Sad Depression Era Songs


Sep 23, 2010
When I was a young gump (nee 1934) listening to the radio in the late 1930s I never heard the word melancholy, but every time I heard I’ll Never Have To Dream Again a sadness came over me that no other song triggered. To this day every time I come across the word melancholy I can hear Isham Jones’ rendition of his composition:

Old-timers are invited to enter their choice in my little melancholy competition?
This one long outlived the Great Depression:

Then, a few years ago, about five I think, there was a parody song about two brothers who lived in Africa. They were famed for abilities with spears but one had deteriorating eyesight (cataracts or just a sort of mental vision impairment?). One day a government army recruiter came to the village to see for him/her/it self the remarkable skills. Each of the brothers successively, with one chuck each, speared a silver dollars, a Kennedy half (they found that especially fun), a quarter and a nickel. Then the final contest! The older brother begged off due to his failing vision and called out to the younger : "Brother can you spear a dime?"

The brother came out of the hut, walked over to the target,grabbed the time and fled.

If anybody happens on that song please post a link.
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Nice entries from everyone.

Although the lyrics in this one are not about hard times the melody has an innate sadness to it:

NOTE: Al Bowley, was killed in London in 1941 by a Luftwaffe parachute mine.


Singer Al Bowley

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