S.C. statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff

You almost gotta laugh at the post if it wasn't for the tragic event. The S.C. flag is a crescent moon and a palmetto tree on a blue background and the S.C. flags are at half staff.
Lefties, and that includes Starkey, are complete idiots
In context, I am not a lefty, you are not a real American, and the government flags appropriately are at half mast.

I saw a statement somewhere that suggested, rightly, that the confederate flag isn't simply a historical artifact, but a current symbol of white supremacy hate groups. Anyone who would try to deny that is likely a member of one.

Shut up, you are a lefty, you aren't fooling anyone, you never have.
There are rules for when flags are lowered. Maybe that doesn't qualify.

Gotta love how the left uses these deaths for political points.
Yeah, the right would never do that. *cough Benghazi cough*

The difference dumbass, is that obama and Hillary lied to the American Peopke, and there is a cover up ongoing. That isn't political points idiot, that is truth and justice.
Really? Shouldn't everything have been brought to light after 10 republican witch hunts which haven't found anything wrong?

You're just too stupid to talk to. There would have been if the criminals hadn't obstructed justice you fucking moron.

Good bye dumbass.
You ignorant ass. Multiple repug investigations have uncovered no evidence of wrongdoing. This is because there was nothing to be uncovered, except in your own fevered imagination. Don't worry though, I'm sure another dozen repug witch hunts will uncover that she farted in an elevator.
Proud to see my countries flag flying high unabated to political correct assholes and terrorist swine.
The redneck flag is displayed by a monument or memorial. Its not officially flying on a government building.

I hate it and wish they'd burn it. But it isnt flown in an official capacity to warrant being lowered any more than the USC Gamecocks flag on the football stadium.

Thank you. A boycott a few years ago by the Black community of South Carolina, aimed at their tourism industry, and the long haul trucker's to avoid gassing up in their state, forced the Legislature of South Carolina to remove the Confederate flag from the State Capital Building. However, it still flies on state property, on capital grounds, over the Confederate war dead memorial there, and doubt if any efforts will get it removed from that memorial. Also, it represent's nothing today, other than a reminder that hundred's of thousand's of Southern men died fighting under its banner, attempting to destroy the Federal Union of the United States of America. Flying for that purpose - since there are no living person's in America today that were affected by slavery up to 1865, fine with me, I don't visit South Carolina anyways. Since it represent's nothing - no official reason to lower it in memory of those murdered in Charleston.............
Does this surprise anyone?

Dispicable people , may be a long hot summer for them, 50 years after freedom summer

Maybe time to clean out the rats nest again

The Confederate flag flying at the Statehouse in Columbia became part of the Charleston church shooting story Thursday after the U.S. and South Carolina flags were lowered in mourning but the rebel banner was left flying at its full height.

Despite mourning statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff - Post and Courier

And, here's the actual reason it is still flying at full height, not that shitstains like Guno care about facts:

"In South Carolina, the governor does not have legal authority to alter the flag,” said a press secretary for Haley. “Only the General Assembly can do that." That is why, while other flags under the authority of the state have all been lowered in mourning, this one is still flying so audaciously. Even if Haley could order it lowered, it’s not clear that she would; in the past, she’s actually defended keeping the flag on state grounds, reassuring voters that it’s done nothing to harm the state’s image.

Since the General Assembly ended its 2015 legislative session on June 5, it’s likely the Capitol’s Confederate flag will continue to fly high, while the families of the shooter’s nine black victims mourn the carnage of this hate crime.

South Carolina Confederate flag after church shooting flag at Capitol still at full staff.

Poor progressive racists, they can never catch a break.
Only the ignorant, insensitive Conservative racists can catch a break.

I wonder if anyone is proud of the fact that no one in South Carolina has enough simple human decency to see this flag display, especially in the aftermath of this tragedy, as wholly inappropriate?
Or its just another case of overblown hysterics by the left. More phoney outrage about a stupid flag, and a fantasy that a bunch of racists were conspiring to insult black people. But once again, the facts stand in the way of the progressive narrative.

You are somewhat right though, us conservatives always catch a break, because the facts are always on our side.

