Sanders Shamelessly Pandering to Voters Who Want to Hear Truth

What truth is Sanders selling?

The article mentions he is pandering to people who want to hear the truth, but never mentions what truth, or why these people believe he is providing it.

Sanders' version of the truth is somewhere between delusion and self-aggrandizement.

Now that is some truth they should listen too!

What truth? Are you serious? Truth just is. It doesn't matter who believes it.

Trump has been spouting truth for nearly two months now.....hows that working out for you?

So much for your 'the truth is the truth' meme....

I guess I don't know how to argue against something like that. You certainly have a unique way of looking at things.
What truth is Sanders selling?

The article mentions he is pandering to people who want to hear the truth, but never mentions what truth, or why these people believe he is providing it.

Sanders' version of the truth is somewhere between delusion and self-aggrandizement.

Now that is some truth they should listen too!

What truth? Are you serious? Truth just is. It doesn't matter who believes it.

Trump has been spouting truth for nearly two months now.....hows that working out for you?


Trump on Politifact (He has told the truth zero times)

Do you often rely upon others to tell you what is and is not truth?

That is what the people in the article are doing. They want to hear the truth.......But the kicker is this..

They only want to hear the truth that they already agree with. Sanders is spewing rhetoric that they agree with, so they are getting the 'truth' as they see it.

Then there are some who believe that Trump is spewing the truth......and so they are getting the truth that they believe in.....

The notion that anyone is speaking the truth is not one based in fact, but one based in what that person wants to hear.

It is why today we have the government we have. We get what we deserve.

Anyone who thinks that the answer to life's problems is found at the end of a government program is delusional; hence My stance.

Bernie Sanders is delusional, as he thinks that government is the answer to everything. The people who listen to him, are the Jim Jones followers of today....
What truth is Sanders selling?

The article mentions he is pandering to people who want to hear the truth, but never mentions what truth, or why these people believe he is providing it.

Sanders' version of the truth is somewhere between delusion and self-aggrandizement.

Now that is some truth they should listen too!

What truth? Are you serious? Truth just is. It doesn't matter who believes it.

Trump has been spouting truth for nearly two months now.....hows that working out for you?

So much for your 'the truth is the truth' meme....

I guess I don't know how to argue against something like that. You certainly have a unique way of looking at things.
Why argue at all? I'm not out to change your mind, and there is no way in any kinds of nine hells will you ever change Mine.
What truth is Sanders selling?

The article mentions he is pandering to people who want to hear the truth, but never mentions what truth, or why these people believe he is providing it.

Sanders' version of the truth is somewhere between delusion and self-aggrandizement.

Now that is some truth they should listen too!

What truth? Are you serious? Truth just is. It doesn't matter who believes it.

Trump has been spouting truth for nearly two months now.....hows that working out for you?


Trump on Politifact (He has told the truth zero times)

Do you often rely upon others to tell you what is and is not truth?

That is what the people in the article are doing. They want to hear the truth.......But the kicker is this..

They only want to hear the truth that they already agree with. Sanders is spewing rhetoric that they agree with, so they are getting the 'truth' as they see it.

Then there are some who believe that Trump is spewing the truth......and so they are getting the truth that they believe in.....

The notion that anyone is speaking the truth is not one based in fact, but one based in what that person wants to hear.

It is why today we have the government we have. We get what we deserve.

Anyone who thinks that the answer to life's problems is found at the end of a government program is delusional; hence My stance.

Bernie Sanders is delusional, as he thinks that government is the answer to everything. The people who listen to him, are the Jim Jones followers of today....

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What truth is Sanders selling?

The article mentions he is pandering to people who want to hear the truth, but never mentions what truth, or why these people believe he is providing it.

Sanders' version of the truth is somewhere between delusion and self-aggrandizement.

Now that is some truth they should listen too!

What truth? Are you serious? Truth just is. It doesn't matter who believes it.

Trump has been spouting truth for nearly two months now.....hows that working out for you?


Trump on Politifact (He has told the truth zero times)

Do you often rely upon others to tell you what is and is not truth?

That is what the people in the article are doing. They want to hear the truth.......But the kicker is this..

They only want to hear the truth that they already agree with. Sanders is spewing rhetoric that they agree with, so they are getting the 'truth' as they see it.

Then there are some who believe that Trump is spewing the truth......and so they are getting the truth that they believe in.....

The notion that anyone is speaking the truth is not one based in fact, but one based in what that person wants to hear.

It is why today we have the government we have. We get what we deserve.

Anyone who thinks that the answer to life's problems is found at the end of a government program is delusional; hence My stance.

