Sadiq Khan calls for Donald Trump's state visit to be CANCELLED

Muslim sympathizers, like Khan, are accessories to murder.

Wait, so, if you sympathize with something that some people use to kill, then you are an accessory to murder?

So, if you support the US military, if you voted for George W. Bush, if you supported the war in Iraq, you're an accessory to mass murder.

You consider the military mass murderers, that says a lot about you right there.

Everything can be presented in different ways. You haven't made an argument, you're trying to put pressure on me not to think in the way I've described by saying "that says a lot about you right there."

To be honest I'm getting fed up of having attacks like that, or often much worse, in an effort to try and pressure me into thinking your way.

In 2003 the US military went into Iraq. After the invasion came the process of causing problems. The Iraqi Armed Forces and Police were disbanded, and the US Armed Forces took over these roles. The resulting impact on the country was devastating.

Many of the people who were there at the beginning were there because they had joined up to the military before 9/11. But after 9/11 people were joining up the military to support Bush's war on Islam.

Now, a lot of the soldiers didn't make the policy that was an absolute disaster, but they carried out the orders. In Nazi Germany (This is NOT a comparison, this is making a point) and the Concentration Camps, many Germans did not make the policy of the camps, but they were still considered part of the process and therefore guilty of crimes. In the same way, US military personal carrying out the orders of a government that was clearly doing something wrong, have a manner of guilt above their head.

They set up the conditions for ISIS, for al Qaeda to exist and grow.

I agree with a lot of this. But soldiers can't defy orders. In Nazi Germany it probably meant death. In the United States, the punishment isn't as severe, but it will lead to a court martial most likely, and surely a dishonorable discharge.

Whatever the circumstances are, that lead to an armed conflict. It's extremely unfair to label our soldiers as "murderers". They are trained to not question orders,. And we have certainly not went to the level, of the previously mentioned death camps in Germany. Iraq was a mistake, and so was taking out the man, who kept the sunnis in check. But that's political, and soldiers don't live in that world.

Well that's the point isn't it? There are those who make policy, and those who carry it out. The point was that those carrying it all out are also guilty. So, soldiers are guilty if they carry out orders that are wrong, according to someone I was replying to.

I didn't label soldiers as murderers, the person I was replying to did.

Well I don't believe soldiers should be held accountable.Not even for historical atrocities. Putting a bullet in your own head, to escape such orders may be comendable. But defying Joeseph Mengle or Adolph Hitler, certainly would not have offered a fun outcome.
It's sad and very telling that London residents have chosen this guy to be there leader. The UK is lost.

It was a pretty wild swing going from Johnson to Khan.
London is sophisticated modern city. The voters had Mr Khan or a nasty right wing race baiter to choose from. They made the right decision.

The problem here is that they're attacking Khan simply because he's a Muslim. They'll then turn around and say Trump isn't targeting Muslims in his "Muslim ban", bullshit, he's shown with his attacks on Khan that he's doing the same thing these people on this forum are doing. They're making sure ALL MUSLIMS are guilty by trying to force people into thinking like this. It's a typical right wing tactic all around the world.
That's the truth of it.There isn't anything a Muslim can do that would make them acceptable to the real nuts.

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They need something, the end of the Cold War was a disaster for them, took only 10 years to find the new common enemy. Now they'll pump it for all it's worth, every time they get in office they'll make it worse, and make it impossible for the left to stop it happening.

Teresa "the witch" May is calling for an end to a lot of Human Rights now.
The idea that she has the ability to impose anything like this is a stretch.
She would need to start by locking up the Judges.

Her "new" strategy looks like it was drawn up at the back of the bus. Very reactive and broad brush.

I can see the average suicide bomber saying:

"You know what ? These tougher sentences that Mrs May has brought in have really made me re-evaluate my approach to Jihad.I think I will go fox hunting instead"
Wait, so, if you sympathize with something that some people use to kill, then you are an accessory to murder?

So, if you support the US military, if you voted for George W. Bush, if you supported the war in Iraq, you're an accessory to mass murder.

You consider the military mass murderers, that says a lot about you right there.

Everything can be presented in different ways. You haven't made an argument, you're trying to put pressure on me not to think in the way I've described by saying "that says a lot about you right there."

To be honest I'm getting fed up of having attacks like that, or often much worse, in an effort to try and pressure me into thinking your way.