Must suck to be a progressive shitstain.
The S.C. shootings cause me to feel sad about our country. My feeling towards the non-lowering of the secessionist's flag simply reinforces my opinion about it being a tactless display in the first place.
The S.C. shootings cause me to feel sad about our country. My feeling towards the non-lowering of the secessionist's flag simply reinforces my opinion about it being a tactless display in the first place.
If I were you I'd be more concerned that the fanatic OP might shoot up a church full of white people. I've never read so much hateful, racist vitriol from one individual.
Does this surprise anyone?

Dispicable people , may be a long hot summer for them, 50 years after freedom summer

Maybe time to clean out the rats nest again

The Confederate flag flying at the Statehouse in Columbia became part of the Charleston church shooting story Thursday after the U.S. and South Carolina flags were lowered in mourning but the rebel banner was left flying at its full height.

Despite mourning statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff - Post and Courier

And, here's the actual reason it is still flying at full height, not that shitstains like Guno care about facts:

"In South Carolina, the governor does not have legal authority to alter the flag,” said a press secretary for Haley. “Only the General Assembly can do that." That is why, while other flags under the authority of the state have all been lowered in mourning, this one is still flying so audaciously. Even if Haley could order it lowered, it’s not clear that she would; in the past, she’s actually defended keeping the flag on state grounds, reassuring voters that it’s done nothing to harm the state’s image.

Since the General Assembly ended its 2015 legislative session on June 5, it’s likely the Capitol’s Confederate flag will continue to fly high, while the families of the shooter’s nine black victims mourn the carnage of this hate crime.

South Carolina Confederate flag after church shooting flag at Capitol still at full staff.

Poor progressive racists, they can never catch a break.
Only the ignorant, insensitive Conservative racists can catch a break.

I wonder if anyone is proud of the fact that no one in South Carolina has enough simple human decency to see this flag display, especially in the aftermath of this tragedy, as wholly inappropriate?
Or its just another case of overblown hysterics by the left. More phoney outrage about a stupid flag, and a fantasy that a bunch of racists were conspiring to insult black people. But once again, the facts stand in the way of the progressive narrative.

You are somewhat right though, us conservatives always catch a break, because the facts are always on our side.

Must suck to be a progressive shitstain.
Can you be proud of the flag flying after the massacre? Can you be proud of that flag?
Does this surprise anyone?

Dispicable people , may be a long hot summer for them, 50 years after freedom summer

Maybe time to clean out the rats nest again

The Confederate flag flying at the Statehouse in Columbia became part of the Charleston church shooting story Thursday after the U.S. and South Carolina flags were lowered in mourning but the rebel banner was left flying at its full height.

Despite mourning statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff - Post and Courier

And, here's the actual reason it is still flying at full height, not that shitstains like Guno care about facts:

"In South Carolina, the governor does not have legal authority to alter the flag,” said a press secretary for Haley. “Only the General Assembly can do that." That is why, while other flags under the authority of the state have all been lowered in mourning, this one is still flying so audaciously. Even if Haley could order it lowered, it’s not clear that she would; in the past, she’s actually defended keeping the flag on state grounds, reassuring voters that it’s done nothing to harm the state’s image.

Since the General Assembly ended its 2015 legislative session on June 5, it’s likely the Capitol’s Confederate flag will continue to fly high, while the families of the shooter’s nine black victims mourn the carnage of this hate crime.

South Carolina Confederate flag after church shooting flag at Capitol still at full staff.

Poor progressive racists, they can never catch a break.
Only the ignorant, insensitive Conservative racists can catch a break.

I wonder if anyone is proud of the fact that no one in South Carolina has enough simple human decency to see this flag display, especially in the aftermath of this tragedy, as wholly inappropriate?
Or its just another case of overblown hysterics by the left. More phoney outrage about a stupid flag, and a fantasy that a bunch of racists were conspiring to insult black people. But once again, the facts stand in the way of the progressive narrative.

You are somewhat right though, us conservatives always catch a break, because the facts are always on our side.

Must suck to be a progressive shitstain.
Can you be proud of the flag flying after the massacre? Can you be proud of that flag?

Why would I be proud of a flag that I have nothing to do with?

Just because I don't buy into phoney outrage that makes me proud?

The only reason this is a story is so progressive shitstains can bitch and complain and accuse everyone who doesn't agree with them of being racists.
Does this surprise anyone?

