....the plot to kill Nancy Pelosi......


This Babbitt nonsense is really thoroughly plowed ground.

But…..seeing poor Eric seeks to make it sort of a man-o-mano contest between faked name avatars….well, hey, let’s play.

Ms. Babbit …(May her family find peace)……was a willing member in a mob of insurrectionists who first violently beached several barricades outside of the Capitol, physically assaulted police, and then broke windows and doors to enter into the Capitol.

Moreover, they were doing all of that, not to the Post Office in Knockemstiff, OH 45601, but to the seat of our elected government, the Capitol of the United States of America.
In short, the place, the setting, the actions, and the intent……added greater portent to any illegalities this thousand+ mob of attackers committed.

Here’s what the Stanford Law Review describes as the weight of these illegalities:

"It was an invasion of the Capitol by a throng of people openly attempting to prevent the Electoral College from engaging in its lawful functions so that their preferred candidate would be declared the winner of a presidential election. That fits neatly within almost any dictionary’s definition of “insurrection.”
Members of the insurrectionist mob had erected a gallows across from the Capitol building; chanted, “Hang [Vice President] Mike Pence”; and were equipped with flex-cuffs.
Moreover, the elected officials inside the building at the time included the vice president of the United States and federal lawmakers who sit in oversight of the U.S. military and intelligence communities."

In short, these attackers were threatening the ideals of our governance, but also key members who were duly authorized, if not actually elected, to implement that governance.

In other words, this was important merde'.
If Babbitt is guilty of anything it's being one of dozens that stormed into the Capitol and it's important to
point out that people were being ushered into the Capitol at one point, by Capitol police themself.

Let's not get overwhelmed by your bullshit: I challenged to to show what crimes Babbitt was responsible for
after you accused her of committing "many violent crimes". You have come up with zero crimes. ZERO!
Babbitt was unarmed and all alone when Michael Byrd shot and killed her.
Even if someone wanted to hunt down politicians there where none to be found, having already
been evacuated via secret tunnels to safe places far away from the Capitol itself long before Babbitt got
there. You need to fucking give it a rest.
Specifically about Babbitt --- I don’t know if she was one who individually broke down a barricade outside, or even did so when first entering. But she entered, through illegal, often violently created, breaches. And doing so she broke the law.
Congratulations...it's been already established Babbitt was guilty of trespassing. So you've come up
with absolute nothingness! Get fucked. You are still cheering for cold blooded murder!
And then at that particular barricade where she was killed….she was an active participant with the mob in their attempts to get at the lawmakers and the officers.
Video clearly shows her aggressively remonstrating against the officers. Vigorously defying their order to leave, to back away. She was a part of the mob, members of which were hammering away at the glass and the door of the barricade. In that, she broke the law...regardless if she was one of the batterers breaking the barricade....she was a participant in that particular mob-group.
Murder still not justified!
All in defiance of lawful orders by uniformed police.

In my world, all of that behavior includes several criminal actions.

In the end, because of a whole series of cascading poor decisions by Babbitt, she ended up DOA.

DOA in a righteous shooting by an officer fulfilling his oath to protect.

May her family find peace.
There's nothing more to be gained from someone that rationalizes cold blooded murder.
Look at yourself and try to realize what a piece of crap you are.
Well, poster Eric, there is little to gain for either of us to continue this.

I believe you are wrong on many of the issues you bring up, e.g., only one illegal act by Babbitt; cop wanting to shoot someone; no legislators threatened; and so on and so on.

Plus, though I'm an old man with a fair amount of hard-nosed experience nonetheless your 'f-bombs', and 'piece-of-crap' 'azzhole', epithets get old. Got old much earlier.

Use of such epithets always signals a bankrupt debater.
So again, nothing productive or even informative is achievable in a discussion with such folks.

I've been patient with that stuff from you. Time to move on from that wallow. No disrespect intended

But hey, good luck. Hope life treats you better.
Well, poster Eric, there is little to gain for either of us to continue this.

I believe you are wrong on many of the issues you bring up, e.g., only one illegal act by Babbitt; cop wanting to shoot someone; no legislators threatened; and so on and so on.
You've been challenged to set the factual record straight and failed miserably. Get bent, fascist.
Plus, though I'm an old man with a fair amount of hard-nosed experience nonetheless your 'f-bombs', and 'piece-of-crap' 'azzhole', epithets get old. Got old much earlier.

Use of such epithets always signals a bankrupt debater.
So again, nothing productive or even informative is achievable in a discussion with such folks.
Epithets signal a last resort to get through to someone who seems to have zero shame or interest in facts.

But since you do lie without remorse I admit, at least, that trying to shame someone who believes
cold blooded murder by Capital policeman Michael Byrd of an unarmed woman was a good and necessary thing is beyond the bounds of human compassion and decency.
So why would I care if suddenly you feel hurt by a few strong words?

