Ryan: There will be no tariffs for companies that take jobs overseas

We are specifically talking about tariffs. In the realm of economics, tariffs are wealth destroyers. Ask the Russians and North Korea about protectionism.
Ask Germany, Japan, India and China.
Ask the 98.2% of Americans making <20K/year.
Oh yeah, that's right, only the US doesn't practice any form of protectionism.
You're a conservative and you want the U.S. to be more like Germany, Japan, India, and China?! WTF is going on in this country? Nevermind that China and India basically have slave labor, Japan is no more protectionist than we are right now, and Germany is the head of a fucking Union of countries created to improve free trade with each other to compete with the rest of the world!

Are we in the twilight zone?
Actually, you have something there concerning Merkel...her US like behavior is starting to destroy Germany.
I doubt she will win another election.
Fair Trade...Comparative Advantage...Poison to a self-absorbed asshole such as yourself.
The last time Germany was destroyed was thanks to a guy who loved protectionism. Actually we should hope the EU breaks up. The countries now in it would have far less leverage in trade negotiations and we could have our way with them.
Face it; you have exposed yourself way too much today as a phony Liberal and a greedy, sociopathic Capitalist.
So you are a republican that opposes capitalism? I can see why you voted Trump now.
We are specifically talking about tariffs. In the realm of economics, tariffs are wealth destroyers. Ask the Russians and North Korea about protectionism.

But what about the "countless numbers of variables" that the Russians and NOrth Korean examples have? How can you look at them as examples of protectionism, with all those "countless numbers of variables"?
Go ahead pick a variable. Tariffs are bad for economies. There's one variable. How about slave labor? Slave labor is great for economies! What about creating a 2 day work week? That would be terrible for the economy. Any variables that you want to discuss?

I'm happy to talk about tariffs, but when I cited an historical example you dismissed it because of "variables".

There really isn't a variable that we can pick that we can examine without other variables being present.

Your dismissal my example with a standard, that if we hold to , renders history utterly useless as a learning tool.

So, what is your favorite color? Cause anything else, variables.
You picked a singular event in human history, the industrialization of the world thanks to the invention of machines that could do what no human ever could, and attributed the whole fucking thing to tariffs. The concept of a tariff is a definable thing. It seeks to suppress demand by artificially raising costs. So there is less incentive for the producer to create, and less incentive for the consumer to buy. Wealth successfully destroyed.

IS that why the 18th was a time of the United States being left further and further behind the rapidly industrializing rest of the world?

Oh, wait, no, the exact opposite happened.
You mean the 19th. And the rest of the world was Britain. Whose protectionist policies (their massive artificial controls on free trade like Trump proposes) allowed the U.S. to surpass them.
But what about the "countless numbers of variables" that the Russians and NOrth Korean examples have? How can you look at them as examples of protectionism, with all those "countless numbers of variables"?
Go ahead pick a variable. Tariffs are bad for economies. There's one variable. How about slave labor? Slave labor is great for economies! What about creating a 2 day work week? That would be terrible for the economy. Any variables that you want to discuss?

I'm happy to talk about tariffs, but when I cited an historical example you dismissed it because of "variables".

There really isn't a variable that we can pick that we can examine without other variables being present.

Your dismissal my example with a standard, that if we hold to , renders history utterly useless as a learning tool.

So, what is your favorite color? Cause anything else, variables.
You picked a singular event in human history, the industrialization of the world thanks to the invention of machines that could do what no human ever could, and attributed the whole fucking thing to tariffs. The concept of a tariff is a definable thing. It seeks to suppress demand by artificially raising costs. So there is less incentive for the producer to create, and less incentive for the consumer to buy. Wealth successfully destroyed.

So China has a Tariff, takes 25% of non-Chinese company profits and pays their workers $13.00/day.
You sure you're Liberal.
Or just a greedy ass sociopath?
I'm not a liberal on most economic matters because a lot of those liberal ideas are stupid. Like your idea that the Chinese government pays workers $13 an hour paid for by tariffs. That's very stupid.
Use Google, it's good for you.
You have exposed yourself to be a typical Economic Conservative.
No wonder Trump is killing you.
Now you may actually have to exert your brain cells to make a living.
You made a claim about history, ie that tariffs were never pro-job,

and now you are citing issues that would make ANY historical example not applicable.

