San Francisco 49ers .... WTF ????


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Hey! 49ers !!!!

Get your shit together !!!

I've been waiting all my life for this season ... Two great teams that have been building to play each other like a couple of Transformers....escalating.. weapon for weapon...

NOW ???? you melt down? It's only week 4 and you bozos are coming completely unglued !!!

For the love of god pull up your bootstraps and get it together !!!!

That is all.
Also a pressing question... who ate Kaepernick's and Flacco's chicken McNuggets ???

I'm guessing Russell Wilson.
Maybe the Super Bowl loser curse is real. :tongue:

The Niners offense is terrible so far. It seems only Green Bay's fear of the read-option and Kaepernick running allowed the big passing numbers from the first game.

Losing Crabtree was clearly a huge blow, even with Boldin there.

It didn't help that Davis was out against Indy.

Something needs to change on offense. Playcalling/scheme, switch up personnel, the passing game is terrible. The running game finally showed some signs of life, but they didn't run the ball every down, so it wasn't enough.

It's only 3 games, but very worrisome.
Hey! 49ers !!!!

Get your shit together !!!

I've been waiting all my life for this season ... Two great teams that have been building to play each other like a couple of Transformers....escalating.. weapon for weapon...

NOW ???? you melt down? It's only week 4 and you bozos are coming completely unglued !!!

For the love of god pull up your bootstraps and get it together !!!!

That is all.

Two problems:

1. They've been reading and listening to the 'experts';
2. "It's hard to run with a ham on your back", Alex Karras
I lay most of the blame on Harbaugh. As it should be.

I think they should have kept Alex Smith and had him waiting in the wings. I believe putting so much preasure on Kaepernick was a very bad call. Kaepernick doesn't even have a whole season of games under his belt. Ya... he was fantastic during the playoffs AT TIMES. He was scrappy. He ran like a gazzelle. BUT.. his history of work was too small to get rid of the quarterback that had the years of experience standing behind him that could have stepped in if Colin faltered.

Well...Kaepernick faltered. He played like crap in his first game in Seattle..and he played even worse the second time. Harbaugh should have taken note that the last 49er QB to beat Seattle at the Clink was Smith.
I lay most of the blame on Harbaugh. As it should be.

I think they should have kept Alex Smith and had him waiting in the wings. I believe putting so much preasure on Kaepernick was a very bad call. Kaepernick doesn't even have a whole season of games under his belt. Ya... he was fantastic during the playoffs AT TIMES. He was scrappy. He ran like a gazzelle. BUT.. his history of work was too small to get rid of the quarterback that had the years of experience standing behind him that could have stepped in if Colin faltered.

Well...Kaepernick faltered. He played like crap in his first game in Seattle..and he played even worse the second time. Harbaugh should have taken note that the last 49er QB to beat Seattle at the Clink was Smith.

I think you are blaming Kaep for something beyond his control : the inability of his receivers to get open.

It's not so much about Kaepernick making bad throws or decisions as his having nowhere to throw the ball to. They need to run more, try different routes or schemes, and the receivers not named Boldin need to improve.
I lay most of the blame on Harbaugh. As it should be.

I think they should have kept Alex Smith and had him waiting in the wings. I believe putting so much preasure on Kaepernick was a very bad call. Kaepernick doesn't even have a whole season of games under his belt. Ya... he was fantastic during the playoffs AT TIMES. He was scrappy. He ran like a gazzelle. BUT.. his history of work was too small to get rid of the quarterback that had the years of experience standing behind him that could have stepped in if Colin faltered.

Well...Kaepernick faltered. He played like crap in his first game in Seattle..and he played even worse the second time. Harbaugh should have taken note that the last 49er QB to beat Seattle at the Clink was Smith.

I think you are blaming Kaep for something beyond his control : the inability of his receivers to get open.

It's not so much about Kaepernick making bad throws or decisions as his having nowhere to throw the ball to. They need to run more, try different routes or schemes, and the receivers not named Boldin need to improve.

I don't believe throwing interceptions is out of Kaepernicks control. Alex Smith wins because he doesn't make mistakes. Russell Wilson wins because he makes few mistakes.

Colin Kaepernick was clearly rattled in his last two starts.

All I'm saying is that a QB CAN put a team on his back and make plays even in adverse conditions as displayed by Wilson's performances in the second halves in Chicago, Wash and Atlanta last season....Colin Kaepernick has been FORCING plays lately and the 9ers offensive production shows it. I'm not saying Colin is crap. Far from it. He is still a young and relatively inexperienced NFL QB. It would be helpfull to the 9ers if they had an Alex Smith to fall back on when Kaepernick is still learning how to deal with adversity. Just because he has shown flashes of excellence at times, as in Foxborough last year, does not mean he is a fully mature NFL QB.
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Also a pressing question... who ate Kaepernick's and Flacco's chicken McNuggets ???

