San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo Should Be Jailed


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
"Where were the police?" They were STANDING RIGHT THERE WATCHING protestors attacking Trump supporters. The news report this morning on Good Morning America showed clearly the whole event. It was the most despicable and criminal negligence and dereliction of duty I've ever seen, other than the infamous Baltimore stand down, and the withholding of the National Guard in Ferguson, MO.

Let's get right down to it. Start NAMING NAMES and SHOWING FACES. At this point, it's clear to me why the police were so passive, even while dressed in riot gear. Why did they stand by and not take more action ? The GMA news report said they were "reluctant to act", and it was incredible to see how much criminal violence was being allowed to take place, without the cops stopping it. I'm placing the blame squarely on the San Jose mayor, Sam Liccardo. No secret here. Just another Stephanie Rawlings "Give them space" scenario. Oh they were given space, all right. And Sammy boy should have his faggot ass thrown in jail now for permitting this.

If all this isn't bad enough (Can you believe this audacity ?) Shameless Sammy even has the gall to blame Donald Trump for the trouble. Good lord. Is their a psyche ward in San Jose, prepared to take this lunatic in ?

Here's a picture of this idiot. Remember it. I got a feeling we're going to be hearing about this guy again. And what stand down order is he going to issue next ?


According to the CNN report on it >>"The San Jose Police Department said they made a few arrests after the rally, but didn't provide specifics." A "FEW" arrests ? By the looks of this RIOT, there should have been 100 arrests, if not a couple of hundred. And Oh, "didn't provide specifics" huh ? Why not ? They are a public agency, paid by public money, and should be 100% ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PUBLIC. Maybe they don't want to show off how ineffective they were. The San Jose Mercury News and other media should be blistering them with questions right now, about why they were so ineffective.

And since the rioting was all compiled on video, many of the thugs could be identified and arrested afterward. Are the police going to go after them ? If not, WHY NOT ? We know the reason. Democrat slime in charge at the local, state, and, national levels, all criminally responsible for this. If/when Trump gets elected president, I'm gonna want to see the prisons fill up quickly with these dirtbags

Protesters take to streets after Donald Trump rally in San Jose -

Outrage: San Jose Mayor blames Trump for violent, leftist mob Hot Air

PS - I would encourage all those who were attacked by the filthy rioters, to file lawsuits against the city of San Jose, and the mayor personally, and use the media video as evidence.
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"I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the Atmosphere."
-- Thomas Jefferson; letter to Abigail Adams (Feb. 22, 1787)
Did these posters (3, 4, & 5) get lost or something, and then accidently fall into this thread ?
There are about 100 paid, violent, protesters. Since they have gotten away with their behavior they have escalated.

Everyone is watching. Including those looking for a fight.
In cities where Trump rallies are held (especially if the have a Democrat mayor) some checking should be done to see if stun guns or pepper spray are legal there. If they are, Trump supporters should go to rallies armed with these, and pepper spray and stun the crap out of these worthless, Mexican flag-flying traitors.

Watch what happens to these Soros paid professional violent dirtbags the next time they show up to terrorise Trump supporters.
These dirtbags have now ALL been identified and they are soon in for the surprise of their loser lives.
After the LIB news cameras leave and the Soros paid thugs are meeting back at the buses Soros paid for where the thugs get their free pizzas and beers there might be a couple of hundred SERIOUSLY well trained MA Trump supporters turn up before the thugs can get away.
There are Trump supporters now organizing which will bring a whole new meaning to 'having to live with a tube up your nose for a month'.
The DEMs with Soros help have brought what will happen on themselves.
Some of them were paid provocateurs, but many were just the lowlife Mexicans who live in San Jose,, who hate America, and owe their allegiance to Mexico. They call Trump a racist, when that is exactly what they are.
The mayor should be sued into bankruptcy and impeached from office.

As is in Baltimore and Albequerque and many other cities....mayors have ordered stand downs of their cops. They'd rather defend the violence than defend the police taking action.
If anybody has any doubts about the BLAME for this fiasco being squarely on the shoulders of Mayor Sam (Trashbag) Liccardo, just listen to these comments of his after the riots HE CAUSED by ordering the stand down of his police >>>

1. "At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign,"

Not enough ? Try this one on for size >>

2. "San Jose police officers performed admirably and professionally to contain acts of violence and protect individuals' rights to assemble, protest and express their political views," Who ? Hah ? Whaaa ?

The San Jose Chief of Police (or should his title be ? > Mayor's Lap Dog), Eddie Garcia was just about as untruthful as Liccardo. He commended his officers' response to the violence after the Thursday night rally, saying the 250 officers on hand showed "discipline and restraint."

EARTH TO CHIEF EDDIE: "Restraint" was what they did WRONG. (when ACTION was what was needed) Well, I guess you preserved your job, right Eddie ? You pathetic suck-up!
Liberals are violent anti American assholes and morons too.

San Jose protesters attack Trump supporters with punches, eggs | Fox News
Thanks, can I tear up my DD-214 now?
Why would you do that ?
cause I'm a liberal America hater...
yep, I hate it so much I served two tours of duty in the Army...and gave my nation 4 kids to help continue the country...and they served in the military...

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