San Francisco Delivers Weed, Opioids, Booze and Ciggies to Homeless Locked Up for COVID-19


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
On any given day, San Francisco’s Tenderloin streets are filled with swaying, hollow-eyed drunks, fast-talking meth addicts, and those who sit in puddles of clothes in oxy euphoria while resting in a sopping pile of their urine and feces.

Now 270 mostly homeless people who have tested positive for COVID-19 sit in free hotel rooms and the drugs are delivered for free too.

Seriously, San Francisco health officials are quarantining homeless people who test positive for COVID-19 in hotel rooms and delivering booze, weed, opioids, and cigarettes.


On any given day, San Francisco’s Tenderloin streets are filled with swaying, hollow-eyed drunks, fast-talking meth addicts, and those who sit in puddles of clothes in oxy euphoria while resting in a sopping pile of their urine and feces.

Now 270 mostly homeless people who have tested positive for COVID-19 sit in free hotel rooms and the drugs are delivered for free too.

Seriously, San Francisco health officials are quarantining homeless people who test positive for COVID-19 in hotel rooms and delivering booze, weed, opioids, and cigarettes.


Life goes on whether you like it or not... and it bugs you.
Seriously, San Francisco health officials
No, they're not serious.

Only GAY MEN could possibly have such intimate concern over other men's health.

Since HIV+AIDS went out of style in Orange County, the COVID-19 pandemic is all they have left to work with.
The homeless are already addicted to nicotine and opiates. Taking them away from the people would result in them having to be treated for withdrawl.

As far as the marijuana? Only medical marijuana is allowed. Recreational isn't.
On any given day, San Francisco’s Tenderloin streets are filled with swaying, hollow-eyed drunks, fast-talking meth addicts, and those who sit in puddles of clothes in oxy euphoria while resting in a sopping pile of their urine and feces.

Now 270 mostly homeless people who have tested positive for COVID-19 sit in free hotel rooms and the drugs are delivered for free too.

Seriously, San Francisco health officials are quarantining homeless people who test positive for COVID-19 in hotel rooms and delivering booze, weed, opioids, and cigarettes.


Nancy Pelosis district. Are any of us at all surprised? Like as not the same sorts of shit is going on in Adam Schiff's and Maxine Water's districts too.
I just assumed Nanzi was taking care of her constituency.....


But I'm getting the idea that this isn't true.... and she's a lying, phony, sanctimonious C*nt.
On any given day, San Francisco’s Tenderloin streets are filled with swaying, hollow-eyed drunks, fast-talking meth addicts, and those who sit in puddles of clothes in oxy euphoria while resting in a sopping pile of their urine and feces.

Now 270 mostly homeless people who have tested positive for COVID-19 sit in free hotel rooms and the drugs are delivered for free too.

Seriously, San Francisco health officials are quarantining homeless people who test positive for COVID-19 in hotel rooms and delivering booze, weed, opioids, and cigarettes.



Not a bad deal for our bum friends. If you know any drifters, they do like to drink and get loaded, so this is pretty sweet.
The homeless are already addicted to nicotine and opiates.
So are the wealthy California real estate Mob.
Taking them away from the people would result in them having to be treated for withdrawl.
Well no shit. Get a doctor's script for methadone.
As far as the marijuana? Only medical marijuana is allowed. Recreational isn't.
Doctor's orders. Take it easy with a little weed. Just don't have too much fun. Remember, we already took your gun rights away.
On any given day, San Francisco’s Tenderloin streets are filled with swaying, hollow-eyed drunks, fast-talking meth addicts, and those who sit in puddles of clothes in oxy euphoria while resting in a sopping pile of their urine and feces.

Now 270 mostly homeless people who have tested positive for COVID-19 sit in free hotel rooms and the drugs are delivered for free too.

Seriously, San Francisco health officials are quarantining homeless people who test positive for COVID-19 in hotel rooms and delivering booze, weed, opioids, and cigarettes.


Leftists are fucking insane. I am not sure how else to put it.
The homeless are already addicted to nicotine and opiates. Taking them away from the people would result in them having to be treated for withdrawl.