I'm guessing Russell Wilson.

Can't be Peyton.
He's eating Pizza

How about them Fins !!! ??? I lived in South Florida for five years back in the 70's. LOVED the old Orange Bowl.

That was an awesome final drive against a serious opponent

Started watching Fins when Dad retired here to FL in 72....6 years old....perfect season.....I've been hooked (no pun) since
Hey! 49ers !!!!

Get your shit together !!!

I've been waiting all my life for this season ... Two great teams that have been building to play each other like a couple of Transformers....escalating.. weapon for weapon...

NOW ???? you melt down? It's only week 4 and you bozos are coming completely unglued !!!

For the love of god pull up your bootstraps and get it together !!!!

That is all.

It looks like Kapernick was still reeling in shock and afraid to stand in the pocket and take a hit to make a completion after your Hawks ate him for breakfast in Seatte last week.:lol:

You just know that was still on his mind.:D
Also a pressing question... who ate Kaepernick's and Flacco's chicken McNuggets ???

I'm guessing Russell Wilson.

Can't be Peyton.
He's eating Pizza

How about them Fins !!! ??? I lived in South Florida for five years back in the 70's. LOVED the old Orange Bowl.

glad to see the fins playing well again but this is why i dont have a favorite team in football anymore,they have no respect for tradition.I used to like The Broncos cause i loved their orange crush uniforms,the news ones suck and are ugly,same with the rams.Now the dolphins are the latest team to crap on tradition.its one thing to change the helmets,but the uniform colors?:mad: I think I'll stick to the old dolphin games same as I do with the broncos and rams.if teams arent moving from one city to another,they are changing their uniform colors.:mad:
Can't be Peyton.
He's eating Pizza

How about them Fins !!! ??? I lived in South Florida for five years back in the 70's. LOVED the old Orange Bowl.

glad to see the fins playing well again but this is why i dont have a favorite team in football anymore,they have no respect for tradition.I used to like The Broncos cause i loved their orange crush uniforms,the news ones suck and are ugly,same with the rams.Now the dolphins are the latest team to crap on tradition.its one thing to change the helmets,but the uniform colors?:mad: I think I'll stick to the old dolphin games same as I do with the broncos and rams.if teams arent moving from one city to another,they are changing their uniform colors.:mad:

Colors and design schemes are always changing.

But talk about tradition?
How about the Free Agency making career players extinct?

Zack Thomas would have been happy to retire as a Dolphin
Lynch as a Buck
Manning as a Colt

That's the "change" I hate the most
I lay most of the blame on Harbaugh. As it should be.

I think they should have kept Alex Smith and had him waiting in the wings. I believe putting so much preasure on Kaepernick was a very bad call. Kaepernick doesn't even have a whole season of games under his belt. Ya... he was fantastic during the playoffs AT TIMES. He was scrappy. He ran like a gazzelle. BUT.. his history of work was too small to get rid of the quarterback that had the years of experience standing behind him that could have stepped in if Colin faltered.

Well...Kaepernick faltered. He played like crap in his first game in Seattle..and he played even worse the second time. Harbaugh should have taken note that the last 49er QB to beat Seattle at the Clink was Smith.

I think you are blaming Kaep for something beyond his control : the inability of his receivers to get open.

It's not so much about Kaepernick making bad throws or decisions as his having nowhere to throw the ball to. They need to run more, try different routes or schemes, and the receivers not named Boldin need to improve.

I don't believe throwing interceptions is out of Kaepernicks control. Alex Smith wins because he doesn't make mistakes. Russell Wilson wins because he makes few mistakes.

Colin Kaepernick was clearly rattled in his last two starts.

All I'm saying is that a QB CAN put a team on his back and make plays even in adverse conditions as displayed by Wilson's performances in the second halves in Chicago, Wash and Atlanta last season....Colin Kaepernick has been FORCING plays lately and the 9ers offensive production shows it. I'm not saying Colin is crap. Far from it. He is still a young and relatively inexperienced NFL QB. It would be helpfull to the 9ers if they had an Alex Smith to fall back on when Kaepernick is still learning how to deal with adversity. Just because he has shown flashes of excellence at times, as in Foxborough last year, does not mean he is a fully mature NFL QB.

Right now Harbaugh isnt looking so much like the genius everybody thought he was last year for making Kap the starter.:D

Hey Hug,wouldnt it be funny if Kapernick turned out to be a flash in the pan like Kordell Stewart was?:lol: I wouldnt be too surprised if that happened.Like you said,he hasnt even had a full season under his belt yet.

