SanFran Dem wants gay Pedophiles removed from sex-offender list

The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)
while youre trying to put the focus on NAMBLA its their ideology thats trying to be put into legislation,,

so you can go ahead and say its not happening, we can clearly see their goals are being pushed on us,,,

umh dude...I wasn't the one who brought up NAMBLA was I? So...what do YOU think is the real problem here?

I can tell you what I think it is: a ten year age difference.

What say you?
I say adults having sex with children is wrong,,,
Democrats think it is okay. They say pedophilia is just another one of their zillions of genders.

The Democrat party is run by a pedophile cult.

I don't think you know much about Democrats but that's ok, it's not expected of the Great Satan, who's followers lie elsewhere.
Democrats cover for pedophiles. Ask the FBI or ABC News.

If Hillary won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and sick fucks like you would be here defending them.
Sure sure...he and Trump would be arm and arm and...


Both men have a lot of trouble finding their zippers and keeping their pants zipped but they aren't attracted to children;
Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein well after it was known he was a Pedophile.

Democrats are so sick they had bill Clinton give a speech at there convention about how to behave in the oval office.

You probably believe bill when he said he's never been to Epstein Island or only flew on his plane 4 times. Admit it, you believe him...

Don't believe anyone, especially a dork who calls him self "the great satan".
Democrats are such tards. You obviously don't know what my name means. Dumb as fuck you are.


Touchy are you?

You need a better avatar, it screams "twerp".

Either way there is no evidence that either Clinton or Trump, despite their friendship with Epstein, engaged in sex with minors. They were run of the mill womanizers. So get a grip.
How many times did bill Clinton fly on Epsteins plane? Please tell us. 4 or 20ish?

Who cares?
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)

You are wrong. It was NAMBLA that was behind the attempted change of the DSM to turn pedophilia into a sexual orientation instead of a criminal act.

They are small, but have infiltrated everywhere.

I don't thinks West...perhaps we can agree to disagree. They had their hey day long ago, with maybe a thousand max.

And...I know it seems abhorrent but there is a logic to this.

Pedophilia can be BOTH a sexual orientation AND a criminal act. It's not an either or. The fact is - pedophiles do seem oriented on children, I don't think they ever change - they just choose to become "celibate". To me, that speaks of a psychological deficit in there somewhere. As long as they don't act on the inclination, it doesn't matter, but once they do - it's a crime.

Just my two cents here.

Pedophilia is definitely a sexual orientation. It is an ABNORMAL one. It is incredibly harmful to children. NAMBLA's goal was to normalize it. And they have been successful in many ways. Your misinterpretation is an example of that. Pedophiles have a 100% recidivism rate. They do NOT remain celibate. The one who works for Salon was found to be grooming children in spite of his claims to being celibate.

Yes, they are psychologically fucked up. So what. The damage they do to children is horrible.

Totally agree.

Except that you far overrate both Nambla AND the general "influence" of any pedophile lobby. It makes good headlines, but there isn't much to it because it is not in any way comparable to sex between consenting adults.

You hear about "normalizing" it, but there really isn't much of a lobby there - it just makes good newsfeed. At most it is "normalizing it" as a sexual attraction, but NOT as an act. You can *think* what you want, but don't act on it. I suspect there are any number of pedos who don't act on it, but totally agree with you on recidivism of those who are "active" and the damage it does to children.

No, I don't. You forget my wife is a PhD psychologist and she has had to deal with NAMBLA and their efforts for decades. You seem to forget that they have been around for a long time. If they weren't being effective they would have folded long ago.

Oh hell no. There are a lot of "special interest" groups that go on and on and on stumbling along. Little to do with "effectiveness" and more to do with "solidarity".

There are no known pedophiles who have not acted on their deviancy. None. Every pedophile who has ever claimed to be celibate has ALWAYS been found to be a predator.

All of them. This is not my opinion. This is factual knowledge from my wife, and her friends, one of which puts pedophiles in prison.

You've created a fallacy there. KNOWN pedophiles. You only KNOW of them when they act. How on earth would you know otherwise? They aren't tattooed or marked or act bizarrely. If they don't act on it and get caught NO ONE KNOWS. So you really have no idea how many there are that don't act on it (or worse act on it and don't get caught).

