Russian TYPICAL Supermarket After 8 Months of Sanctions

Depends on what the full size is. The standard width here is 60cm for everything household related i.e. fridges, washing machines, dryers (if any, people prefer washer-dryers), stoves. Everything out of that range might be called quirks of nature, which you can also find if need be.
60cm is just under 24".

My washer and dryer are each 27" wide. Separate appliances. Washer/dryer combos are usually only found in RV's or boats, and maybe some small apartments that don't have laundry hookups.

My stove and microwave are both 30" wide, only the dishwasher is 24". My refrigerator is 35" wide and 70" tall. The refrigerator is wider because it's a side-by-side with a freezer. A regular single-door refrigerator is also 30" wide like the stoves.

Laundry is done in a utility room or the garage- you never see washers or washer/dryers in the kitchen.

The Russian obsession with washing machines is funny. I've seen them leave military hardware or ammunition to make space for looted washing machines. I've seen washing machines disguised as ammunition crates to sneak them past the border officials. And Putin's biographer told the story of Putin's return to Leningrad in 1989- the only thing he took back to Russia was a 20-year old washing machine that was given to him by a friend in Germany, lol.
Obviously. He will see, in 100 years, when his all makes perfect sense mr.Nostradamus.

It's obvious for everybody who knows the average human lifespan and knows how to read between the lines but this doesn't include mentally retarded people who have to have everything explicitly stated to them or trolls like you who attack the messenger because they're too dumb to refute the argument they're trying to delegitimize.
It's obvious for everybody who knows the average human lifespan and knows how to read between the lines but this doesn't include mentally retarded people who have to have everything explicitly stated to them or trolls like you who attack the messenger because they're too dumb to refute the argument they're trying to delegitimize.
You have no clue what will be in 100 years and when you say publicly that you do you sound like a fucking idiot.

Just heads up Mr.Nostradamus.
You have no clue what will be in 100 years and when you say publicly that you do you sound like a fucking idiot.

Just heads up Mr.Nostradamus.

Nolo contendere... no contest here.

None of us know how America will look like 2 years from now let alone 100.

At any moment, between 2022 and 2122, the american people may finally come to their senses and get rid of the disastrous multiracialist ideology that's destroying the western fabric of their nation, either through vote or revolution.

I sincerely hope the american people will someday wake up to the fact that the national tragedy and disgrace of multiracialism that's destroying the country's white majority was an IRRATIONAL, SCHIZOPHRENIC OVERREACTION TO NAZISM, an insane overreaction to the tragic events of WWII.

You don't fight racial supremacist ideologies by destroying the racial composition of America, this is the famous "curing the disease by killing the patient". You fight it by teaching young americans that nazism was a perversion of normal, healthy nationalism. You fight it by showing new generations of americans that a country can be democratic, non supremacist and still preserve its racial-ethnic-national identity... Just look at Japan.
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Having said that, my post was based on the assumption (and I agree it's a big IF) that
multiculturalism will be allowed to continue to destroy the nation's western identity for centuries to come.

Everybody agrees that Haiti, Mexico, Ethiopia are shitholes but somehow, for some unkown, magical reason, an America full of Haitians, Mexicans and Ethiopians won't look like the countries they came from.

That's the "logic" multiracialism has been selling to the american people for 60 years and counting.
I just watched the video. How very, very, sad.

Such a huge market with so few people for it's size. All the shelves stocked with food because so few people can afford the food.

Do you believe the supermarkt's owners are fool enough to let groceries rotten
The guy who'd made the movie said he did it on Sunday evening when not much peoples were in
Nolo contendere... no contest here.

None of us know how America will look like 2 years from now let alone 100.

At any moment, between 2022 and 2122, the american people may finally come to their senses and get rid of the disastrous multiracialist ideology that's destroying the western fabric of their nation, either through vote or revolution.

I sincerely hope the american people will someday wake up to the fact that the national tragedy and disgrace of multiracialism that's destroying the country's white majority was an IRRATIONAL, SCHIZOPHRENIC OVERREACTION TO NAZISM, an insane overreaction to the tragic events of WWII.

You don't fight racial supremacist ideologies by destroying the racial composition of America, this is the famous "curing the disease by killing the patient". You fight it by teaching young americans that nazism was a perversion of normal, healthy nationalism. You fight it by showing new generations of americans that a country can be democratic, non supremacist and still preserve its racial-ethnic-national identity... Just look at Japan.

Racist POS, Isle 1
Is that a typical “show” supermarket?

And outside or Moscow, are other markets like that or

Are you merely presenting Putin propaganda?

Which idiot will invest so huge amount of money into propaganda?
I guess you're joking
The point is Russians haven't both welfare system and migration from the turd world, so not much tax burden and low prices
Haiti, Mexico, Ethiopia AND MUSCOVY are shitholes

How many German markets use the cyrillic alphabet for their signage?


Prices in Europa are at least five times higher as in Russia
Originally posted by AntonToo
Racist POS, Isle 1

Take your mouth off of the multiracialist monster cock, Russian!!

Stop trying to prove your fellow US citizens you're as american as they are and take a look at the giant slum your adopted country will soon become.
The real current inflation in the West is higher as 30%
According to you Russia has much lower one
I don't know about all the west, but latest US inflation rate is about 8.5, though I saw another saying 8.3, slightly less, but I doubt it has dropped any. Americans that have never seen it or not prepared for are squealing like pigs.
How many German markets use the cyrillic alphabet for their signage?


Of course Putin paid the owner's of the supermarket to replace all signages
Vlad the Bad as always

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