Sarah Brady has died

They would have a gun murder rate one quarter of ours without this system because before they had their systems they already had less violence...just like Britain...they had less gun murders than us before they confiscated their guns..........and now they have 2 times the violence that we the rape capitol of the world.....Iceland is awash in guns and they have a lower murder rate than us..... is culture, not guns that are our problem....our inner city gangs do the shootings and murders...not John Q. Public.......and yet all of your laws are aimed at the law abiding could care less about actual gun murders being stopped........

And Canada tried registering just long guns.........and gave up.....the system didn't work and it cost too much and used to much man power....for only 15 million long guns, not including hand guns......and they gave it up....

We have over 320 million guns in 90 million homes, with over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense.........and only 8-9,000 gun murders.........there is no way this government can register guns or do backgroundchecks on every gun sale.........the only ones who will suffer are the good guys....the bad guys will still get their guns....


Iceland ?

Why do you insist on proving mypoint for me?

Iceland Plenty Of Guns But Hardly Any Violence

Yes...they don't have a culture of violence....and they have plenty of guns........if they had a culture of violence their background checks and registration wouldn't stop their people from killing each other..........are you dense....?

They have a strict gun registry and gun licensing.....just like I am advocating
They also have guns primarily for hunting and target shooting and very few handguns

Ready to move to Icelands example?

We could have a murder rate like theirs

Ready to move to Icelands example?

Then you would have to remove the various ethnic and racial groups and get rid of drugs.....are you prepared to deal with that...the real problem.......I thought not....

I'm willing to use Icelands views on drugs also and not fill our prisons because of a useless drug war

I am coming around to that idea myself........and then you would have more room for criminals using guns for crimes.....the real way to stop gun violence.... if I have a gun and my wife has a permit....we need a background check for her to borrow my gun...

If your wife has a Firearms License, then simply put her name on the Registration for that weapon as an Authorized Secondary User. Problem solved.

...dittos my friend if he wants to borrow my gun and go to the range even if he has a permit to carry and a Foid....
If your friend has a Firearms License, then simply put his name on the Registration for that weapon as an Authorized Secondary User. Problem solved.

...You just don't get it........universal background checks don't stop criminals, and only affect lawful gun owners...........

However, Universal Background Checks, combined with Universal (National) Standards for Licensing and Registration, will dry-up and thin-out Illegal Weapons pipelines over time and introduce Owner Accountability into the mix, in ensuring the security of firearms and their legal transfer from one party to another.

By itself? Nope. In tandem with other related measures? Absolutely. Part of a holistic approach and a sane, logical solution that holds great promise for enhancing public safety while preserving our traditional and sacred Right to Bear Arms... Win-Win.

There is no reason to require putting anyones name on a registration for a gun......and since doing so does nothing to stop one criminal from getting a gun there is no reason it needs to be done.......other than to jam up law abiding people who don't know the law.....

If no one does a background check, and no one gets their guns registered, and you sell to a criminal....and he is caught with the gun.......he goes to jail.......that is gun control....

If you don't do a background check and you don't register your gun and you sell a gun to a felon and he is caught with it.....he goes to jail....

In neither case is a background check required to put the criminal in jail.....

What works....put that guy in jail for 10-15 years......that is how you dry up the desire to own guns by criminals, and how you keep gun murders from happening....since the felons will be in jail for a long time........

However, Universal Background Checks, combined with Universal (National) Standards for Licensing and Registration, will dry-up and thin-out Illegal Weapons pipelines over time and introduce Owner Accountability into the mix, in ensuring the security of firearms and their legal transfer from one party to another.

Your ideas are shit Kondor....they don't stop crime, they are Un Constitutional, and they have already failed in countries where they have tried Particular...Canada, France, Denmark, Britain, Sweden, Australia..........Puerto Rico....and about 100 other countries with strict gun control laws.....

