s the USA Officially a Third World Super Power Now?

The middle class is not defined by a median line: idiocy.

of course it is------ask Penelope------she CHECKED

Obsessed much?

You do understand obsessions are symptomatic of mental illness?

try not to use words that you do not understand. I will help you bobby---because I like you so much------If a patient exhibits an OBSESSION----that is a SIGN-----not a symptom. A symptom is that which the patient EXPERIENCES and REPORTS. Pain is a symptom--------if the doc sees upon your forehead-----a pimple-----that is a SIGN. Do you understand? I didn't think so. Ask Penelope----she is a health care worker
The middle class is not defined by a median line: idiocy.

of course it is------ask Penelope------she CHECKED

Obsessed much?

You do understand obsessions are symptomatic of mental illness?

try not to use words that you do not understand. I will help you bobby---because I like you so much------If a patient exhibits an OBSESSION----that is a SIGN-----not a symptom. A symptom is that which the patient EXPERIENCES and REPORTS. Pain is a symptom--------if the doc sees upon your forehead-----a pimple-----that is a SIGN. Do you understand? I didn't think so. Ask Penelope----she is a health care worker

Because you like me so much, eh?


Uh huh.
The middle class is not defined by a median line: idiocy.

of course it is------ask Penelope------she CHECKED

Obsessed much?

You do understand obsessions are symptomatic of mental illness?

try not to use words that you do not understand. I will help you bobby---because I like you so much------If a patient exhibits an OBSESSION----that is a SIGN-----not a symptom. A symptom is that which the patient EXPERIENCES and REPORTS. Pain is a symptom--------if the doc sees upon your forehead-----a pimple-----that is a SIGN. Do you understand? I didn't think so. Ask Penelope----she is a health care worker

Because you like me so much, eh?


Uh huh.

I cannot help it----you are so obviously pathetic
The middle class is not defined by a median line: idiocy.

of course it is------ask Penelope------she CHECKED

Obsessed much?

You do understand obsessions are symptomatic of mental illness?

try not to use words that you do not understand. I will help you bobby---because I like you so much------If a patient exhibits an OBSESSION----that is a SIGN-----not a symptom. A symptom is that which the patient EXPERIENCES and REPORTS. Pain is a symptom--------if the doc sees upon your forehead-----a pimple-----that is a SIGN. Do you understand? I didn't think so. Ask Penelope----she is a health care worker

Because you like me so much, eh?


Uh huh.

I cannot help it----you are so obviously pathetic

I'll clarify my statement....You do understand obsessions are a SIGN of mental illness?
of course it is------ask Penelope------she CHECKED

Obsessed much?

You do understand obsessions are symptomatic of mental illness?

try not to use words that you do not understand. I will help you bobby---because I like you so much------If a patient exhibits an OBSESSION----that is a SIGN-----not a symptom. A symptom is that which the patient EXPERIENCES and REPORTS. Pain is a symptom--------if the doc sees upon your forehead-----a pimple-----that is a SIGN. Do you understand? I didn't think so. Ask Penelope----she is a health care worker

Because you like me so much, eh?


Uh huh.

I cannot help it----you are so obviously pathetic

I'll clarify my statement....You do understand obsessions are a SIGN of mental illness?
Watching your obsessive postings here certainly support that conclusion.
Obsessed much?

You do understand obsessions are symptomatic of mental illness?

try not to use words that you do not understand. I will help you bobby---because I like you so much------If a patient exhibits an OBSESSION----that is a SIGN-----not a symptom. A symptom is that which the patient EXPERIENCES and REPORTS. Pain is a symptom--------if the doc sees upon your forehead-----a pimple-----that is a SIGN. Do you understand? I didn't think so. Ask Penelope----she is a health care worker

Because you like me so much, eh?


Uh huh.

I cannot help it----you are so obviously pathetic

I'll clarify my statement....You do understand obsessions are a SIGN of mental illness?
Watching your obsessive postings here certainly support that conclusion.


Could you be a bit more specific when you swing your tarbrush?

One might get the idea you're projecting.
of course it is------ask Penelope------she CHECKED

Obsessed much?

You do understand obsessions are symptomatic of mental illness?

try not to use words that you do not understand. I will help you bobby---because I like you so much------If a patient exhibits an OBSESSION----that is a SIGN-----not a symptom. A symptom is that which the patient EXPERIENCES and REPORTS. Pain is a symptom--------if the doc sees upon your forehead-----a pimple-----that is a SIGN. Do you understand? I didn't think so. Ask Penelope----she is a health care worker

Because you like me so much, eh?


Uh huh.