He might even take a step back this year like Newton did.Whom I disagree with you on,I think Newton just had an off year last year,he looks like he has recovered with the thrashing of the new york giants.

Sure the Giants arent the same team from two years ago and not that good,but still,to blow them out like they did and give up no points.I think that game will go down as Cams turning point.I dont think he is a lost cause like Josh Freeman of Tampa Bay for instance.Cam just had one bad year is all.

Yeah you are so right,I cannot help but laugh my ass off how Smith is having success in Kansas City at 3-0 where Kap is 1-2.Letting smith go an experienced Qb who wont beat you with costly mistakes,was the worst mistake Harbaugh made.

Smith as you recall,wasnt an overnight success with the 49ers.It took him over 5 years before he finally became a good quarterback.Kapernick might go into a funk and regress after this.You just dont know what you have with him.Had they still had smith,there would be no doubts they would be back in the playoffs again.You know what you have with him.

Kapernick? you dont know what your going to get.If they had lost this game at the end and it was a close game,then I would say the niners just got beat by a good team thats going to win lots of games.But the fact they got beat so throughly at home no less!!!!!! This team clearly has not recovered from their ass beating by your Hawks.especially Kapernick.:D

Wilson has been through an entire season and has only gotten better this year so unlike the niners,they have no concerns to worry about with Wison.
How about them Fins !!! ??? I lived in South Florida for five years back in the 70's. LOVED the old Orange Bowl.

glad to see the fins playing well again but this is why i dont have a favorite team in football anymore,they have no respect for tradition.I used to like The Broncos cause i loved their orange crush uniforms,the news ones suck and are ugly,same with the rams.Now the dolphins are the latest team to crap on tradition.its one thing to change the helmets,but the uniform colors?:mad: I think I'll stick to the old dolphin games same as I do with the broncos and rams.if teams arent moving from one city to another,they are changing their uniform colors.:mad:

Colors and design schemes are always changing.

But talk about tradition?
How about the Free Agency making career players extinct?

Zack Thomas would have been happy to retire as a Dolphin
Lynch as a Buck
Manning as a Colt

That's the "change" I hate the most

yeah thats one more thing thats really disgusted me about football and why I dont have a favorite team anymore.The steelers,one of my all time favorite organizations,were my favorite when I was little. I always knew every year i would see the same faces back every year after year.the good old days when they would stay with one team their whole career is over with.It was extremely painful watching greats like Chad Brown from the steel curtain bolt to the seahawks for the dollars.:mad:

or a couple other examples.Marshall Faulk leaving the colts for the rams or Wes Welker leaving the patriots for the Broncos..

30 years ago,Faulk never would have dreamed leaving the colts.same as Welker.watching these all time greats leaving like Manning becoming a colt like you said,its just too painful to watch.
I lay most of the blame on Harbaugh. As it should be.

I think they should have kept Alex Smith and had him waiting in the wings. I believe putting so much preasure on Kaepernick was a very bad call. Kaepernick doesn't even have a whole season of games under his belt. Ya... he was fantastic during the playoffs AT TIMES. He was scrappy. He ran like a gazzelle. BUT.. his history of work was too small to get rid of the quarterback that had the years of experience standing behind him that could have stepped in if Colin faltered.

Well...Kaepernick faltered. He played like crap in his first game in Seattle..and he played even worse the second time. Harbaugh should have taken note that the last 49er QB to beat Seattle at the Clink was Smith.

I said at the time that alex got screwed and maybe they had screwed themselves...., BUT they had to pick, alex had a huge contract pay off they chose the $$, instead of the solid back up......*shrugs*

I have bragging rights in my house now, my wifes been a niner fan forever and I have been a colts fan for forever....but, needless to say there was no sex in the Emperors household last night :doubt:
glad to see the fins playing well again but this is why i dont have a favorite team in football anymore,they have no respect for tradition.I used to like The Broncos cause i loved their orange crush uniforms,the news ones suck and are ugly,same with the rams.Now the dolphins are the latest team to crap on tradition.its one thing to change the helmets,but the uniform colors?:mad: I think I'll stick to the old dolphin games same as I do with the broncos and rams.if teams arent moving from one city to another,they are changing their uniform colors.:mad:

Colors and design schemes are always changing.

But talk about tradition?
How about the Free Agency making career players extinct?

Zack Thomas would have been happy to retire as a Dolphin
Lynch as a Buck
Manning as a Colt

That's the "change" I hate the most

yeah thats one more thing thats really disgusted me about football and why I dont have a favorite team anymore.The steelers,one of my all time favorite organizations,were my favorite when I was little. I always knew every year i would see the same faces back every year after year.the good old days when they would stay with one team their whole career is over with.It was extremely painful watching greats like Chad Brown from the steel curtain bolt to the seahawks for the dollars.:mad:

or a couple other examples.Marshall Faulk leaving the colts for the rams or Wes Welker leaving the patriots for the Broncos..

