San Francisco Police Union: "We are Republicans with Democrat needs". WOW!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
We are Republicans with Democratic Needs |

Well, thats one hell of an article. I agree with 90% of what he says, and the attitude he described of the right wing who have turned on cops, firemen and teachers since 2008 is spot on..

For all you right wingers...before you go ballistic, READ the whole article. The guy blasts the entitlement state, the welfare state, the lazy criminals, pork-barrel social programs, and rips the "Nanny State". HELL, read his first 2 paragraphs, and he sounds like a Tea Party fanatic!!!!! in the hell did the GOP lose guys like this?

He says if you are a cop, the Republicans will give you more guns and equipment, but, they dont want to pay you more than minimum wage. The Democrats, on the other hand, pay far better (San Fran being his example). And, I cant blame San Francisco Democrats. They pay SFPD VERY WELL. They have too. What sane cop would work in SF without great pay?

He says the same millionaires who pat you on the back and say "you're doing a great job" should immediately be asked "Thanks, what do you think about my pension" and you'll hear their true feelings. He says they view public employees as bottom feeding "grunts" who shouldnt earn the pay and pensions they get, describing these elite rich as viewing them as "how dare they" earn that type of pension (Hmmm, pushed by Fox News probably).

Anyway, its a fascinating article. It describes CLEARLY how the Republican Party has not lost, by DRIVEN away millions of cops, firemen, teachers and their families from voting for the GOP. Hell, if not for that, who knows? Those millions they lost may have been the turning point to defeat Obama. But hey, we gotta stick to principles right? Because how dare those public workers make that kind of pension!
From the linked blog:

"I am now an ex-Republican who believes in strong unions, fair wages, and comfortable pensions for every blue-collar work in America." - Gary P Delagnes SFPOA President

Da Comrade. Da.
From the linked blog:

"I am now an ex-Republican who believes in strong unions, fair wages, and comfortable pensions for every blue-collar work in America." - Gary P Delagnes SFPOA President

Da Comrade. Da.

Yep. Whats wrong with that?

A "fair" wage. get what you are worth. How much is a man worth, who will put on a bullet proof vest and gun daily, to protect complete strangers....many of whom hate him and dont think he deserves the compensation he gets...but he'd risk his life for them anyway? A "fair" wage for...say...the guy who rides the garbage truck, would be less, as that job is far less crucial to a functioning society. Re-read his rants on the Nanny State and welfare and entitlements. He thinks a FAIR wage is just that, fair. I'd guess that he thinks the military men and women deserve to be paid at MINIMUM what SFPD makes, and far far more, as they send their combat troops into warzones. I'd agree.

A comfortable pension? Sure. Not outlandish. But comfortable. You spend 25 years risking your life and sacrificing holidays and birthdays and time with protect complete strangers and be exposed to the darkest side of humanity within our borders? Sure, you deserve to live fairly comfortable in your retirement.

OH, by the way, the average police retiree has a life expectancy somewhere in the upper 50's, they tend to die young from years of stress. So...dont worry too much, your precious tax dollars wont be funding them for TOO long.
A fair wage was determined by the citizens of the jurisdiction to which he hired on. Nothing forcing you stay and do the job for the pay.

A pension for civil servants should be co-contribution by the tax payers to an amount equal to what is paid into the pension by the employee.
oh boy...a ex Republican...:eusa_whistle:

Yep. There are more and more of those types these days.

Oh, and by the way, the SFPOA from the the 2006 GW Bush days, was accused of "right wing" extremism:

You right wingers have no clue how many voters you lost when you turned on cops, firemen and teachers. Add those people with their families and friends who care about them, and well, that may have cost you the election (it was a very close election).
A fair wage was determined by the citizens of the jurisdiction to which he hired on. Nothing forcing you stay and do the job for the pay.

A pension for civil servants should be co-contribution by the tax payers to an amount equal to what is paid into the pension by the employee.