By all means lets have pity for your feelings even if you have none at all for Ashley Babbitt and
her stolen life. Maybe you can shoot some juvenile stealing candy at 7/11 to boost your feelings.

A lone and unarmed woman shot down even when not a single legislator's life was in peril at the time of the execution and a new contingent of Capitol Police were just behind Babbitt. Her execution was cruel
and unnecessary.

The contrast between your disregard for human life and trying to drum up sympathy for your poor butt-hurt feelings is immense and incredibly brazen. It's a sign of a psyche twisted in a knot.

I've been patient with that stuff from you. Time to move on from that wallow. No disrespect intended

But hey, good luck. Hope life treats you better.
I hope you learn to stop lying and grow a conscience.
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"You're the autocratic prick"

Well, that's a new one.
A hat-tip to the good poster Eric.

We can add 'autocratic prick' to the 'unlady-like' language you've used against that poor overworked avatar of mine.

Hell, let's make a list because......well, because you've been so prolific, and that needs be acknowledged. OK?

hopelessly fucked up
by assholes like you.
a worthless piece of shit
you are just too stupid or dishonest
assholes like yourself.
Get bent, fascist.
fucking give it a rest.
And then the concerns over "lying""

Your wild lies
you are compelled to lie
your lies
you do lie without remorse


Good poster Eric, let's make this the last one on this thread. K?
It's worn and tired.
And you probably need to settle down, son.
Histrionics are not your best suit.
You are coming across a bit shrill, a bit frazzled.
It's not a good look. Trust me.

ps....and my avatar still sincerely wishes that you can do better in the future for you and your family. Good luck.:thup:
How sad you cannot assign even a fraction of your indignation for Michael Byrd, the man that murdered
in cold blood a defenseless citizen, Ashley Babbitt.
How sad indeed.
We can add 'autocratic prick' to the 'unlady-like' language you've used against that poor overworked avatar of mine.
I am sure he is not concerned with your avatar. The title was aimed squarely and appropriately at your obnoxious, arrogant ass. Run along troll, your bullshit has run its course.
From this morning's Washington Post:

"A woman who said as she left the U.S. Capitol during the riot on Jan. 6 that she had hoped to murder House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) pleaded guilty Tuesday to a misdemeanor charge.

“I would like to accept my responsibility for what I did, for my part in January 6,” Dawn Bancroft, 59, of suburban Philadelphia said in federal court in Washington as she admitted to illegally demonstrating.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan questioned why Bancroft was not being asked to take more responsibility, given the comment she admits making in a video as she left the building during the storming of the Capitol: “We were looking for Nancy to shoot her in the friggin’ brain, but we didn’t find her.”

Calling those words “horrible” and “clearly troubling,” Sullivan asked prosecutors why Bancroft was not charged with threatening a government official, which is a felony.

Bancroft pleaded guilty alongside her friend Diana Santos-Smith, a fellow Bucks County resident, to a misdemeanor that carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail."

Now look, the woman is a RWNJ. That much is clear. Hell, anyone who illegally entered the Capitol with the mobs on January 6th is, by definition, a RWNJ. But did this knucklehead really intend to shoot the Speaker of the House, #3 in line for the Presidency of the United States of America?

Probably not. She is a nutter who got caught up in the zeitgeist of the mobs who savaged uniform officers, stole laptops from Capitol offices, and smeared their poo on the walls. You know, THAT kind of RWNJ.

So, it appears the prosecutors believed she may very well have threatened a federal official.....but if she had the means or the brains or the actual intent, well, she's one of the 1,100 or 1,200 nutters who were in the Capitol, they were all nutters...so her competency must be suspected by default.

But, let's be clear, the good 59 year old (old enough to know better? Umm, in this case---no.)....anyway, the good Mrs. Bancroft ain't a real good role model for those other nutters who claim ...."well, she didn't have a Glock"......."well, she was just a tourist".....'well, she was invited in'.......'well, it is the People's House and Nancy is a meanie'.........and, 'well, it wasn't her poo on the walls'.

So, despite probably not smearing her poo.......I think we loyal patriotic real Americans can be happy if this nutjob gets thrown in the slammer for the full six months.

(First cliche' of the day: "Play-stupid-games-win-stupid-prizes'.)
You don't see Nancy's gold pens celebrating Trump's failed impeachment trials as a stupid game? Everyone else does on both sides of the aisle.
From this morning's Washington Post:

"A woman who said as she left the U.S. Capitol during the riot on Jan. 6 that she had hoped to murder House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) pleaded guilty Tuesday to a misdemeanor charge.