YOURS is opinion. Poorly informed opinion at that.

No. I think it's being logical. If a pedo does not act on it, we have no way of knowing and we have no way of knowing how many don't act on it. At any it relevant? What matters is those who DO and catching them.

You are correct about catching them, but the rest is your opinion. My wife and her friends are actually experts in the field. They are the ones who got the DSM changed back to the original definition. Like I said, our friends are experts in the field. You ain't.

You might be experts but you still can't know the unknown.
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)
while youre trying to put the focus on NAMBLA its their ideology thats trying to be put into legislation,,

so you can go ahead and say its not happening, we can clearly see their goals are being pushed on us,,,

umh dude...I wasn't the one who brought up NAMBLA was I? So...what do YOU think is the real problem here?

I can tell you what I think it is: a ten year age difference.

What say you?
I say adults having sex with children is wrong,,,
Democrats think it is okay. They say pedophilia is just another one of their zillions of genders.

The Democrat party is run by a pedophile cult.

I don't think you know much about Democrats but that's ok, it's not expected of the Great Satan, who's followers lie elsewhere.
Democrats cover for pedophiles. Ask the FBI or ABC News.

If Hillary won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and sick fucks like you would be here defending them.
Sure sure...he and Trump would be arm and arm and...


Both men have a lot of trouble finding their zippers and keeping their pants zipped but they aren't attracted to children;
Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein well after it was known he was a Pedophile.

Democrats are so sick they had bill Clinton give a speech at there convention about how to behave in the oval office.

You probably believe bill when he said he's never been to Epstein Island or only flew on his plane 4 times. Admit it, you believe him...

Don't believe anyone, especially a dork who calls him self "the great satan".
Democrats are such tards. You obviously don't know what my name means. Dumb as fuck you are.


Touchy are you?

You need a better avatar, it screams "twerp".

Either way there is no evidence that either Clinton or Trump, despite their friendship with Epstein, engaged in sex with minors. They were run of the mill womanizers. So get a grip.
How many times did bill Clinton fly on Epsteins plane? Please tell us. 4 or 20ish?

Who cares?
Not Democrats. They don't think pedophiles are a big deal which is why they aid and abet them like in SF.

The modern Democrats are sick fucks.
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)
while youre trying to put the focus on NAMBLA its their ideology thats trying to be put into legislation,,

so you can go ahead and say its not happening, we can clearly see their goals are being pushed on us,,,

umh dude...I wasn't the one who brought up NAMBLA was I? So...what do YOU think is the real problem here?

I can tell you what I think it is: a ten year age difference.

What say you?
I say adults having sex with children is wrong,,,
Democrats think it is okay. They say pedophilia is just another one of their zillions of genders.

The Democrat party is run by a pedophile cult.

I don't think you know much about Democrats but that's ok, it's not expected of the Great Satan, who's followers lie elsewhere.
Democrats cover for pedophiles. Ask the FBI or ABC News.

If Hillary won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and sick fucks like you would be here defending them.
Sure sure...he and Trump would be arm and arm and...


Both men have a lot of trouble finding their zippers and keeping their pants zipped but they aren't attracted to children;
Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein well after it was known he was a Pedophile.

Democrats are so sick they had bill Clinton give a speech at there convention about how to behave in the oval office.

You probably believe bill when he said he's never been to Epstein Island or only flew on his plane 4 times. Admit it, you believe him...

Don't believe anyone, especially a dork who calls him self "the great satan".
Democrats are such tards. You obviously don't know what my name means. Dumb as fuck you are.


Touchy are you?

You need a better avatar, it screams "twerp".

Either way there is no evidence that either Clinton or Trump, despite their friendship with Epstein, engaged in sex with minors. They were run of the mill womanizers. So get a grip.
How many times did bill Clinton fly on Epsteins plane? Please tell us. 4 or 20ish?

Who cares?
Not Democrats. They don't think pedophiles are a big deal which is why they aid and abet them like in SF.

The modern Democrats are sick fucks.

Oh brother.

