Russian TYPICAL Supermarket After 8 Months of Sanctions

Russia is more economically sound than any other country.
They DO NOT need any other country to survive.

Russia was like China for the longest time, until Gorbechev opened the country to the Western world, which was not that long ago.

Russia, like China and even the USA, is self-sufficient. They can close themselves off from the rest of the world again if they want, they WILL NOT SUFFER one iota!!!

But.........unlike China and Russia........the USA has corrupt poltiicians who are hell bent on using its citizens as ATM's, so they can syphon as much money from us into their private accounts as possible. They shut down all of our self-sustaining industries in favor of selling out to the Chinese, Mexicans, and at one time, the Russians.

If the USA were economically goverened the way China and Russia are economically goverened, THE PEOPLE WOULD COME FIRST, and the surplus would be sold to the rest of the world for cash in hand. But the corrupt US politicians don't do it that way, the politicians give out OUR supplies and necessary resources and leave US with NOTHING. THE CITIZENS PAY for what the politicians want, and when they don't get it, they sell off the country and it's industries to other countries, while it's citizens suffer in despair, hunger, homelessness, and sickness.
take a look around a Russian Typical Supermarket in Moscow, Russia. After 8 months of Sanctions impeded on Russia how does a Russian typicalSupermarket look. What are the prices really like now.
Of course the Russian economy is broken, sanctions work and the fat american guy spreading fake news is a paid by Putin troll, liar, Nazi, Racist, antisemit, idiot etc. et.etc.

Loving how squealy the usual suspects are getting over the possibility that Russia is not succumbing toe the jackboot of JoeBob Shitstain.
take a look around a Russian Typical Supermarket in Moscow, Russia. After 8 months of Sanctions impeded on Russia how does a Russian typicalSupermarket look. What are the prices really like now.
Of course the Russian economy is broken, sanctions work and the fat american guy spreading fake news is a paid by Putin troll, liar, Nazi, Racist, antisemit, idiot etc. et.etc.

And only a 13% plus inflation rate in September.
Russia was like China for the longest time, until Gorbechev opened the country to the Western world, which was not that long ago.

Russia, like China and even the USA, is self-sufficient. They can close themselves off from the rest of the world again if they want, they WILL NOT SUFFER one iota!!!

Excellent point. 30 years ago, Russia was much like China. Isolationist and not a major player in the global economy.

China embraced the global economy and is now a major player. Putin rebuffed attempts by the West to establish ties and has an economy built entirely on oil.

With his foolish invasion of Ukraine, he has completely isolated Russia and is an international pariah

Russia is now more like N Korea or Iran than China
Russia is more economically sound than any other country.
They DO NOT need any other country to survive.

Russia was like China for the longest time, until Gorbechev opened the country to the Western world, which was not that long ago.

Russia, like China and even the USA, is self-sufficient. They can close themselves off from the rest of the world again if they want, they WILL NOT SUFFER one iota!!!

But.........unlike China and Russia........the USA has corrupt poltiicians who are hell bent on using its citizens as ATM's, so they can syphon as much money from us into their private accounts as possible. They shut down all of our self-sustaining industries in favor of selling out to the Chinese, Mexicans, and at one time, the Russians.

If the USA were economically goverened the way China and Russia are economically goverened, THE PEOPLE WOULD COME FIRST, and the surplus would be sold to the rest of the world for cash in hand. But the corrupt US politicians don't do it that way, the politicians give out OUR supplies and necessary resources and leave US with NOTHING. THE CITIZENS PAY for what the politicians want, and when they don't get it, they sell off the country and it's industries to other countries, while it's citizens suffer in despair, hunger, homelessness, and sickness.
Nice opinion, impossible for you to prove. You did give me an idea for my reply, though.

Russia hands down beats the USA with the importation of used clothing.

Russia is more economically sound than any other country.
They DO NOT need any other country to survive.

Russia was like China for the longest time, until Gorbechev opened the country to the Western world, which was not that long ago.

Russia, like China and even the USA, is self-sufficient. They can close themselves off from the rest of the world again if they want, they WILL NOT SUFFER one iota!!!

