sacrificing Officer Chauvin


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
Officer Chauvin was doing his job arresting a criminal. Officer Chauvin was sacrificed to appease the BLM idiots. these blm idiots were going to go on a rampage if they did not get their way. the idiot nancy pelosi got on her knees again for the blm idiots , babbling inanities. just before the verdict was announced, in Ohio a young black girl attacking other young black women with a knife was shot and killed by police responding to the 911 calls pleading for their help. the blm idiots are up in arms again. again saying when is it going to end, police killing black folks.. these idiots ignore everything else. they only see a black person been killed by police. there are a lot of black people doing well in the USA. many get educated and thru hard work have achieved success in all sectors of US society. They are law abiding citizens. what ever our national history has been no one can deny that things have gotten better for everyone. We as a country are not perfect but thru out the world many people dream about immigrating to the USA, of becoming a US citizen.
Officer Chauvin was doing his job arresting a criminal. Officer Chauvin was sacrificed to appease the BLM idiots. these blm idiots were going to go on a rampage if they did not get their way. the idiot nancy pelosi got on her knees again for the blm idiots again, babbling inanities. just before the verdict was announced, in Ohio a young black girl attacking other young black women with a knife was shot and killed by police responding to the 911 calls pleading for their help. the blm idiots are up in arms again. again saying when is it going to end, police killing black folks.. these idiots ignore everything else. they only see a black person been killed by police. there are a lot of black people doing well in the USA. many get educated and thru hard work have achieved success in all sectors of US society. They are law abiding citizens. what ever our national history has been no one can deny that things have gotten better for everyone. We as a country are not perfect but thru out the world many people dream about immigrating to the USA, of becoming a US citizen.
He murdered George Floyd...the video is damning.
Officer Chauvin was doing his job arresting a criminal. Officer Chauvin was sacrificed to appease the BLM idiots. these blm idiots were going to go on a rampage if they did not get their way. the idiot nancy pelosi got on her knees again for the blm idiots again, babbling inanities. just before the verdict was announced, in Ohio a young black girl attacking other young black women with a knife was shot and killed by police responding to the 911 calls pleading for their help. the blm idiots are up in arms again. again saying when is it going to end, police killing black folks.. these idiots ignore everything else. they only see a black person been killed by police. there are a lot of black people doing well in the USA. many get educated and thru hard work have achieved success in all sectors of US society. They are law abiding citizens. what ever our national history has been no one can deny that things have gotten better for everyone. We as a country are not perfect but thru out the world many people dream about immigrating to the USA, of becoming a US citizen.

Uh...9:29 seconds of video with his knee on George Floyd's neck. Multiple people begging with Chauvin to at least take his knee off the guy's neck. The guy face down on the ground..with his hands behind his back in handcuffs.
That pretty cut and dry.
When does "doing his job" become "abuse of force"?
he didn't abuse anyone------huge drugged up criminal had to be put on the ground for everyone's safety....he couldn't leave him able to roll around getting hit by traffic causing an accident.

Intelligent people should realize that floyd dying is a good thing for society as he won't be attacking anyone else...but yet here come the idiots making this criminal their hero victim even though he was neither. And you guys haven't figured out that this shit causes more crime and that crime is up something like 200%? Wow...
When does "doing his job" become "abuse of force"?
he didn't abuse anyone------huge drugged up criminal had to be put on the ground for everyone's safety....he couldn't leave him able to roll around getting hit by traffic causing an accident.

Intelligent people should realize that floyd dying is a good thing for society as he won't be attacking anyone else...but yet here come the idiots making this criminal their hero victim even though he was neither. And you guys haven't figured out that this shit causes more crime and that crime is up something like 200%? Wow...

The question was...when does "doing his job" become "abuse of force"? Is there any point, for you, as an "intelligent person", where the line is crossed?
When does "doing his job" become "abuse of force"?
he didn't abuse anyone------huge drugged up criminal had to be put on the ground for everyone's safety....he couldn't leave him able to roll around getting hit by traffic causing an accident.

Intelligent people should realize that floyd dying is a good thing for society as he won't be attacking anyone else...but yet here come the idiots making this criminal their hero victim even though he was neither. And you guys haven't figured out that this shit causes more crime and that crime is up something like 200%? Wow...

Crime is up 200%? That's interesting :rolleyes:

When does "doing his job" become "abuse of force"?
he didn't abuse anyone------huge drugged up criminal had to be put on the ground for everyone's safety....he couldn't leave him able to roll around getting hit by traffic causing an accident.

Intelligent people should realize that floyd dying is a good thing for society as he won't be attacking anyone else...but yet here come the idiots making this criminal their hero victim even though he was neither. And you guys haven't figured out that this shit causes more crime and that crime is up something like 200%? Wow...

He was subdued and cuffed and on the ground flat.

Are you saying the only thing Chauvin could have done was keep a knee on his neck?

No other options...for almost ten minutes?

Why did he continue to do this after the man clearly passed out? Was an unconscious body going to roll around?

You should seriously think this through before your knee jerk defense.
When does "doing his job" become "abuse of force"?
When he uses force on a suspect not resisting, unlike what he did in reality with a suspect resisting.

I wonder if these cops realize how they literally dodged the bullet by getting this shitstain to jail in one piece?

When does "doing his job" become "abuse of force"?
When he uses force on a suspect not resisting, unlike what he did in reality with a suspect resisting.

They used force, when he became violent trying to get out/in the car. A point where judicious use of force was appropriate agree. Though it's also possible that would be a point for de-escalation to be tried, since he was cuffed and unarmed.

Then we get to the point where he STOPPED resisting and the force was continued.

Would you agree that at that point Chauvin violated procedures and it became an unjustified use of force?
When does "doing his job" become "abuse of force"?
he didn't abuse anyone------huge drugged up criminal had to be put on the ground for everyone's safety....he couldn't leave him able to roll around getting hit by traffic causing an accident.

Intelligent people should realize that floyd dying is a good thing for society as he won't be attacking anyone else...but yet here come the idiots making this criminal their hero victim even though he was neither. And you guys haven't figured out that this shit causes more crime and that crime is up something like 200%? Wow...

He was subdued and cuffed and on the ground flat.

Are you saying the only thing Chauvin could have done was keep a knee on his neck?

No other options...for almost ten minutes?

Why did he continue to do this after the man clearly passed out? Was an unconscious body going to roll around?

You should seriously think this through before your knee jerk defense.
and still resisting....high as hell on drugs, that make you think you are invincible....duh....go sign up to be a cop, or shut your stupid pie hole...
When does "doing his job" become "abuse of force"?
We agree he should have let him up at some point but the lifetime thug had already resisted multiple times. His I cant breathe had started in the police car......
When does "doing his job" become "abuse of force"?
he didn't abuse anyone------huge drugged up criminal had to be put on the ground for everyone's safety....he couldn't leave him able to roll around getting hit by traffic causing an accident.

Intelligent people should realize that floyd dying is a good thing for society as he won't be attacking anyone else...but yet here come the idiots making this criminal their hero victim even though he was neither. And you guys haven't figured out that this shit causes more crime and that crime is up something like 200%? Wow...

Crime is up 200%? That's interesting :rolleyes:

you trust the fbi, shit stain. they will blow your ass away for anything....what a retard...give us a reliable link

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