30 years ago,Faulk never would have dreamed leaving the colts.same as Welker.watching these all time greats leaving like Manning becoming a colt like you said,its just too painful to watch.

Right after the Bucs finally won their SuperBowl, it was like watching an exodus to Tampa many key players traded over to the team they just BEAT, Oakland
Colors and design schemes are always changing.

But talk about tradition?
How about the Free Agency making career players extinct?

Zack Thomas would have been happy to retire as a Dolphin
Lynch as a Buck
Manning as a Colt

That's the "change" I hate the most

yeah thats one more thing thats really disgusted me about football and why I dont have a favorite team anymore.The steelers,one of my all time favorite organizations,were my favorite when I was little. I always knew every year i would see the same faces back every year after year.the good old days when they would stay with one team their whole career is over with.It was extremely painful watching greats like Chad Brown from the steel curtain bolt to the seahawks for the dollars.:mad:

or a couple other examples.Marshall Faulk leaving the colts for the rams or Wes Welker leaving the patriots for the Broncos..

30 years ago,Faulk never would have dreamed leaving the colts.same as Welker.watching these all time greats leaving like Manning becoming a colt like you said,its just too painful to watch.

Right after the Bucs finally won their SuperBowl, it was like watching an exodus to Tampa many key players traded over to the team they just BEAT, Oakland

Thank GAAAWWWDDDD!!! The Seahawks got many of thier key players in the later rounds of the draft. Wilson gets like $700,000.. I don't think we are paying the whole damned Legion of BOOM more than 2 million. It looks like we have at least a 2-3 year window to make hay before the player agents decend upon us.

If John Schneider doesn't make GM of the year this time around there is NO justice!
I think you are blaming Kaep for something beyond his control : the inability of his receivers to get open.

It's not so much about Kaepernick making bad throws or decisions as his having nowhere to throw the ball to. They need to run more, try different routes or schemes, and the receivers not named Boldin need to improve.

I don't believe throwing interceptions is out of Kaepernicks control. Alex Smith wins because he doesn't make mistakes. Russell Wilson wins because he makes few mistakes.

Colin Kaepernick was clearly rattled in his last two starts.

All I'm saying is that a QB CAN put a team on his back and make plays even in adverse conditions as displayed by Wilson's performances in the second halves in Chicago, Wash and Atlanta last season....Colin Kaepernick has been FORCING plays lately and the 9ers offensive production shows it. I'm not saying Colin is crap. Far from it. He is still a young and relatively inexperienced NFL QB. It would be helpfull to the 9ers if they had an Alex Smith to fall back on when Kaepernick is still learning how to deal with adversity. Just because he has shown flashes of excellence at times, as in Foxborough last year, does not mean he is a fully mature NFL QB.

Right now Harbaugh isnt looking so much like the genius everybody thought he was last year for making Kap the starter.:D

Hey Hug,wouldnt it be funny if Kapernick turned out to be a flash in the pan like Kordell Stewart was?:lol: I wouldnt be too surprised if that happened.Like you said,he hasnt even had a full season under his belt yet.

He might even take a step back this year like Newton did.Whom I disagree with you on,I think Newton just had an off year last year,he looks like he has recovered with the thrashing of the new york giants.

Sure the Giants arent the same team from two years ago and not that good,but still,to blow them out like they did and give up no points.I think that game will go down as Cams turning point.I dont think he is a lost cause like Josh Freeman of Tampa Bay for instance.Cam just had one bad year is all.

Yeah you are so right,I cannot help but laugh my ass off how Smith is having success in Kansas City at 3-0 where Kap is 1-2.Letting smith go an experienced Qb who wont beat you with costly mistakes,was the worst mistake Harbaugh made.

Smith as you recall,wasnt an overnight success with the 49ers.It took him over 5 years before he finally became a good quarterback.Kapernick might go into a funk and regress after this.You just dont know what you have with him.Had they still had smith,there would be no doubts they would be back in the playoffs again.You know what you have with him.

Kapernick? you dont know what your going to get.If they had lost this game at the end and it was a close game,then I would say the niners just got beat by a good team thats going to win lots of games.But the fact they got beat so throughly at home no less!!!!!! This team clearly has not recovered from their ass beating by your Hawks.especially Kapernick.:D

Wilson has been through an entire season and has only gotten better this year so unlike the niners,they have no concerns to worry about with Wison.

Smith finally got success with Harbaugh.

Wilson was playing better at the end of last year than the beginning of this year.

The Niners problems go much deeper than Kaepernick. They have not run the ball well or enough, the receivers they have out there are not getting open, etc.

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