Dude. No one likes pedophiles. Except other pedophiles. That's just dumb, but predictable.
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)
while youre trying to put the focus on NAMBLA its their ideology thats trying to be put into legislation,,

so you can go ahead and say its not happening, we can clearly see their goals are being pushed on us,,,

umh dude...I wasn't the one who brought up NAMBLA was I? So...what do YOU think is the real problem here?

I can tell you what I think it is: a ten year age difference.

What say you?
I say adults having sex with children is wrong,,,
Democrats think it is okay. They say pedophilia is just another one of their zillions of genders.

The Democrat party is run by a pedophile cult.

I don't think you know much about Democrats but that's ok, it's not expected of the Great Satan, who's followers lie elsewhere.
Democrats cover for pedophiles. Ask the FBI or ABC News.

If Hillary won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and sick fucks like you would be here defending them.
Sure sure...he and Trump would be arm and arm and...


Both men have a lot of trouble finding their zippers and keeping their pants zipped but they aren't attracted to children;
Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein well after it was known he was a Pedophile.

Democrats are so sick they had bill Clinton give a speech at there convention about how to behave in the oval office.

You probably believe bill when he said he's never been to Epstein Island or only flew on his plane 4 times. Admit it, you believe him...

Don't believe anyone, especially a dork who calls him self "the great satan".
Democrats are such tards. You obviously don't know what my name means. Dumb as fuck you are.


Touchy are you?

You need a better avatar, it screams "twerp".

Either way there is no evidence that either Clinton or Trump, despite their friendship with Epstein, engaged in sex with minors. They were run of the mill womanizers. So get a grip.
How many times did bill Clinton fly on Epsteins plane? Please tell us. 4 or 20ish?

Who cares?
Not Democrats. They don't think pedophiles are a big deal which is why they aid and abet them like in SF.

The modern Democrats are sick fucks.

Oh brother.

Dude. No one likes pedophiles. Except other pedophiles. That's just dumb, but predictable.
Democrats don't care why bill lies about hanging out with pedophiles

Democrats watch Biden creep on little girls and think it is totally cool.

Democrats = sick fucks

Most Democrats aren't pedophiles but most pedophiles are Democrats... FACT!!!
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)

You are wrong. It was NAMBLA that was behind the attempted change of the DSM to turn pedophilia into a sexual orientation instead of a criminal act.

They are small, but have infiltrated everywhere.

I don't thinks West...perhaps we can agree to disagree. They had their hey day long ago, with maybe a thousand max.

And...I know it seems abhorrent but there is a logic to this.

Pedophilia can be BOTH a sexual orientation AND a criminal act. It's not an either or. The fact is - pedophiles do seem oriented on children, I don't think they ever change - they just choose to become "celibate". To me, that speaks of a psychological deficit in there somewhere. As long as they don't act on the inclination, it doesn't matter, but once they do - it's a crime.

Just my two cents here.

Pedophilia is definitely a sexual orientation. It is an ABNORMAL one. It is incredibly harmful to children. NAMBLA's goal was to normalize it. And they have been successful in many ways. Your misinterpretation is an example of that. Pedophiles have a 100% recidivism rate. They do NOT remain celibate. The one who works for Salon was found to be grooming children in spite of his claims to being celibate.

Yes, they are psychologically fucked up. So what. The damage they do to children is horrible.

Totally agree.

Except that you far overrate both Nambla AND the general "influence" of any pedophile lobby. It makes good headlines, but there isn't much to it because it is not in any way comparable to sex between consenting adults.

You hear about "normalizing" it, but there really isn't much of a lobby there - it just makes good newsfeed. At most it is "normalizing it" as a sexual attraction, but NOT as an act. You can *think* what you want, but don't act on it. I suspect there are any number of pedos who don't act on it, but totally agree with you on recidivism of those who are "active" and the damage it does to children.

No, I don't. You forget my wife is a PhD psychologist and she has had to deal with NAMBLA and their efforts for decades. You seem to forget that they have been around for a long time. If they weren't being effective they would have folded long ago.

Oh hell no. There are a lot of "special interest" groups that go on and on and on stumbling along. Little to do with "effectiveness" and more to do with "solidarity".