Your ideas are shit Kondor....they don't stop crime, they are Un Constitutional, and they have already failed in countries where they have tried Particular...Canada, France, Denmark, Britain, Sweden, Australia..........Puerto Rico....and about 100 other countries with strict gun control laws.....[/


All of those countries with the exception of Puerto Rico have murder rates significantly below ours

I do enjoy your responses of .....that won't work, that won't work, that won't work on every proposal to reduce gun violence though....the NRA has taught you well

But as the rest of the free world shows us

Those policies DO work in reducing gun violence if I have a gun and my wife has a permit....we need a background check for her to borrow my gun...

If your wife has a Firearms License, then simply put her name on the Registration for that weapon as an Authorized Secondary User. Problem solved.

...dittos my friend if he wants to borrow my gun and go to the range even if he has a permit to carry and a Foid....
If your friend has a Firearms License, then simply put his name on the Registration for that weapon as an Authorized Secondary User. Problem solved.

...You just don't get it........universal background checks don't stop criminals, and only affect lawful gun owners...........

However, Universal Background Checks, combined with Universal (National) Standards for Licensing and Registration, will dry-up and thin-out Illegal Weapons pipelines over time and introduce Owner Accountability into the mix, in ensuring the security of firearms and their legal transfer from one party to another.

By itself? Nope. In tandem with other related measures? Absolutely. Part of a holistic approach and a sane, logical solution that holds great promise for enhancing public safety while preserving our traditional and sacred Right to Bear Arms... Win-Win.

There is no reason to require putting anyones name on a registration for a gun......and since doing so does nothing to stop one criminal from getting a gun there is no reason it needs to be done.......other than to jam up law abiding people who don't know the law.....

If no one does a background check, and no one gets their guns registered, and you sell to a criminal....and he is caught with the gun.......he goes to jail.......that is gun control....

If you don't do a background check and you don't register your gun and you sell a gun to a felon and he is caught with it.....he goes to jail....

In neither case is a background check required to put the criminal in jail.....

What works....put that guy in jail for 10-15 years......that is how you dry up the desire to own guns by criminals, and how you keep gun murders from happening....since the felons will be in jail for a long time........

However, Universal Background Checks, combined with Universal (National) Standards for Licensing and Registration, will dry-up and thin-out Illegal Weapons pipelines over time and introduce Owner Accountability into the mix, in ensuring the security of firearms and their legal transfer from one party to another.

Your ideas are shit Kondor....they don't stop crime, they are Un Constitutional, and they have already failed in countries where they have tried Particular...Canada, France, Denmark, Britain, Sweden, Australia..........Puerto Rico....and about 100 other countries with strict gun control laws.....

Your ideas are shit Kondor....they don't stop crime, they are Un Constitutional, and they have already failed in countries where they have tried Particular...Canada, France, Denmark, Britain, Sweden, Australia..........Puerto Rico....and about 100 other countries with strict gun control laws.....[/


All of those countries with the exception of Puerto Rico have murder rates significantly below ours

I do enjoy your responses of .....that won't work, that won't work, that won't work on every proposal to reduce gun violence though....the NRA has taught you well

But as the rest of the free world shows us

Those policies DO work in reducing gun violence

The NRA has never been my source for any of my arguments...but thanks for being stupid.......and gun contrrol doesn't work......the criminals in all of those European countries get guns when they want or need them.......and no gun control measure stops them...ask the 3 terrorists--one a convicted felon and his brother, both on government terrorist watch lists who crossed an international border twice and came back with fully automatic rifles, grenades, hand guns and a rocket propelled grenade launcher.....gotten in a country with strict gun control laws, going to another country with strict gun control laws, France......and then there were the gunmen a week later in Marseilles france who also used fully automatic rifles to shoot up a neighborhood just before the French Prime minister arrived....and then the shootings in Belgium, Denmark and Sweden....Sweden is also the rape capitol of the world........also has strict gun control laws.....dittos Norway with one of the worst mass murders in history...dittos South Korea, the worst mass gun murder in history....