How do you propose we judge your historical claim if we are not allowed to use historical examples?
We are specifically talking about tariffs. In the realm of economics, tariffs are wealth destroyers. Ask the Russians and North Korea about protectionism.
Ask Germany, Japan, India and China.
Ask the 98.2% of Americans making <20K/year.
Oh yeah, that's right, only the US doesn't practice any form of protectionism.
You're a conservative and you want the U.S. to be more like Germany, Japan, India, and China?! WTF is going on in this country? Nevermind that China and India basically have slave labor, Japan is no more protectionist than we are right now, and Germany is the head of a fucking Union of countries created to improve free trade with each other to compete with the rest of the world!

Are we in the twilight zone?
Actually, you have something there concerning Merkel...her US like behavior is starting to destroy Germany.
I doubt she will win another election.
Fair Trade...Comparative Advantage...Poison to a self-absorbed asshole such as yourself.
The last time Germany was destroyed was thanks to a guy who loved protectionism. Actually we should hope the EU breaks up. The countries now in it would have far less leverage in trade negotiations and we could have our way with them.

This is how the EU operates.

WTO says EU failed to comply with Airbus subsidy ruling

"The World Trade Organization said on Thursday the European Union had failed to rein in billions of dollars in subsidies to planemaker Airbus (AIR.PA), ratcheting up tensions in the battle for airliner orders worth trillions of dollars a decade."


"The WTO said the EU and four nations - Britain, France, Germany and Spain - had failed to comply with earlier rulings against all but two of 36 contested measures, including billions of dollars of European government loans to Airbus.

The loans were a "genuine and substantial" cause of significant lost sales for Airbus's U.S. competitor Boeing, it said."

You know my favorite part about this?

NO ONE expects any action.
Go ahead pick a variable. Tariffs are bad for economies. There's one variable. How about slave labor? Slave labor is great for economies! What about creating a 2 day work week? That would be terrible for the economy. Any variables that you want to discuss?

I'm happy to talk about tariffs, but when I cited an historical example you dismissed it because of "variables".

There really isn't a variable that we can pick that we can examine without other variables being present.

Your dismissal my example with a standard, that if we hold to , renders history utterly useless as a learning tool.

So, what is your favorite color? Cause anything else, variables.
You picked a singular event in human history, the industrialization of the world thanks to the invention of machines that could do what no human ever could, and attributed the whole fucking thing to tariffs. The concept of a tariff is a definable thing. It seeks to suppress demand by artificially raising costs. So there is less incentive for the producer to create, and less incentive for the consumer to buy. Wealth successfully destroyed.

So China has a Tariff, takes 25% of non-Chinese company profits and pays their workers $13.00/day.
You sure you're Liberal.
Or just a greedy ass sociopath?
I'm not a liberal on most economic matters because a lot of those liberal ideas are stupid. Like your idea that the Chinese government pays workers $13 an hour paid for by tariffs. That's very stupid.
Use Google, it's good for you.
You have exposed yourself to be a typical Economic Conservative.
No wonder Trump is killing you.
Now you may actually have to exert your brain cells to make a living.
Wow. We're in a fucking twilight zone.
Ask Germany, Japan, India and China.
Ask the 98.2% of Americans making <20K/year.
Oh yeah, that's right, only the US doesn't practice any form of protectionism.
You're a conservative and you want the U.S. to be more like Germany, Japan, India, and China?! WTF is going on in this country? Nevermind that China and India basically have slave labor, Japan is no more protectionist than we are right now, and Germany is the head of a fucking Union of countries created to improve free trade with each other to compete with the rest of the world!