There are no known pedophiles who have not acted on their deviancy. None. Every pedophile who has ever claimed to be celibate has ALWAYS been found to be a predator.

All of them. This is not my opinion. This is factual knowledge from my wife, and her friends, one of which puts pedophiles in prison.

You've created a fallacy there. KNOWN pedophiles. You only KNOW of them when they act. How on earth would you know otherwise? They aren't tattooed or marked or act bizarrely. If they don't act on it and get caught NO ONE KNOWS. So you really have no idea how many there are that don't act on it (or worse act on it and don't get caught).

YOURS is opinion. Poorly informed opinion at that.

No. I think it's being logical. If a pedo does not act on it, we have no way of knowing and we have no way of knowing how many don't act on it. At any it relevant? What matters is those who DO and catching them.

You are correct about catching them, but the rest is your opinion. My wife and her friends are actually experts in the field. They are the ones who got the DSM changed back to the original definition. Like I said, our friends are experts in the field. You ain't.

You might be experts but you still can't know the unknown.

You are partially correct. However, based on decades of actual, real, peer reviewed research, with real world consequences for failure, they can make assumptions that so far have ALWAYS been proven correct.

That's a hell of a record.
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)
while youre trying to put the focus on NAMBLA its their ideology thats trying to be put into legislation,,

so you can go ahead and say its not happening, we can clearly see their goals are being pushed on us,,,

umh dude...I wasn't the one who brought up NAMBLA was I? So...what do YOU think is the real problem here?

I can tell you what I think it is: a ten year age difference.

What say you?
I say adults having sex with children is wrong,,,
Democrats think it is okay. They say pedophilia is just another one of their zillions of genders.

The Democrat party is run by a pedophile cult.

I don't think you know much about Democrats but that's ok, it's not expected of the Great Satan, who's followers lie elsewhere.
Democrats cover for pedophiles. Ask the FBI or ABC News.

If Hillary won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and sick fucks like you would be here defending them.
Sure sure...he and Trump would be arm and arm and...


Both men have a lot of trouble finding their zippers and keeping their pants zipped but they aren't attracted to children;
Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein well after it was known he was a Pedophile.

Democrats are so sick they had bill Clinton give a speech at there convention about how to behave in the oval office.

You probably believe bill when he said he's never been to Epstein Island or only flew on his plane 4 times. Admit it, you believe him...

Don't believe anyone, especially a dork who calls him self "the great satan".
Democrats are such tards. You obviously don't know what my name means. Dumb as fuck you are.


Touchy are you?

You need a better avatar, it screams "twerp".

Either way there is no evidence that either Clinton or Trump, despite their friendship with Epstein, engaged in sex with minors. They were run of the mill womanizers. So get a grip.
How many times did bill Clinton fly on Epsteins plane? Please tell us. 4 or 20ish?

Who cares?
Not Democrats. They don't think pedophiles are a big deal which is why they aid and abet them like in SF.

The modern Democrats are sick fucks.

Oh brother.

Dude. No one likes pedophiles. Except other pedophiles. That's just dumb, but predictable.
Democrats don't care why bill lies about hanging out with pedophiles

Democrats watch Biden creep on little girls and think it is totally cool.

Democrats = sick fucks

Most Democrats aren't pedophiles but most pedophiles are Democrats... FACT!!!

What is frightening is that is actually true.
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)
while youre trying to put the focus on NAMBLA its their ideology thats trying to be put into legislation,,

so you can go ahead and say its not happening, we can clearly see their goals are being pushed on us,,,

umh dude...I wasn't the one who brought up NAMBLA was I? So...what do YOU think is the real problem here?

I can tell you what I think it is: a ten year age difference.

What say you?
I say adults having sex with children is wrong,,,
Democrats think it is okay. They say pedophilia is just another one of their zillions of genders.

The Democrat party is run by a pedophile cult.

I don't think you know much about Democrats but that's ok, it's not expected of the Great Satan, who's followers lie elsewhere.
Democrats cover for pedophiles. Ask the FBI or ABC News.

If Hillary won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and sick fucks like you would be here defending them.
Sure sure...he and Trump would be arm and arm and...


