Sanctimonius Left: explain how putting illegals ahead of LEGAL immigrants waiting in line is FAIR

Calling someone a coward is just typical of a Tea Party supporter that think they have all the answers and in reality their answer is never the correct one.

Life is not fair, and that is the reality.

There are many legal immigrants that skirt around the law by using the marriage loophole to obtain the transfer of status.

So as you whine and cry about the system ( which is really broken ) the fact is you are clueless about the immigration process and I have seen it first hand and have seen the illegal side for immigrants that come over here on a H1B work visa.

WHO CARES what you think? i asked a question, he came with a question.

responding to a question with a question isnt answering


Typical Tea Party thoughts that have no reality to them!

You think if you round up all those illegals that it will solve the problem, but the reality is it will not.

The fact is they will dig under the stupid fence like they have been doing and will keep on doing.

So in the end the really stupid individual are those like you that believe the inane nonsense spewed by those like Trump when reality is Trump is playing like the fool you are!


look at the "yes we can!!" people crying that nothing can be done.

Yawn, the tea Party whores pissing their panties about some illegals while not addressing the fact their idea will never work.

Why not address the part that I wrote about them using the marriage loophole and the fact it is ILLEGAL to pay someone to marry you to get your transfer of status!

Care to comment on that part or are you alright with that as long as they do it that way and not live illegal?

Come on smart guy explain how that fence will protect us?

Tell me how you will prevent overstayed visa holders?

Tell me how you will prevent sham marriages that help Visa holders to get a transfer of status?

Tell me how it is legal to pay a U.S. citizen to help them to get a transfer of status when in fact it is illegal as hell?

Also you do realize there are many H1B visa holders out of status but because they came here legally they are able to stay and hide easier than someone that crossed illegally into this country?

You seem to believe the answers are simple as tossing them out, but the fact is Trump is full of shit because I have seen first hand how they skirt around the law with fake marriages, and hiding after their visa has expired and nothing is simple when it come to fixing the problem!

1. you cant even address the thead's OP question but you want answers for your deflectins? because you're a crybaby left-wing loser who falls apart if he cant dictate the parameters of every debate

No, I did answer your stupid inane question, and it is you that wrote who cares what I think, so which one of us is dictating the parameters of what can be written?

It is you!

Also nitwit I am Conservative as can be and not some Liberal whore. Because I am not some loser Tea Party whore does not make me Liberal. Because you dislike the answers you are given does not make me Liberal.

The fact you can not answer my questions is because you lack the knowledge and understanding of the subject matter you want to debate.

The fact is the answer is not as simple as you pretend it is, and the fact is you want everyone to agree with your opinion only and do not want a actual debate on the subject matter.

So write I am a leftist again and I will write how you only want answers you agree with!
Tell me how you will prevent overstayed visa holders?

once again; what does this have to do with the notion that granting legal status to millions who snuck in isnt fair to people trying to come here legally? again you crybabies fall apart if your deflection attempts are ignored
Look at the moronic Left, led by spoon-fed losers regurgitating talkign points, is trying to make a case that granting legal status to, putting 12 MILION mostly Hispanic illegals ahead of MILLIONS WAITING PATIENTLY IN LINE IN THE LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM is fair in any sense of the word.

I thought the Left was all about the fairness?????

idiots and hypocrites

Unfortunately, those who want to deport 11 million plus illegals do not consider the impact on millions of American citizens. Despite the fact that they broke the law, I do not support deporting the parents of American citizens. Doing so would break up millions of families and that should not be our goal. What we should be concentrating on is securing the border so we do not continue to see more illegals enter the country, and we should concentrate on sending back those illegals who have felony criminal records. These are things that make sense and are actually doable versus the blanket statement that we need to send back all 11 million or more illegals. If we ever want to truly address the issue and many other issues, it will take a true willingness from both sides to sit down and actually work toward mutually acceptable policies that will actually be good for everyone involved.
No, I did answer your stupid inane question, and it is you that wrote who cares what I think, so which one of us is dictating the parameters of what can be written?

becasuse you have your own stupid, inane questions

intellectual coward
Tell me how you will prevent overstayed visa holders?

once again; what does this have to do with the notion that granting legal status to millions who snuck in isnt fair to people trying to come here legally? again you crybabies fall apart if your deflection attempts are ignored

So overstayed visas is not illegal enough for you?

