Sanders MORE electable than Hillary

Sanders MORE electable than Hillary

We don't elect Socialists here...
Yeah I guess D voters like you much prefer a liar, unethical, thieving elitist who is owned by the billionaire class.
I prefer not to waste my vote on someone who can't win...
You'd rather vote to the other side of the same coin?

How's that been working for you?
No problems on my side, at least nothing we don't share in common.
It's based on who can win actually...
Read the column I posted. The author makes a very valid case backed by facts, that Sanders is more electable than your beloved Cankles. You just have to be intelligent enough to think independently, rather than do what the establishment tells you to do.

Honestly, It doesn't matter. The Party Establishment has picked Hillary through the use of their Super Delegates. It seems to me that Bernie's fighting a losing battle in a rigged game.

What does this mean for the D party? The many Sander's voters may chose not to vote for the liar in a pant suit.
Many R's will vote for her if Mr. Trump is the candidate, so she will still win.

Don't think so. Many people are going to vote JUST to vote against her. Me, as an example.
Along with Republicans who have gone on record that they would vote for Clinton if Trump is the R candidate,

many Sanders''s voters will vote for her just to vote against Mr. Trump....

In a hypothetical Clinton v. Trump contest in November, voters under 35 would choose Clinton by a crushing 52%-19%, a preference that crosses demographic lines. Among whites, she'd be backed by nearly 2-1, 45%-26%. Among Hispanics, by more than 4-1, 61%-14%. Among Asian Americans, by 5-1, 60%-11%. Among African Americans, by 13-1, 67%-5%.

Poll shows that millennials would flock to Clinton against Trump
I think most dems would vote for Bernie....most Bernie supporters won't vote for Shrillary.
^ that

Hillary is part of the two party cronyism
She sure is, but funny how the media refuses to report this much.

They much prefer dumping on Trump and his an effort to dupe uninformed American voters into voting for the lying pantsuit.

Trump is a MORE INTERESTING dumping receptacle. Dumps on old Hillary's frumpy pants suits seem------mean spirited
It makes more sense if you put it this way "Hillary is less electable than Sanders". Michigan democrats aren't known to be socialist but they voted for the old commie because Hillary is just so damned unlikable.
Read the column I posted. The author makes a very valid case backed by facts, that Sanders is more electable than your beloved Cankles. You just have to be intelligent enough to think independently, rather than do what the establishment tells you to do.

Honestly, It doesn't matter. The Party Establishment has picked Hillary through the use of their Super Delegates. It seems to me that Bernie's fighting a losing battle in a rigged game.

What does this mean for the D party? The many Sander's voters may chose not to vote for the liar in a pant suit.
Many R's will vote for her if Mr. Trump is the candidate, so she will still win.

Don't think so. Many people are going to vote JUST to vote against her. Me, as an example.
Along with Republicans who have gone on record that they would vote for Clinton if Trump is the R candidate,

many Sanders''s voters will vote for her just to vote against Mr. Trump....

In a hypothetical Clinton v. Trump contest in November, voters under 35 would choose Clinton by a crushing 52%-19%, a preference that crosses demographic lines. Among whites, she'd be backed by nearly 2-1, 45%-26%. Among Hispanics, by more than 4-1, 61%-14%. Among Asian Americans, by 5-1, 60%-11%. Among African Americans, by 13-1, 67%-5%.

You're welcome to think that. Time will tell us whether Republicans can actually force themselves to vote for Hillary. I think if they do, the Republican Party ceases to exist.
It makes more sense if you put it this way "Hillary is less electable than Sanders". Michigan democrats aren't known to be socialist but they voted for the old commie because Hillary is just so damned unlikable.
Honestly, It doesn't matter. The Party Establishment has picked Hillary through the use of their Super Delegates. It seems to me that Bernie's fighting a losing battle in a rigged game.

What does this mean for the D party? The many Sander's voters may chose not to vote for the liar in a pant suit.
Many R's will vote for her if Mr. Trump is the candidate, so she will still win.

Don't think so. Many people are going to vote JUST to vote against her. Me, as an example.
Along with Republicans who have gone on record that they would vote for Clinton if Trump is the R candidate,

many Sanders''s voters will vote for her just to vote against Mr. Trump....

In a hypothetical Clinton v. Trump contest in November, voters under 35 would choose Clinton by a crushing 52%-19%, a preference that crosses demographic lines. Among whites, she'd be backed by nearly 2-1, 45%-26%. Among Hispanics, by more than 4-1, 61%-14%. Among Asian Americans, by 5-1, 60%-11%. Among African Americans, by 13-1, 67%-5%.

You're welcome to think that. Time will tell us whether Republicans can actually force themselves to vote for Hillary. I think if they do, the Republican Party ceases to exist.
well, they seem to think if they vote for Trump, the Republican party will cease to exist...

For establishment Republicans, a #NeverTrump stand might mean losing the General Election to Hillary, but she can be worked with, they reason. And “worked with” hasn’t much to do with policy. It has to do with maintaining their comfy stations in DC and New York.

