Salt Limits in Prepared Meals May Be Mandatory

Let's see - the cost of salt vs. changing recipes, printing new packaging, forms, advertising, penalties for non-compliance, etc....? And not to mention - THE FOOD MAY TASTE LIKE SHIT AND PEOPLE WON'T BUY IT!

We don't have to be accountants or economics majors. Anyone who owns any type of business understands costs involved with any new govt. regulation.
Before long, we would see companies developing "salt alternatives" that will make foods taste salty while not breaking government regulations. Everyone will happily use these alternatives, and the government would claim their policy is a success.

They celebrate until ten years from now, when scientists announce that the oh-so-popular "salt alternative" causes renal failure. The resulting class-action lawsuits will force the government to remove the sodium bans.

Case in Point: Trans fats (margarine)
Let's see - the cost of salt vs. changing recipes, printing new packaging, forms, advertising, penalties for non-compliance, etc....? And not to mention - THE FOOD MAY TASTE LIKE SHIT AND PEOPLE WON'T BUY IT!

We don't have to be accountants or economics majors. Anyone who owns any type of business understands costs involved with any new govt. regulation.
Before long, we would see companies developing "salt alternatives" that will make foods taste salty while not breaking government regulations. Everyone will happily use these alternatives, and the government would claim their policy is a success.

They celebrate until ten years from now, when scientists announce that the oh-so-popular "salt alternative" causes renal failure. The resulting class-action lawsuits will force the government to remove the sodium bans.

Case in Point: Trans fats (margarine)

You mean LIke Mrs. Dash?
Let's see - the cost of salt vs. changing recipes, printing new packaging, forms, advertising, penalties for non-compliance, etc....? And not to mention - THE FOOD MAY TASTE LIKE SHIT AND PEOPLE WON'T BUY IT!

We don't have to be accountants or economics majors. Anyone who owns any type of business understands costs involved with any new govt. regulation.

You're gonna be hearing all kinds of stories like this where Democrats are gonna tweek regulations with the firm goal of causing prices to go up...thus curbing consumption. They let this little dirty secret get out last summer.
Let's see - the cost of salt vs. changing recipes, printing new packaging, forms, advertising, penalties for non-compliance, etc....? And not to mention - THE FOOD MAY TASTE LIKE SHIT AND PEOPLE WON'T BUY IT!

We don't have to be accountants or economics majors. Anyone who owns any type of business understands costs involved with any new govt. regulation.

You're gonna be hearing all kinds of stories like this where Democrats are gonna tweek regulations with the firm goal of causing prices to go up...thus curbing consumption. They let this little dirty secret get out last summer.

You have not heard? Higher prices is the way to economic recovery.
the price of oil goes up so does GDP.
You have not heard? Higher prices is the way to economic recovery. The price of oil goes up so does GDP.
[ame=]YouTube - Inflation propaganda infomercial MGM - 1933[/ame]

Yeah, I heard...
In the 70s, when the "salt scare" was in full hard on mode, my grandparents completely cut salt out of their diets as their doctor told them to. My grandfather had high blood pressure and a heart condition, so grandma completely eliminated salt. The dr. said there was enough in food without adding any.

Next thing you know, grandma is in the hospital with heart arrythmia...because she wasn't eating enough salt.

My mom, a nurse, told me that although people with high blood pressure might want to eliminate EXCESS salt, there was really no evidence anywhere that salt harms anyone, even in large quantities....though it will cause water retention which can increase blood pressure a bit. However, there's plenty of evidence that we HAVE to have salt.

I don't worry too much about salt. But I will tell you, eating processed foods makes me feel sick. It's not the salt, it's the other shit in there.

what could be possibly wrong with that.:lol:

hey, it is a real meal. good source for vitamins and minerals AND has a friendly duck with a hat.

just eliminate salt.
Oh god...most TV dinners scare me. I'd feel better eating growth media in lab.


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what could be possibly wrong with that.:lol:

hey, it is a real meal. good source for vitamins and minerals AND has a friendly duck with a hat.

just eliminate salt.

Yeah with those you can have some real quality family time around the dinner table.
Honestly, the quality of the time around the table isn't affected by what you're eating.
That's the new rule in my house. And my husband and I have been as guilty as the kids at times.
Some people cannot stand to not answer a phone.
I have a phone for my convenience, not for the convenience of others to disturb me.
My mom, a nurse, told me that although people with high blood pressure might want to eliminate EXCESS salt, there was really no evidence anywhere that salt harms anyone, even in large quantities....

Not quite...

Salt is not harmful to MOST people. However people with very difficult to control HTN on max dose meds that are eating gobs of salt might try cutting back.

But there are some people who are VERY salt sensitive...those with congestive heart failure.

I've seen people requiring admission to the hospital after a small bag of chips.
But there are some people who are VERY salt sensitive...those with congestive heart failure.
I would imagine that salt sensitivity is the least of their problems? I mean, they could use a transplant.
MYFOXNY.COM - Some New York City chefs and restaurant owners are taking aim at a bill introduced in the New York Legislature that, if passed, would ban the use of salt in restaurant cooking.

"No owner or operator of a restaurant in this state shall use salt in any form in the preparation of any food for consumption by customers of such restaurant, including food prepared to be consumed on the premises of such restaurant or off of such premises," the bill, A. 10129 , states in part.

The legislation, which Assemblyman Felix Ortiz , D-Brooklyn, introduced on March 5, would fine restaurants $1,000 for each violation.

"The consumer needs to make their own health choices. Just as doctors and the occasional visit to a hospital can't truly control how a person chooses to maintain their health, neither can chefs nor the occasional visit to a restaurant," said Jeff Nathan, the executive chef and co-owner of Abigael's on Broadway. "Modifying trans fats and sodium intake needs to be home based for optimal health. Regulating restaurants will not solve this health issue."

Nathan is part of the group My Food My Choice , which calls itself a coalition of chefs, restaurant owners, and consumers, called the proposed law "absurd" in a press release issued on its Facebook page.

Ortiz has said the salt ban would allow restaurant patrons to decide how salty they want their meals to be

Chefs Call Proposed New York Salt Ban 'Absurd'

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