In most places it is. Fox wont tell you that. But the majority of cops co-pay into their retirements.

And, even then, most never collect.

Cop stats:

50% of all cops never make it to retirement. They mostly quit before reaching the required age/service. The rest? Well, stats show that the life expectency for a cop who does 20 years or more on the job is in the mid-upper 50's. They tend to die young.

So, this boogey-man of the evil police bloated pension is just that....mostly a myth. Now, there are isolated examples, some in California, some in Jersey, Illinois, etc, where that particular jurisdiction went so broke that the city cant afford the pension of the cops.

But cops aren't the problem. They are just who Fox and the far right are partly blaming.
Oh boy, a ex-Republican, Fox and the far right..
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Oh boy, a ex-Republican, Fox and the far right..

I thought it was a typo the first time. It should be "an" ex-Republican, not "a" ex-Republican. A vowel should be preceded by "an", not "a". Just a pet peeve.
Now, as I type, Bill O'Reilly is on TV with a lead story about a girl who cursed at a judge, and he's leading with the epedimic of disrespect for our criminal justice system. After a year of portraying cops and government employees as the "problem". Wow. And to think, I once believed the shit on Fox.
Now, as I type, Bill O'Reilly is on TV with a lead story about a girl who cursed at a judge, and he's leading with the epedimic of disrespect for our criminal justice system. After a year of portraying cops and government employees as the "problem". Wow. And to think, I once believed the shit on Fox.

This mean you give up on your op ?
What most people easily lose sight of, is the pot of tax money is not an infinite resource. When you have a city like San Fran spending millions on illegals with all their sanctuary city policies, the money has to come from some where. Also public employee unions have been complicit in abuse of the system, instead of acting to help protect the tax payer. I wholeheartedly support people getting pensions they've earned. But that being said many of these unions have taken advantage of their political clout, to the determent of the people who have to pay the bill. It all comes down to priorities, support illegals and other social programs or the cops in a fair equitable system, most places can't afford both.
What most people easily lose sight of, is the pot of tax money is not an infinite resource. When you have a city like San Fran spending millions on illegals with all their sanctuary city policies, the money has to come from some where. Also public employee unions have been complicit in abuse of the system, instead of acting to help protect the tax payer. I wholeheartedly support people getting pensions they've earned. But that being said many of these unions have taken advantage of their political clout, to the determent of the people who have to pay the bill. It all comes down to priorities, support illegals and other social programs or the cops in a fair equitable system, most places can't afford both.

Bucs doesn't seem to understand any of that. he seems to think we are made of money magically. and if it doesn't appear you just suck it from the taxpayers no matter what
We are Republicans with Democratic Needs |

Well, thats one hell of an article. I agree with 90% of what he says, and the attitude he described of the right wing who have turned on cops, firemen and teachers since 2008 is spot on..

For all you right wingers...before you go ballistic, READ the whole article. The guy blasts the entitlement state, the welfare state, the lazy criminals, pork-barrel social programs, and rips the "Nanny State". HELL, read his first 2 paragraphs, and he sounds like a Tea Party fanatic!!!!! in the hell did the GOP lose guys like this?

He says if you are a cop, the Republicans will give you more guns and equipment, but, they dont want to pay you more than minimum wage. The Democrats, on the other hand, pay far better (San Fran being his example). And, I cant blame San Francisco Democrats. They pay SFPD VERY WELL. They have too. What sane cop would work in SF without great pay?

He says the same millionaires who pat you on the back and say "you're doing a great job" should immediately be asked "Thanks, what do you think about my pension" and you'll hear their true feelings. He says they view public employees as bottom feeding "grunts" who shouldnt earn the pay and pensions they get, describing these elite rich as viewing them as "how dare they" earn that type of pension (Hmmm, pushed by Fox News probably).

