Russian spy plane soars LOW over the Pentagon, Capitol and Washington sights. FFS!? Live golf shot

This overflight business could have been part of the deal made between trump and Russia for Russia helping trump win the election.

The Treaty on Open Skies has been in place since 2002, why don't you educate yourself instead of commenting just mindless crap that makes your type look even more retarded than usual.
It was sarcasm and bait for the cult but dunces like you don't catch on very quickly.

FFS!? Who did that? Hmmm? What is sarcasm?
Probably all the Russian drones were in a repair shop near Dulles. Putin was seen in the plane trying to lower his balls low enough to sit on Trump's chin. The Russian Teabag Maneuver. "Hey comrade! Hold steel! You move more thaun moose aund skwirrle."
This overflight business could have been part of the deal made between trump and Russia for Russia helping trump win the election.

The Treaty on Open Skies has been in place since 2002, why don't you educate yourself instead of commenting just mindless crap that makes your type look even more retarded than usual.
It was sarcasm and bait for the cult but dunces like you don't catch on very quickly.

You should indicate it's sarcasm, not having seen that many of your posts I cannot from that comment know if you are Left or Right or pro-Trump or suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome can I, no I cannot.
OK, my apology.
BTW, THANKS for the aircraft photo's.
Russian surveillance plane soars over the Pentagon, Capitol and other Washington sights

A Russian surveillance aircraft has made a low altitude flight over the Pentagon, the Capitol and other US government buildings in Washington.

The Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-154 made its flight on Wednesday as part of the Treaty on Open Skies, which allows military aircraft from the US, Russia and 32 other nations to engage in aerial observation flights on each others' territories, in a move which is aimed at promoting transparency.

The Capitol Police issued an alert prior to the flight noting that an “authorized low-altitude aircraft” would be passing over without announcing its origins.

"The aircraft will be large and may fly directly over the US Capitol," it said, adding, “This flight will be monitored by US Capitol Police and other federal government agencies.”

The recent flight is scheduled to be followed by another one over US President Donald Trump’s property in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is currently vacationing.
PressTV-Russian spy plane flies over Washington

:eusa_think: Do they ever post the total path taken? These days. Really, going to map a Golf course?
Can't they access google map? You can pay for live high-rise maps from many places.
Zoom Earth - Explore satellite and aerial images of the Earth

btw. Were they looking to see what put to sea? Less B1-b at home?
Something to do with NK? Did they plan Obama flyovers during his fewer golf
games played? At this rate, they will be less before the end of the year.

Russia began restricting U.S. flights over their airspace in 2016, we should do the same.
The Russians fly Areofloats. The picture is a Boeing 727.

Ignore the Troll Fool that posted the OP.

As well as using the Tupolev Tu-154 which I just posted several pictures of, they also use the Tupolev Tu-204.

Here below is an Tupolev Tu-204 and it is very clearly marked with Open Skies ie. these are the aircraft that the Russian Air Force uses during the Open Skies flights as part of the Treaty on Open Skies which was established in 2002.

View attachment 142961

I'll highlight Open Skies for the retarded Leftist Maniacs.

View attachment 142962

First, the plane shown in OP is from the Linked story. They called the model and name.

Second here's the live shot. Can see no main wing flip ups (aka:winglets) on end. They stated in 2001 or so on commercial planes.

Third, The wheels did seem to be a Russian type of plane, Not American


Watch video. REAL NEWS!
Unarmed Russian Air Force jet overflies the Pentagon, Capitol - CNN

The story is with the range of what was flying. Either way it was a Russian spy plane.

This below picture, the image is too blurred and the camera angle is too remote to determine anything.


The Treaty on Open Skies was established in 2002, there have been thousands of Open Skies flights, they are all known about and are pre-determined and so there is no reason for anyone to freak out, it's all a completely normal happening.

The Open Skies flights happened throughout GWB Administration and throughout the Obama Administration.
Russian surveillance plane soars over the Pentagon, Capitol and other Washington sights

A Russian surveillance aircraft has made a low altitude flight over the Pentagon, the Capitol and other US government buildings in Washington.

The Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-154 made its flight on Wednesday as part of the Treaty on Open Skies, which allows military aircraft from the US, Russia and 32 other nations to engage in aerial observation flights on each others' territories, in a move which is aimed at promoting transparency.