Both men have a lot of trouble finding their zippers and keeping their pants zipped but they aren't attracted to children;
Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein well after it was known he was a Pedophile.

Democrats are so sick they had bill Clinton give a speech at there convention about how to behave in the oval office.

You probably believe bill when he said he's never been to Epstein Island or only flew on his plane 4 times. Admit it, you believe him...

Don't believe anyone, especially a dork who calls him self "the great satan".
Democrats are such tards. You obviously don't know what my name means. Dumb as fuck you are.


Touchy are you?

You need a better avatar, it screams "twerp".

Either way there is no evidence that either Clinton or Trump, despite their friendship with Epstein, engaged in sex with minors. They were run of the mill womanizers. So get a grip.
How many times did bill Clinton fly on Epsteins plane? Please tell us. 4 or 20ish?

Who cares?
Not Democrats. They don't think pedophiles are a big deal which is why they aid and abet them like in SF.

The modern Democrats are sick fucks.

Oh brother.

Dude. No one likes pedophiles. Except other pedophiles. That's just dumb, but predictable.

Democrat politicians have a history of not seeming to care.
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)
while youre trying to put the focus on NAMBLA its their ideology thats trying to be put into legislation,,

so you can go ahead and say its not happening, we can clearly see their goals are being pushed on us,,,

umh dude...I wasn't the one who brought up NAMBLA was I? So...what do YOU think is the real problem here?

I can tell you what I think it is: a ten year age difference.

What say you?
I say adults having sex with children is wrong,,,
Democrats think it is okay. They say pedophilia is just another one of their zillions of genders.

The Democrat party is run by a pedophile cult.

I don't think you know much about Democrats but that's ok, it's not expected of the Great Satan, who's followers lie elsewhere.
Democrats cover for pedophiles. Ask the FBI or ABC News.

If Hillary won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and sick fucks like you would be here defending them.
Sure sure...he and Trump would be arm and arm and...


Both men have a lot of trouble finding their zippers and keeping their pants zipped but they aren't attracted to children;
Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein well after it was known he was a Pedophile.

Democrats are so sick they had bill Clinton give a speech at there convention about how to behave in the oval office.

You probably believe bill when he said he's never been to Epstein Island or only flew on his plane 4 times. Admit it, you believe him...

Don't believe anyone, especially a dork who calls him self "the great satan".
Democrats are such tards. You obviously don't know what my name means. Dumb as fuck you are.


Touchy are you?

You need a better avatar, it screams "twerp".

Either way there is no evidence that either Clinton or Trump, despite their friendship with Epstein, engaged in sex with minors. They were run of the mill womanizers. So get a grip.
How many times did bill Clinton fly on Epsteins plane? Please tell us. 4 or 20ish?

Who cares?
Not Democrats. They don't think pedophiles are a big deal which is why they aid and abet them like in SF.

The modern Democrats are sick fucks.

Oh brother.

Dude. No one likes pedophiles. Except other pedophiles. That's just dumb, but predictable.
Democrats don't care why bill lies about hanging out with pedophiles

Democrats watch Biden creep on little girls and think it is totally cool.

Democrats = sick fucks

Most Democrats aren't pedophiles but most pedophiles are Democrats... FACT!!!

What is frightening is that is actually true.
One of the Democrats that kyle kid killed was a Pedophile.
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)
while youre trying to put the focus on NAMBLA its their ideology thats trying to be put into legislation,,

so you can go ahead and say its not happening, we can clearly see their goals are being pushed on us,,,

umh dude...I wasn't the one who brought up NAMBLA was I? So...what do YOU think is the real problem here?

I can tell you what I think it is: a ten year age difference.

What say you?
I say adults having sex with children is wrong,,,
Democrats think it is okay. They say pedophilia is just another one of their zillions of genders.

The Democrat party is run by a pedophile cult.

I don't think you know much about Democrats but that's ok, it's not expected of the Great Satan, who's followers lie elsewhere.
Democrats cover for pedophiles. Ask the FBI or ABC News.

If Hillary won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and sick fucks like you would be here defending them.
Sure sure...he and Trump would be arm and arm and...


Both men have a lot of trouble finding their zippers and keeping their pants zipped but they aren't attracted to children;
Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein well after it was known he was a Pedophile.