Got it, and it is the Hispanic community you fear so much and now I know you are a racist moron that has no clue on the subject matter!
No, I did answer your stupid inane question, and it is you that wrote who cares what I think, so which one of us is dictating the parameters of what can be written?

becasuse you have your own stupid, inane questions

intellectual coward

Wow, so asking a question back is now a coward?

So you just want answers you support and anything else is just being a coward and leftist, and again Ronald Reagan would be to the left of you!
Tell me how you will prevent overstayed visa holders?

Tell me how you will prevent sham marriages that help Visa holders to get a transfer of status?

Tell me how it is legal to pay a U.S. citizen to help them to get a transfer of status when in fact it is illegal as hell?

Also you do realize there are many H1B visa holders out of status but because they came here legally they are able to stay and hide easier than someone that crossed illegally into this country?

and again; show me where any of this is part of the obama proposed Executive action

Tell me how you will prevent overstayed visa holders?

once again; what does this have to do with the notion that granting legal status to millions who snuck in isnt fair to people trying to come here legally? again you crybabies fall apart if your deflection attempts are ignored

So overstayed visas is not illegal enough for you?

Got it, and it is the Hispanic community you fear so much and now I know you are a racist moron that has no clue on the subject matter!

you got what you wanted; the cowardly way out of answering the OP

ur a joke, just a lil crybaby, you belong on the Left with the other sissies
Tell me how you will prevent overstayed visa holders?

once again; what does this have to do with the notion that granting legal status to millions who snuck in isnt fair to people trying to come here legally? again you crybabies fall apart if your deflection attempts are ignored

So overstayed visas is not illegal enough for you?

Got it, and it is the Hispanic community you fear so much and now I know you are a racist moron that has no clue on the subject matter!

did you just accidently admit the Left's "immigration reform" is all about pandering to one group poor mindless moron?

Tell me how you will prevent overstayed visa holders?

Tell me how you will prevent sham marriages that help Visa holders to get a transfer of status?

Tell me how it is legal to pay a U.S. citizen to help them to get a transfer of status when in fact it is illegal as hell?

Also you do realize there are many H1B visa holders out of status but because they came here legally they are able to stay and hide easier than someone that crossed illegally into this country?

and again; show me where any of this is part of the obama proposed Executive action


Obama, Obama, Obama!!!

Must give you night terrors!
Tell me how you will prevent overstayed visa holders?

Tell me how you will prevent sham marriages that help Visa holders to get a transfer of status?

Tell me how it is legal to pay a U.S. citizen to help them to get a transfer of status when in fact it is illegal as hell?

Also you do realize there are many H1B visa holders out of status but because they came here legally they are able to stay and hide easier than someone that crossed illegally into this country?

and again; show me where any of this is part of the obama proposed Executive action


Obama, Obama, Obama!!!

Must give you night terrors!


project much???
Tell me how you will prevent overstayed visa holders?

once again; what does this have to do with the notion that granting legal status to millions who snuck in isnt fair to people trying to come here legally? again you crybabies fall apart if your deflection attempts are ignored

So overstayed visas is not illegal enough for you?

Got it, and it is the Hispanic community you fear so much and now I know you are a racist moron that has no clue on the subject matter!

did you just accidently admit the Left's "immigration reform" is all about pandering to one group poor mindless moron?


Wow, and Bush was not attempting to do that?

Jeb Bush is not attempting to do that?

Try again!
"Sanctimonius Left: explain how putting illegals ahead of LEGAL immigrants waiting in line is FAIR"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, another ridiculous lie from the right.

another coward who wont back up what he posts
Tell me how you will prevent overstayed visa holders?

Tell me how you will prevent sham marriages that help Visa holders to get a transfer of status?

Tell me how it is legal to pay a U.S. citizen to help them to get a transfer of status when in fact it is illegal as hell?

Also you do realize there are many H1B visa holders out of status but because they came here legally they are able to stay and hide easier than someone that crossed illegally into this country?

and again; show me where any of this is part of the obama proposed Executive action


Obama, Obama, Obama!!!

Must give you night terrors!


project much???

As much as you do!

So how do you feel about those evil Liberals within the GOP?
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! bush wants to pander along with my party!!!!

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