Anyway, its a fascinating article. It describes CLEARLY how the Republican Party has not lost, by DRIVEN away millions of cops, firemen, teachers and their families from voting for the GOP. Hell, if not for that, who knows? Those millions they lost may have been the turning point to defeat Obama. But hey, we gotta stick to principles right? Because how dare those public workers make that kind of pension!

This article was most interesting to read for sure. And before I get into my reply, even though I disagree with what this officer stated, God Bless him for putting on the uniform and doing the job he does. Now that we have that out of the way...

Before this officer has a love affair with the Democrat party, he should remember just exactly who is in the media, which is dominated by registered Democrats. It is these regisgered Democrats in the media that will do anything to villify police officers doing their jobs, the media is not a friend of law enforcement, and the media is made up of Democrats.

Perhaps this officer should reflect on what happened back in Cambridge, MA when police officers doing their jobs arrested a thug friend of Democrat Barack Obama, the Cambridge police department was villified by Democrats in the media, and a Democrat President. Fortunately, many Americans were infuriated by this and Obama the Democrat had to pull off a publicity beer summit to save face.

Oh, and I couldn't help but notice the cheap shot at Gov. Scott Walker. Uhmmm....what exactly is California's budget surplus...ohhhh...that's right, California does not have a budget surplus, do they???? And who is running that state, the Democrat-Union thugocracy! Hmmmm...Gov. Scott Walker inherited a $3+ billion deficit from Democrats. With the fiscal sanity that Walker and Republicans brought to WI, he has given WI a $484 million budget surplus. Oh...and in WI, there is not a radical left-wing extremist ex LAPD cop running around killing people is there???????
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We are Republicans with Democratic Needs |

Well, thats one hell of an article. I agree with 90% of what he says, and the attitude he described of the right wing who have turned on cops, firemen and teachers since 2008 is spot on..

For all you right wingers...before you go ballistic, READ the whole article. The guy blasts the entitlement state, the welfare state, the lazy criminals, pork-barrel social programs, and rips the "Nanny State". HELL, read his first 2 paragraphs, and he sounds like a Tea Party fanatic!!!!! in the hell did the GOP lose guys like this?

He says if you are a cop, the Republicans will give you more guns and equipment, but, they dont want to pay you more than minimum wage. The Democrats, on the other hand, pay far better (San Fran being his example). And, I cant blame San Francisco Democrats. They pay SFPD VERY WELL. They have too. What sane cop would work in SF without great pay?

He says the same millionaires who pat you on the back and say "you're doing a great job" should immediately be asked "Thanks, what do you think about my pension" and you'll hear their true feelings. He says they view public employees as bottom feeding "grunts" who shouldnt earn the pay and pensions they get, describing these elite rich as viewing them as "how dare they" earn that type of pension (Hmmm, pushed by Fox News probably).

Anyway, its a fascinating article. It describes CLEARLY how the Republican Party has not lost, by DRIVEN away millions of cops, firemen, teachers and their families from voting for the GOP. Hell, if not for that, who knows? Those millions they lost may have been the turning point to defeat Obama. But hey, we gotta stick to principles right? Because how dare those public workers make that kind of pension!

This article was most interesting to read for sure. And before I get into my reply, even though I disagree with what this officer stated, God Bless him for putting on the uniform and doing the job he does. Now that we have that out of the way...

Before this officer has a love affair with the Democrat party, he should remember just exactly who is in the media, which is dominated by registered Democrats. It is these regisgered Democrats in the media that will do anything to villify police officers doing their jobs, the media is not a friend of law enforcement, and the media is made up of Democrats.

Perhaps this officer should reflect on what happened back in Cambridge, MA when police officers doing their jobs arrested a thug friend of Democrat Barack Obama, the Cambridge police department was villified by Democrats in the media, and a Democrat President. Fortunately, many Americans were infuriated by this and Obama the Democrat had to pull off a publicity beer summit to save face.