Democrats are so sick they had bill Clinton give a speech at there convention about how to behave in the oval office.

You probably believe bill when he said he's never been to Epstein Island or only flew on his plane 4 times. Admit it, you believe him...

Don't believe anyone, especially a dork who calls him self "the great satan".
Democrats are such tards. You obviously don't know what my name means. Dumb as fuck you are.


Touchy are you?

You need a better avatar, it screams "twerp".

Either way there is no evidence that either Clinton or Trump, despite their friendship with Epstein, engaged in sex with minors. They were run of the mill womanizers. So get a grip.
How many times did bill Clinton fly on Epsteins plane? Please tell us. 4 or 20ish?

Who cares?
Not Democrats. They don't think pedophiles are a big deal which is why they aid and abet them like in SF.

The modern Democrats are sick fucks.

Oh brother.

Dude. No one likes pedophiles. Except other pedophiles. That's just dumb, but predictable.
Democrats don't care why bill lies about hanging out with pedophiles

Democrats watch Biden creep on little girls and think it is totally cool.

Democrats = sick fucks

Most Democrats aren't pedophiles but most pedophiles are Democrats... FACT!!!

What is frightening is that is actually true.
One of the Democrats that kyle kid killed was a Pedophile.

Yup. Did 12 years. He was a sick fucker in prison too. He had multiple violent attacks against guards and other inmates.

This is the sort of mutant that these progressive loons are crying about.
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)
while youre trying to put the focus on NAMBLA its their ideology thats trying to be put into legislation,,

so you can go ahead and say its not happening, we can clearly see their goals are being pushed on us,,,

umh dude...I wasn't the one who brought up NAMBLA was I? So...what do YOU think is the real problem here?

I can tell you what I think it is: a ten year age difference.

What say you?
I say adults having sex with children is wrong,,,
Democrats think it is okay. They say pedophilia is just another one of their zillions of genders.

The Democrat party is run by a pedophile cult.

I don't think you know much about Democrats but that's ok, it's not expected of the Great Satan, who's followers lie elsewhere.
Democrats cover for pedophiles. Ask the FBI or ABC News.

If Hillary won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and sick fucks like you would be here defending them.
Sure sure...he and Trump would be arm and arm and...


Both men have a lot of trouble finding their zippers and keeping their pants zipped but they aren't attracted to children;
Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein well after it was known he was a Pedophile.

Democrats are so sick they had bill Clinton give a speech at there convention about how to behave in the oval office.

You probably believe bill when he said he's never been to Epstein Island or only flew on his plane 4 times. Admit it, you believe him...

Don't believe anyone, especially a dork who calls him self "the great satan".
Democrats are such tards. You obviously don't know what my name means. Dumb as fuck you are.


Touchy are you?

You need a better avatar, it screams "twerp".

Either way there is no evidence that either Clinton or Trump, despite their friendship with Epstein, engaged in sex with minors. They were run of the mill womanizers. So get a grip.
How many times did bill Clinton fly on Epsteins plane? Please tell us. 4 or 20ish?

Who cares?
Not Democrats. They don't think pedophiles are a big deal which is why they aid and abet them like in SF.

The modern Democrats are sick fucks.

Oh brother.

Dude. No one likes pedophiles. Except other pedophiles. That's just dumb, but predictable.
Democrats don't care why bill lies about hanging out with pedophiles

Democrats watch Biden creep on little girls and think it is totally cool.

Democrats = sick fucks

Most Democrats aren't pedophiles but most pedophiles are Democrats... FACT!!!

What is frightening is that is actually true.
One of the Democrats that kyle kid killed was a Pedophile.

Yup. Did 12 years. He was a sick fucker in prison too. He had multiple violent attacks against guards and other inmates.

This is the sort of mutant that these progressive loons are crying about.
Most Democrats are a similar type of person. They might not do the pedophilia, but they will hang out with the pedophiles. Just like their hero bill Clinton and Epstein
The Gay Pressure group, NAMBLA, is a powerful lobby in liberal states like California. If you don't think that Child Molestation of boys should be glorified, you have to get rid of politicians that are beholden to NAMBLA.