The Capitol Police issued an alert prior to the flight noting that an “authorized low-altitude aircraft” would be passing over without announcing its origins.

"The aircraft will be large and may fly directly over the US Capitol," it said, adding, “This flight will be monitored by US Capitol Police and other federal government agencies.”

The recent flight is scheduled to be followed by another one over US President Donald Trump’s property in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is currently vacationing.
PressTV-Russian spy plane flies over Washington

:eusa_think: Do they ever post the total path taken? These days. Really, going to map a Golf course?
Can't they access google map? You can pay for live high-rise maps from many places.
Zoom Earth - Explore satellite and aerial images of the Earth

btw. Were they looking to see what put to sea? Less B1-b at home?
Something to do with NK? Did they plan Obama flyovers during his fewer golf
games played? At this rate, they will be less before the end of the year.

Russia began restricting U.S. flights over their airspace in 2016, we should do the same.
The Russians fly Areofloats. The picture is a Boeing 727.

Ignore the Troll Fool that posted the OP.

As well as using the Tupolev Tu-154 which I just posted several pictures of, they also use the Tupolev Tu-204.

Here below is an Tupolev Tu-204 and it is very clearly marked with Open Skies ie. these are the aircraft that the Russian Air Force uses during the Open Skies flights as part of the Treaty on Open Skies which was established in 2002.

View attachment 142961

I'll highlight Open Skies for the retarded Leftist Maniacs.

View attachment 142962

First, the plane shown in OP is from the Linked story. They called the model and name.

Second here's the live shot. Can see no main wing flip ups (aka:winglets) on end. They stated in 2001 or so on commercial planes.

Third, The wheels did seem to be a Russian type of plane, Not American


Watch video. REAL NEWS!
Unarmed Russian Air Force jet overflies the Pentagon, Capitol - CNN

The story is with the range of what was flying. Either way it was a Russian spy plane.

This below picture, the image is too blurred and the camera angle is too remote to determine anything.


The Treaty on Open Skies was established in 2002, there have been thousands of Open Skies flights, they are all known about and are pre-determined and so there is no reason for anyone to freak out, it's all a completely normal happening.

The Open Skies flights happened throughout GWB Administration and throughout the Obama Administration.

Okay, yes seem you are right. I learned some new thangs, I was exploring for.
Did I say to panic? Did I ask some questions?

:eusa_think: Do they ever post the total path taken? These days. Really, going to map a Golf course?
Can't they access google map? You can pay for live high-rise maps from many places.
Zoom Earth - Explore satellite and aerial images of the Earth
BTW. Is the plane ID now? You or me closer? Watch video closer.
At start of, is a closer look.
Unarmed Russian Air Force jet overflies the Pentagon, Capitol - CNN
Last edited:
At some point, you folks need to realize how shitty your media is. They play you like fiddles, stop letting them make you look stupid with their click bait bullshit.
At some point, you folks need to realize how shitty your media is. They play you like fiddles, stop letting them make you look stupid with their click bait bullshit.

What did they do wrong?
With out them, I would not know there was one. Say overhead.
Who was played hearing REAL NEWS and for what propose?
Other than providing information. In today's world
with all the inter hacking, who cares about spy planes.

btw. You hear Orange Douche said there was collusion from Russia.
Russia was working against him in the election. Maybe with the Dems.
That be a Flip-Flop from Russia never did.
At some point, you folks need to realize how shitty your media is. They play you like fiddles, stop letting them make you look stupid with their click bait bullshit.

What did they do wrong?
With out them, I would not know there was one. Say overhead.
Who was played hearing REAL NEWS and for what propose?
Other than providing information. In today's world
with all the inter hacking, who cares about spy planes.

btw. You hear Orange Douche said there was collusion from Russia.
Russia was working against him in the election. Maybe with the Dems.
That be a Flip-Flop from Russia never did.

While you're OP post isn't so bad - though I guess you don't trust them if you've been whining about this fly-over being "illegal" or "a hostile act" of some kind regardless of the article saying it was part of a 15 year old treaty straight away, yea?

