Saddam's Revenge: Islamic State Reportedly On Baghdad’s Outskirts After Week Of Victories

Saddam got fucked. Now the people who fucked him are getting fucked - including by many of Saddam's former commanders and officers who now fight for ISIS. Hence, Saddam's revenge.

You really should learn more.

And your lack of perspective leads one to believe you obviously care not at all for humanity.

Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool of sectarian tribal idiots. If Saddam were still in power - there would be no ISIS in Iraq.

Ah, the wonderful magic of revisionist history and hindsight.

You know naught what would have been. Nobody does.

Saddam was an evil bastard. He used WMD on the Kurds (yes, WMD), invaded Kuwait, and oppressed his people, and his sons put the opposition through wood chippers.

But hey, if you think more highly of Saddam than Bush 43, go for it. Expose yourself.

What else ya got???

Well, no one would know more about "revisionist history" than a Republican now would they?

But it is pure bullshit to say that no one knows what would have been had Bush not decided to invade Iraq.

One thing for certain, we would not have the thousands of lives wasted and the trillions of dollars wasted. After that, who gives a flying fuck.

As to that "freedom" thing you are so concerned with. I can really tell from the recent actions of both the Iraqis and the others of the region that "freedom" is not very important to them. Following Allah seems to be the driving force in their lives. Well that and killing infidels. Like you.

Now if you want to waste your time and possibly your life bringing Iraqi's freedom, get your ass back over there and let us know how successful you are. My bet is you will be less successful this time than the last time you were there but don't let that stop you from going.
If we hadn't invaded Iraq and taken out Saddam, this wouldn't be happening.

We keep thinking that we can pick the winners and the losers over there, and all we do is make things worse. As bad as Saddam was, he provided a significant strategic counter-balance to Iran and a powerful firewall against radical Islam. So what did we do? We went in, got rid of him, and turned Iraq into a fucking jihadist playground.

Iran was obviously emboldened before Iraq told us to leave, and so were the jihadis.

Now we have a disaster to deal with, at a great cost to this country, and I wonder if we have learned anything.
I have told you liberals liked saddam. In the same breath they claim they hate people being tortured. They bring up abu graib.

Look at the title of this post from the ****. Saddam's revenge?

Folks, liberals are fucking uneducated losers.

They still blame Bush policies, when it was under the carter administration and his policies that jihad was declared against America.

We have been in this shit ever since the Iran hostages. Yes, we then needed to become allies with Iraq, since Iran declared war on us. On and on it went.

This all extends to Carter, and obama in his attempt to appease his know it all academia types, who in essence are ignorant as all fuck, has lost any little respect he ever had with our enemies. He has destroyed our relations with our true allies like Israel and emboldened the expanse of islamic fundamentalists.

This president (liberals everywhere) are en epic disaster, literally of biblical proportions.

This stupid fucking OP moron is a prime example of it.
Are you an ISIS cheerleader these days Lakhota?

I simply like to remind right-wingers who created this mess.

Ah, the same idiot who's presiding over it's continuation? Barack Obama is the clueless Commander in Chief who's dropped the ball totally on ISIS and Iraq and is now sitting in the Oval Office with his thumbs up his skinny butt, micro-managing the targeted airstrikes against ISIS because he's so desperate not to be seen as "at war" with a terror group that has obviously declared war against him!

You want to know why ISIS is winning in Iraq? Because we have a group of naive ideologues leading our country.
Saddam got fucked. Now the people who fucked him are getting fucked - including by many of Saddam's former commanders and officers who now fight for ISIS. Hence, Saddam's revenge.

You really should learn more.

And your lack of perspective leads one to believe you obviously care not at all for humanity.

Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool of sectarian tribal idiots. If Saddam were still in power - there would be no ISIS in Iraq.

Ah, the wonderful magic of revisionist history and hindsight.

You know naught what would have been. Nobody does.

Saddam was an evil bastard. He used WMD on the Kurds (yes, WMD), invaded Kuwait, and oppressed his people, and his sons put the opposition through wood chippers.

But hey, if you think more highly of Saddam than Bush 43, go for it. Expose yourself.

What else ya got???

Yes, Saddam gassed the Kurds who were actively trying to overthrow him (with gas from Reagan).

Bush 41 Suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait through Ambassador April Glasspie.

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a second time.