Are we in the twilight zone?
Actually, you have something there concerning Merkel...her US like behavior is starting to destroy Germany.
I doubt she will win another election.
Fair Trade...Comparative Advantage...Poison to a self-absorbed asshole such as yourself.
The last time Germany was destroyed was thanks to a guy who loved protectionism. Actually we should hope the EU breaks up. The countries now in it would have far less leverage in trade negotiations and we could have our way with them.
Face it; you have exposed yourself way too much today as a phony Liberal and a greedy, sociopathic Capitalist.
So you are a republican that opposes capitalism? I can see why you voted Trump now.
I oppose greedy Capitalists, such as yourself and Bill Gates, dictating Economic and Fiscal Policy.
But what about the "countless numbers of variables" that the Russians and NOrth Korean examples have? How can you look at them as examples of protectionism, with all those "countless numbers of variables"?
Go ahead pick a variable. Tariffs are bad for economies. There's one variable. How about slave labor? Slave labor is great for economies! What about creating a 2 day work week? That would be terrible for the economy. Any variables that you want to discuss?

I'm happy to talk about tariffs, but when I cited an historical example you dismissed it because of "variables".

There really isn't a variable that we can pick that we can examine without other variables being present.

Your dismissal my example with a standard, that if we hold to , renders history utterly useless as a learning tool.

So, what is your favorite color? Cause anything else, variables.
You picked a singular event in human history, the industrialization of the world thanks to the invention of machines that could do what no human ever could, and attributed the whole fucking thing to tariffs. The concept of a tariff is a definable thing. It seeks to suppress demand by artificially raising costs. So there is less incentive for the producer to create, and less incentive for the consumer to buy. Wealth successfully destroyed.

IS that why the 18th was a time of the United States being left further and further behind the rapidly industrializing rest of the world?

Oh, wait, no, the exact opposite happened.
You mean the 19th. And the rest of the world was Britain. Whose protectionist policies (their massive artificial controls on free trade like Trump proposes) allowed the U.S. to surpass them.

By the end of 19th century the Industrial Revolution had spread well outside of the US and the UK.

And the US, surpassed them all during this high tariff time period.
But what about the "countless numbers of variables" that the Russians and NOrth Korean examples have? How can you look at them as examples of protectionism, with all those "countless numbers of variables"?
Go ahead pick a variable. Tariffs are bad for economies. There's one variable. How about slave labor? Slave labor is great for economies! What about creating a 2 day work week? That would be terrible for the economy. Any variables that you want to discuss?

I'm happy to talk about tariffs, but when I cited an historical example you dismissed it because of "variables".

There really isn't a variable that we can pick that we can examine without other variables being present.

Your dismissal my example with a standard, that if we hold to , renders history utterly useless as a learning tool.

So, what is your favorite color? Cause anything else, variables.
You picked a singular event in human history, the industrialization of the world thanks to the invention of machines that could do what no human ever could, and attributed the whole fucking thing to tariffs. The concept of a tariff is a definable thing. It seeks to suppress demand by artificially raising costs. So there is less incentive for the producer to create, and less incentive for the consumer to buy. Wealth successfully destroyed.

IS that why the 18th was a time of the United States being left further and further behind the rapidly industrializing rest of the world?

Oh, wait, no, the exact opposite happened.
You mean the 19th. And the rest of the world was Britain. Whose protectionist policies (their massive artificial controls on free trade like Trump proposes) allowed the U.S. to surpass them.
It was called Hitler.
We are specifically talking about tariffs. In the realm of economics, tariffs are wealth destroyers. Ask the Russians and North Korea about protectionism.
Ask Germany, Japan, India and China.
Ask the 98.2% of Americans making <20K/year.
Oh yeah, that's right, only the US doesn't practice any form of protectionism.
You're a conservative and you want the U.S. to be more like Germany, Japan, India, and China?! WTF is going on in this country? Nevermind that China and India basically have slave labor, Japan is no more protectionist than we are right now, and Germany is the head of a fucking Union of countries created to improve free trade with each other to compete with the rest of the world!

Are we in the twilight zone?
Actually, you have something there concerning Merkel...her US like behavior is starting to destroy Germany.
I doubt she will win another election.
Fair Trade...Comparative Advantage...Poison to a self-absorbed asshole such as yourself.
The last time Germany was destroyed was thanks to a guy who loved protectionism. Actually we should hope the EU breaks up. The countries now in it would have far less leverage in trade negotiations and we could have our way with them.

This is how the EU operates.