In 2003 the US military went into Iraq. After the invasion came the process of causing problems. The Iraqi Armed Forces and Police were disbanded, and the US Armed Forces took over these roles. The resulting impact on the country was devastating.

Many of the people who were there at the beginning were there because they had joined up to the military before 9/11. But after 9/11 people were joining up the military to support Bush's war on Islam.

Now, a lot of the soldiers didn't make the policy that was an absolute disaster, but they carried out the orders. In Nazi Germany (This is NOT a comparison, this is making a point) and the Concentration Camps, many Germans did not make the policy of the camps, but they were still considered part of the process and therefore guilty of crimes. In the same way, US military personal carrying out the orders of a government that was clearly doing something wrong, have a manner of guilt above their head.

They set up the conditions for ISIS, for al Qaeda to exist and grow.

I agree with a lot of this. But soldiers can't defy orders. In Nazi Germany it probably meant death. In the United States, the punishment isn't as severe, but it will lead to a court martial most likely, and surely a dishonorable discharge.

Whatever the circumstances are, that lead to an armed conflict. It's extremely unfair to label our soldiers as "murderers". They are trained to not question orders,. And we have certainly not went to the level, of the previously mentioned death camps in Germany. Iraq was a mistake, and so was taking out the man, who kept the sunnis in check. But that's political, and soldiers don't live in that world.

Well that's the point isn't it? There are those who make policy, and those who carry it out. The point was that those carrying it all out are also guilty. So, soldiers are guilty if they carry out orders that are wrong, according to someone I was replying to.

I didn't label soldiers as murderers, the person I was replying to did.

Well I don't believe soldiers should be held accountable.Not even for historical atrocities. Putting a bullet in your own head, to escape such orders may be comendable. But defying Joeseph Mengle or Adolph Hitler, certainly would not have offered a fun outcome.

So, if a soldier of ISIS does something, they shouldn't be accountable?
You consider the military mass murderers, that says a lot about you right there.

Everything can be presented in different ways. You haven't made an argument, you're trying to put pressure on me not to think in the way I've described by saying "that says a lot about you right there."

To be honest I'm getting fed up of having attacks like that, or often much worse, in an effort to try and pressure me into thinking your way.

In 2003 the US military went into Iraq. After the invasion came the process of causing problems. The Iraqi Armed Forces and Police were disbanded, and the US Armed Forces took over these roles. The resulting impact on the country was devastating.

Many of the people who were there at the beginning were there because they had joined up to the military before 9/11. But after 9/11 people were joining up the military to support Bush's war on Islam.

Now, a lot of the soldiers didn't make the policy that was an absolute disaster, but they carried out the orders. In Nazi Germany (This is NOT a comparison, this is making a point) and the Concentration Camps, many Germans did not make the policy of the camps, but they were still considered part of the process and therefore guilty of crimes. In the same way, US military personal carrying out the orders of a government that was clearly doing something wrong, have a manner of guilt above their head.

They set up the conditions for ISIS, for al Qaeda to exist and grow.

I agree with a lot of this. But soldiers can't defy orders. In Nazi Germany it probably meant death. In the United States, the punishment isn't as severe, but it will lead to a court martial most likely, and surely a dishonorable discharge.

Whatever the circumstances are, that lead to an armed conflict. It's extremely unfair to label our soldiers as "murderers". They are trained to not question orders,. And we have certainly not went to the level, of the previously mentioned death camps in Germany. Iraq was a mistake, and so was taking out the man, who kept the sunnis in check. But that's political, and soldiers don't live in that world.

Well that's the point isn't it? There are those who make policy, and those who carry it out. The point was that those carrying it all out are also guilty. So, soldiers are guilty if they carry out orders that are wrong, according to someone I was replying to.

I didn't label soldiers as murderers, the person I was replying to did.

Well I don't believe soldiers should be held accountable.Not even for historical atrocities. Putting a bullet in your own head, to escape such orders may be comendable. But defying Joeseph Mengle or Adolph Hitler, certainly would not have offered a fun outcome.

So, if a soldier of ISIS does something, they shouldn't be accountable?