Saddam ran a tight ship.

Saddam was a dictator and he died like a man when they lynched him.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons

Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

The Downing Street Memo

Wow, I can't believe that Saddam Hussein is now being held up by the Left as someone that the Middle East somehow NEEDED to survive! The list of atrocities that man visited upon both his own people and his neighbors could fill a book yet now progressive tools like Lakhota are trying to make him into some kind of saint.
Saddam got fucked. Now the people who fucked him are getting fucked - including by many of Saddam's former commanders and officers who now fight for ISIS. Hence, Saddam's revenge.

You really should learn more.

And your lack of perspective leads one to believe you obviously care not at all for humanity.

Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool of sectarian tribal idiots. If Saddam were still in power - there would be no ISIS in Iraq.

Ah, the wonderful magic of revisionist history and hindsight.

You know naught what would have been. Nobody does.

Saddam was an evil bastard. He used WMD on the Kurds (yes, WMD), invaded Kuwait, and oppressed his people, and his sons put the opposition through wood chippers.

But hey, if you think more highly of Saddam than Bush 43, go for it. Expose yourself.

What else ya got???

Yes, Saddam gassed the Kurds who were actively trying to overthrow him (with gas from Reagan).

Bush 41 Suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait through Ambassador April Glasspie.

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a second time.

Saddam ran a tight ship.

Saddam was a dictator and he died like a man when they lynched him.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons

Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

The Downing Street Memo

Wow, I can't believe that Saddam Hussein is now being held up by the Left as someone that the Middle East somehow NEEDED to survive! The list of atrocities that man visited upon both his own people and his neighbors could fill a book yet now progressive tools like Lakhota are trying to make him into some kind of saint.

Yet the stupid worthless bitch brings up panties on a head of the terrorists who would butcher her and kills gays.

Like I have said, liberals do not stand for a thing. Look at it. They praise saddam hussein and even claim he was actual good guy.

The liberals are so fucking stupid they equate Bush to hitler. Yes, just ask them. They believe he has killed more people or as many people as hitler.

When I ask any of them why the UN has never pressed charges, or why obama has never led an independent investigation they equate that to Ford not charging Nixon. Get that? They equate Nixon spying on 5 democrats, to hitler systematically killing 6 million people.

That, makes sense to them. They then claim it is us that rewrite history.
Saddam got fucked. Now the people who fucked him are getting fucked - including by many of Saddam's former commanders and officers who now fight for ISIS. Hence, Saddam's revenge.

You really should learn more.

And your lack of perspective leads one to believe you obviously care not at all for humanity.

Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool of sectarian tribal idiots. If Saddam were still in power - there would be no ISIS in Iraq.

Ah, the wonderful magic of revisionist history and hindsight.

You know naught what would have been. Nobody does.

Saddam was an evil bastard. He used WMD on the Kurds (yes, WMD), invaded Kuwait, and oppressed his people, and his sons put the opposition through wood chippers.

But hey, if you think more highly of Saddam than Bush 43, go for it. Expose yourself.

What else ya got???

Well, no one would know more about "revisionist history" than a Republican now would they?

But it is pure bullshit to say that no one knows what would have been had Bush not decided to invade Iraq.

One thing for certain, we would not have the thousands of lives wasted and the trillions of dollars wasted. After that, who gives a flying fuck.

As to that "freedom" thing you are so concerned with. I can really tell from the recent actions of both the Iraqis and the others of the region that "freedom" is not very important to them. Following Allah seems to be the driving force in their lives. Well that and killing infidels. Like you.

Now if you want to waste your time and possibly your life bringing Iraqi's freedom, get your ass back over there and let us know how successful you are. My bet is you will be less successful this time than the last time you were there but don't let that stop you from going.

Spoken like a spoiled, ignorant brat.

Fortunately, history is written by better men.
Are you an ISIS cheerleader these days Lakhota?

I simply like to remind right-wingers who created this mess.
That would be President Obama, who withdrew troops against the advice of his senior staff.
Who else?

Once more going to ask you guys, what good was 10,000 troops going to do when the 500,000 man Iraqi-Army refuses to fight.

Duh, because the 10,000 would have mopped the floor with ISIS and their pick-up trucks?
Saddam got fucked. Now the people who fucked him are getting fucked - including by many of Saddam's former commanders and officers who now fight for ISIS. Hence, Saddam's revenge.