Dispicable people , may be a long hot summer for them, 50 years after freedom summer

Maybe time to clean out the rats nest again

The Confederate flag flying at the Statehouse in Columbia became part of the Charleston church shooting story Thursday after the U.S. and South Carolina flags were lowered in mourning but the rebel banner was left flying at its full height.

Despite mourning statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff - Post and Courier

And, here's the actual reason it is still flying at full height, not that shitstains like Guno care about facts:

"In South Carolina, the governor does not have legal authority to alter the flag,” said a press secretary for Haley. “Only the General Assembly can do that." That is why, while other flags under the authority of the state have all been lowered in mourning, this one is still flying so audaciously. Even if Haley could order it lowered, it’s not clear that she would; in the past, she’s actually defended keeping the flag on state grounds, reassuring voters that it’s done nothing to harm the state’s image.

Since the General Assembly ended its 2015 legislative session on June 5, it’s likely the Capitol’s Confederate flag will continue to fly high, while the families of the shooter’s nine black victims mourn the carnage of this hate crime.

South Carolina Confederate flag after church shooting flag at Capitol still at full staff.

Poor progressive racists, they can never catch a break.
Only the ignorant, insensitive Conservative racists can catch a break.

I wonder if anyone is proud of the fact that no one in South Carolina has enough simple human decency to see this flag display, especially in the aftermath of this tragedy, as wholly inappropriate?
Or its just another case of overblown hysterics by the left. More phoney outrage about a stupid flag, and a fantasy that a bunch of racists were conspiring to insult black people. But once again, the facts stand in the way of the progressive narrative.

You are somewhat right though, us conservatives always catch a break, because the facts are always on our side.

Must suck to be a progressive shitstain.
Can you be proud of the flag flying after the massacre? Can you be proud of that flag?

Why would I be proud of a flag that I have nothing to do with?

Just because I don't buy into phoney outrage that makes me proud?

The only reason this is a story is so progressive shitstains can bitch and complain and accuse everyone who doesn't agree with them of being racists.
You must then betotally ignorant of the meaning of that flag. What it means to the African Americans who are terrorized by it and the meaning of the White Suprmacists who continue to glorify it.
And, here's the actual reason it is still flying at full height, not that shitstains like Guno care about facts:

South Carolina Confederate flag after church shooting flag at Capitol still at full staff.

Poor progressive racists, they can never catch a break.
Only the ignorant, insensitive Conservative racists can catch a break.

I wonder if anyone is proud of the fact that no one in South Carolina has enough simple human decency to see this flag display, especially in the aftermath of this tragedy, as wholly inappropriate?
Or its just another case of overblown hysterics by the left. More phoney outrage about a stupid flag, and a fantasy that a bunch of racists were conspiring to insult black people. But once again, the facts stand in the way of the progressive narrative.

You are somewhat right though, us conservatives always catch a break, because the facts are always on our side.

Must suck to be a progressive shitstain.
Can you be proud of the flag flying after the massacre? Can you be proud of that flag?

Why would I be proud of a flag that I have nothing to do with?

Just because I don't buy into phoney outrage that makes me proud?

The only reason this is a story is so progressive shitstains can bitch and complain and accuse everyone who doesn't agree with them of being racists.
You must then betotally ignorant of the meaning of that flag. What it means to the African Americans who are terrorized by it and the meaning of the White Suprmacists who continue to glorify it.

The Confederate flag brought death to far more white people than it did to blacks. Despite attempts by progressives to rewrite history, blacks were not freed by black slaves overcoming their masters, or by their struggle. It was accomplished by white people fighting other white people.
If anyone should be offended by a Confederate flag, it should be descendants of Union soldiers that were in that war.
Does this surprise anyone?

Dispicable people , may be a long hot summer for them, 50 years after freedom summer

Maybe time to clean out the rats nest again

The Confederate flag flying at the Statehouse in Columbia became part of the Charleston church shooting story Thursday after the U.S. and South Carolina flags were lowered in mourning but the rebel banner was left flying at its full height.

Despite mourning statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff - Post and Courier

The stars and bars are a battle emblem that is even more evil that the swastika. The swastika was hijacked by the Nazis. The confederate swastika was created by rich evil men who should have been assassinated right where they sat and fed their fat bellies.

These red state morons need to accept the the fact that they lost they ware and that they are still a bunch of pathetic losers who would be living it third world conditions were it not for the blue states.
Does this surprise anyone?

