Russian steel in Keystone Pipeline?

Putin is watching you, liberals, from your pipelines now. May be Obama will order to wiretap that pipeline also?
Not surprising, the RWNJ traitors are making up excuses for drumpf's lies.

Here's more headlines about this. I posted them as links a couple days ago. Happy reading.

Note to RWNJ traitors - These fact-filled news articles are not suitable reading for you. You've been warned.

Newsweek investigation: How Donald Trump ditched U.S. steel workers in favor of China

American steel unlikely to get Keystone boost despite Trump order

Is labor partially to blame for Donald Trump’s victory? Either way, they’re paying the price

Keystone Pipeline won’t have to use U.S. steel

'American steel' starts at Paulsboro port

Trump Reverses Pledge To Mandate U.S. Steel For Keystone Pipeline. A Direct Beneficiary Is A Russian Oligarch With Close Ties To Vladimir Putin | The Huffington Post

First import of Russian steel arrives at new Paulsboro port

Donald Trump Uses Foreign Steel in His Buildings

Donald Trump’s Use of Foreign Steel Undercuts a Major Campaign Theme

FACT CHECK: Donald Trump And The Victimization Of U.S. Steel

Steelworkers livid over report Trump bought Chinese steel, aluminum

Trump Built Trump Tower With Concrete, Not PA Steel, To Save Money


A less biased report:

White House spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders pointed to language in the presidential directive as to why the proposed cross-border pipeline is not subject to Trump's U.S.-made steel promise.

"The way that executive order is written," Sanders said. "It’s specific to new pipelines or those that are being repaired. Since this one is already currently under construction, the steel is already literally sitting there; it would be hard to go back."

Keystone XL pipeline will not use U.S. steel despite Trump's vow

So Politifact will probably either rate this "broken" if he specifically said keystone, or "compromise" if in the future other new lines use US made steel.

A less biased report:

White House spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders pointed to language in the presidential directive as to why the proposed cross-border pipeline is not subject to Trump's U.S.-made steel promise.

"The way that executive order is written," Sanders said. "It’s specific to new pipelines or those that are being repaired. Since this one is already currently under construction, the steel is already literally sitting there; it would be hard to go back."

Keystone XL pipeline will not use U.S. steel despite Trump's vow

So Politifact will probably either rate this "broken" if he specifically said keystone, or "compromise" if in the future other new lines use US made steel.

Read the links I posted and you'll see its not quite this simple.

A less biased report:

White House spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders pointed to language in the presidential directive as to why the proposed cross-border pipeline is not subject to Trump's U.S.-made steel promise.

"The way that executive order is written," Sanders said. "It’s specific to new pipelines or those that are being repaired. Since this one is already currently under construction, the steel is already literally sitting there; it would be hard to go back."

Keystone XL pipeline will not use U.S. steel despite Trump's vow

So Politifact will probably either rate this "broken" if he specifically said keystone, or "compromise" if in the future other new lines use US made steel.

Read the links I posted and you'll see its not quite this simple.

No, I'll stick to the least biased source. Please tell me where USA today is wrong. Don't link it, explain it yourself.

Also you didn't make any of your items actual links. Fail.

A less biased report:

White House spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders pointed to language in the presidential directive as to why the proposed cross-border pipeline is not subject to Trump's U.S.-made steel promise.

"The way that executive order is written," Sanders said. "It’s specific to new pipelines or those that are being repaired. Since this one is already currently under construction, the steel is already literally sitting there; it would be hard to go back."

Keystone XL pipeline will not use U.S. steel despite Trump's vow

So Politifact will probably either rate this "broken" if he specifically said keystone, or "compromise" if in the future other new lines use US made steel.

Read the links I posted and you'll see its not quite this simple.

No, I'll stick to the least biased source. Please tell me where USA today is wrong. Don't link it, explain it yourself.

Also you didn't make any of your items actual links. Fail.

Your president is good at reading the teleprompter and real good at Tweeting, but actually getting things done...not so good.

A less biased report:

White House spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders pointed to language in the presidential directive as to why the proposed cross-border pipeline is not subject to Trump's U.S.-made steel promise.

"The way that executive order is written," Sanders said. "It’s specific to new pipelines or those that are being repaired. Since this one is already currently under construction, the steel is already literally sitting there; it would be hard to go back."

Keystone XL pipeline will not use U.S. steel despite Trump's vow

So Politifact will probably either rate this "broken" if he specifically said keystone, or "compromise" if in the future other new lines use US made steel.

Read the links I posted and you'll see its not quite this simple.

No, I'll stick to the least biased source. Please tell me where USA today is wrong. Don't link it, explain it yourself.

Also you didn't make any of your items actual links. Fail.

Your president is good at reading the teleprompter and real good at Tweeting, but actually getting things done...not so good.

Your statement is only applicable if future pipeline work doesn't use US Steel. Plus, one has to worry about lawsuits from non-US providers. Trump may follow through on his end, but as we have seen, he does follow the rule of law, even if he lambastes the people making those rules.

Trump is getting the same treatment from the (sane) public that Guiliani got in NYC, even if some of his policies got stopped by courts, or the legislature, or the civil service, people respected him for trying, and that got him re-elected.

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