Bernie Sanders is delusional, as he thinks that government is the answer to everything. The people who listen to him, are the Jim Jones followers of today....

I certainly know political satire when I see it. LOL!
As long as they know what Socialism is:

a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

No Thank You.

The issue is how to represent "the people" managing the collective.

Are people freely choosing to form their own association like a corporation
and managing it democratically and self-sufficiently? Where they share
responsibility for their own decisions and resources?

Are people using Govt to represent what they think is for the greater good of all people
and using Govt as the central authority (but which affects people outside of their group).

Either way, I see nothing wrong as long as the people freely choose and are represented Constitutionally by "consent of the governed" so there are equal protections and not taxation without representation. It never works for one group to dictate policy for the whole, as is happening when people try to legislate social programs through federal govt.

What goes wrong in either capitalistic or socialistic structures
is when the "democratic process" between the grassroots individuals and
the centralized collective authority gets thrown off, there are not checks and balances, but a small group starts mandating decisions for others, then it falls apart.
This occurs in collective institutions REGARDLESS of how they are set up.
That is why the Constitutional division of powers, checks and balances,
and Bill of Rights have been so important in managing the process of representation.
Very well thought out post, we need a mix of both systems.
Bernie Sanders is delusional, as he thinks that government is the answer to everything. The people who listen to him, are the Jim Jones followers of today....

The solution is the other way around.
Not abusing big govt to rescue, dictate, and manage for the people.

But for the people on the grassroots level to share the collective responsibility
for managing resources, programs and policies ourselves so
"we the people" are acting as our own govt. That level of "big govt" means democratically
educating, training and rewarding citizens for doing all the work instead of giving up authority
to third party govt.

We need to work from the grassroots level up,
and quit fighting over control of top down mgmt.

The real leaders we need to hire and appoint are ones who can train and manage
citizens to operate Constitutionally on the local and state levels first, then federal govt will
handle policies unique to the centralized national position that can't be managed locally.

We need to equally distribute the education and experience in laws and govt,
so people can operate sustainably and self-sufficiently, and quit this victim and bully business
of depending on politicians, parties and federal govt to step in with bail outs and mandates.

We need to solve our own problems, then we can participate in democratic govt as equals.
You mean Democratic Socialism.


Dear Contumacious
Socialism by choice is different from socialism by coercion.

The definition about ownership under socialistic systems being by "the people collectively as a community"
is DIFFERENT from saying "owned by the govt"

The way govt works these days, especially with city municipalities that aren't directly checked by Constitutional procedures, property and programs being "public" as in owned by the city is not necessarily THE PEOPLE.

And federal govt has gotten equally out of hand and out of the control of the people
due to corporate interests interfering without Constitutional check on those factors either.

So being owned by the people means two opposite things.

If the conservatives want the private sector to have ownership and control of health care,
that's what THEY mean by "owned by the people" is by individual citizens by free choice/maximum civil liberty
and rights reserved to the states and people.

When liberals want protection of the people to be established by federal govt,
then going through govt is what they use to mean THE PEOPLE protecting control.
This is where I think things are falling apart.
Because of corporate politics acting as the middle man, then people don't have this level of control
of govt as intended or imagined. So putting things in the hands of govt divorces it even more from
direct check by the people, and allows corporate hijacking through the parties and politicians to
abuse resources and political process for their interests and not really serving the longterm solutions
required to help the constituents who are divested from ownership and say in the process. It all gets hijacked.
As long as his opponents continue to confuse pure socialism with a Euro-social democracy, people like Sanders will continue to gain popularity.
I know that socialism has changed over time and has different meanings, most people call social security and such socialist so I just roll with it.
Sanders Pandering to Voters Who Want to Hear Truth - The New Yorker
Good. Truth is good to hear for once.Its also why he has so much support.

Sanders only truth is government sanctioned larceny.
Please, elaborate on this horrid larceny. Guaranteed maternity leave? Cutting back police weaponry? Universal healthcare?

Yep that's a good start, he's really good at taking and spending other peoples money.
Most people are ignorant as to what 'socialism' actually is, rightists subscribing to this thread is evidence of that; or that 'socialism' never manifested as 'stand alone' political/economic dogma, where it was always blended with other political and economic philosophies.

And what most people perceive to be 'socialism,' isn't.

Last, Bernie Sanders is not a 'socialist,' he's a traditional New Deal/Fair Deal/Great Society democrat, who is an independent because the Democratic Party abandoned New Deal/Fair Deal/Great Society policies between 1988 and 1992, when liberals were relegated to the political backseat.

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