Russian TYPICAL Supermarket After 8 Months of Sanctions

Russian soldiers lack critical supplies. How can civilian supermarkets have them?

Who says Putin and his regime aren't corrupt and criminal?
More as 1,5m completes of military uniform have been stolen and now being sold to mobilized by sky high horror prices
Oh, you are right, my mistake, life is much better in Russia.

The point of the thread Sanctions against Russia are idiotic and cause more harm to the West as to Russia itself
Putin has continuously transformed the country to a prison where almost anything is prohibited
That's the sad fact
But no one gives Western idiotic 'leaders' the right to ruin own countries and to start nuclear WWIII
The average monthly salary is between $1000-$1200 in Moscow, the income tax is 13%
The quality of life is much higher as in Appalachia, Mississippi
Sock puppet, that's bellow minimum wage in US and a struggle to make ends meet in Moscow.

Quality of life has become MUCH better in Appalachia, Mississippi of late - no one is trying to catch you and drag you off to fertilize Ukraine.
Just another Potemkin village for idiots to lap up. Fact is, the Russian army is weak and can't take a nothing country like Ukraine.

Not the Russian Army, but corrupted moronic Putin who caused the disaster of the last 8 Years.
By the way: do you really believe Russia has so much money to let tens of thousands groceries rotten just to build a Potemkin village?
Sock puppet, that's bellow minimum wage in US and a struggle to make ends meet in Moscow.

Quality of life has become much better in Appalachia, Mississippi of late - no one is trying to catch you and drag you off to fertilize Ukraine.

IT specialist earn more as $5k /month in Moscow by income 13% tax and very cheap prices
IT specialist earn more as $5k /month in Moscow by income 13% tax and very cheap prices
Aaand? Is everyone an IT specialist? What's the point of cherry picking instead of looking at how average people live.

But while we are at it - we have a family friend who owns a very successful dentistry office, his quality of life took a nose dive - he was mobilized 2 weeks ago.

If you are a man of prime age in Putin's Russia even if you haven't been mobilized this is the fear you have to live with.
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The point of the thread Sanctions against Russia are idiotic and cause more harm to the West as to Russia itself
So why is Russia in a deep recession with double digit inflation?

Any other countries that you know of are in that situation all of a sudden?
The average monthly salary is between $1000-$1200 in Moscow, the income tax is 13%
The quality of life is much higher as in Appalachia, Mississippi, many CA counties and others
IT and another technical specialists preferred to stay in Moscow ( before mobilization ) instead to move to USA
H1B wasn't any problem for them
I respectfully disagree.

Sadly, there is no way to confirm or deny.
The average monthly salary is between $1000-$1200 in Moscow, the income tax is 13%
The quality of life is much higher as in Appalachia, Mississippi, many CA counties and others
IT and another technical specialists preferred to stay in Moscow ( before mobilization ) instead to move to USA
H1B wasn't any problem for them
Where do you get your information from?

Appalachia? Of course you mean the appalachia mountain region of mississippi.

1 hour from Memphis Tennessee.
The area Elvis Prestly is from.
Close to great colleges
Great Hospitals

Sorry, call me stupid, but I will take living in a house in the appalchia mountains over apartment living in Siberia Russia or the slums of moscow all day long.
The GDP of Russia is lower than that of the state of Texas and barely above Florida. Both states with a fraction of the population of Russia.
Really? Jeffry Sachs says the US never wanted to Russia to succeed. Russia stupidly did follow what it was told and the people suffered. Putin brought back some sort of normality and so was accepted. With China it was interesting. China looked at how the US handled things and notice two ways. In the post war years the US had its own way with one big no no. No Monopolies. Later in the 80's the US changed to neo liberalism and Monopolies and the people no longer got a regular increase in the standard of living. In fact most have not since then and the poorest have even got more poor. China went by how the US worked its finance prior to the 80's, Russia by neo liberalism and Oligarchs just like the US is neo liberalism and Oligarchs. If Russia is more like North Korea then according to Jeffry Sachs that was the intention. Iran does fine despite your sanctions so you are wrong on that one for sure.

Obama offered Putin a Reset with the Western Powers
Putin slapped his hand away in pursuit of an isolationist Dictatorship

China embraced those same Western Markets and dominated them. China now has a surging middle class and rising standard of living.
Russia is becoming N Korea
Faggots? Russians? That's something new. I thought it was you who added another letter or letters even to your lgbt shitlist.
Russia is weak, they can't even take Ukraine. What's wrong with their army? Are they all boozing it up?
Not the Russian Army, but corrupted moronic Putin who caused the disaster of the last 8 Years.
By the way: do you really believe Russia has so much money to let tens of thousands groceries rotten just to build a Potemkin village?
Absolutely, yes. All communist care about is themselves. Look at North Korea, the guy's fat and his whole country is starving. Just like in Russia, Putin builds a billion dollar hideaway while Russian recruits have to buy their own gear. lol, it's laughable.
Russia is weak, they can't even take Ukraine. What's wrong with their army? Are they all boozing it up?