But.........unlike China and Russia........the USA has corrupt poltiicians who are hell bent on using its citizens as ATM's, so they can syphon as much money from us into their private accounts as possible. They shut down all of our self-sustaining industries in favor of selling out to the Chinese, Mexicans, and at one time, the Russians.

If the USA were economically goverened the way China and Russia are economically goverened, THE PEOPLE WOULD COME FIRST, and the surplus would be sold to the rest of the world for cash in hand. But the corrupt US politicians don't do it that way, the politicians give out OUR supplies and necessary resources and leave US with NOTHING. THE CITIZENS PAY for what the politicians want, and when they don't get it, they sell off the country and it's industries to other countries, while it's citizens suffer in despair, hunger, homelessness, and sickness.

Yep, who needs economic growth when you can have deep recession and double digit infoation?

Who needs microchips when you have potato chips?

Who needs wireless Android and Apple phones when you have rotary dials on copper lines?

Who needs flat screen tvs and monitors when you have Bolshoy theater?

Who needs BMWs when you have Volgas?

Who needs bread making grains, when you have stock feed?

I really hope you get paid for posting your bullshit, because otherwise you have some serious mental deficiencies to cope with.
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Yep, who needs economic growth when you can have deep recession?

Who needs microchips when you have potato chips?

Who needs wireless Android and Apple phones when you have rotary dials on copper lines?

Who needs flat screen tvs and monitors when you have Bolshoy theater?

Who needs BMWs when you have Volgas?

Who needs bread making grains, when you have stock feed?

I really hope you get paid for posting your bullshit, because otherwise you have some serious mental deficiencies to cope with.

Its not just that Russians do not have access to those things but the average consumer does not have the money to purchase them
Its not just that Russians do not have access to those things but the average consumer does not have the money to purchase them
They still have access, it's was just limited and now they have burned through their stocks.

Electronic appliance business is dead, too few people can afford them.

But the point is that Russia produces almost nothing aside from what they pull out of the ground. Their reliance on imports is huge.
They still have access, it's was just limited and now they have burned through their stocks.

Electronic appliance business is dead, too few people can afford them.

But the point is that Russia produces almost nothing aside from what they pull out of the ground. Their reliance on imports is huge.
Russia has an economy built on oil.
They have limited capability or desire to produce consumer goods. Putin has crippled their economy and turned Russia into an international pariah
You're right, I don't. I've never been to Russia

But what is shown in the video............they do have more varieties of stuff and at cheaper prices.

So go suck an egg

You have no clue what you are watching, no understanding of economic context.

This is a big shiny supermarket in Moscow, which is where pretty much all the Russian wealth gets concentrated. The rest of the country looks nothing like this.

Their "cheaper" food prices are less affordable because salaries are much smaller.

And this is just the food, which was much less effected than electronics, appliances, autos and related parts.

Overall inflation rate in Russia is at 13% right now and still shooting up, combined with GDP contraction already at 5% heading to 12% according to Russian Central Bank. Their prime age workforce is getting sent to fertilize Ukraine.

If this was happening in the US we would be calling it elective Great Depression 2.0
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This is a big shiny supermarket in Moscow, which is where pretty much all the Russian wealth gets concentrated. The rest of the country looks nothing like this.
The same youtube channel has some videos of a giant mall in Moscow too. He seems to post one every month.

Very shiny, but very few shoppers. Some places are completely empty, not a person in sight.
take a look around a Russian Typical Supermarket in Moscow, Russia. After 8 months of Sanctions impeded on Russia how does a Russian typicalSupermarket look. What are the prices really like now.
Of course the Russian economy is broken, sanctions work and the fat american guy spreading fake news is a paid by Putin troll, liar, Nazi, Racist, antisemit, idiot etc. et.etc.

Is that a typical “show” supermarket?

And outside or Moscow, are other markets like that or

Are you merely presenting Putin propaganda?
Democrat propaganda is more palatable ?
I’m not a fan of anyone’s propaganda.

(I saw a negative political campaign add against 3 libtard Democraps. It tries to label the Dim candidates as the “criminal crew” for some not clear “reasons.” I wouldn’t ever vote for any of those candidates. But I still find the ad itself to be dishonest based propaganda.)

But obvious bullshit that supports Putin is particularly vile.

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