“I would like to accept my responsibility for what I did, for my part in January 6,” Dawn Bancroft, 59, of suburban Philadelphia said in federal court in Washington as she admitted to illegally demonstrating.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan questioned why Bancroft was not being asked to take more responsibility, given the comment she admits making in a video as she left the building during the storming of the Capitol: “We were looking for Nancy to shoot her in the friggin’ brain, but we didn’t find her.”

Calling those words “horrible” and “clearly troubling,” Sullivan asked prosecutors why Bancroft was not charged with threatening a government official, which is a felony.

Bancroft pleaded guilty alongside her friend Diana Santos-Smith, a fellow Bucks County resident, to a misdemeanor that carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail."

Now look, the woman is a RWNJ. That much is clear. Hell, anyone who illegally entered the Capitol with the mobs on January 6th is, by definition, a RWNJ. But did this knucklehead really intend to shoot the Speaker of the House, #3 in line for the Presidency of the United States of America?

Probably not. She is a nutter who got caught up in the zeitgeist of the mobs who savaged uniform officers, stole laptops from Capitol offices, and smeared their poo on the walls. You know, THAT kind of RWNJ.

So, it appears the prosecutors believed she may very well have threatened a federal official.....but if she had the means or the brains or the actual intent, well, she's one of the 1,100 or 1,200 nutters who were in the Capitol, they were all nutters...so her competency must be suspected by default.

But, let's be clear, the good 59 year old (old enough to know better? Umm, in this case---no.)....anyway, the good Mrs. Bancroft ain't a real good role model for those other nutters who claim ...."well, she didn't have a Glock"......."well, she was just a tourist".....'well, she was invited in'.......'well, it is the People's House and Nancy is a meanie'.........and, 'well, it wasn't her poo on the walls'.

So, despite probably not smearing her poo.......I think we loyal patriotic real Americans can be happy if this nutjob gets thrown in the slammer for the full six months.

(First cliche' of the day: "Play-stupid-games-win-stupid-prizes'.)
From this morning's Washington Post:

"A woman who said as she left the U.S. Capitol during the riot on Jan. 6 that she had hoped to murder House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) pleaded guilty Tuesday to a misdemeanor charge.

“I would like to accept my responsibility for what I did, for my part in January 6,” Dawn Bancroft, 59, of suburban Philadelphia said in federal court in Washington as she admitted to illegally demonstrating.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan questioned why Bancroft was not being asked to take more responsibility, given the comment she admits making in a video as she left the building during the storming of the Capitol: “We were looking for Nancy to shoot her in the friggin’ brain, but we didn’t find her.”

Calling those words “horrible” and “clearly troubling,” Sullivan asked prosecutors why Bancroft was not charged with threatening a government official, which is a felony.

Bancroft pleaded guilty alongside her friend Diana Santos-Smith, a fellow Bucks County resident, to a misdemeanor that carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail."

Now look, the woman is a RWNJ. That much is clear. Hell, anyone who illegally entered the Capitol with the mobs on January 6th is, by definition, a RWNJ. But did this knucklehead really intend to shoot the Speaker of the House, #3 in line for the Presidency of the United States of America?

Probably not. She is a nutter who got caught up in the zeitgeist of the mobs who savaged uniform officers, stole laptops from Capitol offices, and smeared their poo on the walls. You know, THAT kind of RWNJ.

So, it appears the prosecutors believed she may very well have threatened a federal official.....but if she had the means or the brains or the actual intent, well, she's one of the 1,100 or 1,200 nutters who were in the Capitol, they were all nutters...so her competency must be suspected by default.

But, let's be clear, the good 59 year old (old enough to know better? Umm, in this case---no.)....anyway, the good Mrs. Bancroft ain't a real good role model for those other nutters who claim ...."well, she didn't have a Glock"......."well, she was just a tourist".....'well, she was invited in'.......'well, it is the People's House and Nancy is a meanie'.........and, 'well, it wasn't her poo on the walls'.

So, despite probably not smearing her poo.......I think we loyal patriotic real Americans can be happy if this nutjob gets thrown in the slammer for the full six months.

(First cliche' of the day: "Play-stupid-games-win-stupid-prizes'.)
Sounds like someone was running off at the mouth. She was put in jail in solitary confinement for overexercising her free speech with no evidence she was going to harm anyone. She should walk since she already spent a year in the slammer with not a hearing. Nancy Pelosi brought a lot of anger on herself for her black dirty deeds and conspiracy to destroy Donald John Trump at any expense to the Democrat Party likely by its leader the dowager Hillary Clinton. I keep hearing a lie here called "violence." I saw all the pictures of the cops inviting peaceful protesters into the Capitol Building at the behest of who knows since Pelosi runs everything important through her one-party kill Republican meetings first far, far underground. Nancy, Hillry and Maxine probably put their heads together to ruin and put fear in Trump supports. What a crummy buncha skanks.

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