Ryan: There will be no tariffs for companies that take jobs overseas

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Looks like Donald Trump doesn't even have a mandate in his own party:
“We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
- See more at: Ryan Bucks Trump, Says Congress Will Not Raise Tariffs

Companies that were scared about sending jobs to Mexico can now be in peace again.

It is also possible that Trump always knew that there would be no tariffs, but used this promise to make gullible protectionist vote for him.
Trump doesn't need Ryan's permission.


Mr. Trump has said that as president he would “rip up” international trade deals such as the North American Free Trade Agreement, withdraw from the World Trade Organization and sharply raise the tariffs charged on goods imported from China and Mexico. As president he could pretty much do it. And there’s very little Congress can do to stop him, even if the result is a costly trade war.
I find Ryan's statement hopeful, but will wait and see.
I find Ryan's statement hopeful, but will wait and see.

Hold your 'hope' in one hand and shit in the other.

See which one fills up faster.

Trump doesn't need little-boy-ryan's help to do what he wants to do
I find Ryan's statement hopeful, but will wait and see.

Hold your 'hope' in one hand and shit in the other.

See which one fills up faster.

Trump doesn't need little-boy-ryan's help to do what he wants to do

Seems you don't have any understanding how politics works son. It is sort of like physics, for every action there is a reaction. For example, that shit in my hand gets shoved in your face.
Trump doesn't need Ryan's permission.


Mr. Trump has said that as president he would “rip up” international trade deals such as the North American Free Trade Agreement, withdraw from the World Trade Organization and sharply raise the tariffs charged on goods imported from China and Mexico. As president he could pretty much do it. And there’s very little Congress can do to stop him, even if the result is a costly trade war.


It's a shame that Trump doesn't understand how the government works and his promises won't come to pass. It means Trump voters won't learn how horrible the things they support can be.
It's a shame that Trump doesn't understand how the government works and his promises won't come to pass. It means Trump voters won't learn how horrible the things they support can be.

Because a pro-jobs trade policy and deporting illegals are so crazy?


In the land of the Mad, the sane are vilified.
It's a shame that Trump doesn't understand how the government works and his promises won't come to pass. It means Trump voters won't learn how horrible the things they support can be.

Because a pro-jobs trade policy and deporting illegals are so crazy?


In the land of the Mad, the sane are vilified.
A policy of massive artificial controls on trade and the free market has never once in all of history been pro-jobs.

In the land of the mad, the mad are elected President.
All President of The United States of America, President Donald J Trump has to do is send Mexico and Canada 6 Months Notice and we can exit NAFTA.

And there ain't a GODDAMNED thing anybody can do about it.

This is why I say dimocrap scum are stupid.

They are.

From linked Slimes article

The easiest promise for Mr. Trump to deliver is the one to renegotiate or leave Nafta, the agreement that abolished tariffs between the United States, Canada and Mexico. That agreement — like nearly all free trade agreements — includes an escape hatch: The United States can withdraw from the pact after giving six months’ notice. Thus Mr. Trump doesn’t need to rip up the agreement, but simply to send Canada and Mexico a letter putting them on notice.

How's your own shit taste, moron?
Looks like Donald Trump doesn't even have a mandate in his own party:
“We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
- See more at: Ryan Bucks Trump, Says Congress Will Not Raise Tariffs

Companies that were scared about sending jobs to Mexico can now be in peace again.

It is also possible that Trump always knew that there would be no tariffs, but used this promise to make gullible protectionist vote for him.
Just a minute,. Nothing has been decided.
This might be a opinion of the speaker.
As customary, POTUS will have a meeting with the Speaker and the Chairs of all Committees for the purposes of discussing the POTUS' agenda.
The legislative agenda together with the agenda of the executive branch will be set over several of these meetings.
Just simmer down and let the process work out.
Looks like Donald Trump doesn't even have a mandate in his own party:
“We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
- See more at: Ryan Bucks Trump, Says Congress Will Not Raise Tariffs

Companies that were scared about sending jobs to Mexico can now be in peace again.

It is also possible that Trump always knew that there would be no tariffs, but used this promise to make gullible protectionist vote for him.
. Obama had a pen, and Trump will have a bigger one. You leftist are screwed now. As for the few traitors on the right, well your days are numbered as well.
Looks like Donald Trump doesn't even have a mandate in his own party:
“We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
- See more at: Ryan Bucks Trump, Says Congress Will Not Raise Tariffs

Companies that were scared about sending jobs to Mexico can now be in peace again.

It is also possible that Trump always knew that there would be no tariffs, but used this promise to make gullible protectionist vote for him.

The clodhopping GOP will make a mess of it. Trump promised to put "border tariffs" on companies that import goods from factories they move to other countries, and so he gives Carrier millions in hand outs for keeping just half the jobs in the US. What a lousy deal. Sad!
I find Ryan's statement hopeful, but will wait and see.

Hold your 'hope' in one hand and shit in the other.

See which one fills up faster.

Trump doesn't need little-boy-ryan's help to do what he wants to do

Seems you don't have any understanding how politics works son. It is sort of like physics, for every action there is a reaction. For example, that shit in my hand gets shoved in your face.
Wow, right over the internet too. Your cybermuscles must be yuge!
Looks like Donald Trump doesn't even have a mandate in his own party:
“We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
- See more at: Ryan Bucks Trump, Says Congress Will Not Raise Tariffs

Companies that were scared about sending jobs to Mexico can now be in peace again.

It is also possible that Trump always knew that there would be no tariffs, but used this promise to make gullible protectionist vote for him.

The clodhopping GOP will make a mess of it. Trump promised to put "border tariffs" on companies that import goods from factories they move to other countries, and so he gives Carrier millions in hand outs for keeping just half the jobs in the US. What a lousy deal. Sad!
. It's all good, because he will be honing those skills along and along. Deals aren't always to everyone's satisfaction, but as long as Trump keeps focus on making America great again, he will do just fine.
Looks like Donald Trump doesn't even have a mandate in his own party:
“We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
- See more at: Ryan Bucks Trump, Says Congress Will Not Raise Tariffs

Companies that were scared about sending jobs to Mexico can now be in peace again.

It is also possible that Trump always knew that there would be no tariffs, but used this promise to make gullible protectionist vote for him.
Ryan must have forgotten him and Willard LOST the election. Trump is President Trump will do as he pleases. That little snowflake can fuck off or he can see his opponent in 2018 well funded to dethrone his ass.
Looks like Donald Trump doesn't even have a mandate in his own party:
“We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
- See more at: Ryan Bucks Trump, Says Congress Will Not Raise Tariffs

Companies that were scared about sending jobs to Mexico can now be in peace again.

It is also possible that Trump always knew that there would be no tariffs, but used this promise to make gullible protectionist vote for him.
Did you actually read the article?

'“He strongly supports making our tax system border adjustable by exempting exports from tax and subjecting imports to tax,” she added, referring to a proposal in House Republicans’ tax overhaul blueprint that calls for moving to a “cash-flow based approach” to taxing businesses.'

"subjecting imports to tax" is what Trump promised to do with some imports. Clearly Ryan and Trump are on the same page on this.
It's a shame that Trump doesn't understand how the government works and his promises won't come to pass. It means Trump voters won't learn how horrible the things they support can be.

Because a pro-jobs trade policy and deporting illegals are so crazy?


In the land of the Mad, the sane are vilified.
A policy of massive artificial controls on trade and the free market has never once in all of history been pro-jobs.

In the land of the mad, the mad are elected President.

Sure it was. See the 19th century.

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