San Francisco 'can no longer be called progressive city,' newspaper declares after law-and-order measures pass


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Oh, dear. Somebody bring the paddles. We’re losing Nancy Pelosi


All seriousness aside though, in the politico-religious ideology of woke, the “progressive” label carries a lot of Dem / Socialist ideological baggage such as defund the police, refusal to prosecute entire classes of crime, criminals are a protected class, it’s all the fault of where people, etc., etc.

When a local newspaper strips your city of the “progressive” label because the voters have had enough of crime, frugs on the streets and curb gutters as open sewers, what’s a leftist to do?

An article in the San Francisco Chronicle declared the city "can no longer be called a progressive city" after the success of two law-and-order ballot measures on Tuesday.

Chronicle reporters Aldo Toledo and Joe Garofoli wrote that with the city voting "yes" on ballot measures that would require drug screenings for potential welfare recipients and increase police powers in the city, progressive policies appear to no longer be popular with residents
Oh, dear. Somebody bring the paddles. We’re losing Nancy Pelosi


All seriousness aside though, in the politico-religious ideology of woke, the “progressive” label carries a lot of Dem / Socialist ideological baggage such as defund the police, refusal to prosecute entire classes of crime, criminals are a protected class, it’s all the fault of where people, etc., etc.

When a local newspaper strips your city of the “progressive” label because the voters have had enough of crime, frugs on the streets and curb gutters as open sewers, what’s a leftist to do?

An article in the San Francisco Chronicle declared the city "can no longer be called a progressive city" after the success of two law-and-order ballot measures on Tuesday.

Chronicle reporters Aldo Toledo and Joe Garofoli wrote that with the city voting "yes" on ballot measures that would require drug screenings for potential welfare recipients and increase police powers in the city, progressive policies appear to no longer be popular with residents
Hollie: it takes a person a lifetime to get out of a religious conviction. If any religious change would/could happen to a person it would most likely only happen upon their dying breath. If a person(s) could change their religious conviction(personality) @ the drop of a pin they would then be classified as a schizoid or of multi personality disorder(MPD) or both. As far as the wokesters, commies, statist left, marxinazis, power & controllers(PC), herdsters or what ever one wants to call them they are all pretty much signed, sealed & delivered already. Maybe(?) a handful of them 'may' be able to escape their marxinazi power & control religion but that would literally take a miracle of the very highest order. The old saying/warning, "Be careful of what one wishes for as you might just get it" is as relevant today as it was so long ago.
Get back to us when they enforce it. CA also voted against same-sex marriage… did that work out? They have naked parades of queers in broad daylight…anything goes. Most of the City counsel has been fags since the 70s.
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Oh, dear. Somebody bring the paddles. We’re losing Nancy Pelosi


All seriousness aside though, in the politico-religious ideology of woke, the “progressive” label carries a lot of Dem / Socialist ideological baggage such as defund the police, refusal to prosecute entire classes of crime, criminals are a protected class, it’s all the fault of where people, etc., etc.

When a local newspaper strips your city of the “progressive” label because the voters have had enough of crime, frugs on the streets and curb gutters as open sewers, what’s a leftist to do?

An article in the San Francisco Chronicle declared the city "can no longer be called a progressive city" after the success of two law-and-order ballot measures on Tuesday.

Chronicle reporters Aldo Toledo and Joe Garofoli wrote that with the city voting "yes" on ballot measures that would require drug screenings for potential welfare recipients and increase police powers in the city, progressive policies appear to no longer be popular with residents
These people are in a cult, and as such, even though their voting record is killing them, they still must continue to drink the cool aid as they are told to do as their body slowly goes cold and numb as they continue to vote "D".
Being a shitty city that pushes progressive ideas that do nothing but make a place a terrible place is progressive. No city that labels itself as progressive is a good place.

A lot of them seem to think progress and progressive are the same things when it comes to political leadership.
Oh, dear. Somebody bring the paddles. We’re losing Nancy Pelosi


All seriousness aside though, in the politico-religious ideology of woke, the “progressive” label carries a lot of Dem / Socialist ideological baggage such as defund the police, refusal to prosecute entire classes of crime, criminals are a protected class, it’s all the fault of where people, etc., etc.