WTO says EU failed to comply with Airbus subsidy ruling

"The World Trade Organization said on Thursday the European Union had failed to rein in billions of dollars in subsidies to planemaker Airbus (AIR.PA), ratcheting up tensions in the battle for airliner orders worth trillions of dollars a decade."


"The WTO said the EU and four nations - Britain, France, Germany and Spain - had failed to comply with earlier rulings against all but two of 36 contested measures, including billions of dollars of European government loans to Airbus.

The loans were a "genuine and substantial" cause of significant lost sales for Airbus's U.S. competitor Boeing, it said."

You know my favorite part about this?

NO ONE expects any action.
Yep crazy artificial subsidies for Boeing and Airbus. Protectionist nonsense. Meanwhile the time it takes to fly from D.C. to London has barely changed in 50 years. Since there's no incentive to compete.
Ask Germany, Japan, India and China.
Ask the 98.2% of Americans making <20K/year.
Oh yeah, that's right, only the US doesn't practice any form of protectionism.
You're a conservative and you want the U.S. to be more like Germany, Japan, India, and China?! WTF is going on in this country? Nevermind that China and India basically have slave labor, Japan is no more protectionist than we are right now, and Germany is the head of a fucking Union of countries created to improve free trade with each other to compete with the rest of the world!

Are we in the twilight zone?
Actually, you have something there concerning Merkel...her US like behavior is starting to destroy Germany.
I doubt she will win another election.
Fair Trade...Comparative Advantage...Poison to a self-absorbed asshole such as yourself.
The last time Germany was destroyed was thanks to a guy who loved protectionism. Actually we should hope the EU breaks up. The countries now in it would have far less leverage in trade negotiations and we could have our way with them.

This is how the EU operates.

WTO says EU failed to comply with Airbus subsidy ruling

"The World Trade Organization said on Thursday the European Union had failed to rein in billions of dollars in subsidies to planemaker Airbus (AIR.PA), ratcheting up tensions in the battle for airliner orders worth trillions of dollars a decade."


"The WTO said the EU and four nations - Britain, France, Germany and Spain - had failed to comply with earlier rulings against all but two of 36 contested measures, including billions of dollars of European government loans to Airbus.

The loans were a "genuine and substantial" cause of significant lost sales for Airbus's U.S. competitor Boeing, it said."

You know my favorite part about this?

NO ONE expects any action.
Yep crazy artificial subsidies for Boeing and Airbus. Protectionist nonsense. Meanwhile the time it takes to fly from D.C. to London has barely changed in 50 years. Since there's no incentive to compete.
And Trump has said that gravy train is over.
Oh, you MISSED that Tweet, didn't you, Snowflake.
Go ahead pick a variable. Tariffs are bad for economies. There's one variable. How about slave labor? Slave labor is great for economies! What about creating a 2 day work week? That would be terrible for the economy. Any variables that you want to discuss?

I'm happy to talk about tariffs, but when I cited an historical example you dismissed it because of "variables".

There really isn't a variable that we can pick that we can examine without other variables being present.

Your dismissal my example with a standard, that if we hold to , renders history utterly useless as a learning tool.

So, what is your favorite color? Cause anything else, variables.
You picked a singular event in human history, the industrialization of the world thanks to the invention of machines that could do what no human ever could, and attributed the whole fucking thing to tariffs. The concept of a tariff is a definable thing. It seeks to suppress demand by artificially raising costs. So there is less incentive for the producer to create, and less incentive for the consumer to buy. Wealth successfully destroyed.

IS that why the 18th was a time of the United States being left further and further behind the rapidly industrializing rest of the world?

Oh, wait, no, the exact opposite happened.
You mean the 19th. And the rest of the world was Britain. Whose protectionist policies (their massive artificial controls on free trade like Trump proposes) allowed the U.S. to surpass them.

By the end of 19th century the Industrial Revolution had spread well outside of the US and the UK.

And the US, surpassed them all during this high tariff time period.
Again, your entire "time period" had countless amounts of shit going on. We are isolating tariffs here, not talking about an entire epoch of human civilization. Tariffs and subsidies are not real! The corn industry isn't booming because everybody wants corn! It's because the government shells out tons of money! Nothing is being created!