Where to even begin.

Poor intelligence
Poor strategy
Poor tactics
Poor equipment
Poor leadership
Poor morale with few having clarity on why they are there and what the goal of this war is.

After Kiev blitz failure time has been the enemy for Russia as Ukraine had time to mass conscript their population and receive collective western weapons and gear.

This is why Russia is down to bombing civilian infrastructure, their only hope for concessions at this point is to break Ukranian resolve in a cold winter standstill.
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Obama offered Putin a Reset with the Western Powers
Putin slapped his hand away in pursuit of an isolationist Dictatorship
If that is so it makes no difference to what I said. The US according to Jeffry Sachs had no interest in helping Russia. They wanted them to fail. The People of Russia liked Putin for a long time because he settled Russia after the hell the US created and made money available for people through Russian gas and brought them basically from the brink of starvation unaware of when they were being treated illegally and not so that they did know and they ate well and were able to build up the strength of their family. That is how he managed to keep the support of the Russians for a long time given how the suffered after US help which I think was mainly helping Western Oligarchs.
China embraced those same Western Markets and dominated them. China now has a surging middle class and rising standard of living.
Russia is becoming N Korea
China saw two options. How the US is now which is that a very small group of people see their wealth rising all the time while the ordinary person has had no improvement in their living standards since the 70's. This system is called neo Liberalism. It allows Monopolies and as far as possible no regulation so that Oligarchs who were previously called Monopolies do not need to bother with any damage they cause and can ignore all previous laws in particular the ones which kept them out so that capitalism could work as well as capitalism can. This change also in reality caused the end of Democracy in all the countries which took it up as Governments had to do what Monopolies, not the people wanted,

Then there was the system which the US worked prior to the 80's which made them into a superpower. It is known as the American system. In this there were no monopolies. China has found that just as the US did well under this economic system, they did too.

I note your desire to see Russia suffering which is what the US wanted from the end of Communism. For the US there was never any end to its hatred of Russia. That is why they worked on getting Russia surrounded with countries in NATO until Ukraine which Russia would not accept and which led to the current war. Hatred has results.
If that is so it makes no difference to what I said. The US according to Jeffry Sachs had no interest in helping Russia. They wanted them to fail. The People of Russia liked Putin for a long time because he settled Russia after the hell the US created and made money available for people through Russian gas and brought them basically from the brink of starvation unaware of when they were being treated illegally and not so that they did know and they ate well and were able to build up the strength of their family. That is how he managed to keep the support of the Russians for a long time given how the suffered after US help which I think was mainly helping Western Oligarchs.

China saw two options. How the US is now which is that a very small group of people see their wealth rising all the time while the ordinary person has had no improvement in their living standards since the 70's. This system is called neo Liberalism. It allows Monopolies and as far as possible no regulation so that Oligarchs who were previously called Monopolies do not need to bother with any damage they cause and can ignore all previous laws in particular the ones which kept them out so that capitalism could work as well as capitalism can. This change also in reality caused the end of Democracy in all the countries which took it up as Governments had to do what Monopolies, not the people wanted,

Then there was the system which the US worked prior to the 80's which made them into a superpower. It is known as the American system. In this there were no monopolies. China has found that just as the US did well under this economic system, they did too.

I note your desire to see Russia suffering which is what the US wanted from the end of Communism. For the US there was never any end to its hatred of Russia. That is why they worked on getting Russia surrounded with countries in NATO until Ukraine which Russia would not accept and which led to the current war. Hatred has results.
I find it humorous to see Russian bots blaming the US for the situation they are in.
After the fall of the USSR, the Western powers scrambled to accept them into the fold. Membership into G8, economic alliances, political outreach

Obama sent Hillary to offer Russia a closer relationship with the west. A Reset. Putin slapped it away.

Now he has destroyed any chance of a Western alliance, India and China refuse to cover for him. He has to rely on Iran and N Korea for support.

Russia = North Korea
The GDP of Russia is lower than that of the state of Texas and barely above Florida. Both states with a fraction of the population of Russia.


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Originally posted by Flash
The GDP of Russia is lower than that of the state of Texas and barely above Florida. Both states with a fraction of the population of Russia.

Just wait and see what's coming.

100, 150 years from now, when multiculturalism/multiracialism has worked its "magic" in the US, America will be a stinky third world shithole that will make the modern hood or trailer park look like paradise and Americans will be a bunch of Mexicans, Haitians, Ethiopians and Indians with an IQ bordering on mental retardation.

Humanitarian aid agencies will donate notebooks to average Americans and they will use them to crack nuts.

I was obviously referring to Flah's descendants, not the guy himself.

He will be worm food by then and fortunately won't see what that mental disease thinly disguised as a political ideology will have done to the country he seems to love so much.

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