Dispicable people , may be a long hot summer for them, 50 years after freedom summer

Maybe time to clean out the rats nest again

The Confederate flag flying at the Statehouse in Columbia became part of the Charleston church shooting story Thursday after the U.S. and South Carolina flags were lowered in mourning but the rebel banner was left flying at its full height.

Despite mourning statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff - Post and Courier
National and stat flags were lowered. The rebel flag doesn't represent anything. Why don't you go stomp and kill it?

So you're saying the flag in front of the court house is there for no reason?

Yeah, ok
Some unknown person snuck in one night and put it up......they've just not found the time to take it down yet.....they are not responsible for it being there. Nope. Not at all.
Does this surprise anyone?

Dispicable people , may be a long hot summer for them, 50 years after freedom summer

Maybe time to clean out the rats nest again

The Confederate flag flying at the Statehouse in Columbia became part of the Charleston church shooting story Thursday after the U.S. and South Carolina flags were lowered in mourning but the rebel banner was left flying at its full height.

Despite mourning statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff - Post and Courier

The stars and bars are a battle emblem that is even more evil that the swastika. The swastika was hijacked by the Nazis. The confederate swastika was created by rich evil men who should have been assassinated right where they sat and fed their fat bellies.

These red state morons need to accept the the fact that they lost they ware and that they are still a bunch of pathetic losers who would be living it third world conditions were it not for the blue states.
Only the ignorant, insensitive Conservative racists can catch a break.

I wonder if anyone is proud of the fact that no one in South Carolina has enough simple human decency to see this flag display, especially in the aftermath of this tragedy, as wholly inappropriate?
Or its just another case of overblown hysterics by the left. More phoney outrage about a stupid flag, and a fantasy that a bunch of racists were conspiring to insult black people. But once again, the facts stand in the way of the progressive narrative.

You are somewhat right though, us conservatives always catch a break, because the facts are always on our side.

Must suck to be a progressive shitstain.
Can you be proud of the flag flying after the massacre? Can you be proud of that flag?

Why would I be proud of a flag that I have nothing to do with?

Just because I don't buy into phoney outrage that makes me proud?

The only reason this is a story is so progressive shitstains can bitch and complain and accuse everyone who doesn't agree with them of being racists.
You must then betotally ignorant of the meaning of that flag. What it means to the African Americans who are terrorized by it and the meaning of the White Suprmacists who continue to glorify it.

The Confederate flag brought death to far more white people than it did to blacks. Despite attempts by progressives to rewrite history, blacks were not freed by black slaves overcoming their masters, or by their struggle. It was accomplished by white people fighting other white people.
If anyone should be offended by a Confederate flag, it should be descendants of Union soldiers that were in that war.

The civil war was won because the Southerners are a crappy army and as a result the slaves were freed and BTW the civil was was fought for much more than ending slavery.

What caused the civil war?
There were many causes of the civil war, including differences between northern and southern states on the idea of slavery, as well as trade, tariffs, and states rights. The lazy lowlife Christian Southerner thought that it was their right to own other human beings. That's all state's rights meant to them.

Lincoln did the South a favor by invading. Had Lincoln not occupied the South the slaves would have rebelled like they did in Haiti and killed off all the Christian slave owning pigs. Had that happened the American gene pool would be purged of the white trash gene.
Or its just another case of overblown hysterics by the left. More phoney outrage about a stupid flag, and a fantasy that a bunch of racists were conspiring to insult black people. But once again, the facts stand in the way of the progressive narrative.

You are somewhat right though, us conservatives always catch a break, because the facts are always on our side.

Must suck to be a progressive shitstain.
Can you be proud of the flag flying after the massacre? Can you be proud of that flag?

Why would I be proud of a flag that I have nothing to do with?

Just because I don't buy into phoney outrage that makes me proud?

The only reason this is a story is so progressive shitstains can bitch and complain and accuse everyone who doesn't agree with them of being racists.
You must then betotally ignorant of the meaning of that flag. What it means to the African Americans who are terrorized by it and the meaning of the White Suprmacists who continue to glorify it.

The Confederate flag brought death to far more white people than it did to blacks. Despite attempts by progressives to rewrite history, blacks were not freed by black slaves overcoming their masters, or by their struggle. It was accomplished by white people fighting other white people.
If anyone should be offended by a Confederate flag, it should be descendants of Union soldiers that were in that war.

