Russians attack Ukraine base by Poland media hides the truth

Imagine starting a war and sending a massive force of killers into a country to destroy it and its people, then saying "they don't want them to die." Your brain is as shitty as your country's military equipment.
We'll hear about the equipment tomorrow and hopefully see the brains of your shitty friends splattered against their military walls.
We'll hear about the equipment tomorrow and hopefully see the brains of your shitty friends splattered against their military walls.
No you won't. Russian media censors anything that might let a thought happen in your shriveled up little brain, comrade.
Russia already has complete air superiority over the sky of Ukraine.
No they don't, retard.

This is from US Intel

The Ukrainian Air Force has established air superiority in the west of the country with their influence migrating east. Russian aircraft have suspended sorties over the country almost entirely and are instead utilizing TU-95 heavy bombers to fire munitions from Russian airspace. This is a resource they have previously not used and it is sapping from resources elsewhere in Russia. Particularly their nuclear deterrent forces as the TU95 is their primary nuclear delivery system outside of their submarine fleet.​

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