However, can you not see how CNN and other MSM's top loaded this event to drag folks in via fear; knowing full well that folks wouldn't read the whole thing and instead would panic and link their item all over the internet? (I've seen at least four linked on my FB alone...) How many "shares" do you think their item got? How much advertising via click do you think the major media groups just pocketed? This item isn't even worth mentioning, it's been going on for fucking 15 years, no one cares - /unless/ they twist the "flow" of the story to make it seem like something it's not, to make it seem hostile or wrong or scary. Lets leave out or bury that the programs been around since 2002, lets leave out or bury the fact that American soldiers are on board, lets leave out or bury some key facts that make it a nothing burger and "rally the base"

I think it's disgusting honestly; leading the sheep around with zero concern for their emotional well being - I put the MSM right on fucking par with shitty church leaders who whip their followers into hatred. Terrible leaders do /not/ deserve followers...
At some point, you folks need to realize how shitty your media is. They play you like fiddles, stop letting them make you look stupid with their click bait bullshit.

What did they do wrong?
With out them, I would not know there was one. Say overhead.
Who was played hearing REAL NEWS and for what propose?
Other than providing information. In today's world
with all the inter hacking, who cares about spy planes.

btw. You hear Orange Douche said there was collusion from Russia.
Russia was working against him in the election. Maybe with the Dems.
That be a Flip-Flop from Russia never did.

While you're OP post isn't so bad - though I guess you don't trust them if you've been whining about this fly-over being "illegal" or "a hostile act" of some kind regardless of the article saying it was part of a 15 year old treaty straight away, yea?

However, can you not see how CNN and other MSM's top loaded this event to drag folks in via fear; knowing full well that folks wouldn't read the whole thing and instead would panic and link their item all over the internet? (I've seen at least four linked on my FB alone...) How many "shares" do you think their item got? How much advertising via click do you think the major media groups just pocketed? This item isn't even worth mentioning, it's been going on for fucking 15 years, no one cares - /unless/ they twist the "flow" of the story to make it seem like something it's not, to make it seem hostile or wrong or scary. Lets leave out or bury that the programs been around since 2002, lets leave out or bury the fact that American soldiers are on board, lets leave out or bury some key facts that make it a nothing burger and "rally the base"

I think it's disgusting honestly; leading the sheep around with zero concern for their emotional well being - I put the MSM right on fucking par with shitty church leaders who whip their followers into hatred. Terrible leaders do /not/ deserve followers...

Responses in RED. EverCurious

While you're OP post isn't so bad - though I guess you don't trust them if you've been whining about this fly-over being "illegal" or "a hostile act" of some kind regardless of the article saying it was part of a 15 year old treaty straight away, yea?

Did not say any of that, I questioned what use are these fights, over the track? Etc..

However, can you not see how CNN and other MSM's top loaded this event to drag folks in via fear; knowing full well that folks wouldn't read the whole thing and instead would panic and link their item all over the internet? (I've seen at least four linked on my FB alone...) How many "shares" do you think their item got? How much advertising via click do you think the major media groups just pocketed? This item isn't even worth mentioning, it's been going on for fucking 15 years, no one cares - /unless/ they twist the "flow" of the story to make it seem like something it's not, to make it seem hostile or wrong or scary. Lets leave out or bury that the programs been around since 2002, lets leave out or bury the fact that American soldiers are on board, lets leave out or bury some key facts that make it a nothing burger and "rally the base"

This link pretty much explains everything in an upfront report. AN UNARMED FIGHT. With General treaty info. why done.
Unarmed Russian Air Force jet overflies the Pentagon, Capitol - CNN
As for who profits, I run too many spam blockers to be tracked for info or see Ad' pop-ups etc.

The link in OP was about same info.
PressTV-Russian spy plane flies over Washington
But not as good or clearer as CCN.

I think it's disgusting honestly; leading the sheep around with zero concern for their emotional well being - I put the MSM right on fucking par with shitty church leaders who whip their followers into hatred. Terrible leaders do /not/ deserve followers..

Okay. The Rachel Maddow Show GREAT Explains things well The Beat With Ari Melber great The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell great
I cross check them less. But I still do, but I do all, off others reports from sources.