The civil war was won because the Southerners are a crappy army and as a result the slaves were freed and BTW the civil was was fought for much more than ending slavery.

What caused the civil war?
There were many causes of the civil war, including differences between northern and southern states on the idea of slavery, as well as trade, tariffs, and states rights. The lazy lowlife Christian Southerner thought that it was their right to own other human beings. That's all state's rights meant to them.

Lincoln did the South a favor by invading. Had Lincoln not occupied the South the slaves would have rebelled like they did in Haiti and killed off all the Christian slave owning pigs. Had that happened the American gene pool would be purged of the white trash gene.

Does this surprise anyone?

Dispicable people , may be a long hot summer for them, 50 years after freedom summer

Maybe time to clean out the rats nest again

The Confederate flag flying at the Statehouse in Columbia became part of the Charleston church shooting story Thursday after the U.S. and South Carolina flags were lowered in mourning but the rebel banner was left flying at its full height.

Despite mourning statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff - Post and Courier

The stars and bars are a battle emblem that is even more evil that the swastika. The swastika was hijacked by the Nazis. The confederate swastika was created by rich evil men who should have been assassinated right where they sat and fed their fat bellies.

These red state morons need to accept the the fact that they lost they ware and that they are still a bunch of pathetic losers who would be living it third world conditions were it not for the blue states.

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.................red state - he certainly wasn't a moron.............
Or its just another case of overblown hysterics by the left. More phoney outrage about a stupid flag, and a fantasy that a bunch of racists were conspiring to insult black people. But once again, the facts stand in the way of the progressive narrative.

You are somewhat right though, us conservatives always catch a break, because the facts are always on our side.

Must suck to be a progressive shitstain.
Can you be proud of the flag flying after the massacre? Can you be proud of that flag?

Why would I be proud of a flag that I have nothing to do with?

Just because I don't buy into phoney outrage that makes me proud?

The only reason this is a story is so progressive shitstains can bitch and complain and accuse everyone who doesn't agree with them of being racists.
You must then betotally ignorant of the meaning of that flag. What it means to the African Americans who are terrorized by it and the meaning of the White Suprmacists who continue to glorify it.

The Confederate flag brought death to far more white people than it did to blacks. Despite attempts by progressives to rewrite history, blacks were not freed by black slaves overcoming their masters, or by their struggle. It was accomplished by white people fighting other white people.
If anyone should be offended by a Confederate flag, it should be descendants of Union soldiers that were in that war.

The civil war was won because the Southerners are a crappy army and as a result the slaves were freed and BTW the civil was was fought for much more than ending slavery.

What caused the civil war?
There were many causes of the civil war, including differences between northern and southern states on the idea of slavery, as well as trade, tariffs, and states rights. The lazy lowlife Christian Southerner thought that it was their right to own other human beings. That's all state's rights meant to them.

Lincoln did the South a favor by invading. Had Lincoln not occupied the South the slaves would have rebelled like they did in Haiti and killed off all the Christian slave owning pigs. Had that happened the American gene pool would be purged of the white trash gene.

Wow, what a garbage post that one is, and I am a Yankee from New York State.

The crappy Southern Army you posted about happened to be led by two of the most talented warriors in American history, Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson later replaced by James Longstreet. Routinely and consistently outnumbered, the Army of Northern Virginia, out fought the Army of the Potomac consistently until July 1-3, 1863 at Gettysburg, ending their second invasion of the North, the first ended in a bloody battle that was a draw in 1862 in Sharpsburg, Maryland (also known as the Battle of Antietam). Losing 27,000 soldiers at Gettysburg, Lee had to withdraw back into Virginia, suffering his first defeat ever to Union forces, where his army would continue to fight and bloody the Northern forces for two more horrendous years of warfare. Such was the "crappy" fighting ability of Lee's army, numbering at its greatest strength, 80,000 men, against the North's 100,000, and that was just in the Eastern theater of the war.

To win the war, the North had to invade, conquer and control the vast American Southern territory composed of what they called the Confederate States of America.

To win the war, the South had only to defend their territory, and bloody the Northern armies to such an extent, and hang on for as long as it took, for the American public in the North to tire of the war, and demand a peace settlement, allowing the Confederates to go their own way - leaving slavery intact.