We don't have a trade deficit with China because of their governments brilliant tariff's against us... it's because they don't have anything! Their people get by on a dollar per day!
You're a conservative and you want the U.S. to be more like Germany, Japan, India, and China?! WTF is going on in this country? Nevermind that China and India basically have slave labor, Japan is no more protectionist than we are right now, and Germany is the head of a fucking Union of countries created to improve free trade with each other to compete with the rest of the world!

Are we in the twilight zone?
Actually, you have something there concerning Merkel...her US like behavior is starting to destroy Germany.
I doubt she will win another election.
Fair Trade...Comparative Advantage...Poison to a self-absorbed asshole such as yourself.
The last time Germany was destroyed was thanks to a guy who loved protectionism. Actually we should hope the EU breaks up. The countries now in it would have far less leverage in trade negotiations and we could have our way with them.

This is how the EU operates.

WTO says EU failed to comply with Airbus subsidy ruling

"The World Trade Organization said on Thursday the European Union had failed to rein in billions of dollars in subsidies to planemaker Airbus (AIR.PA), ratcheting up tensions in the battle for airliner orders worth trillions of dollars a decade."


"The WTO said the EU and four nations - Britain, France, Germany and Spain - had failed to comply with earlier rulings against all but two of 36 contested measures, including billions of dollars of European government loans to Airbus.

The loans were a "genuine and substantial" cause of significant lost sales for Airbus's U.S. competitor Boeing, it said."

You know my favorite part about this?

NO ONE expects any action.
Yep crazy artificial subsidies for Boeing and Airbus. Protectionist nonsense. Meanwhile the time it takes to fly from D.C. to London has barely changed in 50 years. Since there's no incentive to compete.
And Trump has said that gravy train is over.
Oh, you MISSED that Tweet, didn't you, Snowflake.
Are you even on the same PLANET as me? Trump ran on subsidies and tariffs genius! What the hell do you even think we're talking about?
I'm happy to talk about tariffs, but when I cited an historical example you dismissed it because of "variables".

There really isn't a variable that we can pick that we can examine without other variables being present.

Your dismissal my example with a standard, that if we hold to , renders history utterly useless as a learning tool.

So, what is your favorite color? Cause anything else, variables.
You picked a singular event in human history, the industrialization of the world thanks to the invention of machines that could do what no human ever could, and attributed the whole fucking thing to tariffs. The concept of a tariff is a definable thing. It seeks to suppress demand by artificially raising costs. So there is less incentive for the producer to create, and less incentive for the consumer to buy. Wealth successfully destroyed.

IS that why the 18th was a time of the United States being left further and further behind the rapidly industrializing rest of the world?

Oh, wait, no, the exact opposite happened.
You mean the 19th. And the rest of the world was Britain. Whose protectionist policies (their massive artificial controls on free trade like Trump proposes) allowed the U.S. to surpass them.

By the end of 19th century the Industrial Revolution had spread well outside of the US and the UK.

And the US, surpassed them all during this high tariff time period.
Again, your entire "time period" had countless amounts of shit going on. We are isolating tariffs here, not talking about an entire epoch of human civilization. Tariffs and subsidies are not real! The corn industry isn't booming because everybody wants corn! It's because the government shells out tons of money! Nothing is being created!

We don't have a trade deficit with China because of their governments brilliant tariff's against us... it's because they don't have anything! Their people get by on a dollar per day!

Are you sure about that? Chinese purchasing power is increasing. Are you sure that we have unfettered access to their market?
You picked a singular event in human history, the industrialization of the world thanks to the invention of machines that could do what no human ever could, and attributed the whole fucking thing to tariffs. The concept of a tariff is a definable thing. It seeks to suppress demand by artificially raising costs. So there is less incentive for the producer to create, and less incentive for the consumer to buy. Wealth successfully destroyed.

IS that why the 18th was a time of the United States being left further and further behind the rapidly industrializing rest of the world?

Oh, wait, no, the exact opposite happened.
You mean the 19th. And the rest of the world was Britain. Whose protectionist policies (their massive artificial controls on free trade like Trump proposes) allowed the U.S. to surpass them.

