RWers: Would you accept a GREAT paying govt job, despite principle?

Would you accept a GREAT paying (2-3X more) govt job...despite your principles?

  • NO, you are a d-bag for asking, and I wont reveal my hypocrisy on USMB

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
This is a question directed at far right wingers who oppose most govt spending, but, anyone can anwser the poll or post one. The quesiton is:

If you had a private sector job, but, the local, county, state or federal government offered you a full time job with GREAT pay (lets say 2-3X more than you make), with great benefits far better than what you get now, would you accept it? Or, would you stick to your small government principles and say that the job pays too good for a government worker, and you will not participate in furthering the problem?

Let the discussion begin hahaha!!!
Ah. Putting principle to practice is harder than they say, isnt it?
Hell. There shouldn't be any high paying Govt jobs. They should all be on par with the private sector and the taxpayers who foot the bills.
Coming from a man/woman of no principal, I will no longer respond to you, but show everyone the lies you spread on these forums.

This is what you said in your last thread, when every other avenue of continuing your argument was closed. You can see it here.
Has any private citizen EVER fired more than 20 shots in Self-Defense? EVER?
So, at about 300,000, in a nation of 300,000,000, that would be 1 in 100. 1 in 100 people will have to use a gun in self defense in a year. I live in a city of about 100,000. And I can guarantee...just by reading local news, that there are not 1,000 people in my city who've had to use a gun to defend themselves in the past year. If the number were that high, the media would be in hysteria about the massive crime wave.....but it is not, because it hasn't happened.

That stat is simply inaccurate.

Last I checked: 300,000 out of 300,000,000 is 1/1000 (one in one-thousand) not 1/100

Seriously, when you need to violate the laws of mathematics in order to lie, you should seriously STOP posting. You thought we wouldn't notice that you dropped a zero?


I'm going to hold you to your lies, no matter where you go. Stop posting.

Come see his latest lie on this thread:

or this thread:

Apparently he believes that armed citizens failed to defend other citizens, making his case against the 2nd Amendment. What he fails to tell you, is that this massacre occurred in a California town where no law-abiding citizens may possess a firearm.

Your time here, spreading lies, is over.

When you finally account for your lies, and apologize on those threads, I will allow you to post without reminding everyone of your past forum history.
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This is a question directed at far right wingers who oppose most govt spending, but, anyone can anwser the poll or post one. The quesiton is:

If you had a private sector job, but, the local, county, state or federal government offered you a full time job with GREAT pay (lets say 2-3X more than you make), with great benefits far better than what you get now, would you accept it? Or, would you stick to your small government principles and say that the job pays too good for a government worker, and you will not participate in furthering the problem?

Let the discussion begin hahaha!!!

Absolutely NOT because no Govt. job can pay more then what I'm making now!!
The highest paying job right now is Obama's thievery at Annual Base Salary: $400,000!
More importantly IT IS MY income that is PAYING the taxes that pay the salaries!

KNOWING full well what IDIOTS like you seem to forget is it is the profits,salaries THAT pay the taxes!
So what happens when 3/4 or more of Americans are Govt. Workers???
Where will the income taxes come from to pay these salaries??

SEE that's why your question is so f...king STUPID!!

YOU idiots think oh well Obama's got a stash like these typical Obama voters attest:
Obama has a stash of cash..
ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from,
but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him. WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

Or maybe this person...
...""I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me.""

This is a question directed at far right wingers who oppose most govt spending, but, anyone can anwser the poll or post one. The quesiton is:

If you had a private sector job, but, the local, county, state or federal government offered you a full time job with GREAT pay (lets say 2-3X more than you make), with great benefits far better than what you get now, would you accept it? Or, would you stick to your small government principles and say that the job pays too good for a government worker, and you will not participate in furthering the problem?

Let the discussion begin hahaha!!!
The answer is of course yes since the government sees fit to pay the salary. The question would more accurately be if the conservative would vote for the administration that offered him the job.
This is a question directed at far right wingers who oppose most govt spending, but, anyone can anwser the poll or post one. The quesiton is:

If you had a private sector job, but, the local, county, state or federal government offered you a full time job with GREAT pay (lets say 2-3X more than you make), with great benefits far better than what you get now, would you accept it? Or, would you stick to your small government principles and say that the job pays too good for a government worker, and you will not participate in furthering the problem?

Let the discussion begin hahaha!!!

We all know there is NECESSARY and CONSTITUTIONAL government... Don't try and make it seem like Conservatives want ZERO government or anarchy

If I were offered a job in Dept of Education or agencies that do not belong in the federal government (not that I would have applied in the first place).. no, I would not take it out of principle... If I were offered to work as a civilian, offering my experience and expertise back in the DoD in support of the Armed forces and it paid twice what I make now (which is highly doubtful because I know the govt payscales), yes I would take it
I actually did turn down a very lucrative government contract job when I retired from the military because of my principles.
I personally wouldn't want to work for the gov't. I am happy with my wages now, anyways
I've worked for the State & Federal government as a consultant in a few instances, I'd never do it again in any capacity.
i wont believe anyone here if they say no......

Why would you say that, I would say no. I'll leave it up to you to figuer out why.

i should have said this before i said what i said......i am assuming it would be a person not making 6 figures a year AND the Economy is not in the shitter.....if that was the case....if you were working a job making say 50 grand a year and the govt (especially Federal) gave you a chance to work a comparable job at more money and much better benefits......your going to take it...... if you say no i wouldn't...... i will say bullshit......
i wont believe anyone here if they say no......

Why would you say that, I would say no. I'll leave it up to you to figuer out why.

i should have said this before i said what i said......i am assuming it would be a person not making 6 figures a year AND the Economy is not in the shitter.....if that was the case....if you were working a job making say 50 grand a year and the govt (especially Federal) gave you a chance to work a comparable job at more money and much better benefits......your going to take it...... if you say no i wouldn't...... i will say bullshit......

The thought is nice, untill you consider the employer. I would not work for the gov't
This is a question directed at far right wingers who oppose most govt spending, but, anyone can anwser the poll or post one. The quesiton is:

If you had a private sector job, but, the local, county, state or federal government offered you a full time job with GREAT pay (lets say 2-3X more than you make), with great benefits far better than what you get now, would you accept it? Or, would you stick to your small government principles and say that the job pays too good for a government worker, and you will not participate in furthering the problem?

Let the discussion begin hahaha!!!

The reality, however, is that a government worker's pay is usually considerably less than the pay for the equivalent private sector job. They just get better benefits.

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