Salt and Sugar Look the Same. Be Careful Who You Trust.

Bob Blaylock

Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2015
No, not really. That was a meme going around on Facebook, a few years ago.


But it's bullshit. Salt and sugar DO NOT look the same. Be careful what memes you trust.

The images appearing hereafter, I took with my microscope, using my 5× objective and my 10× eyepiece. Each of them is cropped to a square that is 2.7 millimeters on a side.

Here's what salt looks like. Note that the crystals are cubic in shape.


And here's sugar. Note that some of the crystals are irregular, but those that do have a definite shape are hexagonal prisms. Definitely not the same as salt.


Here are both of those images, again, this time in anaglyph 3D. Put on a standard pair of red/blue anaglyph 3D glasses, to see these crystals in 3D.


No, not really. That was a meme going around on Facebook, a few years ago.

View attachment 325014

But it's bullshit. Salt and sugar DO NOT look the same. Be careful what memes you trust.

The images appearing hereafter, I took with my microscope, using my 5× objective and my 10× eyepiece. Each of them is cropped to a square that is 2.7 millimeters on a side.

Here's what salt looks like. Note that the crystals are cubic in shape.

View attachment 325015

And here's sugar. Note that some of the crystals are irregular, but those that do have a definite shape are hexagonal prisms. Definitely not the same as salt.

View attachment 325017

Here are both of those images, again, this time in anaglyph 3D. Put on a standard pair of red/blue anaglyph 3D glasses, to see these crystals in 3D.

View attachment 325016

View attachment 325018

Well, anyone worth their salt knows the two look completely different................And I really can't sugarcoat this any other way. What DID one curd say to the other curd? Where's there's a will, there's a WHEY. And a whey we go!
Salt is made up entirely of Sodium and Chlorine atoms. While sugar consists of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen in a 1:2:1 (nearly) ratio.

They couldn't be less alike ... until you put salt in your coffee.
Or perhaps CLOUDS in your coffee.........("You're So Vain" reference)
OP is just more evidence the stay at home corona virus lockdown is driving people over the crazy cliff. ... :lol: :lol:
Yep! I was already about HALF nuts (some would argue four fifths) BEFORE the Chinese Virus scourge, I'm most likely certifiably nuts right now. I haven't been outside in four days, but I AM definitely venturing outside of my fortress tomorrow, come rain or shine, or indecent exposure. I find myself talking to MYSELF much more often these days. But as legendary UK pub rocker Ian Hunter once remarked, "You're Never Alone With A Schizophrenic". And I am definitely NOT schizophrenic, and I'm NOT mocking those that are, by any means. It's just starting to feel like there ARE more than one mes. Two mes or not two mes, and yes seems to be the answer recently.
No, not really. That was a meme going around on Facebook, a few years ago.

View attachment 325014

But it's bullshit. Salt and sugar DO NOT look the same. Be careful what memes you trust.

The images appearing hereafter, I took with my microscope, using my 5× objective and my 10× eyepiece. Each of them is cropped to a square that is 2.7 millimeters on a side.

Here's what salt looks like. Note that the crystals are cubic in shape.

View attachment 325015

And here's sugar. Note that some of the crystals are irregular, but those that do have a definite shape are hexagonal prisms. Definitely not the same as salt.

View attachment 325017

Here are both of those images, again, this time in anaglyph 3D. Put on a standard pair of red/blue anaglyph 3D glasses, to see these crystals in 3D.

View attachment 325016

View attachment 325018

Well, anyone worth their salt knows the two look completely different................And I really can't sugarcoat this any other way. What DID one curd say to the other curd? Where's there's a will, there's a WHEY. And a whey we go!



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