I cannot help it----you are so obviously pathetic

I'll clarify my statement....You do understand obsessions are a SIGN of mental illness?

of course I understand-----Freud was a jew. Charcot was not a jew---but
Freud was. Penelope is not a jew and neither are you. Charcot was not
obsessed, Freud was not obsessed, Bleuler invented schizophrenia and
he was not obsessed he was a little obsessed----he did not want schizophrenics
to reproduce. Gilles de la Tourette was-----considered by some to be a nut-----
he was only a bit eccentric ----charcot did not like him-----but he did deal with
OBSESSIONS. He would have been fascinated with both you and Penelope---he was a loner----he did his research alone and tried to publish
The middle class is not defined by a median line: idiocy.

That is interesting in concept, but since I know you are just trolling I don't really care what you think on the matter.

But you do raise a good point as have others in this thread, and that is how does o ne define the 'Middle Class?' The authors of the OP are leftist labor types and use statistical averages to define the 'Middle Class', but there are obviously other methods. It is ironic to see so many liberals slam on the analysis presumably to reflexively defend Obama's economy, but no other explanation has been given that I have seen.

In Europe historically the three classes are the nobility, the wealthy and everyone else in the working class. If you had to work or provide a service for compensation for a living in whatever fashion as a tradesman, doctor, litigant whatever, you were one kind of 'worker' or another.

In the USA we have had a class of people who were subsistence farmers who owned their own land, food production and could make 90% of what they needed, and sold some products for extra cash to get the remaining 10% they could not make for themselves. They were the middle class of this country from its inception, and as the children of so many of these farmers left the farm and urbanized, they fought to maintain the same sort of financial independence that their families saw as normal. This pushed many of them into businesses or trade unions, etc, but though they tried, they did not have the independence that their families once had.

Today most use the statistical definition of what the middle class is, as in 'near the mean of income, or wealth or education', but I think most of them flawed for various reasons.

I say the historical meaning is the best one and if you have to work for money, then you are not Middle class, but are 'Working class'. But the semantics are irrelevant here. However you want to phrase it the amount of wealth in the hands of average people is abysmal and due to predatory policies by our federal government that prey on the working class and these policies are put into effect by corporations using their lobbyists, revolving door hiring practices of federal workers that would normally regulate them.

The Average American is getting fucked up the ass and nit wits like Starkey and others are arguing whether the device used to fuck us is a dildo, fist or cattle prod.

I don't care what the particular semantics are; that is a distraction. The fact is that we are being bent over and plowed like a 2 bit crack whore...and wouid rather ignore the problems instead of doing anything to FIX it all.
You write, in part, "I know you are just trolling I don't really care what you think on the matter." You are wrong as usual. I am not trolling. And, yes, you really don't care for good analysis. A median line does not describe a middle class.

Try again.
You write, in part, "I know you are just trolling I don't really care what you think on the matter." You are wrong as usual. I am not trolling. And, yes, you really don't care for good analysis. A median line does not describe a middle class.

Try again.

I really was not addressing you, Starkey the Fake Delegate. IT was more directed at the few reasonable people here, of which you do not count among.

And you are wrong again, as some analysts do use medians of various kinds to define the Middle Class. That is not what I favor, but unlike you, I am not so deluded as to think I somehow define academic definitions contrary to published experts.
You write, in part, "I know you are just trolling I don't really care what you think on the matter." You are wrong as usual. I am not trolling. And, yes, you really don't care for good analysis. A median line does not describe a middle class.

Try again.

I really was not addressing you, Starkey the Fake Delegate. IT was more directed at the few reasonable people here, of which you do not count among.

And you are wrong again, as some analysts do use medians of various kinds to define the Middle Class. That is not what I favor, but unlike you, I am not so deluded as to think I somehow define academic definitions contrary to published experts.
When you post, anyone can answer. Reputable analysts do not use the median to define the middle class. You can delude yourself all you want. Go for it.
sociologists do have their own parameters for defining "middle class"------the parameters do not include "MEDIAN WEALTH"----generally the definition includes LIFE STYLE-------having at least a semipermanent home, in the US now it would include having TV, phone, car, ----two and one half kids-------a PC a cat or a dog------or at least a canary....etc Middle class children attend school----and sleep in
beds. Most middle class people can read and write.
sociologists do have their own parameters for defining "middle class"------the parameters do not include "MEDIAN WEALTH"----.
Internet claims of authority are meaningless.
Got a link or it doesn't exist.
It exists; your definition is not worth the band width on which it rides.
sociologists do have their own parameters for defining "middle class"------the parameters do not include "MEDIAN WEALTH"----.
Internet claims of authority are meaningless.
Got a link or it doesn't exist.

no----I just remember that sociology 101 textbook stuff-------must I google?.
I went to college before al gore invented the internet--------I had to read the damned textbook-------no googles around

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