Oh, and I couldn't help but notice the cheap shot at Gov. Scott Walker. Uhmmm....what exactly is California's budget surplus...ohhhh...that's right, California does not have a budget surplus, do they???? And who is running that state, the Democrat-Union thugocracy! Hmmmm...Gov. Scott Walker inherited a $3+ billion deficit from Democrats. With the fiscal sanity that Walker and Republicans brought to WI, he has given WI a $484 billion budget surplus. Oh...and in WI, there is not a radical left-wing extremist ex LAPD cop running around killing people is there???????


You seem to be the only person who "gets" the guys point. 99% of cops have despised the liberal ideology for decades. They (like I used to) patrol daily and see the horrors of a failed education system, a Nanny State welfare cycle, entitlement mentality, rampant drug abuse, lack of discipline, etc, etc, etc. Thats the main reason most cops identified as conservative Republicans, as the guy said, and as I've said about myself.

But, the GOP has not done much better. While cops may agree with the GOP on most things, EVERY person can relate to the fact that paychecks pay bills, and most cops are underpaid (Very few police officers make over 50K, the bloated union salary that is villified is a fairly isolated one in the big city unions). So, when they are told they'll lose part of what they're getting, it matters, a lot. I also can say the same for all taxpayers (including cops) that when taxes go up, it matters, a lot, which is why I always ID'ed with the right wing....because as a cop, I TOO paid taxes.

Great point about Scott Walker. However, you do know that he EXCLUDED cops and firemen from all his policy changes, right? Which tells me one thing: Problems CAN be fixed without hurting cops and firemen. As many have said, it is priorities, and there is plenty of bullshit government spending that can and should be cut first.

My problem is that many right wing politicians in power, especially locally, have cut cops and fire anyway, and some have outright said it is out of nothing but "principle" (Charleston City council) and "to send a message" (SC Gov Nikki Haley).
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We are Republicans with Democratic Needs |

Well, thats one hell of an article. I agree with 90% of what he says, and the attitude he described of the right wing who have turned on cops, firemen and teachers since 2008 is spot on..

For all you right wingers...before you go ballistic, READ the whole article. The guy blasts the entitlement state, the welfare state, the lazy criminals, pork-barrel social programs, and rips the "Nanny State". HELL, read his first 2 paragraphs, and he sounds like a Tea Party fanatic!!!!! in the hell did the GOP lose guys like this?

He says if you are a cop, the Republicans will give you more guns and equipment, but, they dont want to pay you more than minimum wage. The Democrats, on the other hand, pay far better (San Fran being his example). And, I cant blame San Francisco Democrats. They pay SFPD VERY WELL. They have too. What sane cop would work in SF without great pay?

He says the same millionaires who pat you on the back and say "you're doing a great job" should immediately be asked "Thanks, what do you think about my pension" and you'll hear their true feelings. He says they view public employees as bottom feeding "grunts" who shouldnt earn the pay and pensions they get, describing these elite rich as viewing them as "how dare they" earn that type of pension (Hmmm, pushed by Fox News probably).

Anyway, its a fascinating article. It describes CLEARLY how the Republican Party has not lost, by DRIVEN away millions of cops, firemen, teachers and their families from voting for the GOP. Hell, if not for that, who knows? Those millions they lost may have been the turning point to defeat Obama. But hey, we gotta stick to principles right? Because how dare those public workers make that kind of pension!

The only thing I have to say to anyone that thinks taxpayers owe them more money is fuck off.
oh boy...a ex Republican...:eusa_whistle:

Yep. There are more and more of those types these days.

Oh, and by the way, the SFPOA from the the 2006 GW Bush days, was accused of "right wing" extremism:

You right wingers have no clue how many voters you lost when you turned on cops, firemen and teachers. Add those people with their families and friends who care about them, and well, that may have cost you the election (it was a very close election).

One of the best things about the cops in SF is that, overall, they do not view citizens as the enemy. There are exceptions, but they are not tolerated by the brass, unlike they are other communities.

The problem Republicans have with police exists only in the minds of delusional conspiracy nuts.
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