So no.....gun control measures do not work.......the culture of a country keeps them from using guns, not their laws............ if I have a gun and my wife has a permit....we need a background check for her to borrow my gun...

If your wife has a Firearms License, then simply put her name on the Registration for that weapon as an Authorized Secondary User. Problem solved.

...dittos my friend if he wants to borrow my gun and go to the range even if he has a permit to carry and a Foid....
If your friend has a Firearms License, then simply put his name on the Registration for that weapon as an Authorized Secondary User. Problem solved.

...You just don't get it........universal background checks don't stop criminals, and only affect lawful gun owners...........

However, Universal Background Checks, combined with Universal (National) Standards for Licensing and Registration, will dry-up and thin-out Illegal Weapons pipelines over time and introduce Owner Accountability into the mix, in ensuring the security of firearms and their legal transfer from one party to another.

By itself? Nope. In tandem with other related measures? Absolutely. Part of a holistic approach and a sane, logical solution that holds great promise for enhancing public safety while preserving our traditional and sacred Right to Bear Arms... Win-Win.

There is no reason to require putting anyones name on a registration for a gun......and since doing so does nothing to stop one criminal from getting a gun there is no reason it needs to be done.......other than to jam up law abiding people who don't know the law.....

If no one does a background check, and no one gets their guns registered, and you sell to a criminal....and he is caught with the gun.......he goes to jail.......that is gun control....

If you don't do a background check and you don't register your gun and you sell a gun to a felon and he is caught with it.....he goes to jail....

In neither case is a background check required to put the criminal in jail.....

What works....put that guy in jail for 10-15 years......that is how you dry up the desire to own guns by criminals, and how you keep gun murders from happening....since the felons will be in jail for a long time........

However, Universal Background Checks, combined with Universal (National) Standards for Licensing and Registration, will dry-up and thin-out Illegal Weapons pipelines over time and introduce Owner Accountability into the mix, in ensuring the security of firearms and their legal transfer from one party to another.

Your ideas are shit Kondor....they don't stop crime, they are Un Constitutional, and they have already failed in countries where they have tried Particular...Canada, France, Denmark, Britain, Sweden, Australia..........Puerto Rico....and about 100 other countries with strict gun control laws.....

Your ideas are shit Kondor....they don't stop crime, they are Un Constitutional, and they have already failed in countries where they have tried Particular...Canada, France, Denmark, Britain, Sweden, Australia..........Puerto Rico....and about 100 other countries with strict gun control laws.....[/


All of those countries with the exception of Puerto Rico have murder rates significantly below ours

I do enjoy your responses of .....that won't work, that won't work, that won't work on every proposal to reduce gun violence though....the NRA has taught you well

But as the rest of the free world shows us

Those policies DO work in reducing gun violence

This is why I love the internet.....Gangs in Iceland now smuggling guns into the country.........

Increased Armament of Crime Gangs in Iceland Iceland Review

According to the risk assessment of the analysis department of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police, which was presented yesterday, crime gangs in Iceland have firearms smuggled to the country and carry them on the streets.


Icelandic Police Officers. Copyright: Icelandic Photo Agency.

The analysis department concludes that this development can be linked to the increased presence of foreign criminals in Iceland; crime gangs have members with military training, Fréttablaðið reports.

Police have information that handguns are being smuggled to the country; known criminals have placed emphasis on armament in the past months.

The risk of armed conflicts between gangs is at hand which jeopardizes public safety, the analysis department concludes.

Well-organized break-ins and thefts by foreign crime gangs in Iceland, such as the so-called “Rolex raid” in Reykjavík in October, were also brought up.

“Such events indicate increased harshness in the Icelandic underworld and at the same time the presence of foreign crime gangs in the country,” the risk assessment states.

The analysis department pointed out that money laundering is an important factor in the operations of international crime organizations, as is drug trade, prostitution and human trafficking.

So.....again.....all the gun control laws in Iceland are failing to stop this......
Last edited: if I have a gun and my wife has a permit....we need a background check for her to borrow my gun...