You have got to be are right? :lmao:

How exactly can a tiny group ( its heyday around 1991 numbered only around 1,100) be a pressure group?

I suspect it's a rightwing bogeyman group more useful for propagating fear of the "gay agenda" than any real world applications.
the OP topic kinda proves you wrong doesnt it???

its happening right in front of you,,,

I think you kind of miss a lot here, but that's ok.

NAMBLA has nothing to do with anything here.

The Bill is to make the law consistent - i.e. it is the same regardless of whether it is male/female or male/male (or presumably female/female but that is pretty rare). CONSISTENT.

Now, that said there is a real issue....but it's not with this bill....I'll give you a chance to guess what it is :)
while youre trying to put the focus on NAMBLA its their ideology thats trying to be put into legislation,,

so you can go ahead and say its not happening, we can clearly see their goals are being pushed on us,,,

umh dude...I wasn't the one who brought up NAMBLA was I? So...what do YOU think is the real problem here?

I can tell you what I think it is: a ten year age difference.

What say you?
I say adults having sex with children is wrong,,,
Democrats think it is okay. They say pedophilia is just another one of their zillions of genders.

The Democrat party is run by a pedophile cult.

I don't think you know much about Democrats but that's ok, it's not expected of the Great Satan, who's followers lie elsewhere.
Democrats cover for pedophiles. Ask the FBI or ABC News.

If Hillary won in 2016, bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house today and sick fucks like you would be here defending them.
Sure sure...he and Trump would be arm and arm and...


Both men have a lot of trouble finding their zippers and keeping their pants zipped but they aren't attracted to children;
Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein well after it was known he was a Pedophile.

Democrats are so sick they had bill Clinton give a speech at there convention about how to behave in the oval office.

You probably believe bill when he said he's never been to Epstein Island or only flew on his plane 4 times. Admit it, you believe him...

Don't believe anyone, especially a dork who calls him self "the great satan".
Democrats are such tards. You obviously don't know what my name means. Dumb as fuck you are.


Touchy are you?

You need a better avatar, it screams "twerp".

Either way there is no evidence that either Clinton or Trump, despite their friendship with Epstein, engaged in sex with minors. They were run of the mill womanizers. So get a grip.
How many times did bill Clinton fly on Epsteins plane? Please tell us. 4 or 20ish?

Who cares?
Not Democrats. They don't think pedophiles are a big deal which is why they aid and abet them like in SF.

The modern Democrats are sick fucks.

Oh brother.

Dude. No one likes pedophiles. Except other pedophiles. That's just dumb, but predictable.
Democrats don't care why bill lies about hanging out with pedophiles

Democrats watch Biden creep on little girls and think it is totally cool.

Democrats = sick fucks

Most Democrats aren't pedophiles but most pedophiles are Democrats... FACT!!!

What is frightening is that is actually true.
One of the Democrats that kyle kid killed was a Pedophile.

Yup. Did 12 years. He was a sick fucker in prison too. He had multiple violent attacks against guards and other inmates.

This is the sort of mutant that these progressive loons are crying about.
Most Democrats are a similar type of person. They might not do the pedophilia, but they will hang out with the pedophiles. Just like their hero bill Clinton and Epstein

No sense in arguing with insanity. Have fun boys
The point is that the solution to the supposed problem is to stiffen up the penalty against Normative Pedophiles- not to give the Homo Perverts a break.

It comes up every so often, the issue of whether homosexuality correlates to child molestation.

I have repeatedly pointed out that even though homosexuals make up less than 4% of the population, nearly half of all child molestation cases are men sexually abusing boys.

Defenders of the homosexual/pedophile bunch invariably respond by denying that a man who wants to sexually abuse boys is necessarily a homosexual. This, of course, flies in the face of obvious facts, and objective word definitions. By definition, a heterosexual is only interested in sexual activity involving someone of the opposite sex. A heterosexual male pedophile would only be interested in molesting little girls, not little boys. But the homosexual/pedophile apologists persist in denying the obvious—that a man who is sexually interested in boys is in fact, a homosexual.

So, here in California, it has been the law that a man molesting a boy is treated a bit more severely than a man molesting a girl.

