Zone1 San Francisco Schools: 80.3% of Asians ready for college v 24.7% of African American Students

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Furthermore, 71% of Asian students are at high school readiness versus only 15% of black students. 8.4% of Asian students chronically absent versus a whopping 63.4% of black students.

It's not racism, folks, it's about the culture, positive culture versus toxic culture. It's really that simple. I await the usual excuses.


But you are only offering statistics from a single city which is more attuned to racism than most places.

I'd like to see statistics from more politically diverse locations first, before concluding it isn't racism.
Furthermore, 71% of Asian students are at high school readiness versus only 15% of black students. 8.4% of Asian students chronically absent versus a whopping 63.4% of black students.

It's not racism, folks, it's about the culture, positive culture versus toxic culture. It's really that simple. I await the usual excuses.

There is no excuse for it. I think Asians, just raise their kids better, expecting higher results in the same classrooms and at home.
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Crutches provided by society often ensure such stats continue and I would guess it becomes more profound, regardless of demographic.

Society must teach someone to fish, not just hand them free fish. All in society should have their dignity, but there is dignity in work and pursuit of accomplishment, self reliance and determination.

Canada stole this from me and it's torture so I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Any person who betrays the pursuit of others happiness, regardless of their intentions, whether through enabling bad habits, falsely rewarding sub-part performance or direct oppression of others to stifle their contribution; is a enemy to society.

Nothing is worse than wasted potential.
Furthermore, 71% of Asian students are at high school readiness versus only 15% of black students. 8.4% of Asian students chronically absent versus a whopping 63.4% of black students.

It's not racism, folks, it's about the culture, positive culture versus toxic culture. It's really that simple. I await the usual excuses.

Math and facts are racist. :(
Furthermore, 71% of Asian students are at high school readiness versus only 15% of black students. 8.4% of Asian students chronically absent versus a whopping 63.4% of black students.

It's not racism, folks, it's about the culture, positive culture versus toxic culture. It's really that simple. I await the usual excuses.

Shhhhhh, our resident black racists are going to call you an Uncle Tom
Furthermore, 71% of Asian students are at high school readiness versus only 15% of black students. 8.4% of Asian students chronically absent versus a whopping 63.4% of black students.

It's not racism, folks, it's about the culture, positive culture versus toxic culture. It's really that simple. I await the usual excuses.

Furthermore, 71% of Asian students are at high school readiness versus only 15% of black students. 8.4% of Asian students chronically absent versus a whopping 63.4% of black students.

It's not racism, folks, it's about the culture, positive culture versus toxic culture. It's really that simple. I await the usual excuses.

I pretty much said the same thing, and I’ve had black activists and their enabling “progressives” chase me around the forum, calling me racist, evil, a liar, whatever.

Apparently you didn’t get the memo. Blacks are not to be held responsible for any of their poor decisions. It’s all whitey’s fault.
I pretty much said the same thing, and I’ve had black activists and their enabling “progressives” chase me around the forum, calling me racist, evil, a liar, whatever.

Apparently you didn’t get the memo. Blacks are not to be held responsible for any of their poor decisions. It’s all whitey’s fault.
He's a mod, so won't get bullied like you get bullied. He certainly won't have another mod supporting the bullying by joining in, either.
And like Catholics and Jews if a kid brings home a substandard grade or report card, they get their asses handed to them.
When I came home with a B in math one time, my father asked me why I didn’t tell him I was having “trouble” with that subject.

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