Santorum Suggest Military Was ‘Indoctrinated’ Into Supporting DADT Repeal


Since 2010™
Jan 4, 2010
Santorum Suggest Military Was 'Indoctrinated' Into Supporting DADT Repeal
Addressing how the military leadership, led by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen, could now favor a repeal of the law, Santorum raised the specter of brainwashing.

“Political correctness is reigning in the military right now,” he said. “”Some people say: [Do] whatever the generals say [on DADT]. I’m not too sure that we haven’t so indoctrinated the officer corps in this country that they can actually see straight to make the right decision.”

The line went over well with the CPAC crowd. And while it wasn’t quite as strange as, say, then-Republican presidential candidate George Romney declaring in 1967 that the military brass had “brainwashed” him into supporting the Vietnam War, it also wasn’t the most outrageous remark Santorum has made on the issue of gay rights. That honor goes to the infamous “man on dog” analogy he drew with respect to gay marriage. “In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality,” Santorum said back in 2003. “That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be.”

:O..Rick, Seriously? Man, I can’t even comment on such a :cuckoo:STUPID:cuckoo: and outrageous remark. Thought he loved the top brass and thought highly of their opinions..(See A-STAN war..)?
I won't hold my breath waiting for this comment to be denounced by the people who denounced Kerry's statement in 2005.
Ol Rick just doesn't know when to go away, does he.
.....Especially when he comes-back, more-insane than the LAST-TIME!!!!!

"Yeah, remember, under the Bush administration, welfare — I mean, excuse me, poverty among African Americans and among single unmarried women, poverty was at the lowest rate ever in the history of this country. So Obama’s policies are not working, Bush polices worked! For long a time as a matter of fact."

This is one instance where Santorum has got it right.

The Generals know that sodomites don't belong in the military and do nothing but degrade it's combat efficiency.

But aren't allowed to express that because of the current wave of political correctness concerning homos.
This is one instance where Santorum has got it right.

The Generals know that sodomites don't belong in the military and do nothing but degrade it's combat efficiency.
The Generals are pretty-familiar with sodomites in the military, huh???

The Generals know that sodomites don't belong in the military and do nothing but degrade it's combat efficiency.

The military is NO place for social experiments of political correctness.

No normal soldier wants to be in a fox hole or tent with a queer.

It's just common sense., if it's an experiment (like when the U.S. Military desegregated itself), the Generals don't really know ANYTHING, to-date!!!
Santorum Suggest Military Was 'Indoctrinated' Into Supporting DADT Repeal
Addressing how the military leadership, led by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen, could now favor a repeal of the law, Santorum raised the specter of brainwashing.

“Political correctness is reigning in the military right now,” he said. “”Some people say: [Do] whatever the generals say [on DADT]. I’m not too sure that we haven’t so indoctrinated the officer corps in this country that they can actually see straight to make the right decision.”

The line went over well with the CPAC crowd. And while it wasn’t quite as strange as, say, then-Republican presidential candidate George Romney declaring in 1967 that the military brass had “brainwashed” him into supporting the Vietnam War, it also wasn’t the most outrageous remark Santorum has made on the issue of gay rights. That honor goes to the infamous “man on dog” analogy he drew with respect to gay marriage. “In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality,” Santorum said back in 2003. “That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be.”

:O..Rick, Seriously? Man, I can’t even comment on such a :cuckoo:STUPID:cuckoo: and outrageous remark. Thought he loved the top brass and thought highly of their opinions..(See A-STAN war..)?

ahh yes Huff po, were Hyperbole knows no bounds..brainwashing? No....anyway, what santorum said;

“Political correctness is reigning in the military right now,” he said. “”Some people say: [Do] whatever the generals say [on DADT]. I’m not too sure that we haven’t so indoctrinated the officer corps in this country that they can actually see straight to make the right decision.”

hes a lot closer to the truth than you are.

As a testament to PC in the Military.... humm , lets see; Major Hasan anyone?, if it's an experiment (like when the U.S. Military desegregated itself), the Generals don't really know ANYTHING, to-date!!!
Comparing desegregation in the military to letting faggots serve.

Is like comparing apples to fruit cakes.

There is NO comparison. :doubt:

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