If your wife has a Firearms License, then simply put her name on the Registration for that weapon as an Authorized Secondary User. Problem solved.

...dittos my friend if he wants to borrow my gun and go to the range even if he has a permit to carry and a Foid....
If your friend has a Firearms License, then simply put his name on the Registration for that weapon as an Authorized Secondary User. Problem solved.

...You just don't get it........universal background checks don't stop criminals, and only affect lawful gun owners...........

However, Universal Background Checks, combined with Universal (National) Standards for Licensing and Registration, will dry-up and thin-out Illegal Weapons pipelines over time and introduce Owner Accountability into the mix, in ensuring the security of firearms and their legal transfer from one party to another.

By itself? Nope. In tandem with other related measures? Absolutely. Part of a holistic approach and a sane, logical solution that holds great promise for enhancing public safety while preserving our traditional and sacred Right to Bear Arms... Win-Win.

There is no reason to require putting anyones name on a registration for a gun......and since doing so does nothing to stop one criminal from getting a gun there is no reason it needs to be done.......other than to jam up law abiding people who don't know the law.....

If no one does a background check, and no one gets their guns registered, and you sell to a criminal....and he is caught with the gun.......he goes to jail.......that is gun control....

If you don't do a background check and you don't register your gun and you sell a gun to a felon and he is caught with it.....he goes to jail....

In neither case is a background check required to put the criminal in jail.....

What works....put that guy in jail for 10-15 years......that is how you dry up the desire to own guns by criminals, and how you keep gun murders from happening....since the felons will be in jail for a long time........

However, Universal Background Checks, combined with Universal (National) Standards for Licensing and Registration, will dry-up and thin-out Illegal Weapons pipelines over time and introduce Owner Accountability into the mix, in ensuring the security of firearms and their legal transfer from one party to another.

Your ideas are shit Kondor....they don't stop crime, they are Un Constitutional, and they have already failed in countries where they have tried Particular...Canada, France, Denmark, Britain, Sweden, Australia..........Puerto Rico....and about 100 other countries with strict gun control laws.....

Your ideas are shit Kondor....they don't stop crime, they are Un Constitutional, and they have already failed in countries where they have tried Particular...Canada, France, Denmark, Britain, Sweden, Australia..........Puerto Rico....and about 100 other countries with strict gun control laws.....[/


All of those countries with the exception of Puerto Rico have murder rates significantly below ours

I do enjoy your responses of .....that won't work, that won't work, that won't work on every proposal to reduce gun violence though....the NRA has taught you well

But as the rest of the free world shows us

Those policies DO work in reducing gun violence

This is why I love the internet.....Gangs in Iceland now smuggling guns into the country.........

Increased Armament of Crime Gangs in Iceland Iceland Review

According to the risk assessment of the analysis department of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police, which was presented yesterday, crime gangs in Iceland have firearms smuggled to the country and carry them on the streets.


Icelandic Police Officers. Copyright: Icelandic Photo Agency.

The analysis department concludes that this development can be linked to the increased presence of foreign criminals in Iceland; crime gangs have members with military training, Fréttablaðið reports.

Police have information that handguns are being smuggled to the country; known criminals have placed emphasis on armament in the past months.

The risk of armed conflicts between gangs is at hand which jeopardizes public safety, the analysis department concludes.

Well-organized break-ins and thefts by foreign crime gangs in Iceland, such as the so-called “Rolex raid” in Reykjavík in October, were also brought up.

“Such events indicate increased harshness in the Icelandic underworld and at the same time the presence of foreign crime gangs in the country,” the risk assessment states.

The analysis department pointed out that money laundering is an important factor in the operations of international crime organizations, as is drug trade, prostitution and human trafficking.

So.....again.....all the gun control laws in Iceland are failing to stop this......

All that nice blue lettering

But where did you point out what Icelands murder rate is next to ours? if I have a gun and my wife has a permit....we need a background check for her to borrow my gun...

If your wife has a Firearms License, then simply put her name on the Registration for that weapon as an Authorized Secondary User. Problem solved.