By the end of 19th century the Industrial Revolution had spread well outside of the US and the UK.

And the US, surpassed them all during this high tariff time period.
Again, your entire "time period" had countless amounts of shit going on. We are isolating tariffs here, not talking about an entire epoch of human civilization. Tariffs and subsidies are not real! The corn industry isn't booming because everybody wants corn! It's because the government shells out tons of money! Nothing is being created!

We don't have a trade deficit with China because of their governments brilliant tariff's against us... it's because they don't have anything! Their people get by on a dollar per day!

Are you sure about that? Chinese purchasing power is increasing. Are you sure that we have unfettered access to their market?
Yeah in the last 20 years they went from completely dead fucking broke to having some pocket change. But hey now as they're getting to a stage where it's time for them to spend let's start a trade war! Yeeeehaw MAGA!!!

Irrelevant I guess since Ryan just said republicans will never pass these stupid tariffs. The only decent thing they'll have done in years.
IS that why the 18th was a time of the United States being left further and further behind the rapidly industrializing rest of the world?

Oh, wait, no, the exact opposite happened.
You mean the 19th. And the rest of the world was Britain. Whose protectionist policies (their massive artificial controls on free trade like Trump proposes) allowed the U.S. to surpass them.

By the end of 19th century the Industrial Revolution had spread well outside of the US and the UK.

And the US, surpassed them all during this high tariff time period.
Again, your entire "time period" had countless amounts of shit going on. We are isolating tariffs here, not talking about an entire epoch of human civilization. Tariffs and subsidies are not real! The corn industry isn't booming because everybody wants corn! It's because the government shells out tons of money! Nothing is being created!

We don't have a trade deficit with China because of their governments brilliant tariff's against us... it's because they don't have anything! Their people get by on a dollar per day!

Are you sure about that? Chinese purchasing power is increasing. Are you sure that we have unfettered access to their market?
Yeah in the last 20 years they went from completely dead fucking broke to having some pocket change. But hey now as they're getting to a stage where it's time for them to spend let's start a trade war! Yeeeehaw MAGA!!!

Irrelevant I guess since Ryan just said republicans will never pass these stupid tariffs. The only decent thing they'll have done in years.

You didn't address my question about our access. Are you sure?
You mean the 19th. And the rest of the world was Britain. Whose protectionist policies (their massive artificial controls on free trade like Trump proposes) allowed the U.S. to surpass them.

By the end of 19th century the Industrial Revolution had spread well outside of the US and the UK.

And the US, surpassed them all during this high tariff time period.
Again, your entire "time period" had countless amounts of shit going on. We are isolating tariffs here, not talking about an entire epoch of human civilization. Tariffs and subsidies are not real! The corn industry isn't booming because everybody wants corn! It's because the government shells out tons of money! Nothing is being created!

We don't have a trade deficit with China because of their governments brilliant tariff's against us... it's because they don't have anything! Their people get by on a dollar per day!

Are you sure about that? Chinese purchasing power is increasing. Are you sure that we have unfettered access to their market?
Yeah in the last 20 years they went from completely dead fucking broke to having some pocket change. But hey now as they're getting to a stage where it's time for them to spend let's start a trade war! Yeeeehaw MAGA!!!

Irrelevant I guess since Ryan just said republicans will never pass these stupid tariffs. The only decent thing they'll have done in years.

You didn't address my question about our access. Are you sure?
What kind f unfettered access? Do you think they have unfettered access here?
By the end of 19th century the Industrial Revolution had spread well outside of the US and the UK.

And the US, surpassed them all during this high tariff time period.
Again, your entire "time period" had countless amounts of shit going on. We are isolating tariffs here, not talking about an entire epoch of human civilization. Tariffs and subsidies are not real! The corn industry isn't booming because everybody wants corn! It's because the government shells out tons of money! Nothing is being created!

We don't have a trade deficit with China because of their governments brilliant tariff's against us... it's because they don't have anything! Their people get by on a dollar per day!

Are you sure about that? Chinese purchasing power is increasing. Are you sure that we have unfettered access to their market?
Yeah in the last 20 years they went from completely dead fucking broke to having some pocket change. But hey now as they're getting to a stage where it's time for them to spend let's start a trade war! Yeeeehaw MAGA!!!

