , I just checked out Baalbek and this Shoriah Siberia , pretty neat , thanks !!

After conquering Egypt Augustus ordered the Roman construction at Baalbek. It's odd, to say the least, that these magnificent Roman ruins are literally in the middle of nowhere. The way I see it is that Augustus learned about Baalbek from the Egyptians maybe from the librarian at Alexandria, then set out to build on top of what was already there.

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