You really should learn more.

And your lack of perspective leads one to believe you obviously care not at all for humanity.

Saddam kept the lid on that cesspool of sectarian tribal idiots. If Saddam were still in power - there would be no ISIS in Iraq.

Ah, the wonderful magic of revisionist history and hindsight.

You know naught what would have been. Nobody does.

Saddam was an evil bastard. He used WMD on the Kurds (yes, WMD), invaded Kuwait, and oppressed his people, and his sons put the opposition through wood chippers.

But hey, if you think more highly of Saddam than Bush 43, go for it. Expose yourself.

What else ya got???

Yes, Saddam gassed the Kurds who were actively trying to overthrow him (with gas from Reagan).

Bush 41 Suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait through Ambassador April Glasspie.

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a second time.

Saddam ran a tight ship.

Saddam was a dictator and he died like a man when they lynched him.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons

Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

The Downing Street Memo
Were you playing with yourself when you wrote that? Sounds like you wanted Saddam.
A group like ISIS was bound to take control no matter how much longer we stayed there. Saddam was the best thing to happen to that third world shithole.
After ignoring Colin Powell's advice ("you break it, you own it"), Bush and Cheney toppled Saddam, tried him in kangaroo court, lynched him, fired his army (now in the top echelons of ISIS), and replaced Saddam (a brutal secularist dictator) with Nouri al-Maliki (a brutal Shiite dictator). Does anyone think this was worth all the American blood and treasure? It's a no-brainer that ISIS would not exist in Iraq if Saddam were still in power.

The resistible rise of Nuri al-Maliki - openDemocracy
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After ignoring Colin Powell's advice ("you break it, you own it"), Bush and Cheney toppled Saddam, tried him in kangaroo court, lynched him, fired his army (now in the top echelons of ISIS), and replaced Saddam (a brutal secularist dictator) with Nouri al-Maliki (a brutal Shiite dictator). Does anyone think this was worth all the American blood and treasure?

The resistible rise of Nuri al-Maliki - openDemocracy
We owned it...then along came the community organizer.
After ignoring Colin Powell's advice ("you break it, you own it"), Bush and Cheney toppled Saddam, tried him in kangaroo court, lynched him, fired his army (now in the top echelons of ISIS), and replaced Saddam (a brutal secularist dictator) with Nouri al-Maliki (a brutal Shiite dictator). Does anyone think this was worth all the American blood and treasure?

The resistible rise of Nuri al-Maliki - openDemocracy
That's not even close to reality.
We achieved every objective set. We turned Saddam over to the Iraqis, who gave him a fair trial before hanging him. We staged 2 free and fair elections, somethign Democrats have failed to do at home. The country was reasonably stable and peaceful when we left.
Then Obama took office and everything went to shit.
After ignoring Colin Powell's advice ("you break it, you own it"), Bush and Cheney toppled Saddam, tried him in kangaroo court, lynched him, fired his army (now in the top echelons of ISIS), and replaced Saddam (a brutal secularist dictator) with Nouri al-Maliki (a brutal Shiite dictator). Does anyone think this was worth all the American blood and treasure?

The resistible rise of Nuri al-Maliki - openDemocracy
That's not even close to reality.
We achieved every objective set. We turned Saddam over to the Iraqis, who gave him a fair trial before hanging him. We staged 2 free and fair elections, somethign Democrats have failed to do at home. The country was reasonably stable and peaceful when we left.
Then Obama took office and everything went to shit.

How did Obama turn everything to shit in Iraq? Please be specific - with "credible" proof.
Our military commanders were advising keeping 20.000 to 25,000 troops in Iraq does anyone seriously think ISIS would have crossed that border into Iraq if those troops had been there?
After ignoring Colin Powell's advice ("you break it, you own it"), Bush and Cheney toppled Saddam, tried him in kangaroo court, lynched him, fired his army (now in the top echelons of ISIS), and replaced Saddam (a brutal secularist dictator) with Nouri al-Maliki (a brutal Shiite dictator). Does anyone think this was worth all the American blood and treasure? It's a no-brainer that ISIS would not exist in Iraq if Saddam were still in power.

The resistible rise of Nuri al-Maliki - openDemocracy
The same Powell y'all used to call the HOUSE n I g g e r?

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