When a local newspaper strips your city of the “progressive” label because the voters have had enough of crime, frugs on the streets and curb gutters as open sewers, what’s a leftist to do?

An article in the San Francisco Chronicle declared the city "can no longer be called a progressive city" after the success of two law-and-order ballot measures on Tuesday.

Chronicle reporters Aldo Toledo and Joe Garofoli wrote that with the city voting "yes" on ballot measures that would require drug screenings for potential welfare recipients and increase police powers in the city, progressive policies appear to no longer be popular with residents
San Francisco is a historically beautiful and romantic city glamorized in film and on TV

But its reputation as a tourist attraction or convention center is being trashed by the human trash on the streets

Even progressives have a bottom line that the criminals and drug addicts have crossed
Oh, dear. Somebody bring the paddles. We’re losing Nancy Pelosi


All seriousness aside though, in the politico-religious ideology of woke, the “progressive” label carries a lot of Dem / Socialist ideological baggage such as defund the police, refusal to prosecute entire classes of crime, criminals are a protected class, it’s all the fault of where people, etc., etc.

When a local newspaper strips your city of the “progressive” label because the voters have had enough of crime, frugs on the streets and curb gutters as open sewers, what’s a leftist to do?

An article in the San Francisco Chronicle declared the city "can no longer be called a progressive city" after the success of two law-and-order ballot measures on Tuesday.

Chronicle reporters Aldo Toledo and Joe Garofoli wrote that with the city voting "yes" on ballot measures that would require drug screenings for potential welfare recipients and increase police powers in the city, progressive policies appear to no longer be popular with residents

The assumption in your thread title, is that Democrats oppose law, and order, which is completely false.

But if you didn’t lie about Democrats, he wouldn’t say anything about them.
The assumption in your thread title, is that Democrats oppose law, and order, which is completely false.

But if you didn’t lie about Democrats, he wouldn’t say anything about them.
What is true is that Democrats’ version of law and order is not effective. For example, Democrats in recent years have proposed sending in social workers to address and de escalate domestic violence situations. How effective is that?
The assumption in your thread title, is that Democrats oppose law, and order, which is completely false.

But if you didn’t lie about Democrats, he wouldn’t say anything about them.

The fact that it was Dems / Socialists who flailed their pom poms for the defund the police, no bail, refusal to indict for entire classes of crimes debacle is lost on you.
The fact that it was Dems / Socialists who flailed their pom poms for the defund the police, no bail, refusal to indict for entire classes of crimes debacle is lost on you.

And yet it’s the Republicans, who just voted to defund the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the IRS.

The Democratic campaign was not to take money out of the criminal justice system, but rather to redirect funds to bring social services into the system to stop police from murdering the mentally ill.

Democrats wanted to expand the options for police departments in dealing with the general public.

But thanks for proving to us that you believe the lies and are willing to promote them.
The assumption in your thread title, is that Democrats oppose law, and order, which is completely false.

But if you didn’t lie about Democrats, he wouldn’t say anything about them.

The fact that it was Dems / Socialists who flailed their pom poms for the defund the police, no bail, refusal to indict for entire classes of crimes debacle is lost on you.
And yet it’s the Republicans, who just voted to defund the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the IRS.

The Democratic campaign was not to take money out of the criminal justice system, but rather to redirect funds to bring social services into the system to stop police from murdering the mentally ill.

Democrats wanted to expand the options for police departments in dealing with the general public.

But thanks for proving to us that you believe the lies and are willing to promote them.

Show us the specific bill that defunds the FBI of DOJ.

Thanks for proving to us that you're clueless.
The assumption in your thread title, is that Democrats oppose law, and order, which is completely false.

But if you didn’t lie about Democrats, he wouldn’t say anything about them.
Well aint that a load of BS. Proof everywhere.

But you don't mind the left weaponizing the justice system to go after Trump and conservatives, am I right?

What is true is that Democrats’ version of law and order is not effective. For example, Democrats in recent years have proposed sending in social workers to address and de escalate domestic violence situations. How effective is that?

The DemoKKKrat approach to fighting crime has been to simply change the definition of what a crime is. If breaking into cars, mugging people, attacking random strangers, and shitting on the street are no longer crimes, then voila, the crime rate suddenly goes down.

They did the same thing with vaccines and school test scores.

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