Ryan: There will be no tariffs for companies that take jobs overseas

If the Republicans were going to elect what ends up to be the equivalent of Jeb Bush,

why didn't you just elect Jeb Bush?

At least then we'd have a president with a modicum of human decency.
Looks like Donald Trump doesn't even have a mandate in his own party:
“We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
- See more at: Ryan Bucks Trump, Says Congress Will Not Raise Tariffs

Companies that were scared about sending jobs to Mexico can now be in peace again.

It is also possible that Trump always knew that there would be no tariffs, but used this promise to make gullible protectionist vote for him.

Trump never did have a mandate with Republicans. They didn't even show up for his convention. They tried to block him at every opportunity. They would have preferred Hillary Clinton, because they hate Donald Trump so much.

Republicans would never agree to tariffs, or imposing a 10% penalty tax on American corporations. NEVER. That's more like something that would have come out of Bernie Sander's mouth, never a Republican.

Now with this Russian connection confirmed--Trump is going to end up being the most ineffective, lame duck President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

Trump has very few friends on the hill, but he and his supporters have made a hell of a lot of enemies in both houses, especially the Republican senate. They are leading the charge on this Russian hacking, and wouldn't have any problems what so ever signing off on impeachment proceedings.

. Dream on... You people are so predictable that it's hilarious.. You do realize that you are talking about Trump right ??? This cat survived everything anyone could throw at him, and you think that he is done ?? ROTFLMBO. To discard Trump is to discard his whole transition team, and how dang stupid is that ?? Get ready for the flippin ride of your lives, because you ain't seen nothing yet. Oh and as for the idiots Lindsey crybaby Graham and washed up MCcain, well they can hide behind their bull crap but for so long, and then they will be regretting their stance against the American people who are fed up not only with Democrats, but with the likes of the sell out Mitch Mconnel etc.

The Liberals & Neo-Conservatives haven't seen ANYTHING yet.

While you think you have elected a KING--you really haven't. The executive branch has so much power, but there's just as much power in the Senate and House. If the Senate and House don't want tariffs there will be no tariffs. If the senate and house don't want a wall there will be no wall. If the senate and house refuse to impose a penalty tax on American corporations there will be no such tax etc. etc. etc.

I know you'd rather forget the phrase "Bully Pulpit".
Need I say more?
Looks like Donald Trump doesn't even have a mandate in his own party:
“We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
- See more at: Ryan Bucks Trump, Says Congress Will Not Raise Tariffs

Companies that were scared about sending jobs to Mexico can now be in peace again.

It is also possible that Trump always knew that there would be no tariffs, but used this promise to make gullible protectionist vote for him.

Trump never did have a mandate with Republicans. They didn't even show up for his convention. They tried to block him at every opportunity. They would have preferred Hillary Clinton, because they hate Donald Trump so much.

Republicans would never agree to tariffs, or imposing a 10% penalty tax on American corporations. NEVER. That's more like something that would have come out of Bernie Sander's mouth, never a Republican.

Now with this Russian connection confirmed--Trump is going to end up being the most ineffective, lame duck President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

Trump has very few friends on the hill, but he and his supporters have made a hell of a lot of enemies in both houses, especially the Republican senate. They are leading the charge on this Russian hacking, and wouldn't have any problems what so ever signing off on impeachment proceedings.

. Dream on... You people are so predictable that it's hilarious.. You do realize that you are talking about Trump right ??? This cat survived everything anyone could throw at him, and you think that he is done ?? ROTFLMBO. To discard Trump is to discard his whole transition team, and how dang stupid is that ?? Get ready for the flippin ride of your lives, because you ain't seen nothing yet. Oh and as for the idiots Lindsey crybaby Graham and washed up MCcain, well they can hide behind their bull crap but for so long, and then they will be regretting their stance against the American people who are fed up not only with Democrats, but with the likes of the sell out Mitch Mconnel etc.

The Liberals & Neo-Conservatives haven't seen ANYTHING yet.

While you think you have elected a KING--you really haven't. The executive branch has so much power, but there's just as much power in the Senate and House. If the Senate and House don't want tariffs there will be no tariffs. If the senate and house don't want a wall there will be no wall. If the senate and house refuse to impose a penalty tax on American corporations there will be no such tax etc. etc. etc.

. Where the hell was the wimps when Obama was president ? Now he's going to release the nasty Gitmo slime, and they who oppose it will be cowering once again, and won't do squat. Come onnnnnnn President Trump.
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If the Republicans were going to elect what ends up to be the equivalent of Jeb Bush,

why didn't you just elect Jeb Bush?