I think thats just a tad different, don't you? They are muslims, doing muslim shit. They would be doing the same things, even if they weren't under that banner. The german soldiers, were normal people. In fact, during WW 1 they would hold cease fire during christmas, and US and German soldiers would have a meal together, and celebrate the holiday. Fast forward to the 30s and 40s. They knew what they were doing was wrong. And some even aided jews, and helped them escape. I can assure you ISIS members would not.
This guy is mayor, not prime minister. He has no say on what world country leader is welcome or not.
Yes...England fucked up big time with him as a mayor. And yes...the kings and queens of old are definitely rolling in their tombs.
Yep, if left to the Conservatives we'd still be a British colony.
Everything can be presented in different ways. You haven't made an argument, you're trying to put pressure on me not to think in the way I've described by saying "that says a lot about you right there."

To be honest I'm getting fed up of having attacks like that, or often much worse, in an effort to try and pressure me into thinking your way.

In 2003 the US military went into Iraq. After the invasion came the process of causing problems. The Iraqi Armed Forces and Police were disbanded, and the US Armed Forces took over these roles. The resulting impact on the country was devastating.

Many of the people who were there at the beginning were there because they had joined up to the military before 9/11. But after 9/11 people were joining up the military to support Bush's war on Islam.

Now, a lot of the soldiers didn't make the policy that was an absolute disaster, but they carried out the orders. In Nazi Germany (This is NOT a comparison, this is making a point) and the Concentration Camps, many Germans did not make the policy of the camps, but they were still considered part of the process and therefore guilty of crimes. In the same way, US military personal carrying out the orders of a government that was clearly doing something wrong, have a manner of guilt above their head.

They set up the conditions for ISIS, for al Qaeda to exist and grow.

I agree with a lot of this. But soldiers can't defy orders. In Nazi Germany it probably meant death. In the United States, the punishment isn't as severe, but it will lead to a court martial most likely, and surely a dishonorable discharge.

Whatever the circumstances are, that lead to an armed conflict. It's extremely unfair to label our soldiers as "murderers". They are trained to not question orders,. And we have certainly not went to the level, of the previously mentioned death camps in Germany. Iraq was a mistake, and so was taking out the man, who kept the sunnis in check. But that's political, and soldiers don't live in that world.

Well that's the point isn't it? There are those who make policy, and those who carry it out. The point was that those carrying it all out are also guilty. So, soldiers are guilty if they carry out orders that are wrong, according to someone I was replying to.

I didn't label soldiers as murderers, the person I was replying to did.

Well I don't believe soldiers should be held accountable.Not even for historical atrocities. Putting a bullet in your own head, to escape such orders may be comendable. But defying Joeseph Mengle or Adolph Hitler, certainly would not have offered a fun outcome.

So, if a soldier of ISIS does something, they shouldn't be accountable?

I think thats just a tad different, don't you? They are muslims, doing muslim shit. They would be doing the same things, even if they weren't under that banner. The german soldiers, were normal people. In fact, during WW 1 they would hold cease fire during christmas, and US and German soldiers would have a meal together, and celebrate the holiday. Fast forward to the 30s and 40s. They knew what they were doing was wrong. And some even aided jews, and helped them escape. I can assure you ISIS members would not.

Do I think it's different? Well, everything is different. However "They are muslims, doing muslim shit" sounds like you really can't say what you believe, so you just say "muslim shit".

You know, many extremists were normal people too, before they became angry, and many Germans might have been normal people, but they exterminated 6 million Jews among other things.

What you're saying is picking and choosing.

Some Germans did indeed help the Jews, and many Muslims are opposed to extremist terrorism. But you've taken Germans v. ISIS which is a bad comparison.
I agree with a lot of this. But soldiers can't defy orders. In Nazi Germany it probably meant death. In the United States, the punishment isn't as severe, but it will lead to a court martial most likely, and surely a dishonorable discharge.

Whatever the circumstances are, that lead to an armed conflict. It's extremely unfair to label our soldiers as "murderers". They are trained to not question orders,. And we have certainly not went to the level, of the previously mentioned death camps in Germany. Iraq was a mistake, and so was taking out the man, who kept the sunnis in check. But that's political, and soldiers don't live in that world.

Well that's the point isn't it? There are those who make policy, and those who carry it out. The point was that those carrying it all out are also guilty. So, soldiers are guilty if they carry out orders that are wrong, according to someone I was replying to.

I didn't label soldiers as murderers, the person I was replying to did.

Well I don't believe soldiers should be held accountable.Not even for historical atrocities. Putting a bullet in your own head, to escape such orders may be comendable. But defying Joeseph Mengle or Adolph Hitler, certainly would not have offered a fun outcome.

So, if a soldier of ISIS does something, they shouldn't be accountable?
Germany and ISIS is a fallacy of false equivalency.