Articles: #NeverTrump = #AlwaysHillary
Maybe Hillary, given her husbands history of philandering, is suffering from advanced late stage syphilis?
Hillary voted for the war. Bernie didn't.

Bernie Sanders for president
Not a chance. We don't elect Socialists here.
You keep posting that nonsense thinking it is actually a fact. It is not. The D party has nominated socialists in the past, though those candidates never outed themselves because they had to dupe people like you.

What does this mean for the D party? The many Sander's voters may chose not to vote for the liar in a pant suit.
Many R's will vote for her if Mr. Trump is the candidate, so she will still win.

Don't think so. Many people are going to vote JUST to vote against her. Me, as an example.
Along with Republicans who have gone on record that they would vote for Clinton if Trump is the R candidate,

many Sanders''s voters will vote for her just to vote against Mr. Trump....

In a hypothetical Clinton v. Trump contest in November, voters under 35 would choose Clinton by a crushing 52%-19%, a preference that crosses demographic lines. Among whites, she'd be backed by nearly 2-1, 45%-26%. Among Hispanics, by more than 4-1, 61%-14%. Among Asian Americans, by 5-1, 60%-11%. Among African Americans, by 13-1, 67%-5%.

You're welcome to think that. Time will tell us whether Republicans can actually force themselves to vote for Hillary. I think if they do, the Republican Party ceases to exist.
well, they seem to think if they vote for Trump, the Republican party will cease to exist...

For establishment Republicans, a #NeverTrump stand might mean losing the General Election to Hillary, but she can be worked with, they reason. And “worked with” hasn’t much to do with policy. It has to do with maintaining their comfy stations in DC and New York.

Articles: #NeverTrump = #AlwaysHillary
I wouldnt vote for hillary because she and her whole family are trash.
Sanders MORE electable than Hillary

We don't elect Socialists here...
Yeah I guess D voters like you much prefer a liar, unethical, thieving elitist who is owned by the billionaire class.
I prefer not to waste my vote on someone who can't win...
You'd rather vote to the other side of the same coin?

How's that been working for you?
No problems on my side, at least nothing we don't share in common.
I'm saying that the two parties are merely diff sides of the same insider/cronyism coin
Imagine a BERNIE VS TRUMP --- party
I hate to say it but I think that a Trump/Sanders team could very well be the best thing this country has ever had happen to it as long as they both worked together to make their ideas reality.
I would vote for them without any question.
Trump/Sanders is beyond a dilution. Thorazine overdose.
Just judging from your picture and your posts, I have to submit to your obvious superior knowledge when it comes to drugs.
If that is you in your picture, I have to tell you something. I want you to think about this before you react with an overdose or something. read it when you are not high, maybe the first thing in the morning?
Its not 1968 anymore. Time moved on, and with it, so did the world and most of the people in it.
Dont totally take my word for it, look around, do you see any VW vans, (other than yours) that are painted with flowers and pretty colors? turn on the tv and watch the news, do you see students getting beat down at the colleges? Look at the paper, does the front page have pictures of the war in viet name (you know not a day went by without that)
and, are there any beautiful women in jeans and loose tops, looking at you through squinty eyes while inviting you to drop some acid, take a trip? pack your bags? No. You dont.
So, before you talk about other peoples dilutions, try to work your way at least to the 80s. ( I think there is a Madonna thread in here somewhere that could help).
I know what you are thinking, you think, Gee, Im such an ignorant stoner, why would anyone even attempt at helping me.
Well, I do it because I care about mankind. Im just nice like that.
You are very welcome. Stay sober Stay straight and stay safe. Historians are hard to come by.

What does this mean for the D party? The many Sander's voters may chose not to vote for the liar in a pant suit.
Many R's will vote for her if Mr. Trump is the candidate, so she will still win.

Don't think so. Many people are going to vote JUST to vote against her. Me, as an example.
Along with Republicans who have gone on record that they would vote for Clinton if Trump is the R candidate,

many Sanders''s voters will vote for her just to vote against Mr. Trump....

In a hypothetical Clinton v. Trump contest in November, voters under 35 would choose Clinton by a crushing 52%-19%, a preference that crosses demographic lines. Among whites, she'd be backed by nearly 2-1, 45%-26%. Among Hispanics, by more than 4-1, 61%-14%. Among Asian Americans, by 5-1, 60%-11%. Among African Americans, by 13-1, 67%-5%.

You're welcome to think that. Time will tell us whether Republicans can actually force themselves to vote for Hillary. I think if they do, the Republican Party ceases to exist.
well, they seem to think if they vote for Trump, the Republican party will cease to exist...

For establishment Republicans, a #NeverTrump stand might mean losing the General Election to Hillary, but she can be worked with, they reason. And “worked with” hasn’t much to do with policy. It has to do with maintaining their comfy stations in DC and New York.

Articles: #NeverTrump = #AlwaysHillary

Their hysterical pronouncements now mean little.

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