Slavery is the first and foremost cause of the America Civil War. It dominated our entire political landscape from the time the Constitution was written, until the Southern states seceded in 1861. Tariffs, manufacturing, fishing, industrial strength, and manpower, all favored the North. None of these latter things caused the American Civil War. It was the South firing on Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, a Federal fort, and seizing Federal property throughout the South, that led to force of arms, and Lincoln's decision to hold the Confederate states in the Union by force.

Although the coming industrial revolution probably would have led to the elimination of slavery, what were Southern landowners with slaves going to do with them, when machines like the cotton gin could do the work of 100 slaves in the field? However, it the entire history of slavery in America, there are very, very few incidents of slave uprisings occurring in the South. Southern landowners with slaves did not register their birth's; sold them without warning breaking up families; hung them for trying to escape and refused to teach them to read and write because that creates ideas.

One slave uprising in Virginia actually scared Southern landowners so badly, that they sent to the West Indies for one of the most ruthless, murdering slave master - Thomas Lynch. His methods of putting down slave revolts and uprisings, and he did so on numerous Southern plantations, was so brutal, that the term "lynching" is actually named after him.

President Lincoln did America a favor by saving the Federal Union at great cost in blood. He didn't interfere with slavery when he became President; he didn't attempt to end slavery as President. But he did insist that the states only became states once they had joined the Federal Union with the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, and that was where state's right's came from. Once in, they couldn't dissolve the Union and Lincoln's legal opinion about that was absolutely correct. That the war, fought mostly by Whites to free enslaved Blacks, ended slavery in America, and allowed Lincoln to pass the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery and involuntary servitude in 1865, was the result. Although large number's of former slaves enriched the Union Army recruitment quotas, it was the white American's who fought the war to free them, also enriched by thousand's and thousand's of Irish; Italian; Polish; German immigrants, who came to America seeking freedom. No slave population in the Southern Confederacy was ever capable of overthrowing their white master's by force, ever.................get your bigoted facts straight..............
Does this surprise anyone?

Dispicable people , may be a long hot summer for them, 50 years after freedom summer

Maybe time to clean out the rats nest again

The Confederate flag flying at the Statehouse in Columbia became part of the Charleston church shooting story Thursday after the U.S. and South Carolina flags were lowered in mourning but the rebel banner was left flying at its full height.

Despite mourning statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff - Post and Courier
National and stat flags were lowered. The rebel flag doesn't represent anything. Why don't you go stomp and kill it?

So you're saying the flag in front of the court house is there for no reason?

Yeah, ok
It's there to piss off people who can't do anything about it. It's not located with the other flags and it's there as a tribute to Confederate dead. And henceforth don't project what I'm saying or what I'm meaning. My grammar is easy to understsnd.

I can certainly live with it under those circumstances. 300,000 southern boys fought and died for what that flag used to represent.

After thinking about it, I've since changed my mind about the battle flag flying near the civil war memorial. They should get rid of it, and the sooner the better.

The substantial memorial already in place should be sufficient without the flag.
Does this surprise anyone?

Dispicable people , may be a long hot summer for them, 50 years after freedom summer

Maybe time to clean out the rats nest again

The Confederate flag flying at the Statehouse in Columbia became part of the Charleston church shooting story Thursday after the U.S. and South Carolina flags were lowered in mourning but the rebel banner was left flying at its full height.

Despite mourning statehouse Confederate battle flag remains at full staff - Post and Courier
National and stat flags were lowered. The rebel flag doesn't represent anything. Why don't you go stomp and kill it?

So you're saying the flag in front of the court house is there for no reason?

Yeah, ok
It's there to piss off people who can't do anything about it. It's not located with the other flags and it's there as a tribute to Confederate dead. And henceforth don't project what I'm saying or what I'm meaning. My grammar is easy to understsnd.

I can certainly live with it under those circumstances. 300,000 southern boys fought and died for what that flag used to represent.

After thinking about it, I've since changed my mind about the battle flag flying near the civil war memorial. They should get rid of it, and the sooner the better.

The substantial memorial already in place should be sufficient without the flag.
And then they'll call for the removal of the memorial. Left wingers are nothing short of nazis. Ignorant nazis.

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