That about it. in red. I also read more, but review BBC, WSJ, and others.
Btw. RW MAIN NEWS SOURCE like Fux news is ridiculous.
Seems to be most MSM news lean Trusted Mixed to Cons.Positive

Maybe CNN is actually getting a clue! (That's not the article that was linked on my FB the other morning hahaha)

I don't watch /any/ MSM (and that includes Fox News) @Baz_Ares, the only one I even come close to watching is One America News, which I don't see on your list, and frankly only watch at all because my husband does. Also playing it up to right/left biases does not prove honesty, all your list shows is who's in the right and left echo chambers.

I dislike them all, and have for a long time. If one wants to put all their eggs in one basket that turns up rotten a lot, that's on them. I'm wealthy and retired, I have plenty of time to do my own research.
Russian surveillance plane soars over the Pentagon, Capitol and other Washington sights

A Russian surveillance aircraft has made a low altitude flight over the Pentagon, the Capitol and other US government buildings in Washington.

The Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-154 made its flight on Wednesday as part of the Treaty on Open Skies, which allows military aircraft from the US, Russia and 32 other nations to engage in aerial observation flights on each others' territories, in a move which is aimed at promoting transparency.

The Capitol Police issued an alert prior to the flight noting that an “authorized low-altitude aircraft” would be passing over without announcing its origins.

"The aircraft will be large and may fly directly over the US Capitol," it said, adding, “This flight will be monitored by US Capitol Police and other federal government agencies.”

The recent flight is scheduled to be followed by another one over US President Donald Trump’s property in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is currently vacationing.
PressTV-Russian spy plane flies over Washington

:eusa_think: Do they ever post the total path taken? These days. Really, going to map a Golf course?
Can't they access google map? You can pay for live high-rise maps from many places.
Zoom Earth - Explore satellite and aerial images of the Earth

btw. Were they looking to see what put to sea? Less B1-b at home?
Something to do with NK? Did they plan Obama flyovers during his fewer golf
games played? At this rate, they will be less before the end of the year.

Russia began restricting U.S. flights over their airspace in 2016, we should do the same.
The Russians fly Areofloats. The picture is a Boeing 727.
Picture or not...

The Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-154 made its flight on Wednesday as part of the Treaty on Open Skies, which allows military aircraft from the US, Russia and 32 other nations to engage in aerial observation flights on each others' territories, in a move which is aimed at promoting transparency.

The Capitol Police issued an alert prior to the flight noting that an “authorized low-altitude aircraft” would be passing over without announcing its origins.

Unarmed Russian Air Force jet overflies the Pentagon, Capitol - CNN

They've been doing these types of flights due to the treaty for years. But now suddenly its a story because its Russians and Trump.

Russian surveillance plane soars over the Pentagon, Capitol and other Washington sights

A Russian surveillance aircraft has made a low altitude flight over the Pentagon, the Capitol and other US government buildings in Washington.

The Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-154 made its flight on Wednesday as part of the Treaty on Open Skies, which allows military aircraft from the US, Russia and 32 other nations to engage in aerial observation flights on each others' territories, in a move which is aimed at promoting transparency.

The Capitol Police issued an alert prior to the flight noting that an “authorized low-altitude aircraft” would be passing over without announcing its origins.

"The aircraft will be large and may fly directly over the US Capitol," it said, adding, “This flight will be monitored by US Capitol Police and other federal government agencies.”

The recent flight is scheduled to be followed by another one over US President Donald Trump’s property in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is currently vacationing.
PressTV-Russian spy plane flies over Washington

:eusa_think: Do they ever post the total path taken? These days. Really, going to map a Golf course?
Can't they access google map? You can pay for live high-rise maps from many places.
Zoom Earth - Explore satellite and aerial images of the Earth

btw. Were they looking to see what put to sea? Less B1-b at home?
Something to do with NK? Did they plan Obama flyovers during his fewer golf
games played? At this rate, they will be less before the end of the year.

There is nothing nefarious about that situation, so you are Bedwetting and freaking out for nothing, like a typical Leftist Maniac, get a grip idiot pants :cuckoo:

LONDSTANDING TREATY ie. this has nothing to do with Donald Trump.

View attachment 142953

Well, SOME people like to know when Russia spy planes are around. Story good.

Was Obama informing you about every one of these flights?

Your new found outrage is quite laughable.

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