As far as the marijuana? Only medical marijuana is allowed. Recreational isn't.
Nobody requires "treatment" for cigarettes. We aren't talking about heroin here.
San Francisco once demonstrates what morons they are.
Nobody requires "treatment" for cigarettes.
I assume people have the money to support their smoking habit and they're not blowing smoke in your face at the bus stop.
We aren't talking about heroin here.
Afghanistan grows opium poppies as a cash crop, and I wouldn't be so sure some of those Cuban cigars (and cigarettes) aren't a bit too fine and "relaxing" to smoke if they don't stop up your gut with that illicit poppy flavor.
San Francisco once demonstrates what morons they are.
There's a lot of other stuff they're morons about, too. Mow your lawn at the acceptable hour or lose your home to CC&Rs because of the way the whole neighborhood goes up in flames if someone's grass is a bit too tall or it isn't watered on schedule, and you have to drive your air-conditioned, waxed and polished car to make it to work on time at one of those high-paying tech cartel jobs in Silicon Valley, and no mechanical work on your car in your own garage is permitted.
The Socialists -Lefturds delivering drugs to the population in SF keep all the people in San Francisco drugged....that's a good way to keep them in total ignorance....Pelosi is also a witch my friends....


Wake up.
On any given day, San Francisco’s Tenderloin streets are filled with swaying, hollow-eyed drunks, fast-talking meth addicts, and those who sit in puddles of clothes in oxy euphoria while resting in a sopping pile of their urine and feces.

Now 270 mostly homeless people who have tested positive for COVID-19 sit in free hotel rooms and the drugs are delivered for free too.

Seriously, San Francisco health officials are quarantining homeless people who test positive for COVID-19 in hotel rooms and delivering booze, weed, opioids, and cigarettes.


Wow, if drug addicted homeless people get the hotel rooms, what is given to the homeless people who are clean?

God bless you always!!!

The homeless are already addicted to nicotine and opiates. Taking them away from the people would result in them having to be treated for withdrawl.

As far as the marijuana? Only medical marijuana is allowed. Recreational isn't.
I have bone spurs and I DEMAND it !
The homeless are already addicted to nicotine and opiates. Taking them away from the people would result in them having to be treated for withdrawl.

As far as the marijuana? Only medical marijuana is allowed. Recreational isn't.
I have bone spurs and I DEMAND it !

You'd undoubtably get it if you ask. The requirements for Medical Grass are pretty loose in California. It isn't like Colorado where you have to put your testicles in the microwave to get cancer.
On any given day, San Francisco’s Tenderloin streets are filled with swaying, hollow-eyed drunks, fast-talking meth addicts, and those who sit in puddles of clothes in oxy euphoria while resting in a sopping pile of their urine and feces.

Now 270 mostly homeless people who have tested positive for COVID-19 sit in free hotel rooms and the drugs are delivered for free too.

Seriously, San Francisco health officials are quarantining homeless people who test positive for COVID-19 in hotel rooms and delivering booze, weed, opioids, and cigarettes.


Life goes on whether you like it or not... and it bugs you.
Thats not life as any sane person sees it

street bums housed in hotels and supplied with all the vices they want?

thats crazy
On any given day, San Francisco’s Tenderloin streets are filled with swaying, hollow-eyed drunks, fast-talking meth addicts, and those who sit in puddles of clothes in oxy euphoria while resting in a sopping pile of their urine and feces.

Now 270 mostly homeless people who have tested positive for COVID-19 sit in free hotel rooms and the drugs are delivered for free too.

Seriously, San Francisco health officials are quarantining homeless people who test positive for COVID-19 in hotel rooms and delivering booze, weed, opioids, and cigarettes.


Life goes on whether you like it or not... and it bugs you.
Thats not life as any sane person sees it

street bums housed in hotels and supplied with all the vices they want?

thats crazy

When this ends, the hotels are going to have to be fumigated. Renting suites to ruffians doesn't work out well, as the hotel manager that Hotel Costa Plente found out. First day, they destroyed a $5000 vase.
Wow, if drug addicted homeless people get the hotel rooms,
Hookers and blow. It's 100% Democrat.
what is given to the homeless people who are clean?
Drugs, booze, marijuana. What else? If you don't do the drugs, you can't hang out with the Democratic Party hookers. What! You think some street gal is suddenly going to turn around and marry a clean and sober guy with a nice haircut and a steady job, till death do us part and all that shit?

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