...dittos my friend if he wants to borrow my gun and go to the range even if he has a permit to carry and a Foid....
If your friend has a Firearms License, then simply put his name on the Registration for that weapon as an Authorized Secondary User. Problem solved.

...You just don't get it........universal background checks don't stop criminals, and only affect lawful gun owners...........

However, Universal Background Checks, combined with Universal (National) Standards for Licensing and Registration, will dry-up and thin-out Illegal Weapons pipelines over time and introduce Owner Accountability into the mix, in ensuring the security of firearms and their legal transfer from one party to another.

By itself? Nope. In tandem with other related measures? Absolutely. Part of a holistic approach and a sane, logical solution that holds great promise for enhancing public safety while preserving our traditional and sacred Right to Bear Arms... Win-Win.

There is no reason to require putting anyones name on a registration for a gun......and since doing so does nothing to stop one criminal from getting a gun there is no reason it needs to be done.......other than to jam up law abiding people who don't know the law.....

If no one does a background check, and no one gets their guns registered, and you sell to a criminal....and he is caught with the gun.......he goes to jail.......that is gun control....

If you don't do a background check and you don't register your gun and you sell a gun to a felon and he is caught with it.....he goes to jail....

In neither case is a background check required to put the criminal in jail.....

What works....put that guy in jail for 10-15 years......that is how you dry up the desire to own guns by criminals, and how you keep gun murders from happening....since the felons will be in jail for a long time........

However, Universal Background Checks, combined with Universal (National) Standards for Licensing and Registration, will dry-up and thin-out Illegal Weapons pipelines over time and introduce Owner Accountability into the mix, in ensuring the security of firearms and their legal transfer from one party to another.

Your ideas are shit Kondor....they don't stop crime, they are Un Constitutional, and they have already failed in countries where they have tried Particular...Canada, France, Denmark, Britain, Sweden, Australia..........Puerto Rico....and about 100 other countries with strict gun control laws.....

Your ideas are shit Kondor....they don't stop crime, they are Un Constitutional, and they have already failed in countries where they have tried Particular...Canada, France, Denmark, Britain, Sweden, Australia..........Puerto Rico....and about 100 other countries with strict gun control laws.....[/


All of those countries with the exception of Puerto Rico have murder rates significantly below ours

I do enjoy your responses of .....that won't work, that won't work, that won't work on every proposal to reduce gun violence though....the NRA has taught you well

But as the rest of the free world shows us

Those policies DO work in reducing gun violence

This is why I love the internet.....Gangs in Iceland now smuggling guns into the country.........

Increased Armament of Crime Gangs in Iceland Iceland Review

According to the risk assessment of the analysis department of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police, which was presented yesterday, crime gangs in Iceland have firearms smuggled to the country and carry them on the streets.


Icelandic Police Officers. Copyright: Icelandic Photo Agency.

The analysis department concludes that this development can be linked to the increased presence of foreign criminals in Iceland; crime gangs have members with military training, Fréttablaðið reports.

Police have information that handguns are being smuggled to the country; known criminals have placed emphasis on armament in the past months.

The risk of armed conflicts between gangs is at hand which jeopardizes public safety, the analysis department concludes.

Well-organized break-ins and thefts by foreign crime gangs in Iceland, such as the so-called “Rolex raid” in Reykjavík in October, were also brought up.

“Such events indicate increased harshness in the Icelandic underworld and at the same time the presence of foreign crime gangs in the country,” the risk assessment states.

The analysis department pointed out that money laundering is an important factor in the operations of international crime organizations, as is drug trade, prostitution and human trafficking.

So.....again.....all the gun control laws in Iceland are failing to stop this......

All that nice blue lettering

But where did you point out what Icelands murder rate is next to ours?

I didn't.....not my point that is point was to show how stupid your background check laws are and the gun registration laws....doesn't stop gangs from getting guns in Iceland even....

As to murder rate...again....culture, not guns are the issue.........

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