At least then we'd have a president with a modicum of human decency.

What ever gave you the idea that Jeb Bush was anything like Donald Trump--LOL? They're completely opposite. You have not elected a conservative, much less a Republican.

51.1% of the conservative base did NOT cast a vote for Donald Trump. There are reasons for that. They knew he wasn't a conservative. He doesn't have a conservative bone in his body.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News
Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies


That's why real conservative Republicans did show up for Trump's convention. And typically conservative Republicans do not get along very well with liberal Democrats.

And they sure don't like Russia.


So I really don't know how effective you believe a Comrade Trump Presidency is going to be? It wouldn't surprise me in the least to see that Senate & House Republicans will be siding with Democrats on many things this term. Senate Republicans have a very foul opinion of Trump and his supporters. Trump and his supporters have attacked them with insults, and outrageous lies.

Furthermore, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have their own agenda's. They are Obamacare, (fixing or replacing it), Medicare, Social Security and Federal budgets and taxes. They'll table anything that Trump gives them that they don't want to work on, and tell Trump to kiss their ass's in the process.
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If the Republicans were going to elect what ends up to be the equivalent of Jeb Bush,

why didn't you just elect Jeb Bush?

At least then we'd have a president with a modicum of human decency.

What ever gave you the idea that Jeb Bush was anything like Donald Trump--LOL? They're completely opposite. You have not elected a conservative, much less a Republican.

51.1% of the conservative base did NOT cast a vote for Donald Trump. There are reasons for that. They knew he wasn't a conservative. He doesn't have a conservative bone in his body.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News
Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies


That's why real conservative Republicans did show up for Trump's convention. And typically conservative Republicans do not get along very well with liberal Democrats.

And they sure don't like Russia.


So I really don't know how effective you believe a Comrade Trump Presidency is going to be? It wouldn't surprise me in the least to see that Senate & House Republicans will be siding with Democrats on many things this term. Senate Republicans have a very foul opinion of Trump and his supporters. Trump and his supporters have attacked them with insults, and outrageous lies.

Furthermore, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have their own agenda's. They are Obamacare, (fixing or replacing it), Medicare, Social Security and Federal budgets. They'll table anything that Trump gives them that they don't want to work on.
When's the last time you voted for a winner?
Looks like Donald Trump doesn't even have a mandate in his own party:
“We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”
- See more at: Ryan Bucks Trump, Says Congress Will Not Raise Tariffs

Companies that were scared about sending jobs to Mexico can now be in peace again.

It is also possible that Trump always knew that there would be no tariffs, but used this promise to make gullible protectionist vote for him.

Trump never did have a mandate with Republicans. They didn't even show up for his convention. They tried to block him at every opportunity. They would have preferred Hillary Clinton, because they hate Donald Trump so much.

Republicans would never agree to tariffs, or imposing a 10% penalty tax on American corporations. NEVER. That's more like something that would have come out of Bernie Sander's mouth, never a Republican.

Now with this Russian connection confirmed--Trump is going to end up being the most ineffective, lame duck President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

Trump has very few friends on the hill, but he and his supporters have made a hell of a lot of enemies in both houses, especially the Republican senate. They are leading the charge on this Russian hacking, and wouldn't have any problems what so ever signing off on impeachment proceedings. This is the most bipartisanship we've seen since 9/11, & I am betting it's going to continue to block Trump on a lot of things. No respect here, that's for dam certain.


Senate & House Republicans maybe be perfectly content on sinking the Trump Titanic with his supporters on board.

Trump won the republicans. The Republican leadership, A. has better wake the fuck up, and B. better support our president, if they know what is good for them.

Your Godwin is noted. YOu are an asshole. FUCK YOU.
Ryan's a RINO Globalist. He doesn't put Americans first. Unfortunately, Trump's gonna have to battle both Democrats and RINO's. He's a bit outnumbered. He may have to use that pen an awful lot. Even more than Hussein did.
Ryan's a RINO Globalist. He doesn't put Americans first. Unfortunately, Trump's gonna have to battle both Democrats and RINO's. He's a bit outnumbered. He may have to use that pen an awful lot. Even more than Hussein did.

Some republicans want to actually win. Hopefully there will be enough of them to give Trump the support he needs against those that would rather be the Dems bitches.
Ryan's a RINO Globalist. He doesn't put Americans first. Unfortunately, Trump's gonna have to battle both Democrats and RINO's. He's a bit outnumbered. He may have to use that pen an awful lot. Even more than Hussein did.

