Sanders...Better than expected in Iowa

The cost of student a product of government interference in the higher education system.
It isn't the loans that are the problem. It isn't even the high cost of advanced education..
The problems are....
1. there are over 1.8 million BA/BS degrees earned in 2011/12 and another 750k MA/MS degrees....Less than HALF were earned in Business, Engineering, Math and Health sciences. The rest were all liberal arts and humanities, That means more than 1.2 million degrees earned by people who will struggle to find jobs that will allow them to make an income at a level that will enable them to not only run a household, but to pay off the loans they owe to the American taxpayers.
The problem is there are far too many people earning college degrees when instead they should be deferring formal education to gaining experience in the working adult world....
The insistence that college is for everyone who wants to attend is a problem.....
And now with Sanders claiming he will provide a college education free of charge to the student will have people believing that the doors are open to whomever wants to go....That is not true. Colleges and Universities still have and will continue to have admissions standards. I wonder what Sanders is going to say to the kids looking for the miracle of free college are going to say about that?

You're partially correct....

It has been said that the plumber who has read some Aristotle may indeed be a better plumber.....

Second, I agree that free tuition needs to be directed toward those fields that are in demand....We may need additional doctors, and screw the AMA that has purposefully kept the cost of medical school high so that the demand exceeds the supply making many doctors super wealthy.

Third, for many young people, college is now the equivalent of a decent high school curriculum.....I've met many freshman college students who could hardly write a coherent paragraph.

Fourth, the college sports programs have gotten out of hand and college sports need to be separated from college studies. Tuition often goes up to subsidize expensive sports' programs.

Fifth, the tenure concept for college profs, has also gotten out of hand. There are many tenured professors who may or may not teach one or two classes, still earning $200K and spend the rest of their time writing articles that no one reads.
Regardless of the razor-thin percentile, Sanders "won" last amazing feat for a guy who many thought stood nary a chance against Clinton.

For democrats, the question that lingers is simply this: Is Sanders' success due to his own policies and messages, or is it due to an intense dislike by many progressives toward Clinton?

The primaries in SC and NV will provide some answer.

I would say it's a measure of both. That and the fact that Bernie isn't in the pocket of Wall Street as hillary most certainly is. GO BERNIE!
Kinda like renting out the Lincoln bedroom, eh comrade?

You do know (or you should) that GWB ALSO had high stake GOP donors use the Lincoln bedroom (which was really Lincoln's former cabinet room)

Lincoln let all of his cabinets sleep in there, so the drawers were easier to open. And in the evening he used his stovepipe hat as a real stovepipe, on the stove. So, you know, there's that.

Conservatives have this need to see their dear leaders as infallible daddy figures, when most of them are criminals. Like Ronald Reagan.
It is the younger generation coming out in huge crowds.. They are tired of the corruptness and price of their education .
Hey.....Unless one is totally enamored with the idea of government control over everything, we all are tired of corruption, deal making at the expense of the people, legislation in opposition to the will of the people, being treated like royalty, perks, ridiculously high pay, etc
Regardless of the razor-thin percentile, Sanders "won" last amazing feat for a guy who many thought stood nary a chance against Clinton.

For democrats, the question that lingers is simply this: Is Sanders' success due to his own policies and messages, or is it due to an intense dislike by many progressives toward Clinton?

The primaries in SC and NV will provide some answer.
The reason Bernie Sanders won't win, is because the demographic he does best with...will not put down the bong, and get up off the couch....and go vote for him.

The 1960's were the bongers...and we are still doing ( for medical reasons ~ me)

No this generation is serious!

Bullshit....This current generation of young people are mostly self entitled slackers.
Add trillions in government financed demand, act shocked when the price rises.

Gotta love liberals and their economic ignorance.

Simplistic response.......

It is NOT so much where the money would be generated from to implement the policies that Sanders is advocating (he has actually spoken often on this issue of revenue).....
The REAL HARD part for Sanders is two-fold: Adequately educate nay-sayers (like you) who interpret socialism as communism....AND to convince Congress to finally vote against their OWN PERSONAL INTERESTS....which boil down to getting re-elected and screw those who got them elected in the first place.
Yeah it IS where the money will come from. End of story.
You claim that is simplistic. Fine.
At the end of the day, everything must be funded. And guess who the funding ISN'T coming from? Those who benefit the most. The rest of us poor schlubs get to pay OUR bill and THEIR bill.....Wow. What a country....
We won't know until we get past New Hampshire and into the Southern primaries and other states with big minority populations people Sanders has not connected with over the years.

True.....But as someone who is almost Sanders' age, I can attest that this guy was fighting for civil rights of minorities, way before such a struggle had become chic.
Yeah, well now he's proposing to violate those same civil rights.....Ya know....Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness....
So unfair.

Under Nutty Old President Bernie you will still be allowed the pursuit of happiness.

All that changes is that if/you catch it 90% of it will be confiscated in tax.
Yeah, well now he's proposing to violate those same civil rights

You may dislike Sanders....but such bullshit statements show that you're not much of a thinker.....Keep watching and l to Hannity and Rush for more "insightful" talking points.
I don't like his "giveaways", but he is the only guy who seems to care about people.

Hillary cares about 1 person.

I am not sure Trump even cares for that many.
I don't like his "giveaways", but he is the only guy who seems to care about people.

Hillary cares about 1 person.

I am not sure Trump even cares for that many.

Well stated......My support for Sanders is NOT based on the "giveaways"....since I too know that a corrupt congress would sabotage any such attempts.....Rather, I like Sanders for his honesty and integrity.

Besides, what I fear most is a right wing president with 3 or 4 Supreme Court vacancies......with such a regressive SC bench, plutocracy would kill off any middle class.
I don't like his "giveaways", but he is the only guy who seems to care about people.

Hillary cares about 1 person.

I am not sure Trump even cares for that many.

Well stated......My support for Sanders is NOT based on the "giveaways"....since I too know that a corrupt congress would sabotage any such attempts.....Rather, I like Sanders for his honesty and integrity.

Besides, what I fear most is a right wing president with 3 or 4 Supreme Court vacancies......with such a regressive SC bench, plutocracy would kill off any middle class.

Once again, you can't see that both sides are to blame.

I have my leanings and I want more Scalias on the bench because I think we don't need them the government).

It is the racketeers in congress that are sleeping with big business that we need to take down.

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