Sad, Prayerful, & Fair To The POTUS

Your problem is that you are reading stuff which is too left...


LifeZette - Media Bias/Fact Check

Next stop the Daily Stormer...
If you believe Pelosi will be prayerful and fair raise your hand, you’re an idiot.
If you believe Schitt takes no joy in impeachment raise you hand, you’re an idiot.
Your problem is that you are reading stuff which is too left...


LifeZette - Media Bias/Fact Check

Next stop the Daily Stormer...
No, I had already heard her comments live on CNN but Lifezette was first to post a link and this forum requires one. Your problem is the truth never seems to serve you narrative. Do you doubt she said that which I posted?

Are you capable of adult conversation or content to be a child-like asshole?
Ya, Pelosi is going to be fair to Trump. That's why she isn't going to hold an inquiry vote so Trump has a right to cross examination and call witnesses.

These scumbags are going to get their asses handed to them and will destroy the Democrat party forever as the lunatic Socialists take over.
What is with her sudden religious references lately? She is as shallow as they come. Must have been a poll somewhere...
What is with her sudden religious references lately? She is as shallow as they come. Must have been a poll somewhere...
She a fraud, just like all the Hysterical House Dems who are far too busy chasing our President's tail (just to get a sniff) to do any of this country's pressing biz. Just as bad are their cowardly "centrists" and lemmings who also don't care about Making America Great Again but rather the impact on their own political fate & fortunes once the voters get to speak in Nov, 2020.
It's gonna be epic & well-deserved and the internecine finger-pointing and bloodletting that will follow will be glorious. :beer:

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