So, we've got this faggot in our State Senate who cries that this is unfair to faggots, and that to make things fair, we need to make molesting a boy less severe, to make it equal to molesting a girl.

How is this not an outright admission that yes, men who molest boys are, in fact, homosexuals, to claim that it is homosexuals who are being “unfairly” discriminated against by laws that treat their crime more severely than the crime of a heterosexual child molester?
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Pedophilia is definitely a sexual orientation. It is an ABNORMAL one. It is incredibly harmful to children. NAMBLA's goal was to normalize it. And they have been successful in many ways. Your misinterpretation is an example of that. Pedophiles have a 100% recidivism rate. They do NOT remain celibate. The one who works for Salon was found to be grooming children in spite of his claims to being celibate.

Yes, they are psychologically fucked up. So what. The damage they do to children is horrible.

No surprise, of course, that the side of our political spectrum that supports the cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent children every day, in the form of abortion, doesn't give a shit about a much smaller number of children fucked up as sacrifices to the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda.

Evil is as evil does.
You hear about "normalizing" it, but there really isn't much of a lobby there - it just makes good newsfeed. At most it is "normalizing it" as a sexual attraction, but NOT as an act.


So what, then, is the point of “Drag Queen Story Hour”, or the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda being forced into public schools, or all the attention and praise on underaged “drag queens”?

Do you seriously deny the obvious motive behind these and other related ills, which is to groom children to be easier prey for childfuckers, and to groom society as a whole to be more accepting of it? This is not about normalizing abstract, unrequited sexual attraction to children. This is about normalizing the tangible acts of sexually abusing children.
So this queer State Senator in San Francisco wants to remove 24 year old men who have sex (rape) 14 year old boys, because the current law is “unfair” to gays, and is more lenient towards straight men who have sex with underaged girls.
Hey homo, how about changing the law so heterosexual men having sex with underaged girls is illegal and such individuals should be put on a sex offender list. But no, he has to push his pedo Agenda.

Wiener’s SB145 would create parity by giving judges discretion over sex-offender registration in all cases involving voluntary intercourse between teenagers ages 14 to 17, who cannot legally consent, and adults who are less than 10 years older.

“California’s sex offender registry continues to draw that distinction — an antiquated, outdated, leftover distinction — that somehow oral sex is worse than vaginal sex,” Wiener said.

The bill:

Here’s the homo pushing this shit:


San Francisco values:
The last I recall, adult males aren't given slaps on the wrist for having sex with underage girls. I don't know where he gets his information from.
If they're underage, they're off limits, regardless of sex. It's that simple. Unless, of course, if you live in a strict Sunni religious country, then underage girls are their preference.
Dude. No one likes pedophiles. Except other pedophiles. That's just dumb, but predictable.

Did you even think before you wrote that?

Do you realize what it says about you, and others on the left wrong, who give cover and support to pedophiles?
So this queer State Senator in San Francisco wants to remove 24 year old men who have sex (rape) 14 year old boys, because the current law is “unfair” to gays, and is more lenient towards straight men who have sex with underaged girls.
Hey homo, how about changing the law so heterosexual men having sex with underaged girls is illegal and such individuals should be put on a sex offender list. But no, he has to push his pedo Agenda.

Wiener’s SB145 would create parity by giving judges discretion over sex-offender registration in all cases involving voluntary intercourse between teenagers ages 14 to 17, who cannot legally consent, and adults who are less than 10 years older.

“California’s sex offender registry continues to draw that distinction — an antiquated, outdated, leftover distinction — that somehow oral sex is worse than vaginal sex,” Wiener said.

The bill:

Here’s the homo pushing this shit:


San Francisco values:
I don't know why you posted these pictures. I do think that law enforcement has not been enforcing the law in an equal manner and that the difference is whether the victim is a girl or a boy, and law enforcement has not been protecting girls at the same level as boys. If you don't get arrested and convicted, you don't get on the registry in the first place, so I am referring to the use of discretion among law enforcement as to whom.

As to most of the issues surrounding unequal treatment by law enforcement, it is not a matter of who gets arrested and charged, but rather who doesn't.
to arrest and charge..
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