Irrelevant I guess since Ryan just said republicans will never pass these stupid tariffs. The only decent thing they'll have done in years.

You didn't address my question about our access. Are you sure?
What kind f unfettered access? Do you think they have unfettered access here?

They set new records for the largest trade surpluses ever, nearly every single year.

If there are "fetters" they are the weakest ass fetters of all time.

Are yousure we have unfettered access to their market?
Again, your entire "time period" had countless amounts of shit going on. We are isolating tariffs here, not talking about an entire epoch of human civilization. Tariffs and subsidies are not real! The corn industry isn't booming because everybody wants corn! It's because the government shells out tons of money! Nothing is being created!

We don't have a trade deficit with China because of their governments brilliant tariff's against us... it's because they don't have anything! Their people get by on a dollar per day!

Are you sure about that? Chinese purchasing power is increasing. Are you sure that we have unfettered access to their market?
Yeah in the last 20 years they went from completely dead fucking broke to having some pocket change. But hey now as they're getting to a stage where it's time for them to spend let's start a trade war! Yeeeehaw MAGA!!!

Irrelevant I guess since Ryan just said republicans will never pass these stupid tariffs. The only decent thing they'll have done in years.

You didn't address my question about our access. Are you sure?
What kind f unfettered access? Do you think they have unfettered access here?

They set new records for the largest trade surpluses ever, nearly every single year.

If there are "fetters" they are the weakest ass fetters of all time.

Are yousure we have unfettered access to their market?
Give me your definition of unfettered. We do billions of dollars of business woth them every year. What point are you trying to steer this towards?
Are you sure about that? Chinese purchasing power is increasing. Are you sure that we have unfettered access to their market?
Yeah in the last 20 years they went from completely dead fucking broke to having some pocket change. But hey now as they're getting to a stage where it's time for them to spend let's start a trade war! Yeeeehaw MAGA!!!

Irrelevant I guess since Ryan just said republicans will never pass these stupid tariffs. The only decent thing they'll have done in years.

You didn't address my question about our access. Are you sure?
What kind f unfettered access? Do you think they have unfettered access here?

They set new records for the largest trade surpluses ever, nearly every single year.

If there are "fetters" they are the weakest ass fetters of all time.

Are yousure we have unfettered access to their market?
Give me your definition of unfettered. We do billions of dollars of business woth them every year. What point are you trying to steer this towards?

You claimed that we had unfettered access. I just asked if you were sure.

If trade is not mutually beneficial, then why are we doing it?

And trade as lop sided as our trade with China is not beneficial.
Actually, you have something there concerning Merkel...her US like behavior is starting to destroy Germany.
I doubt she will win another election.
Fair Trade...Comparative Advantage...Poison to a self-absorbed asshole such as yourself.
The last time Germany was destroyed was thanks to a guy who loved protectionism. Actually we should hope the EU breaks up. The countries now in it would have far less leverage in trade negotiations and we could have our way with them.

This is how the EU operates.

WTO says EU failed to comply with Airbus subsidy ruling

"The World Trade Organization said on Thursday the European Union had failed to rein in billions of dollars in subsidies to planemaker Airbus (AIR.PA), ratcheting up tensions in the battle for airliner orders worth trillions of dollars a decade."


"The WTO said the EU and four nations - Britain, France, Germany and Spain - had failed to comply with earlier rulings against all but two of 36 contested measures, including billions of dollars of European government loans to Airbus.

The loans were a "genuine and substantial" cause of significant lost sales for Airbus's U.S. competitor Boeing, it said."

You know my favorite part about this?

NO ONE expects any action.
Yep crazy artificial subsidies for Boeing and Airbus. Protectionist nonsense. Meanwhile the time it takes to fly from D.C. to London has barely changed in 50 years. Since there's no incentive to compete.
And Trump has said that gravy train is over.
Oh, you MISSED that Tweet, didn't you, Snowflake.
Are you even on the same PLANET as me? Trump ran on subsidies and tariffs genius! What the hell do you even think we're talking about?
Trump ran on subsidies?

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