I think thats just a tad different, don't you? They are muslims, doing muslim shit. They would be doing the same things, even if they weren't under that banner. The german soldiers, were normal people. In fact, during WW 1 they would hold cease fire during christmas, and US and German soldiers would have a meal together, and celebrate the holiday. Fast forward to the 30s and 40s. They knew what they were doing was wrong. And some even aided jews, and helped them escape. I can assure you ISIS members would not.

Do I think it's different? Well, everything is different. However "They are muslims, doing muslim shit" sounds like you really can't say what you believe, so you just say "muslim shit".

You know, many extremists were normal people too, before they became angry, and many Germans might have been normal people, but they exterminated 6 million Jews among other things.

What you're saying is picking and choosing.

Some Germans did indeed help the Jews, and many Muslims are opposed to extremist terrorism. But you've taken Germans v. ISIS which is a bad comparison.
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Trump? Probably, Roudy. 24 hours.
Ha ha ha. He isn't going to say anything. Other than maybe the president "misinterpreted" that he isn't the target of any investigation. It's pretty sad how desperate and insane you Lefties have become, setting yourselves up for these epic fails.

So far there hasn't been a shred of evidence that a crime has been committed other than the unmasking of US citizens and the leaking, despite all the jerking off and fake news smoke created by the corrupt crooked media.
Sadic London Mayor and Tranny Diane Abbort - for dummies:
London Mayor Sadiq, same as most of the actors making headlines: fake name. Same as Obama, only one character was changed, but in this case it also sounds EXACTLY like the reference: "sadic", another way of saying "sadistic".
Diane Abbott (named to suggest abort) same as Sadiq Khan = non-white ACTORS in the cast used to set the stage for genocide of non-whites in the EU.

Other agendas include to confuse freedom fighters around the world.
How well it works, illustrated by this tweet from 21 May 2016, by the Free Syrian Army.
Letter from President of Local Council in Aleppo to London Mayor @SadiqKhan, with congratulations to election and hoping that Sadiq will not be silent about the ongoing genocide by air bombings.
Note: FSA is a conglomerate of forces, some of which are fake rebels in the illuminati payroll.
The proof that this twitter account was not managed by one of these infiltrators: he didn't delete the reply from Last Prophet, exposing Sadiq and linking to
Ethnic Civil War, Illuminati last tactic weapon: August 2014

21 May 2016 - FSA tweet. First and Only reply by Last Prophet.
FSA News on Twitter

Photo (with Sadiq Khan): Diane Abbott was at the vigil in London on Monday night
Diane Abbott flounders on details of anti-terror report in another awkward interview
Diane Abbott suffers yet another car crash interview, as she flounders on details of anti-terror report
Trump? Probably, Roudy. 24 hours.
Ha ha ha. He isn't going to say anything. Other than maybe the president "misinterpreted" that he isn't the target of any investigation. It's pretty sad how desperate and insane you Lefties have become, setting yourselves up for these epic fails.

So far there hasn't been a shred of evidence that a crime has been committed other than the unmasking of US citizens and the leaking, despite all the jerking off and fake news smoke created by the corrupt crooked media.
You Alt Facts are juvenile and have easily disproved.

You have not a shred of evidence such crimes have been committed.

Comey testifies tomorrow.
Trump? Probably, Roudy. 24 hours.
Ha ha ha. He isn't going to say anything. Other than maybe the president "misinterpreted" that he isn't the target of any investigation. It's pretty sad how desperate and insane you Lefties have become, setting yourselves up for these epic fails.

So far there hasn't been a shred of evidence that a crime has been committed other than the unmasking of US citizens and the leaking, despite all the jerking off and fake news smoke created by the corrupt crooked media.
You Alt Facts are juvenile and have easily disproved.

You have not a shred of evidence such crimes have been committed.

Comey testifies tomorrow.
"Alt facts" like how Admiral Rogers and CIA Coats said today that the president Trump did not pressure them to stop or alter the investigation in any way, yet WAPO came out with a bogus claim that he did, even though the entire the fake news leftie hyena's ran with the fake news headliner?

The Comey testimony will be a total nothing burger flop, and you could see the anger on the left when one intel chief after another testified that nobody pressured them nor did any obstruction. It was hilarious how they started having hissyfits and blew their gaskets, when they realized they still don't have jackshit as far as collusion or obstruction is concerned.

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