Some republicans want to actually win. Hopefully there will be enough of them to give Trump the support he needs against those that would rather be the Dems bitches.

I hear ya, but Trump is pretty outnumbered. It's very rare for a President to have to fight against much of their own Party, along with the opposition Party. But Trump did beat the corrupt Establishment to become President. So there is some hope he'll beat em again. And he does have that pen. So stay tuned.
Ryan's a RINO Globalist. He doesn't put Americans first. Unfortunately, Trump's gonna have to battle both Democrats and RINO's. He's a bit outnumbered. He may have to use that pen an awful lot. Even more than Hussein did.

Some republicans want to actually win. Hopefully there will be enough of them to give Trump the support he needs against those that would rather be the Dems bitches.

I hear ya, but Trump is pretty outnumbered. It's very rare for a President to have to fight against much of their own Party, along with the opposition Party. But Trump did beat the corrupt Establishment to become President. So there is some hope he'll beat em again. And he does have that pen. So stay tuned.

You ever watch the vids of the liberals shock and surprise on Election night?

You should. And do so again, but imagine what was going though the mind of Paul Ryan, and all the other Republican leaders who thought that Trump could not win.

Who though that the Rust Belt was out of reach.

Who though that there were no more votes to get from the White Ethnic Group, the largest single group in the nation, indeed, still the MAJORITY of the votes.

Trump outnumbers THEM.
Ryan's a RINO Globalist. He doesn't put Americans first. Unfortunately, Trump's gonna have to battle both Democrats and RINO's. He's a bit outnumbered. He may have to use that pen an awful lot. Even more than Hussein did.

Some republicans want to actually win. Hopefully there will be enough of them to give Trump the support he needs against those that would rather be the Dems bitches.

I hear ya, but Trump is pretty outnumbered. It's very rare for a President to have to fight against much of their own Party, along with the opposition Party. But Trump did beat the corrupt Establishment to become President. So there is some hope he'll beat em again. And he does have that pen. So stay tuned.

You ever watch the vids of the liberals shock and surprise on Election night?

You should. And do so again, but imagine what was going though the mind of Paul Ryan, and all the other Republican leaders who thought that Trump could not win.

Who though that the Rust Belt was out of reach.

Who though that there were no more votes to get from the White Ethnic Group, the largest single group in the nation, indeed, still the MAJORITY of the votes.

Trump outnumbers THEM.

I hope he does well. I can't stand milquetoast RINO's like Ryan. It's gonna be a struggle for Trump. But hey, he is a fighter. I won't underestimate him.
Why isn't this FAKE NEWS in the Rubber Room by now? Ryan wasn't talking about what the OP claims as I proved several pages earlier. The MSLSD nitwit asked him about Hawley Smoot protectionism and Ryan assured him we won't be slapping tariffs nilly willy on our trading partners..... if they stop boycotting our products.
Ryan's a RINO Globalist. He doesn't put Americans first. Unfortunately, Trump's gonna have to battle both Democrats and RINO's. He's a bit outnumbered. He may have to use that pen an awful lot. Even more than Hussein did.

Some republicans want to actually win. Hopefully there will be enough of them to give Trump the support he needs against those that would rather be the Dems bitches.

I hear ya, but Trump is pretty outnumbered. It's very rare for a President to have to fight against much of their own Party, along with the opposition Party. But Trump did beat the corrupt Establishment to become President. So there is some hope he'll beat em again. And he does have that pen. So stay tuned.

You ever watch the vids of the liberals shock and surprise on Election night?

You should. And do so again, but imagine what was going though the mind of Paul Ryan, and all the other Republican leaders who thought that Trump could not win.

Who though that the Rust Belt was out of reach.

Who though that there were no more votes to get from the White Ethnic Group, the largest single group in the nation, indeed, still the MAJORITY of the votes.

Trump outnumbers THEM.

I hope he does well. I can't stand milquetoast RINO's like Ryan. It's gonna be a struggle for Trump. But hey, he is a fighter. I won't underestimate him.

I have been calling congressmen, telling them that they need to support TRump.
Ryan's a RINO Globalist. He doesn't put Americans first. Unfortunately, Trump's gonna have to battle both Democrats and RINO's. He's a bit outnumbered. He may have to use that pen an awful lot. Even more than Hussein did.
. Be alright.. What ever it takes.

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